Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020


During my time here, I have managed to meet a number of released detainees. These are men who were detained by Israeli Security Forces in unknown locations for between 30 to 55 days. They described being beaten, humiliated, subjected to ill-treatment, and to what may amount to torture. They reported being blindfolded for long periods – some of them for several consecutive days. One man said he had access to a shower only once during his 55 days in detention. There are reports of men who were subsequently released – but only in diapers, without any adequate clothing in this cold weather.


Mar 15, 2017
By condemning Netanyahu constantly, it makes him the fall man and leaves it open for nations like Turkey to freely express their support and recognition for Israel under new leadership in the future. We all know Netanyahu’s days are numbered; his replacement will just be a supermarket own brand version of him. Same views and goals, will pander to the international community in an attempt to regain support of Israel by throwing Palestinians a crappy deal.


Sep 4, 2023
..have you never heard all wars are banker wars?
Israel / Palestine is a banker war because the second American banks (Rothschild) stop funding Israel, it dies.
Why are US banks funding Israel?
And why are US politicians on Israel's side?


Mar 15, 2017
I’m not sure if you guys remember the story of the excluded 8 year old British kid who wore a Palestinian badge to school. He’d lost family and friends in the genocide and it was his way of remembering them but also spreading awareness I guess to his peers about what has been happening in Palestine.
Here’s the original story:

Turns out that the school, based in London, has been experiencing a lot of backlash since then and they’re considering closing the school and opting for online learning.

School uniform is pretty strict in London as most schools are now academies, run by businesses essentially and mimic a very strict totalitarian, regimented and secular environment. As a secondary school teacher at one point I witnessed kids being sent home for wearing the wrong type of shoes or for missing a tie. The school maintains the boy was dismissed for not adhering to school uniform standards…I call bullshit on this.

Here is an excerpt from the BBC article where the school confirms letters were sent out to parents, warning them that Prevent (a government initiative directed solely at Muslims in an attempt to prevent radicalisation) would be notified if tensions escalated.

‘The school has sent out several letters asking parents to stop sending their children to school wearing clothes, badges or scarves showing any political allegiance.
Two of the letters, seen by the BBC, mention a referral to the government's counter terrorism programme, Prevent, which has alarmed parents.
The letters stated: "Extremist and divisive comments will be referred to Prevent team or Hate Crime Team in Waltham Forest."
Prevent is a key part of the UK's counter-terrorism strategy.
In practical terms, it places public bodies, including schools and the police, under a legal duty to identify people who may turn to extremism, and intervene in their lives before it is too late.
If the local panels find someone who is at risk of becoming a terrorist, the Prevent teams use specialist mentors or other support programmes to turn around their lives.‘


Jun 28, 2020
More lip service from Erdogan…you were more than ready to recognise Israel and extend diplomatic relations with them. Maybe I’m being unfair and pessimistic but I’m tired of all talk no action. South Africa are the only country so far to put their neck on the line for truth and justice.

Turkeys trade with Israel since the war started is up like 35%. Erdoğan is a dog with teeth that doesn't bite.

One of the strongest Muslim armies. Yet they choose to do literally nothing to help Palestine, other than pay lip service.


May 20, 2017
Turkeys trade with Israel since the war started is up like 35%. Erdoğan is a dog with teeth that doesn't bite.
We all want a Muslim leader to step up to the battle but most leaders in Muslim majority countries have been put in place by the West.
Having said that he is struggling to wrestle control from the secular puppets, western aligning institutions, treaties, and such that were put in place after WW2.
I wish you were both @Daze and @Haich aware of how hard that man has worked to regain stature and control for Islam in Turkiye.
Until you are on the ground and see the struggle between the seculars and the Islamic brethren you will not see the reality of things.
In sha Allah khayr.

What You MUST Know about President Erdogan

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Mar 15, 2017
We all want a Muslim leader to step up to the battle but most leaders in Muslim majority countries have been put in place by the West.
Having said that he is struggling to wrestle control from the secular puppets, western aligning institutions, treaties, and such that were put in place after WW2.
I wish you were both @Daze and @Haich aware of how hard that man has worked to regain stature and control for Islam in Turkiye.
Until you are on the ground and see the struggle between the seculars and the Islamic brethren you will not see the reality of things.
In sha Allah khayr.

What You MUST Know about President Erdogan

I am aware sis, I do appreciate his efforts. I’m probably blinded by annoyance and frustration more than anything so it’s hard to remember or commend the good people like Erdogan have done. Especially since I’ve been following this genocide so closely (as you probably have been as well), I just can’t stand lip service. Sure, his hands could be tied to an extent, but there are things he can do like The Houthis (without being combatant) like force aid in or take Israel to court too and following South Africa.

South Africa clearly doesn’t care about the ramifications of their actions. It’s not a Muslim nation but it’s a nation that has suffered apartheid and horror so they recognise the plight of the Palestinians. As Muslims, we are duty bound to help and aid or protect our brethren regardless of where or who they are. That shahadah holds a ton of weight. So I guess, to be frank, I’m tired of the lip service of Middle Eastern leaders and Erdogan who are secretly doing deals or turning a blind eye to Palestine but then publicly condemning Israel. It’s hypocritical to say the least…

My stance is arguably an emotional one and in politics I appreciate its cut throat culture. However, I’d like to see more leaders come together and stamp out this merciless genocide. Easier said than done, but hopefully this will stop sooner rather than later. Insha’Allah