Who do you think runs the world?


Aug 6, 2024
Yes and it wouldn't surprise me if they're responsible for releasing strains of Covid into the human race to try to find one that'll finally wipe us out..:)
Here's the latest one-
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View attachment 110637

Below- a prophetic clip from 'Survivors' (1975) where a mutant virus is running amok-

Oh I totally believe covid was on purpose or at the very least man made. Have you heard/seen that theory about how each presidential debate is connected with a virus/outbreak. Like covid,ebola,swine flu,etc. like I've said in my above posts it's almost like the world is some big play with extravagant actors and events to keep our eyes in one place.

Also I have seen a couple of videos of people basically predicting covid was gonna happen the way that it did and they were posted before 2019. Almost like the illuminati cards. It's all been planned it seems


Aug 6, 2024
This is so scary.

Also, do you have info on Blackrock and Vanguard and where they are in the hierarchy? Is there some sort of Saturn worship involved in the name (Blackrock)?
It looks almost like they are on the world bank level right below the committee of 300. But i wonder if the owners of the central banks and companies like blackrock are some of the members of the committee? Just curious about the Saturn worship thing? What makes you say they are worshipping Saturn? Do you think they are worshipping like the Roman equivalent of Saturn or just like Saturn the planet?


Aug 6, 2024
i recommend reading fritz springmeier books for more details, but high level satanists need these sex slaves and human sacrifice rituals to harness their power. these satanists have people in all positions of power, ESPECIALLY the intel agencies.
i think they let lower level pedos who get sloppy about keeping things under wraps face the law. they will also throw their own to the wolves if they arent doing what they are ordered by higher level priests or witches. this is the basis for the celeb/music industry blackmail that goes on.
Thanks I'll check them out asap. I knew there had to be some type of power given to them, either that or all these successful people just decide to become satanists after they find success which seems unlikely with how prevalent it is.

I think your right about the lower level thing, I could have swore I read something about Ted Bundy being a part of mkultra experiments or something like that. Which honestly makes sense to give up someone like him cause hes a nobody. Easily replaced. A bit more difficult to make a new Cosby or Diddy to do your bidding through entertainment. So we're people like anyone levay and aleister Crowley powerful in regards to the power structure of the world? Or are the top satanists not even known to the public?


Aug 6, 2024
Nobody does the world is rudderless. No one is at the wheel but nonetheless the train still moves
I just know that's not true. I mean how do you explain the Epstein thing. You literally have person after person say to forgot about him and what he's done because it's above their paygrade basically. You have a guy get killed/suicide in a prison it's never been done in before. You have all the tapes erased or not running that day. You have an ex cop murderer as his jail mate. This was also a dude who was just a regular school teacher originally. Like one day he's a school teacher. The next he meets a billionaire and gets all types of benefits from him. And after that he's inducted into the highest rings of society blowing money like the Great Gatsby lol a school teacher.. also all this money hes spending no one can figure out where it came from? No tax returns. Nothing. There is much more odd stuff than that but just by what I've told you doesn't sound rudderless at all. Sounds more like a hierarchy. But I'm more than happy to hear your counterargument


Aug 6, 2024
No, the world is not rudderless, it's the zionist jews of Israel and their shabbos goy freemasons.
Otherwise, it's the spirit hierarchy that rules the cosmos, that they and other occultists know of, that the gentile scientists do not know, and will not know, since they're closed minded when it comes to the occult. The occult is real whether scientists believe in it or not.
I agree with this right here. The scientists will do literally anything to try and disprove higher power. But no matter how hard they try they can't disprove reality


Aug 6, 2024
Yes it's scary, but we have to calm down and be brave.

Blackrock and Vanguard are corporations above the level of Governments. Sorry I don't have too much info on them, I'll see what info I can find.

Yes there is Saturn worship involved because Saturn is their god. Their god Yaldabaoth/Cronos/Shanidev is one of the forms of "Satan", and is worshipped by the zionist Israeli Jews at the top (the same ones who are genociding the Palestinians) as part of their Talmudic Judaism. That's why black cube symbolism is put everywhere.

Please check out the grimoire, The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros, and my thread on occult and magickal books, Occult/Magic Books.

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I have a question about this. Is this Saturn god the same one as the Canaanite god baal? I know those elite pedos like to worship that bull thing but ive never heard of them worshipping Saturn. Do they worship multiple gods? Or is there like multiple sects of worship maybe?

Thanks for dropping those links I greatly appreciate it

I also like what you said at the top. The only way we can win this war and take back our world is with a steady mind and hardened spirit. The Lord will be our shepherd


Aug 6, 2024
archons/demons are aliens; it depends on the perspective. the religious will say demonic entities. in any case, these are beings from a different realm taking an unnatural interest in humanity.
there are those who think that there are mantid aliens who control the reptilians and they also are meddling with us. in any case, we ARE being manipulated by them on a psychic level.

at the very top, i dont know if they are billionaires-- i would imagine they are beyond the concept of money and simply care for power and control; perhaps their satanic agenda and rituals for their demonic gods are their main concern. billionaires and millionaires are focused on making money which eventually will lead them further into degeneracy as they get bored with owning anything they like. maybe thats why they revert back to wearing t shirts and jeans.
What are these reptilians? I've heard of this theory before but honestly I've never heard an explanation what exactly they are? Did they land here from outer space? Were they here before we even were?

I think your right about the top being above money. I've thought a lot about this as well. I mean think about it if they had all the money in the world why would they want more paper. Money is just means for control but not the only one. They use psychology and everything else to get people to bow to them. I guess then after all that though I'm left with the same question. If you rule all the money basically, and all the powerful people are yours and all the media is under your control. What is there left to do? Is the end goal to erase humanity? To keep us a slaves? What could possibly be their end goal when they have accomplished so much


Aug 11, 2024
..Also I have seen a couple of videos of people basically predicting covid was gonna happen the way that it did and they were posted before 2019. Almost like the illuminati cards. It's all been planned it seems
Yeah even the 'Survivors' (1975) TV series almost 50 years ago predicted a devastating plague originating in China and being spread by air travel-

Survivors title sequence (youtube.com)


Aug 11, 2024
I agree with this partially, I don't really think voting for leaders does much good anymore with how rigged they have it..
Trump has told Israel to end the war "soon" and he's also said Ukraine "won't get a penny" if he becomes President.
But Kamala will continue sending weapons to Israel and Ukraine, so it seems logical that voting for Trump will have more chance of ending both those wars than voting for Kamala..:)


Aug 11, 2024
..I honestly don't watch too much tv anymore cause I'm not too fond of it. Just feels like blatant programming, but that seems to be a bit older and I enjoy older cinema a bit more.
There's good and bad stuff on TV, so use your remote as a powerful WEAPON to silence any stuff you don't like, and surf on til you find something you DO like..:)-



Aug 11, 2024
archons/demons are aliens; it depends on the perspective. the religious will say demonic entities..
Look at it another way mate and regard "demons" as invisible LIFE-FORMS, and not just as 'religious' things..:)
We can also regard them as invisible 'mind parasites' which seek to implant themselves in peoples brains so they can take them over by bending the victims will to their own.
There's more than one type, for example Jesus said "This kind can only be cast out by prayer"
They're attracted to negative non-christian vibes like moths to a flame, hence the Bible's warning not to radiate bad vibes-
"Don't give the devil a foothold" (Eph 4:27)
"Resist the devil and he'll flee from you" (James 4:7)
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Philp 4:8)


Aug 11, 2024
..What are these reptilians? I've heard of this theory before but honestly I've never heard an explanation what exactly they are? Did they land here from outer space? Were they here before we even were?..
All I know is that David Icke believes reptilians can shapeshift and take human form, I suppose we'd have to read some of his books to find out more.
(PS- Me and Icke were born around the same time in the Crown Hills area of Leicester (England) but never met as far as I know.)


Mar 23, 2021
Yes it's scary, but we have to calm down and be brave.

Blackrock and Vanguard are corporations above the level of Governments. Sorry I don't have too much info on them, I'll see what info I can find.

Yes there is Saturn worship involved because Saturn is their god. Their god Yaldabaoth/Cronos/Shanidev is one of the forms of "Satan", and is worshipped by the zionist Israeli Jews at the top (the same ones who are genociding the Palestinians) as part of their Talmudic Judaism. That's why black cube symbolism is put everywhere.

Please check out the grimoire, The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros, and my thread on occult and magickal books, Occult/Magic Books.

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a black cube you don't say? Similar to the kabba stone in mecca? Sure looks like it.


Aug 6, 2024
Trump has told Israel to end the war "soon" and he's also said Ukraine "won't get a penny" if he becomes President.
But Kamala will continue sending weapons to Israel and Ukraine, so it seems logical that voting for Trump will have more chance of ending both those wars than voting for Kamala..:)
Talk is small. At the end of the day I don't trust any of them to do good for this country. They are all liars and I put no faith in any of them 'fixing' anything.

I don't even think they even have any real power. Just puppets or actors who take commands from those above them


Aug 6, 2024
Look at it another way mate and regard "demons" as invisible LIFE-FORMS, and not just as 'religious' things..:)
We can also regard them as invisible 'mind parasites' which seek to implant themselves in peoples brains so they can take them over by bending the victims will to their own.
There's more than one type, for example Jesus said "This kind can only be cast out by prayer"
They're attracted to negative non-christian vibes like moths to a flame, hence the Bible's warning not to radiate bad vibes-
"Don't give the devil a foothold" (Eph 4:27)
"Resist the devil and he'll flee from you" (James 4:7)
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Philp 4:8)
So they only exist as invisible? Or do you think they actually physically manifest in this world? Other than in people's minds and dreams etc


Aug 6, 2024
All I know is that David Icke believes reptilians can shapeshift and take human form, I suppose we'd have to read some of his books to find out more.
(PS- Me and Icke were born around the same time in the Crown Hills area of Leicester (England) but never met as far as I know.)
Is David icke a reputable person on these topics? I used to think alex Jones was pretty reputable on these topics but now wonder if the powers that be have him wrapped around their finger.
Honestly I have a large distrust for almost anyone famous. Just don't think you can get to certain places in life without selling out