Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
How are Israeli soldiers with dual citizenship allowed to just randomly leave the IDF and come back to London? Are they contracted to work for X amount of days? This Levi guy was the IDF soldier who went viral for raiding a Palestinian woman’s underwear drawer (after the house was evacuated). There’s an obsession with debauchery and sex amongst these depraved people. He went on to make comments about her private lingerie collection which he displayed on social media, probably ended up taking it home and wearing, cross-dressing prick.

Anyway, he’s due back in London if he hasn’t already arrived and is giving a talk to a Jewish charity which helps young vulnerable Jewish boys. What wisdom could he unearth on those kids?



May 17, 2020
GAZA/ NEW YORK, 18 January 2024 - “I have just finished a three-day visit to the Gaza Strip, where I have been able to coordinate with local and international organizations about the emergency response and take stock of humanitarian operations since the last time I was in the Gaza Strip two months ago. But more than that, I was able to meet with children and their families suffering some of the most horrific conditions I have ever seen."



May 17, 2020
How are Israeli soldiers with dual citizenship allowed to just randomly leave the IDF and come back to London? Are they contracted to work for X amount of days? This Levi guy was the IDF soldier who went viral for raiding a Palestinian woman’s underwear drawer (after the house was evacuated). There’s an obsession with debauchery and sex amongst these depraved people. He went on to make comments about her private lingerie collection which he displayed on social media, probably ended up taking it home and wearing, cross-dressing prick.

Anyway, he’s due back in London if he hasn’t already arrived and is giving a talk to a Jewish charity which helps young vulnerable Jewish boys. What wisdom could he unearth on those kids?



Mar 15, 2017
Just want to add that in The UK (I’m sure as a fellow resident you’re aware) that dodgy charities with dark intentions are rife. It's pretty easy to set up a charity to help disadvantaged kids or people and then squander funds away by enacting whatever intentions and plans the shareholders have. Whilst it’s abhorrent they thought Levi would be a good role model to inspire Jewish Youth, charities across the board invite and endorse all sorts of dodgy people.


May 17, 2020


May 17, 2020
I'm probably overly optimistic but man I've seen enough quotes from world leaders over the last days (while deceitfully allowing the atrocities on Palestinians to continue) that there will be an honest push to finally establish a State of Palestine:
Add China to your list

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi "it is necessary to insist on the establishment of an independent, fully sovereign state of Palestine on the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital."

I wish i could share in your optimism but I can't. If "peace talks" do take place I suspect, and with good reason, that the Palestinians will be made an offer they can't accept and then Israel will squeal at how they "offered a state" but it was turned down by the Palestinians....Followed by terrorism terrorism terrorism blah blah.

On the other hand. If talks do start and the Israelis actually turn up with a map that shows an independent and contiguous Palestine then i might get optimistic. I wont hold my breath on that happening though.


Jun 28, 2020
To be fair, he should be able to say whatever he wants. The first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech. Even if he was publically advocating violence, he should be able to say what he wants, because the first amendment guarantees the right to free speech for everyone.


Problem is, the same rules would not be applied if the shoe was on the other foot. They've put people in jail for facebook posts before.
If not for double standards, there would be no standards at all.


Mar 15, 2017
To be fair, he should be able to say whatever he wants. The first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech. Even if he was publically advocating violence, he should be able to say what he wants, because the first amendment guarantees the right to free speech for everyone.

View attachment 100307

Problem is, the same rules would not be applied if the shoe was on the other foot. They've put people in jail for facebook posts before.
If not for double standards, there would be no standards at all.
I guess the rules are different in The US. Here in The UK you could argue he’s violating The Protected Rights Act which bans the discrimination or violation of others based on their race, faith, religion, gender etc…

You’re protected from discrimination:

at work
in education
as a consumer
when using public services
when buying or renting property
as a member or guest of a private club or association
You’re legally protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010.

Since he verbally attacked the man in public, the victim would’ve had a good case in court. I don’t think anything major would have come about, probably a fine or some community service.