God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Songs of Rejoicing. - December 14

You must pray about all you plan to meet. Pray that you may leave them the braver, better and happier for having seen and talked with you.

Life is so serious, let nothing turn you from your desire to serve and help. Realize all you are able to accomplish in your moments of highest prayer and service, and then think that, were your desire as intense always what could you not accomplish?

Rejoice in Me. The Joy of the Lord must indeed be your strength. You must step aside, and wait until that Joy floods all your Being if you wish to serve.

Let Joy keep your hearts and minds lifted above frets and cares. If you want the walls of the city to fall down you must go round it with songs of rejoicing.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excess of Joy. - December 15

Your life is full of Joy. You realize now that though I was the Man of Sorrows in My deep Experience of life, yet companionship with Me means an excess of Joy such as nothing else can give.

Age may have its physical limitations, but, with the soul content to dwell apart with Me, age has no power to limit the thrill of Love, the ecstasy of Joy-giving Life.

Reflect this Joy that it may be seen by souls weary of life, chafing at its limitations, lonely and sad, as the door closes on so many activities. They will learn by this reflection something of the Joys that Eternal Life here and hereafter brings to those who know and love Me.

So Joy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Varied Delights. - December 16

Poor indeed is the life that does not know the riches of the Kingdom. A life that has to depend on the excitement of the senses, that does not know, and could not realize, that delight, Joy, expectation, wonder and satisfaction can be truly obtained only in the Spirit.

Live to bring men to the realization of all they can find in Me. I, Who change not, can supply the soul of man with Joys and delights so varied as to bring ever changing scenes of beauty before him.

I am truly the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever; but man, changing as he is led nearer and nearer to the realization of all I can mean to him, sees in Me new wonders daily. There can be no lack of glad adventure in a life lived with Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Vision of Delights. - December 17

Praise. Pray until you praise. That is the note upon which you have been told to end all prayer. Such marvels, truly such marvels are here.

Have no fear. Live in My Love. Draw nearer and nearer to Me. I will teach you. You shall see.

Before you could pass on to the Vision of Delights, you had to be taught the foundation Truths of honesty, trustworthiness, order and perseverance. All is very well. Have no fear.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Watch Me. - December 18

Pray ever with watchful eyes on Me, your Master, your Giver, your Example. "As the eyes of servants are on the hands of their master, so are our eyes unto the Lord our God."

Ever look unto Me. From Me comes your help, your all. The servant watches for support, for wages, for everything. Life is for him in the hands of his master.

So look to Me for all. Intent, gazing with a look of complete faith and surrender that draws all it needs towards you. Not merely faith, but intent regard. You must watch the bestowal, so that you may bestow.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Spiritual Practice. - December 19

Pray without ceasing until every thought and every wish is a prayer. This can only be so by following the plan of recollection which I have set you.

How rarely My followers realize that Spiritual Practice is as necessary as any practice to become perfect in any art or work.

It is by the drudgery of the little steps of practice that you will ascend to Spirit Attainment.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Make His Paths Straight. - December 20

Prepare ye The Way of the Lord, make straight His Path. Must you not do this before you see His Coming. Must you not be content to clear a way for Me, leaving it to Me to pass along it when I will.

This is My way and work for you, one of silent unapplauded preparation.

Preparation not for your work but for Mine.

Your feet shod with the Gospel of Peace.

Yes, the preparation must first be made in your own heart. If unrest is there, nothing can make you well-shod.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Adore Him. - December 21

your adoration in your life. All should be calm and joy. Calm and joy are the outward expressions of adoration.

Adoration is that welling-up of the whole being in Love's wonder-praise to Me.

If you truly adored, your whole life would be in harmony with that adoration, expressing as far as you were able, in all its varied manifestations, that Beauty of the Lord Whom you adore.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
All Loves Apart. - December 22

A hush fell on the earth at My first coming. In the still hours of night I came. A silence broken only by the angels’ song of praise.

So in the fret and turmoil of the world's day let that hush fall. A hush so complete that the soft footfall of your Master may not pass unnoticed.

Forget the blows of life, and its adverse conditions, so that you may be ever sensitive to the touch of My Hand on your brow.

For a time you may put aside the loves of earth, and your human friendships, so that the vibrations from the heart of the Eternal may stir your hearts, and strengthen your lives.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Welcome the Interruption. - December 23

I went to prepare a place for you, but I still require My Bethany Homes and My Upper Rooms. These can be prepared only by loving hearts.

When you have prepared your home, My Home, you must be prepared to receive any whom I may send. Be ready for any interruption. Treat it as from Me.

You know neither the day nor the hour when your Lord will come. You know not the guise in which He will come, in that of a prince or in that of a beggar.

See in the unwanted your Much-desired Lord.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Eve of Christmas. - December 24

"A Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel."

"Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given . . . his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God . . . The Prince of Peace."

"And the Angel said unto her, 'Fear not Mary . . . behold thou shalt bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus . . .' ."

"The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing, which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Miracle of the Ages. - December 25

"And the Word was made flesh (incarnated)."

Word proceeding from the Father, the thought.

Dwell this evening upon this miracle of all ages. This stupendous fact of all mankind's history:-

God made man.

I came to restore to man his lost dignity. To show him that his physical and mental being could only be maintained at their intended height and power by constant communion with the Maker of man's being.

I came, God, to live with man, to show man how to live with God.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
"You Must Feel The Force (God, Who is a Spiritual-Being - John 4:24) Around You. Here. Between You, Me, The Tree, The Rock, Everywhere, Yes. Even Between The Land And The Ship." - Yoda, from The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Learn to see the good (God) in everyone and in everything.

Matthew 19:16-17
19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have Eternal Life?
19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou ME good? [there is] none good but One, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the Commandments.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Perfect Rest. - December 26

Even My Perfection could be no place of rest for weary souls. Rest in My Love. No true rest but that.

How much of earth's weariness is sin-caused. Contact with My Perfection would but make your sin seem the greater. The sight of it might truly spur you on to further effort, to further emulation, but rest-? No. And so with other attributes of Divinity.

But in My Love! in that you can rest. Pillowed like a tired child, a happily tired child. Pillowed in security, cradled in a Love, tireless and limitless. In a Love that will not only care for the weary, and rest the weary, but will rest you, until in the very strength of Love you can face your life again.

Rest in My Love. Here alone is perfect Rest. Rest for Spirit, mind and body.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
When Evil Smiles. - December 27

Remember that the forces of evil are always ranged against you. They know the power you can become as a channel for God-Power (The Force).

I had to conquer them in the wilderness before My Life of Healing and Helpfulness could be all-powerful.

Not by great falls but by little stumbles does evil seek the downfall of My friends. Your Mountain of Transfiguration can only come after your conquest in the wilderness. Temptations at which your whole nature would shudder are no temptation for you.

Beware the smiling face of evil, its seeming innocence, its hand of feigned friendliness. Walk the path I trod.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Still Seek Me. - December 28

Softly I speak to the tired and the distressed, yet in My quiet Voice there is healing and strength.

A healing for the sores and sickness of spirit, mind and body, and a bracing strength that bids those who come to Me rise to battle for Me and My Kingdom.

Search until you find Me, not merely the Truth about Me. None ever sought Me in vain.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Safe at the Last. - December 29

Safe amid storms, calm amid a world-unrest, certain amid insecurity. Safely through the year.

The only safe way is the sure way of Divine Guidance. Not the advice of others, not the urgings of your own hearts and wills. Just My Guidance.

Think more of its wonder. Dwell more on its rest. Know that you are safe, secure.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Sensitive to Me. - December 30

So silently I teach, and that silent teaching depends upon your approach.

Let every discipline; every joy; every difficulty; every fresh interest serve to draw you nearer, serve to render you more receptive to my word, serve to make you more sensitive, more spiritually aware.

It is this sensitiveness that is the prelude to the joy I give you. The sweetest harmony can be played on a strong but sensitive instrument.

Those who fail to hear think Me far off. I am ever ready to speak but they have missed the power of discipline, the wonder of Communion with Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
New Year's Eve. - December 31

Bring to Me this eventide the past year with its sins, its failures, its lost opportunities.

Leave that past with Me, your Saviour to-day as ever, and go into the New Year forgiven, unladen, free.

Bring to Me your youth or age, your powers, your love - and I, as your God-guide through the year to come, will bring My agelessness, My powers, My love.

So shall we share the burdens and the joys, and the work of the days that lie ahead.
