Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
Bisan Owda and AJ+ win Emmy for It’s Bisan From Gaza – and I’m Still Alive

Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda and Al Jazeera’s AJ+ have won an Emmy for their report, It’s Bisan From Gaza – and I’m Still Alive.
The short film documented the initial days of Israeli bombardment and its devastating impact on everyday people in the Gaza Strip.


Jan 10, 2019
I'm sure the very few people at this forum who have a shred of concern for Palestine read the news yesterday. Stucky also posted about it earlier:

Even with the overwhelming evidence of Israel's indiscriminate murder of civilians this story is notable. Until now Israel has pretended to follow some protocol to appease the UN and media, etc. Good for the Palestinian authorities not to be part in the illegal desecration. My take is that now, within the 75 years of their mass theft, ethnic cleansing, and murder campaign the degenerate, cult fiendish Israeli's are getting more lazy... careless with fabricating evidence/legitimacy for their unending crimes.

Reading the first shorts from the UN meeting for Lebanon this morning we can't deny the attitude surrounding Israel has shifted. Just as the corrupt United States government and Israel were the last to support the failed apartheid regime in South Africa in the 1980's, these deviant forces will finally succumb to international pressure. The Antichrist, dead and dying Jewish/Zionist neoconservative war-machine will be challenged in all circles, and I believe could someday result in a just peace for everyone.


May 17, 2020
‘Horrific scenes’ from al-Ahli Arab Hospital

There’s too much pressure on health facilities, particularly in northern Gaza where there are almost no health facilities operational whatsoever.

We’re talking about one health facility that is running at a very low capacity, that doesn’t have the capacity to accommodate a large number of injuries transferred to its property – we’re talking about the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, an already crippled healthcare system across the northern part of the Strip.

In the past hour, there have been quite horrific scenes from the hospital. We looked at some of the footage – not suitable for viewers – we looked at people pick up flesh from the ground of the bomb site.

This is an evacuation centre and known in Gaza and Jabalia refugee camp and this is probably more than the 50th time this particular area, Jabalia refugee camp, has been repeatedly and deliberately targeted b the Israeli military.


Mar 18, 2017
This is one of the reasons i was hesitant to believe the draft talk last October....maybe it was denial on my part??...the point being TPTB have the option of mercenaries especially given the current economic situation and their much-hyped AI for the battlefield with claims that the human soldier is effectively useless. So i still wonder why different countries are intent on bringing back the draft.
The UK has also sent 700 soldiers to Cyprus for supposedly helping Britons evacuate Lebanon. We have to remember Nasrallah's warning from June.....the Mediterranean will be set aflame.
Crazy! Considering Arab politicians are sitting on their hands, this is to be expected.
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Mar 18, 2017
I saw this yesterday and thought to myself; here we go again. Unfortunately, there is collective depression since 2020 and Gaza has thinned peoples' emotional bandwidth to handle what's coming/multiple crises.
"Going From “The Civilian Buildings Are Hamas” To “The Civilian Buildings Are Hezbollah” So I guess we’re doing this again. If you liked “All the civilian buildings are Khamas,” you’ll love Israel’s new hit “All the civilian buildings are Khezbollah.”

8. Hezbollah=Lebanon. Hezbollah controls the Lebanese government, and cannot survive without popular support. Hezbollah is not a rogue organisation isolated from Lebanon, just as, say, the Nazis were not divorced from Germany in WW2. Nazis WERE Germany, and Hezbollah IS Lebanon. Therefore Israel and the world must view this as an Israel-Lebanon war, with all the devastating consequences that follow.



Mar 18, 2017

One of the most enthusiastic proponents of Syrian regime change is Michael Ledeen, an AEI scholar. In 1985, as a consultant to the National Security Council, he set up meetings between Israelis and a group of international arms dealers to help broker the arms-for-hostage deal with Iran. In an article posted to AEI's Web site on April 30, Ledeen warned that Syria and Iran will try to implement a "second Lebanon strategy" in Iraq by sponsoring thousands of suicide bombers ready to carry out attacks against U.S. and British soldiers. In an op/ed article in Canada's National Post in early April, Ledeen wrote, "It's time to bring down the other terror masters. Faster, please."

"Hezbollah is the world's leading terrorist group," charges Ledeen. "They're an Iranian-created group housed in Syrian-occupied Lebanon." Animosity towards Hezbollah – thought to be responsible for the deaths of 241 American marines killed in a 1983 suicide bombing operation – runs deep in the current administration. "They have a blood debt to us," Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage is reported to have said last year. "We're not going to forget it."

Lebanon, it turns out, is something of a pivot point for the neoconservatives' hopes and fears for the Middle East. Near the end of the Clinton presidency, a group of intellectuals, business people, and retired military officials who called themselves the Lebanon Study group signed their names to a 48-page document called "Ending Syria's Occupation of Lebanon: The U.S. Role."

Among them were AEI Resident Fellow Richard Perle, an unpaid advisor to the Pentagon; and AEI scholar Douglas Feith and Iran-Contra figure Elliot Abrams, both of whom now hold posts in the Bush administration: Feith, as undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon, and Abrams, as the National Security Council's point man for the Middle East. Other signers include Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel of New York, AEI Senior Fellow Jeane Kirkpatrick, and New York oil financier Philip Epstein.

"Ending Syria's Occupation of Lebanon" synthesizes ideas of American triumphalism, Christian exceptionalism, and fear of weapons of mass destruction. In its sequencing, it suggests the path to war with Iraq by urging sanctions against Syria, backed by military force. Beginning with the premise that "Lebanon occupies a strategically vital corner of the world," the study goes on to warn of dangers to the Christians of the country. "Preserving Lebanon's Christian communities," the study's authors wrote, "becomes the cornerstone for safeguarding the country's special freedoms that uplift all its communities."

The tract ends with a bracing call for renewed American assertiveness: "The Vietnam legacy and the sour memories of the dead American marines in Beirut notwithstanding, the U.S. has entered a new era of undisputed military supremacy, coupled with an appreciable drop in human losses on the battlefield. But this opportunity will not wait, for as WMD capabilities spread, the risks of such action will rapidly grow. If there is to be decisive action, it will have to be sooner rather than later."

The document was co-authored by Ziad Abdelnour and Daniel Pipes. Abdelnour is a New York financier with dual Lebanese-American citizenship, and president of the United States Committee for a Free Lebanon. Pipes, as president of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum, is a prolific editorialist known for his staunch support of Israel.

Today, Pipes deflects questions about whether he would support American ground forces marching on Damascus. "That's a red herring," he says. "Nobody in the administration has been talking about military action against Syria."

Watch Michael Ledeen in action back in 2003


May 17, 2020
I saw this yesterday and thought to myself; here we go again. Unfortunately, there is collective depression since 2020 and Gaza has thinned peoples' emotional bandwidth to handle what's coming/multiple crises.

8. Hezbollah=Lebanon. Hezbollah controls the Lebanese government, and cannot survive without popular support. Hezbollah is not a rogue organisation isolated from Lebanon, just as, say, the Nazis were not divorced from Germany in WW2. Nazis WERE Germany, and Hezbollah IS Lebanon. Therefore Israel and the world must view this as an Israel-Lebanon war, with all the devastating consequences that follow.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.



May 17, 2020
Abbas give 12-point proposal to UNGA

Abbas laid out a 12-point proposal to the UNGA for what needs to be done the day after the war ends.
Here is some of his proposal.
  • A comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the military aggressions and attacks by terrorist settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
  • Humanitarian aid must be delivered urgently, in an organised manner and in sufficient quantities because there’s nothing in Gaza, and they need everything. This humanitarian aid must be delivered throughout Gaza.
  • A full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. We refuse the establishment of buffer zones or taking any part from Gaza. We demand that we stop the forced displacement inside the Gaza Strip or outside the Gaza Strip. We demand the return of those displaced to their homes and to have housing provided to them.
  • We demand the protection of UNRWA and humanitarian organisations from Israel’s actions and to provide political and financial support to these organisations so that they can perform their role and offer their services to the Palestinians.
  • We demand international protection for the Palestinians on the lands of their occupied land. We want protection. We are not fighting Israel. We cannot fight Israel, and we don’t want to fight.
  • The State of Palestine must shoulder its responsibilities in the Gaza Strip and impose its full mandate and jurisdiction on it, including the border checkpoints, especially the Rafa international border between Egypt and Palestine, as part of a comprehensive plan.
More points from PA proposal

  • The authority of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian government and the PLO, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people, will have authority on all Palestinian territories in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem, as has been stipulated for us by international law. We are not asking for more, but we will not accept any less.
  • We will continue to mobilise the largest possible international support so that the State of Palestine can achieve full membership in the United Nations as soon as possible. We like to be sitting among you.
  • The full implementation of the General Assembly resolution on the advisory opinion that we mentioned, issued by the International Court of Justice, in a manner that would lead to the end of the occupation in 12 months.
  • Hold an international peace conference under the auspices of the United Nations within a year to apply the two-state solution. So we hold this international conference so that we would resolve all the problems that remain between us and Israel. By the way, we recognise the state of Israel, but Israel doesn’t recognise us.
  • Adopt international peacekeeping forces by virtue of a Security Council resolution between the states of Palestine and Israel to guarantee the security of both countries. We call for guaranteeing the security of both countries.


May 17, 2020
Remember earlier in the year when Biden claimed Israel had come up with a ceasefire plan only to look on as Israel rejected the plan. Well they've kinda done it again


White House says Lebanon truce call ‘coordinated’ with Israel

The US White House insists that a US-led international call for a ceasefire in Lebanon was “coordinated” with Israel, despite Israel later rejecting the truce and vowing to keep fighting Hezbollah.
“The statement was indeed coordinated with the Israeli side,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters, adding that talks are continuing at the UN General Assembly in New York City.
The United States, France, and several Arab and European countries called for an immediate 21-day ceasefire across the Israel-Lebanon border following intense discussions at the United Nations on Wednesday.



Aug 11, 2024
Ominous sign- The Lebanese govt is coming under criticism from its own people for holding back its super-duper high-explosive missiles.
My guess is that they're saving them for when they obtain nuclear warheads from Iran or Pakistan etc and THEN launch them at Israel..

Mar 30, 2017
Apologies if this has been posted already.

To anybody who's about to vote in the US (s)election.

Take these words of wisdom and hold on to'll become a more authentic human being for doing so.

There's a certain irony you posting this in Stucky's thread. Both of you are British and this great commentary is from an Australian journalist. There are only three Americans who are active in this thread and strangely enough, the rest talk about November's election like it'll mean something on these forums. It's true what is said in the video because it makes many here who believe in partisan politics, people who are not being honest with themselves as they lack authenticity.

I think the entire commentary is an apt assessment.


Aug 11, 2024
Trump has told Israel to end the war, and also says he's not going to give a penny to Ukraine.
Kamala is going to keep supplying Israel and Ukraine with truckloads more cash and weaponry to keep those wars going.
It'll certainly be interesting to see who the voters choose..;)