How And Why Does Israel Have So Much Power?


Aug 11, 2024
(Israel)- Bombed the USS Liberty (1967)?
Use U.S. taxpayer money to fund AIPAC?
Use U.S. weapons to bomb and murder their neighbors?
Use U.S. schools to promote the holocaust scam and U.S. churches to promote "Christian Zionism"..
Perhaps the American people are happy to support Israel, or are too dumb to question it.
Or perhaps they haven't the guts to speak out against it, huh, so much for the "home of the brave"..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Perhaps the American people are happy to support Israel, or are too dumb to question it.
Or perhaps they haven't the guts to speak out against it, huh, so much for the "home of the brave"..:)
The same can be said for the Brits, who claim that "Britons never, never, never will be slaves" out of one side of their mouth, while continuing to support the counterfeit-Jewish state of Israel at the expense of the impoverished and enslaved British taxpayers, out the other side of their mouth.

Of course among the Zionist supporters in Britain is your hero, Paul Golding (founder of "Britain First"), who is gullible enough to actually believe that "Muslims" perpetrated the 7/7/2005 London bombings, which has already been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to have been yet another act of state-sponsored terrorism.



Aug 11, 2024
...the Brits, who claim that "Britons never, never, never will be slaves" out of one side of their mouth, while continuing to support the counterfeit-Jewish state of Israel at the expense of the impoverished and enslaved British taxpayers, out the other side of their mouth.....
..Paul Golding (founder of "Britain First"), who is gullible enough to actually believe that "Muslims" perpetrated the 7/7/2005 London bombings,
1- There are several fiercely patriotic outspoken right-wing patriotic groups in Britain and Europe, but as far as i know there aren't any in the USA.. :p
2- Aargh, the "sweet peace-loving muslims didn't do the London bombings" conspiracy theory is number 657 in the list of "Muslims never dun nothing" consp theories..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Deuteronomy 5:32 Ye shall observe to do therefore as the "I AM" your God hath commanded you: ye shall NOT turn aside to the right hand or to the left*.

*right hand/wing and left hand/wing political parties

Deuteronomy 1:16 And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear [the causes] between your brethren, and judge righteously between [every] man and his brother, and the stranger [that is] with him.


Aug 11, 2024
Deuteronomy 5:32 Ye shall observe to do therefore as the "I AM" your God hath commanded you: ye shall NOT turn aside to the right hand or to the left*.
That verse refers to following the straight path of God's commandments.
The world's left-wing parties have deviated from that path and are supporting GLBT's and other depraved liberal issues, but the right-wing parties are not..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
That verse refers to following the straight path of God's commandments.
The world's left-wing parties have deviated from that path and are supporting GLBT's and other depraved liberal issues, but the right-wing parties are not..:)
Liberalism is undoubtedly a disease. But the right hand/wing is far from perfect. And neither the left hand/wing nor the right hand/wing actually do what they say they're going to do, because they're all liars. That's why the queers still proliferate under liberal or "conservative" governments.

That's why God COMMANDED us never to add to His PERFECT Law/COMMANDMENTS nor to take away from them (Deut. 4:2), which is what every single politician does with every single piece of unlawful legislation they introduce. And that should also explain why God and Christ have repeatedly condemned politicians, and warned us to stay away from them, because they are leading anyone fool enough to follow them, to their destruction.


Aug 11, 2024
..neither the left hand/wing nor the right hand/wing actually do what they say they're going to do, because they're all liars..
Trump wanted to build a Wall, and also wanted to stop Iran's nuclear program but the Dems stopped him.
Sadly that's how "democracy" works...:)


Mar 23, 2021
Sadly we are all being duped by the JANUS coin demos or repubs. left wing right wing yada yada its all the same just different methods of getting to the final goals. OWG
Mar 30, 2017
A terror state through time: from Ben Gurion to Netanyahu

Caitlin Johnstone: Israel’s War on Journalism


Aug 21, 2017
Good God, how am I their slave?

Well, it is theirs, everlasting (means forever) covenant on the land.
I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
Ultimately, this "everlasting possession" will be for the remnant...12K from each tribe...or 144,000...the others will be destroyed. A remnant is a speck of a whole. In scripture it says of the sands of the seashore, only a speck shall remain. Now, ask yourself Revelation.


May 12, 2023
The same can be said for the Brits, who claim that "Britons never, never, never will be slaves" out of one side of their mouth, while continuing to support the counterfeit-Jewish state of Israel at the expense of the impoverished and enslaved British taxpayers, out the other side of their mouth.

Of course among the Zionist supporters in Britain is your hero, Paul Golding (founder of "Britain First"), who is gullible enough to actually believe that "Muslims" perpetrated the 7/7/2005 London bombings, which has already been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to have been yet another act of state-sponsored terrorism.

The UK has allied with the money lenders for centuries. But the relationship was often strained or broken due to being accused of the things we see evidence of today.

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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The UK has allied with the money lenders for centuries. But the relationship was often strained or broken due to being accused of the things we see evidence of today.

View attachment 111017
The term "antisemitism" is itself fabricated. It's a trick that the Ashkenazis use to both pretend they're the Biblical Jews -- even though they aren't even Semites (Gen. 10:1-3) -- and to pretend there is some sort of 'blood libel' against them.

The reason these impostors were expelled from the countries they migrated to is because of their relentless pursuit of over the people and the purse strings, through their fraudulent, usury based money lending practices. Of course today, because we the people didn't put a stop to their criminal activities long ago, they have become the global power group, in total control of the international banking institutions, and through their fraudulent fractional reserve banking, they've come to own and control entire industries, governments AND the religions, including "Christianity" which they infiltrated almost 500 years ago (1534), and have run from the inside ever since.

Ignatius Loyola was a crypto-counterfeit Jew, as are the rest of the Jesuits who today control all Vatican finances and have sent their agents into the Protestant churches disguised as pastors, etc., to preach their "gospel" of ecumenism (ecumenicalism), and bring those businesses back under Vatican control.

And now, during the final days of the Roman Catholic church, even their figurehead is a crypto-counterfeit-Jew (Jesuit pope "Francis"; the last pope).
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Aug 11, 2024
Trump says Israel should stop the war "quickly", but Kamala and the Dems want to keep it going by continuing to send weapons to Israel.
Remember, every bomb and missile the Israelis use is supplied by the US.
So if voters put Kamala in the white house they'll be just as much to blame for the war as she is.
Mar 30, 2017
From the video below:

"Israel is a microcosm of everything America is - the violence, the racism, the colonization, the fraud, the corruption, complete disregard, even for your own citizens. Israel's the same way, they don't care about their own people, just like America doesn't care about their own people. Always the idea that there's an external security threat to your country, which, therefore, justifies you attacking everyone."

- Shahid Bolsen​

How Israel Weaponizes Pop Culture (43 mins, 30 secs)
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