Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Apr 26, 2017
Prevent is a key part of the UK's counter-terrorism strategy.
In practical terms, it places public bodies, including schools and the police, under a legal duty to identify people who may turn to extremism, and intervene in their lives before it is too late.
If the local panels find someone who is at risk of becoming a terrorist, the Prevent teams use specialist mentors or other support programmes to turn around their lives.‘
It would be hilarious if the religion wasn’t so tragic:

The fact that the UK Government recognizes a program like Prevent is necessary to protect the populace from psychotic jihadis.


May 17, 2020
Caitlin Johnstone: Welcome to the Empire

2 mins 40 secs. If you prefer the text it's under video

Welcome to the Empire

Where genocide is self-defense and peace rallies are genocide

Where war criminals are the victims and the hospitals are Hamas

Where calls for freedom are hateful and ceasefires are anti-semitic

Where civilians get called terrorists and real terrorists get Nobel Peace Prizes

Where the propaganda is journalism and the journalism is propaganda

Where the democracy is real and the apartheid is imaginary

Where the corporations are people and the people are corporate resources

Welcome to the empire

Whose bombs are humanitarian and whose provocations are invisible

Whose veterans are heroes and whose victims are forgotten

Whose wars are always just and whose enemies are always Hitler

Whose cause is always righteous and whose critics are always Russian

Whose sufferings are unforgivable and whose crimes are erased from history

Whose atrocities are always an unfortunate accident and whose enemies kill civilians for fun

Whose disastrous interventions are always innocent mistakes no matter how often they happen

Welcome to the empire

Ever the victim of unprovoked attacks from the people it has been strangling

Ever the shining city on a hill of human corpses

Ever the defender of the poor helpless plutocrats of Wall Street

Ever the savior of the families incinerated by missiles made by Raytheon

Ever the protector of natural resources in the soil of foreign nations

Ever the upholder of the rules-based order of a world with a boot on its throat

The empire loves you with a heart made of dollars and oil

The empire watches over you through your smartphone and your computer

The empire is your only friend

The empire is the only one who will ever love you

You can’t leave

You can’t get rid of the empire

If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants


Jan 10, 2019
Caitlin Johnstone: Welcome to the Empire

2 mins 40 secs. If you prefer the text it's under video

Welcome to the Empire

Where genocide is self-defense and peace rallies are genocide

Where war criminals are the victims and the hospitals are Hamas

Where calls for freedom are hateful and ceasefires are anti-semitic

Where civilians get called terrorists and real terrorists get Nobel Peace Prizes

Where the propaganda is journalism and the journalism is propaganda

Where the democracy is real and the apartheid is imaginary

Where the corporations are people and the people are corporate resources

Welcome to the empire

Whose bombs are humanitarian and whose provocations are invisible

Whose veterans are heroes and whose victims are forgotten

Whose wars are always just and whose enemies are always Hitler

Whose cause is always righteous and whose critics are always Russian

Whose sufferings are unforgivable and whose crimes are erased from history

Whose atrocities are always an unfortunate accident and whose enemies kill civilians for fun

Whose disastrous interventions are always innocent mistakes no matter how often they happen

Welcome to the empire

Ever the victim of unprovoked attacks from the people it has been strangling

Ever the shining city on a hill of human corpses

Ever the defender of the poor helpless plutocrats of Wall Street

Ever the savior of the families incinerated by missiles made by Raytheon

Ever the protector of natural resources in the soil of foreign nations

Ever the upholder of the rules-based order of a world with a boot on its throat

The empire loves you with a heart made of dollars and oil

The empire watches over you through your smartphone and your computer

The empire is your only friend

The empire is the only one who will ever love you

You can’t leave

You can’t get rid of the empire

If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants
This writing is a perfect expression of the Orwellian double-speak manufactured by the corporate/military establishment of the West. Watching the implosion of that Palestinian university, the relentless murder of civilians, torture and humiliation of uncharged prisoners while Western governments continue to distract and obfuscate the reality is truly sickening. It's depressing how the truth can be brushed away by so many, and we're expected to believe such injustice is normal.

The disease of cruelty, racism, and violence we're witnessing from Israel and her supporters is the same as 80 years ago in Orwell's time, and long before. Criminality and indifference to it are only symptoms of a deeper rot that has obviously festered within civilization, hidden from the light of the highest aspirations of mankind. Comments from the evil ninja or other perverts at this site are, just like everywhere else I read on the internet, the extreme minority (like literally 1-100) but the cancer exists. What's the saying- it only takes one bad apple? In this way it's the 1% who own our politicians and media monopoly to brainwash half the masses into complicity with injustice.

Humanity is still in a dark age but I will never lose hope in our potential.
Mar 30, 2017
So now that's three. If only there were 190 more to follow (the US, UK and Israel excluded, naturally):

Indonesia, Slovenia back further ICJ proceedings against Israel
17 January, 2024


May 20, 2017
Sure, his hands could be tied to an extent, but there are things he can do like The Houthis (without being combatant) like force aid in or take Israel to court too and following South Africa.
Good point sis. To be honest I am frustrated as well.

To God we belong and to Him is our return.:(
نَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ,
Jun 4, 2021
Excuses @Stucky if you already posted this.

First look at resistance fighting inside tunnels, with Jon Elmer
Amazing footage. Brave resistance.
At first, they showed the tunnels created by Hamas, and now they are showing the same tunnels created by Hezbollah from Lebanon on the news that is.


Mar 15, 2017
I’m surprised Owen is still writing for The Guardian. Whilst their liberal stance allows for more in fair, relatively honest and in-depth coverage on societal issues and politics in The UK, their half hearted coverage of Palestine shows they’re just as Pro Israel* as MM.

*Pro Israel meaning land acquisition for Jews at the expense of Palestinian life.
