Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jul 18, 2022
I always thought it odd how far back the SMTOWN World Tour goes to Dubai. Even now the company executives even show up with the Idols. Like Kangta and BoA.

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Dub@i is a door to finance movies and music distribution in various ways. Actors, actresses and singers are often work for important figures there to attend special and promotional events and even can ask for special favors (like golden visa and all). They also call them to perform for them at various events. Plus, dub@i is a place associated with high level sex rackets.


Jul 18, 2022
I believe SM did impose that image on him when he was a minor but when he saw that he could stand out and become popular as a soloist by adopting the gender neutral image he began accepting it. In 2nd gen the soft boy image was not popular and male idols with macho image like Big Bang and 2PM were preferred so he had a problem with being called feminine. Now, that the soft boy image is in trend most male idols including him are happily adapting to it.

I don't believe he is "innocent" or "sweet" like SM tried to made Shawols believe. I would say he is in fact the most cunning and sharp member in Shinee. Every Shawol I know said Key would be the first member to leave SM and Taemin would not leave or leave the last because he is "loyal" to SM and didn't talk about mistreatment like Key but it turns out he is leaving and Key is staying. He left SM after they stopped treating him well. There are a lot of idols who were more mistreated/mismanaged than Taemin but they are still staying with SM. He is highly ambitious and doesn't take a "no" from anyone. Although I don't believe astrology is 100% correct I have seen a lot of people say recently that based on recent events he is a Scorpio rising and if he is like the stereotypical Scorpio in real life he can become a problem for SM in the future. Y'Know which famous celebs are Scorpio rising? Prince and Taylor Swift both of them were cunning and fought their OG labels for getting ownership of their music. I don't know if he will fight to own his solo music catalogue like them but I do get the vibe from him that he is highly possessive of his career he will be shady towards SM once he is free.
I too initially used to believed that image was imposed on him because of his statement. But after observing his activities from the advice era till now, I don't believe so. Sorry.

Same here. Even I don't believe he is innocent or sweet and ever since I have known about SHINee, I have found him to be the most cunning, selfish, sharpest and a bit evil member of SHINee. I feel he is more greedy for fame than the other three. Don't know why, but I always find his vibes/energy too negative and dark. That's why I kinda avoid watching too much of his solo stuffs.

I didn't believe any of the four of them would ever leave SM. That's why when the news of both of them leaving SM came out, I was surprised. Although now they both have left SM and joined a new agency so I wish them good luck and wish them success.

As far as Minho and Key are concerned, I guess maybe both of them don't have the confidence that they can be successful as a solo artist outside of SM. While they both are equally talented and capable enough that they can succeed outside SM and can make better careers for themselves. Minho has even already established a decent acting career for himself as an actor through which he can easily become successful. But unfortunately.

I just hope and wish one day both of them realize their talent and capabilities and leave SM.


Jul 18, 2022
I am sorry I don't remember him using Jonghyun's name to promote his album? He mentioned him during his episode on Lee Mujin service but that video doesn't have a lot of views so I don't think he relied on Jonghyun to promote his song. Guilty mostly became viral because of the choreography. This is like Move era all over for him again where a lot of idols are covering his song on tik tok and award shows etc.

I don't blame him for leaving SM because that company is a hell hole and all Shinee members should have left. He is simply saving himself from a sinking ship because all the talented people in SM are leaving. They lost a lot of their major producers, composers and people in A&R. 10 Idols have left SM since last year. They were known for their idols being good singers but they lost most of their top male vocalists now (Baekhyun, D.O, Chen, Onew, Kyuhyun, Taemin) because everyone wants to leave.

I have been following the SM, Hybe, Kakao drama and it was revealed during the Exo CBX lawsuit last year that SM does not give it's artists documents about their actual earnings.They were still trapping their artists in slave contracts by using loopholes to make their artists stay for 17-18 years. When Exo CBX ended their contract SM did media play against them and tried to ruin their image among GP. Most SM idols don't know how popular they are because the company hides earnings from them. They mentally abuse the idols by telling them they are nothing without SM and they block opportunities from their artists who try to demand fair treatment. Whatever is happening to that company since last year is Karma for their own evil deeds and whoever is freeing themselves from SM's clutches I wish them good luck.
"End of a Day" tribute twice, SHINee's anniversary, Lee Mujin's show and recently at one of their group's concerts. But he did not post anything for Jonghyun on the day of his death anniversary probably because the purpose of mentioning him had been fulfilled, lol.

That video did not get many views on YouTube but the video got a lot of views on SHINee's fan pages and even "end of a day tribute" also which was shared by fans many times till the release of his album. Even Jonghyun's statements about Taemin as well, which were enough from a massive emotional publicity point of view.


Taemin is the only SHINee member who I thought would never use Jonghyun. Because he is already so popular with his talent, great voice, dance and hard work that he doesn't need anyone to succeed. The "Advice" album was already such a hit that even if he made a comeback after 10 years, his album would still be a hit. That's why when he did that I was surprised. Anyway.

Moreover, considering the current situation of SM, I think no artist can and should not be blamed for leaving SM. When we have the right to think/do what is best/better for ourselves then they also have the right to do the same. In fact, it's great that SM's artists are thinking about themselves and leaving SM and I fully support them for that. I wish them good luck and I wish them great success in their careers and lives.


Jul 18, 2022
Both of them were brutally murdered only because they knew too much, didn't want to shut their mouths and wanted to save a life? She was raped and thrown out of her building and that too naked? Gosh! If even after this people feel that his death is not a murder still a suicide then people need to open their eyes and wake up.

Yes, exactly. You know when they threw her out of the building naked from her apartment window. No one had put any clothes on her, even though many people had gathered after hearing the sound of her fall, not even in the ambulance. She had reached the hospital naked. Even a boy who lives in the same building himself had said this in the news but still no one put any clothes on her and when I came to know about it I felt terrible, especially being a girl and at that time all I was thinking was how can people be so disgusting and cruel? Didn't anyone there have enough humanity to put clothes on that girl's body? On top of that she was alive at that time. Yet no one felt any compassion for her.
Do you think Steph was paid to prove him depressed, bipolar, suicidal and his girlfriend a victim and innocent? Because Steph's coverage about both cases made it look like she was paid to do so. Frankly speaking, I think she had no interest in both the cases, if she was interested she would definitely have thoroughly researched about both cases and put forefront the facts, as she did in other cases. If you watch her coverages about other cases you will evidently find that she has taken interest about other cases, has done proper research and put forefront the facts which I found missing in that coverage.

After reading your posts I don't think both the cases can be covered in just one coverage. Both cases are huge and require a lot of coverage to explain what really happened with both of them and the people associated with them, who lost their lives one by one, why did all that happen with them and who were the people behind that? I love her coverage of every case she has done so far however I am disappointed with her coverage in his and his former manager's case.

By the way, do you think CBI will ever disclose what really happened on June 8 and 14?

Thanks for your response and I apologize for the late response.
Well, I don't follow her channel nor have I watched several of her podcasts, except for one or two that were shared by members in this thread. A blinger had told me about her podcast about $ush@ηt, so I went to watch the podcast. Also, the blinger had already told me that her podcast would make me furious and that's what happened, lol. Therefore, I can't say anything definitive about her research for other cases. Except for her podcast about him and his former manager because I've been following both cases since day one. That's why I said all those things with certainty in my post (I didn't even know her name, I found out her name after reading the comments on that podcast). While watching the podcast I had understood that someone had paid her specifically to prove he was depressed, bipolar and suicidal (which he wasn't at all) and his girlfriend to be a victim and innocent (which she isn't at all). Especially, to create confusion and from the way she was repeatedly saying "I don't know, I don't know" from that it was clear that she was given a script to follow. Because this is what β-ω00d and the people involved in both the cases have been doing constantly for the past 4 years to divert people's attention from the truth and to save themselves. As they recently did through a woman on an Indian YouTuber's channel who was trying to prove that he was depressed, his death was suicide and making bad remarks on his family. But fortunately for this people trolled her badly due to which that YouTuber was forced to remove that podcast and apologize. Although I avoided mentioning it about that girl's podcast because as I said, I don't follow her channel, so I thought it would be better for me not to mention it, that's why I didn't mention it. Although if you go to her channel and read the comments on that podcast you will find that many people have criticized her for her podcasts and mentioned that "Your podcast's title is an insult", "This channel is paid by β-ω00d", "I wonder how much β-ω00d mafias paid you to cause confusion and spread false story, lies", She was paid to do this, especially to create confusion". Someone even told her that "shame on you" for doing this and those people are her subscribers, lol. Plus, many people have shared their anger and disappointment regarding her podcast about both the cases like you have and many people have shared in the comments section the same thing I had said in my post here about her podcast. I guess the $$ᴙi@ns are not aware of that girl's channel because if they knew then the same thing would have happened to that girl as it happened to the Indian YouTuber. I just hope that girl doesn't do any more podcasts about $ush@ηt and his former manager because if she does then she will be trolled and that too damn badly.

The more β-ω00d and the people involved in both cases try to divert people's attention from the truth and to save themselves, the more they fall into the trap they have created and the deeper they dig their own graves. The more they try to stop people from talking about both cases and the more they want people to forget about both cases, the more they give people the opportunity to talk more about both the cases, which is fun to watch.

As far as CBI is concerned, one of his sisters has recently said that CBI will disclose something in the coming days. But I don't believe it because CBI has no spine and there is a lot of pressure on them and what actually happened on June 8 and 14, CBI will be able to disclose only if the present government gives permission to CBI. Otherwise it is difficult which is less likely to happen because the ρoιitici@ηs of the present government like to attend β-ω00d's parties.

A $!T team has been formed in the case of his former manager but no result has come from there too nor do I think it will. Everyone just wants to suppress both the cases. Plus, these days both the cases are being mentioned a lot during the election to garner votes but no one is doing anything for both. Even his sisters are not doing anything for his justice which is literally heartbreaking and disappointing.

No worries at all and you are most Welcome Dear.


Jul 18, 2022
I found errors in MissMangoButt's podcast. It felt like she only made that podcast for views. I don't normally watch her podcasts but I was disappointed with the one on Sushant. I believe the someone paid news channels in India to give this case coverage and make it more confusing than it actually was. There are so many theories online about what happened to him it's really hard to come to any conclusion. The investigators are dragging the case for too long. I guess they want the public to forget about it.
You have not followed the case from the beginning, so it is natural for you to be confused and not come to any conclusions. But now you are trying to know about the case then gradually you will come to know and understand what is the actual story, so do not worry Dear.
B*wood can go to hell. Their movies are flopping ever since the pandemic and SSR's death. Soon, B*wood will be over
Yes, absolutely.


Jul 18, 2022
Yes, Missmangobutt....cares about the popularity of her content.!

She also eats disgustingly as she talks about murdered victims.
People love to make content just for popularity and lots of views, especially to spread lies, agendas and propagandas because that helps them to grow and make more money. But that will not be helpful for them for the long run.


Jul 18, 2022
I had initially followed his case due to his leaked pictures, I had never seen a celebrity being tortured so brutally before so I became interested in the case, so I was aware of some details.

Yeah, this was the reason for me and the entire world as well to follow his case.

GOD Bless the person who leaked his pictures and videos, otherwise we would have never known what exactly happened with him that day.


Jul 18, 2022
I am Pakistani B*wood used to be quite popular in my country until 2017 when the government put a ban on Indian channels and movies due to tensions between both countries. I wasn't a huge fan of B*wood but have watched quite a few of their movies growing up and am familiar with a lot of their actors and actresses. I watched 2 of SSR's movies as well. He wasn't considered an A-lister, but very talented. He got famous in my country for playing a Pakistani character in PK a blockbuster movie released in 2014.

B*wood was always trash but in the past their movies would at least be somewhat entertaining. Now, the industry is slowly killing itself by pushing too many talentless nepobabies. Blatant nepotism was one of the causes of SSR's death too. The system is controlled by a few elite families who actively lobby against outsiders who join B*wood. Even directors are product of nepotism and corruption. After SSR's death a lot of people protested against the nepotism in B*wood and there was a boycott campaign against B*wood movies in 2020-2022 which only partially ended last year due to the comeback of a megastar.
$ush@ηt did not charge even a single penny for his role in the movie PK. $ush@ηt was an ardent admirer of movie's director cinematic creations and he once expressed his desire to work in any of director's movies, even if it meant playing the smallest role without receiving any remuneration. So the director fulfilled his wish and cast him in the movie. He gratefully refused to accept any payment for his role because working with that director was more valuable to him than monetary compensation.

Although he was basically chosen by A@mir to play the role of S@rf@r@z. Because he was a rising star of the industry and was known for his talent, amazing acting skills, versatility as an actor, dedication and extreme hard work. He had already made a name for himself with his performances in several successful movies, which made him an attractive choice for that role in PK. The actor believed that $ush@ηt had the ability to bring the character to life in a convincing and compelling way and he had proven that he was capable of playing complex and nuanced characters. The actor was confident that he would be able to deliver a standout performance in PK. A@mir was known for his meticulous approach to moviemaking and he wanted to work with someone who he felt would be able to collaborate with him effectively. $ush@ηt was a dedicated and professional actor and he felt that he would be a great fit for the role and for the movie as a whole. That's why he chose $ush@ηt to play that role and there was a great rapport between them. $ush@ηt did a great job in the movie as per A@mir's confidence and proved that casting him in the movie was the best decision. Plus, his performance in PK was widely praised and the movie went on to become one of the biggest hits of the year.

A@mir was the only Kh@n in the industry who recognized, understood and appreciated $ush@ηt's abilities, talent and hard work, unlike both the Kh@ns who only liked to insult him, which cost both of them fortunately. And I am so glad that by the Grace of JESUS whoever did wrong to $ush@ηt in the industry is getting their karma, be it $LK, $RK, so on and soon they will finish.

$ush@ηt was an amazing actor and whatever character he played, be it Msd, Byomkɘ$h, M@n$oor, An!rudh, S@rf@r@z, M@nny and Ish@@n, he brought every character to life and acted amazingly well. He literally had the potential to become the King of β-ω00d. He had the potential to be successful in H-w00d as well and even he was planning to work in H-w00d. But unfortunately.

By the way, β-ω00d Boycott is not end yet and never will be. If the β-ω00d Boycott had ended then the hashtag of "Boycott β-ω00d" would not have been trending across India on X a few days ago. Plus, neither any megastar's movie has been a hit nor will it be.

As far as so-called $rk's movies are concerned, none of his movies were a hit. The bookings, seats were full and the box office collection, 545 crore, p@th@n had ended the trend of boycotting β-ω00d thing was all fake. When other Kh@n's movies are flopping, do you think his movies will be a hit? When people are not going to theatres to watch the movies of the other two Kh@ns, do you think people will go to theatres to watch his movies? No one wants to watch the movies of those three Kh@ns at all and this is the truth.


Jul 18, 2022
Did 0new do plastic surgery? His face looks different to me.He was on hiatus since June last year.
Yep, his face looks different in these pictures. Although a few hours ago, when he was informing the fans through a video that he will be in Singapore to grace the star awards 2024 along with regional celebrities, he looked the same as before. There is no change on his face except chubby cheeks. In fact, in terms of health, he is looking quite great even more than before and he is looking happy as well. Looking at him it seems that yoga has turned out quite beneficial for him which is a thing good.


Jun 2, 2021
$ush@ηt did not charge even a single penny for his role in the movie PK. $ush@ηt was an ardent admirer of movie's director cinematic creations and he once expressed his desire to work in any of director's movies, even if it meant playing the smallest role without receiving any remuneration. So the director fulfilled his wish and cast him in the movie. He gratefully refused to accept any payment for his role because working with that director was more valuable to him than monetary compensation.

Although he was basically chosen by A@mir to play the role of S@rf@r@z. Because he was a rising star of the industry and was known for his talent, amazing acting skills, versatility as an actor, dedication and extreme hard work. He had already made a name for himself with his performances in several successful movies, which made him an attractive choice for that role in PK. The actor believed that $ush@ηt had the ability to bring the character to life in a convincing and compelling way and he had proven that he was capable of playing complex and nuanced characters. The actor was confident that he would be able to deliver a standout performance in PK. A@mir was known for his meticulous approach to moviemaking and he wanted to work with someone who he felt would be able to collaborate with him effectively. $ush@ηt was a dedicated and professional actor and he felt that he would be a great fit for the role and for the movie as a whole. That's why he chose $ush@ηt to play that role and there was a great rapport between them. $ush@ηt did a great job in the movie as per A@mir's confidence and proved that casting him in the movie was the best decision. Plus, his performance in PK was widely praised and the movie went on to become one of the biggest hits of the year.

A@mir was the only Kh@n in the industry who recognized, understood and appreciated $ush@ηt's abilities, talent and hard work, unlike both the Kh@ns who only liked to insult him, which cost both of them fortunately. And I am so glad that by the Grace of JESUS whoever did wrong to $ush@ηt in the industry is getting their karma, be it $LK, $RK, so on and soon they will finish.

$ush@ηt was an amazing actor and whatever character he played, be it Msd, Byomkɘ$h, M@n$oor, An!rudh, S@rf@r@z, M@nny and Ish@@n, he brought every character to life and acted amazingly well. He literally had the potential to become the King of β-ω00d. He had the potential to be successful in H-w00d as well and even he was planning to work in H-w00d. But unfortunately.

By the way, β-ω00d Boycott is not end yet and never will be. If the β-ω00d Boycott had ended then the hashtag of "Boycott β-ω00d" would not have been trending across India on X a few days ago. Plus, neither any megastar's movie has been a hit nor will it be.

As far as so-called $rk's movies are concerned, none of his movies were a hit. The bookings, seats were full and the box office collection, 545 crore, p@th@n had ended the trend of boycotting β-ω00d thing was all fake. When other Kh@n's movies are flopping, do you think his movies will be a hit? When people are not going to theatres to watch the movies of the other two Kh@ns, do you think people will go to theatres to watch his movies? No one wants to watch the movies of those three Kh@ns at all and this is the truth.
Like I said I was never a big fan of B*wood even though it was very popular during my childhood and teenage years so I am not that familiar with SSR or the actors who debuted after 2010. I haven't even watched some of the classics like DDLJ, Devdas, Sholay, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham etc. I used to like Aamir Khan so I have watched his biggest hits like PK, Dangal, 3 Idiots. However, he too has been releasing mediocre films that are only remakes since a few years. B*wood lacks talented people. They give too much importance to actors and too little to directors and other creative people. Even during their peak years they would steal ideas from other countries for their movies. I am Pakistani and B*wood has been stealing from our music industry for a long time. They steal classic Pakistani songs and make Indian remakes but they do not give credits to the real artists. Writers, directors are paid pennies compared to actors who charge Millions for one movie. Because of the large pay discrepancy between writers and actors all the talented people are leaving the industry and looking elsewhere for jobs.

You are right the boycott hasn't ended yet that's why I said the boycott only ended "partially". About SRK's movies. They did make money but not due to the GP going into theatres. SRK basically used the same strategy Kpop companies use to sell albums. SRK has a large and organized fandom similar to Kpop fandoms like Armies, Exols etc. His fandom bought tickets for his movies in bulk to inflate the box office numbers. Kind of like Kpop fandoms mass buy albums to give the illusion that their favs are popular. That's why there were many articles about corporate bookings for Pathaan and Jawan last year. This kind of mass buying isn't popular in India rn because the other famous actors don't have organized fandoms. Salman's fandom is as big as SRK's but his fans aren't educated enough to understand these marketing tactics. Really, the only reason SRK is still popular and ahead of Aamir and Salman is because he is well-educated and unlike them and 98% of B*wood actors.

Education really does make a difference. Sushant too was highly intelligent and educated and someone who could be a threat for the nepotism gang who control the industry. I don't know much about his case but I am hoping B*wood has their downfall soon. They have been making a lot of propagandist movies against my country since the boycott movement started. Since, their movies aren't selling they try to use patriotism, and religious jingoism and sexism to sell their movies. One of the biggest movies in 2023 was "Animal" a trashy movie made by a misogynist director who panders to the red pill and incel crowd. Women who tried to call out the director were silenced and the entire B*wood gang shamelessly supported that director and gave many big awards to that movie just because it made B*wood a lot of money.


Jun 2, 2021
Yep, his face looks different in these pictures. Although a few hours ago, when he was informing the fans through a video that he will be in Singapore to grace the star awards 2024 along with regional celebrities, he looked the same as before. There is no change on his face except chubby cheeks. In fact, in terms of health, he is looking quite great even more than before and he is looking happy as well. Looking at him it seems that yoga has turned out quite beneficial for him which is a thing good.
Yes, I saw the video and he looks good. I guess in these pictures they put some filters to make him look younger so he looks different. He seems happy in his new company. He has a schedule in Singapore as a soloist. If I am not wrong he didn't have any overseas schedules as solo when he was with SM. His new company is treating him well.


Jun 2, 2021
"End of a Day" tribute twice, SHINee's anniversary, Lee Mujin's show and recently at one of their group's concerts. But he did not post anything for Jonghyun on the day of his death anniversary probably because the purpose of mentioning him had been fulfilled, lol.

That video did not get many views on YouTube but the video got a lot of views on SHINee's fan pages and even "end of a day tribute" also which was shared by fans many times till the release of his album. Even Jonghyun's statements about Taemin as well, which were enough from a massive emotional publicity point of view.

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Taemin is the only SHINee member who I thought would never use Jonghyun. Because he is already so popular with his talent, great voice, dance and hard work that he doesn't need anyone to succeed. The "Advice" album was already such a hit that even if he made a comeback after 10 years, his album would still be a hit. That's why when he did that I was surprised. Anyway.

Moreover, considering the current situation of SM, I think no artist can and should not be blamed for leaving SM. When we have the right to think/do what is best/better for ourselves then they also have the right to do the same. In fact, it's great that SM's artists are thinking about themselves and leaving SM and I fully support them for that. I wish them good luck and I wish them great success in their careers and lives.
His concert was on December 18 last year I think so he didn't post anything for J0nghyun. I liked the end of the day tribute when he shared on his personal Instagram account but when they used it on Sh1nee's comeback show to get some extra bucks I was disappointed. I hope now, that he is in a new company he won't use J0nghyun because he really doesn't need to anymore. He is quite popular even in this generation as a soloist and his fan base is growing. His latest album sold more than J0nghyun's Poet|Artist which was the best selling album by a Sh1nee soloist before Guilty. The song and choreo became viral on social media and his new company is treating him well so far. He has his own website, YouTube, official twitter and logo now and he is booked and busy with schedules. He has always wanted to be a soloist and I don't think he even wanted to debut in Sh1nee. Key and Minho are popular but they wouldn't be able to survive as soloists. Key is mostly famous because of variety shows which SM produces and sends him to. Minho could be better in another agency but maybe he feels insecure so he stayed.

So, far all the artists who have left SM are doing better than they were when they were still signed with SM. I wonder how big Jonghyun could have become if he was in another company. It looks like SM sabotages it's own artists by blocking opportunities from them.


Mar 23, 2018
And they can't even act well. Jisoo and Jennie's acting is awful, especially Jennie's.
They tried to get Jisoo into acting, but it didn't seem to work. Poor girl isn't talented, nor in dancing, acting or singing. She's just beautiful.
Not just Koreans, even Indians also have a habit of stealing/copying from other cultures.
I wouldn't say stealing from other cultures, they just copied (or directly plagiarized in the case of the Indians) successful formulas. The Hallyu was a conscious effort from the Korean government to copy the soft power formula of the USA, they just added to the mix the japanese media, that it was pretty successful, not only at home but also abroad.

Kpop is seriously running out of ideas, now they just copy themselves (well, let's not call it copy, just inspired by). For example:

This song is from 8 years ago

and this recent song



Mar 27, 2023
Young Posse. I'm literally in the 90's now

This song is a BOP! And even then, you can tell kpop is running out of ideas. But also, there's songs coming out that are original at least in my opinion. BIBI's Bam yang gang is a good one, but again, IU's songwriter/collaborator worked on the song so Idk how original it is. Imma pretends it is.
Apr 22, 2023
Yes, exactly. You know when they threw her out of the building naked from her apartment window. No one had put any clothes on her, even though many people had gathered after hearing the sound of her fall, not even in the ambulance. She had reached the hospital naked. Even a boy who lives in the same building himself had said this in the news but still no one put any clothes on her and when I came to know about it I felt terrible, especially being a girl and at that time all I was thinking was how can people be so disgusting and cruel? Didn't anyone there have enough humanity to put clothes on that girl's body? On top of that she was alive at that time. Yet no one felt any compassion for her.

Well, I don't follow her channel nor have I watched several of her podcasts, except for one or two that were shared by members in this thread. A blinger had told me about her podcast about $ush@ηt, so I went to watch the podcast. Also, the blinger had already told me that her podcast would make me furious and that's what happened, lol. Therefore, I can't say anything definitive about her research for other cases. Except for her podcast about him and his former manager because I've been following both cases since day one. That's why I said all those things with certainty in my post (I didn't even know her name, I found out her name after reading the comments on that podcast). While watching the podcast I had understood that someone had paid her specifically to prove he was depressed, bipolar and suicidal (which he wasn't at all) and his girlfriend to be a victim and innocent (which she isn't at all). Especially, to create confusion and from the way she was repeatedly saying "I don't know, I don't know" from that it was clear that she was given a script to follow. Because this is what β-ω00d and the people involved in both the cases have been doing constantly for the past 4 years to divert people's attention from the truth and to save themselves. As they recently did through a woman on an Indian YouTuber's channel who was trying to prove that he was depressed, his death was suicide and making bad remarks on his family. But fortunately for this people trolled her badly due to which that YouTuber was forced to remove that podcast and apologize. Although I avoided mentioning it about that girl's podcast because as I said, I don't follow her channel, so I thought it would be better for me not to mention it, that's why I didn't mention it. Although if you go to her channel and read the comments on that podcast you will find that many people have criticized her for her podcasts and mentioned that "Your podcast's title is an insult", "This channel is paid by β-ω00d", "I wonder how much β-ω00d mafias paid you to cause confusion and spread false story, lies", She was paid to do this, especially to create confusion". Someone even told her that "shame on you" for doing this and those people are her subscribers, lol. Plus, many people have shared their anger and disappointment regarding her podcast about both the cases like you have and many people have shared in the comments section the same thing I had said in my post here about her podcast. I guess the $$ᴙi@ns are not aware of that girl's channel because if they knew then the same thing would have happened to that girl as it happened to the Indian YouTuber. I just hope that girl doesn't do any more podcasts about $ush@ηt and his former manager because if she does then she will be trolled and that too damn badly.

The more β-ω00d and the people involved in both cases try to divert people's attention from the truth and to save themselves, the more they fall into the trap they have created and the deeper they dig their own graves. The more they try to stop people from talking about both cases and the more they want people to forget about both cases, the more they give people the opportunity to talk more about both the cases, which is fun to watch.

As far as CBI is concerned, one of his sisters has recently said that CBI will disclose something in the coming days. But I don't believe it because CBI has no spine and there is a lot of pressure on them and what actually happened on June 8 and 14, CBI will be able to disclose only if the present government gives permission to CBI. Otherwise it is difficult which is less likely to happen because the ρoιitici@ηs of the present government like to attend β-ω00d's parties.

A $!T team has been formed in the case of his former manager but no result has come from there too nor do I think it will. Everyone just wants to suppress both the cases. Plus, these days both the cases are being mentioned a lot during the election to garner votes but no one is doing anything for both. Even his sisters are not doing anything for his justice which is literally heartbreaking and disappointing.

No worries at all and you are most Welcome Dear.
His family should put pressure on the CBI and force them to bring out the truth, only then he will be able to get justice rather than sitting idle. Just as Jhk's mother is fighting for her daughter, his family must also fight for him if they genuinely care about his justice.