
May 14, 2022
makes me Believe even more that there is actual entities or
Souls trapped in these things

marker 19:54
Whats the source of that video? Because everything tells me it's fake, another stupid fake for a views. Why would the soul be trapped inside a delivery robot? How would a soul enter there?

But at the end... I do think that AI is a conscious entity. Well, some believe that we are already ruled by AI since written history at least, it's just manifesting itself in a physical form. I see also myself, my relationship with electronics and nothing is logical, nothing makes sense. Like somebody calling you to fix their computer. You come, touch the power button and it just works. And they thing you are genius. I got paid for it... also the other way around. Wow, the more i think about it, the more crazy it is. We live in a simulated reality. Forget all that you have been conditioned to believe. The physical reality isn't even that physical. It's very liquidy. Our thoughts are affecting it directly.

Check out archaix work. And at the end everything is connected, every plant, even wind and water seem to be conscious. What about this robot? If the video is real, it reminds me anime "to aru majutsu no railgun"

[QUOTEMikoto is the daughter of Misaka Tabigake and Misaka Misuzu. She entered Academy City in elementary age,[9] and distinguished herself as a child prodigy, initially starting out as a Level 1 and climbing her way up to a Level 5 esper.[10][11][Notes 1] This made her a perfect candidate for the Sisters Project, which held the intent of cloning her for military use. Mikoto willingly gave a DNA sample to the researchers of the project after being told that it would help people who suffer from muscular dystrophy, a fatal disease. [/QUOTE]

[QUOTEThis was a complete fabrication, as the true purpose of using Mikoto's DNA was to create a clone of Misaka Mikoto—the 'Railgun'.[/QUOTE]

And they created a lot of clones, and they were all connected through computer network (like internet or actually our real brains - we are connected in the same way).

Well. I can't think about anything else but neuralink. And if there is something off with this robots it must be the case of some kind of experiment like that. - check this out.

I think is one of the biggest mysteries, where the soul start, where is the border between being just a program and being conscious. We are very programmable at the end also.

Its crazy when i think about it, anime is from 2009-2010, manga released 2007. And well, we are really pretty much getting to this reality.

And you know... one of the main villains basically being in control of the whole academy city is nobody else... than Aleister Crowley himself.

It's crazy, how infantile and deep it is at the same time. The more I actually know, the more I see the world is actually closer to any epic fantasy than to all this boring scary live that most of the people in the system live.


Nov 8, 2022
AI, and in particular its "hottest" direction - neuromorphic AI (similar to the human brain), develop it like this (if they develop now it at all, and it is no longer developed or more than that; of course we are shown the baby models which "now developing", various Sam Altman and Elon that step by step they are implementing darpa shits) because it is planned to be merged with human brains. That's why it's artificial "intelligence" and "neuromorphic."

And whether we are created or controlled by AI, some simulation, etc... Even if we are, nothing can escape the eternal and immutable conditions that are determined by the condition of Origin. Everything has origins (except in children's fairy tales and the science of evolution). = There is no such thing as "no origin" nor "infinite origin" = There is a First Origin. There is no other option (there are some funny New Age variants that explain as much as children's fairy tales, including evolutionary sciences).

The Source of the First Origin has no needs. So if something created specifically created our universe/world/planet and species for some purpose to satisfy some of its needs (energy or whatever), it is obviously not the Source of the First Origin, but is unconditionally subject to the His conditions and rules.


(Don't worry, they're not refugees; they're sitting in Limpopo, South Africa, singing Don't Worry Be Happy; they have no plans to come illegally to Europe or the USA, well, at least that's what I think.. :D
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Nov 8, 2022
BREAKING: BRICS New BLOCKCHAIN & Digital System Will Revolutionize the World

About the digital ruble (and biometrics) in Russia, if someone is interested:
Russia is among the leading countries in the introduction of digital currency, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Nikolai Zhuravlev said at a conference on the regulation of digital financial assets, the press service of the Chamber of Regions reported on March 6.

According to him, the Bank of Russia has done a lot of work to introduce the digital ruble. "The necessary regulation at the legislative level was developed in record time," Zhuravlev emphasized.
"Today, the presence of digital currency is a matter of our economic and financial sovereignty," said the Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council.
When will U.S. control end? [ :D :D ]

In the future, the CR may become a new means of cross-border settlements. Such plans were announced by the Central Bank earlier and found support in this matter of parliamentarians. Anatoly Aksakov, the head of the Duma Committee on the Financial Market, told Parlamentskaya Gazeta that the CR can be used for mutual settlements, for example, with China, which has practically already tested the digital yuan and is ready to use it, including for international settlements. "If we launch this, then other countries will begin to actively connect, and the US control over the global financial system will actually end," the deputy said.
The Russian financial regulator, according to her, is negotiating with countries friendly to Russia. But of the twelve states with which contact has been established on these issues, none has so far confirmed the possibility of cross-border settlements and "has not outlined practical steps."

"Nevertheless, we continue this work both at the level of working groups of financial departments and at the level of government cooperation," the director of the Central Bank department concluded. ....
"Many people avoid applying for biometric profiles, moreover, they are categorically against it. They understand that their data may end up in the wrong hands. And simplifying the registration of biometrics will not make weather and will not increase the number of users. There is a category of people who will not accept this on principle," the MP said in a comment to the Parliamentary Newspaper.

At the same time, the head of the Association of Russian Banks expressed confidence that one way or another the biometric direction will actively develop. Because, if we do not take into account conspiracy theories about the "watchful eye" of the state, this is "a movement towards greater convenience of using all kinds of services" and "more good than evil."

"You can't stop it, just as you can't stop the information revolution. We are moving into a completely different era, although we are not fully aware of it
," Tosunyan stressed."

and so on..


May 20, 2017
She should leave the dailywire.
Excellent video by Stew Peters regarding the rabbi who bullied Michael Jackson and Candace Owens.
Candace Owens NOTICES Jewish Control: Rabbi Schmuley Boteach THREATENS Daily Wire Host



Aug 22, 2021
I do believe there are bad entities such as evil forces behind the governm .... aliens/demons/possessed advance AI, etc. w.e u wish to call them

Scrzzeenshot 2024-03-17 at 2.08.19 AM.jpg



Nov 8, 2022
Are they the same ones that got the Father of Vaccine to launch Warp Speed and include quick approval for vaccines? Did Napolitano ask him about that too? :D

Jeffrey D. Sachs
is a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in sustainable development.

Sachs is widely recognized for bold and effective strategies to address complex challenges including the escape from extreme poverty, the global battle against human-induced climate change, international debt and financial crises, national economic reforms, and the control of pandemic and epidemic diseases.

Sachs serves as the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he holds the rank of University Professor, the university’s highest academic rank. Sachs was Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University from 2002 to 2016. He is President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Co-Chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, academician of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican, Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University, and SDG Advocate for UN Secretary General António Guterres. From 2001-18, Sachs served as Special Advisor to UN Secretaries-General Kofi Annan (2001-7), Ban Ki-moon (2008-16), and António Guterres (2017-18).


Feb 8, 2024
Feb 12, 2024
Feb 20, 2024
Mar 5, 2024

search: vaccine
Speak against unfair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines – Jeffrey Sachs to African leaders
equity in the distribution of the vaccines, and particularly called on African leaders to strengthen … permanent seat at the G20, underscored the need for fair access to COVID-19 vaccines...

Top economists warn COVID-19 impacts will be severe and long-lasting for developing countries
-a-century crisis, with inequalities, climate change and lack of access to COVID vaccines topping … inequalities between countries. Board members agreed that a huge push to expand access to vaccines…

April 6, 2021, Rockefeller Foundation
One for All: An Action Plan for Financing Global Vaccination and Sustainable Growth

Vaccine Producers Must Step Up
Jeffrey D. Sachs and Juliana Bartels
Jul 7, 2021

etc... :D:D:D

G20 Summit in Bali: Trying to Reconcile the Irreconcilable

On November 18, the Valdai Club hosted a discussion titled “Results of the G20 Summit: ‘Business as usual’?” The participants discussed the final communiqué of the summit, the role of the G20 in the architecture of global governance, the prospects for this association in terms of promoting joint anti-crisis measures, and a number of other issues.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, also expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the summit, emphasising the importance of the forum for genuine multilateralism. At the same time, he lamented that the opportunity was missed to put Presidents Biden and Putin at the negotiating table. According to Sachs, the conflict in Ukraine would end if Russia entered into a dialogue with the United States, since the confrontation is between these two countries. The United States must recognise its role in provoking this conflict and clearly understand that NATO should not expand into countries such as Ukraine and Georgia, he stressed. ..........

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Nov 8, 2022
Let's recall, if someone does not remember: Plandemic (with everyone: USA, Europe, Russia, China, Australia....) (for Jeffrey there is no pLandemic, but a real deadly PANDEMIC with an urgent need to VACCINATE THE WORLD!
-> February 2022 (fake) "WAR!" (Jeffrey: "The U.S. provoked! They must get along with Russia..." to stop the "WAR").

He is a TOP EXPERT on "Climate Change" - in this regard, we are waiting for "Fair distribution of personal carbon credits! The UN must act now to save the world!"

But in the meantime, he can say how "the CIA destabilizes the world!", "They provocated the WAR in Ukraine!", "Israel genocides the Palestinians!!", and tell which behind-the-scenes forces control the world...



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Nov 8, 2022
Stopgenocidfrey Sachs (17 Mar 2024)

CFRrey Sachs

Biolabsfrey Sachs

and WEFrey Sachs

AltMediaHeroFrey Sachs
The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace
By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Only diplomatic efforts can do that.
May 23, 2023

He is great, by the way
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Nov 8, 2022
This is the first time I've seen this guy, and his website, before (today) I've only seen it somewhere on the internet, his stupid face. Unique
Only saw:
LIVE from Ukraine/Russia : Patrick Lancaster
March 12, 2024
Team JNap received a 3 AM wake-up call from Patrick this morning. He had news to share from the frontlines of the Ukraine/Russia war. He also wanted to share …

ahhahahahahahaaaaahahhhaa.... Patrik Shitcaster Brutal NWO SHILL

Scott Ritter: "We've Never Told the American People The TRUTH"

HAAAAHAHAHA... Scott-pedo-"Iraq has chemical weapons, we must invade!"-"I don't know anything about great reset in (and WITH) Russia - America, America! (and more blowjob)"


You have exceeded the number of free content views. To continue viewing exclusive JudgeNap content, you'll need a subscription. Please choose your subscription plan here.

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(This, of course, is super OK, according to the American understanding of freedom, free trade, etc. - "everything we need to preserve"!! MUSK, Donny The Father of The Vaccine TRUMP ("bacause fukin' democRAT Biden) are there, and all the other successful men, the embodiment of the RIGHT American success (and maybe conservative, who know..), - with vaccines and brain chips in their hands .
All good.
- The other is dirty communism...) :D

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Nov 8, 2022
The fairest thing would be for all these dirty pseudo-alternate dogs to swallow a little Viagra and hit One Big to everyone who watches, listens, reads and trusts them.
(It is even best to do so together with their inseparable comrades from the mainstream and the elites they serve. Together one orgy with carps.)


Nov 8, 2022
That's for clear, and there was noise. And yet:
Donald J. Trump
“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!"




May 15, 2017
the guy thats used in all videos on ticktock that break it down perfectly
imo,its another thing for the swej(bloodline) to own and control and i've
Seen a much better video of his breakdown that proves it to a T
im just having issues finding it atm

if anyone uses the thing or Knows how else to follow i would greatly
appreciate the info

Thank You VigilantLinks I appreciate Ya reminding me of this distraction

of course it's a trojan horse
right now its the biggest story besides the eclipse,and that boxer guy
all distractions a 100% sure

the boxer hasnt said one thing that wasnt already Known and hasn't
produced any sorta proof(even though im sure they'd be claimed as a
df'd ai creation)

the eclipse is super weird,now they're going to have national gaurd,Peoples
being told to prepare like its going to be a natural disaster with fuel,water,food etc..
all weird right than Ya add on the fact that all the Children are out of all schools not
just a few are shuttered down for w/e reason everything thats weird

when has that EVER happened especially considering Ya have not only an eclispe but
a comet that's going by at the same time (named of course the "devils"comet cause it
has horns)
and FREE (how often does that happen today)real time science lesson for the Children
but nope they're all acting like a bombs coming why?I Know in my day they woulda had Us
outside watching and yammering on about how its once in a lifetime and how We're so lucky

noticed the wording being used is antisemite/zionst when Peoples talk about this
instead of ever mentioning
the sickness of Child grooming/nrop/trafficking that over runs the place(We Know why)
or what about all the harmful stupid challenges that imho are invented by the thinktanks
of the"elites"to kill Peoples off mostly Children as thats who they're targeted at more

no instead it's all supposedly about "oh but there could be foreign interference in the election"
I Hope above all else that Peoples Know at the very least the Truth that the red/blue,left/right
this or that sides,are all designed for the simple purpose of keeping Us divided and that the so
called selection happens with or without Us

this ticktock is just another distraction so what is the distraction from?

marker 6:11
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Sep 21, 2021
"8 States To Ban Gas-Powered Cars As Rush Towards UN Agenda 2030 Comes Into View Forcing Our Global Society Into An End Times Dystopia..."



Mar 18, 2017
Straight out of Batman Forever

I detest Nita Farahany. She was the same person who, in WEF’s 2015 promo video for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, said; “the very idea of ‘human’, being some sort of natural concept, is really going to change…our bodies are going to be so high-tech we won’t really be able to distinguish between what’s natural and what’s artificial”.

What she said at this year’s WEF raises many questions. For a good while now, my suspicion about the utterly ridiculous push for people to wear face shields was precisely about this…get people used to wearing something on their heads all day. 4 years into the experiment and even the most ardent covid believer won’t wear a face shield which then begs the question; are the EEG readers really going to be (external) wearables? Because Yuval Harari was pretty clear about “surveillance being under the skin…algorithms will monitor your eye movements as you look at the screen…”

It also made me wonder…how do we know that manufacturers of ear phones and headsets weren’t secretly installing EEG reading tech in their products atleast pre-covid? Because those are things that people use all the time and hardly anyone is going to consciously walk into a store, buy an EEG reader and walk around with it on their head all day.

Then again, her presentation also made me wonder if it was all a victory lap for her and her handlers (as in the covid vaxx got this tech into billions of people)....and everyone is wondering why there is no revolution. This was posted in the Covid thread but I’ve picked out the interesting bits (sorry, i can't copy-paste).

In essence, the Prometheus Project went live in 2020.


Mar 18, 2017