Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 18, 2023
kpop wont be around in 10/20 years time theyre already using ai and whatever else for some idols or would be idols, that or people will have other trashy entertainment which wont be any different to what we have currently. kpop only had its big break in the west not due to bts but premieditating and a heck of a lot of delusions among the groups fan base is the only reason kpop has been able to overtake most western entertainment. there is literally not much going for any industries at the moment, sports is too expensive to invest into it, movies and shows are constantly being shoved on subscriptions, most movies are heavily cgi and generally geared for children or overgrown adult children if its to do with fictional animated mice. if idols and general korean celebs keep "offing themselves" therell be nothing else that they could bring out to draw people to korean ent. even disney has been struggling to bring people to their themeparks and they havent been able to genuinely wow people with amazing unagenda based movies thus their agendas are putting people off the latest editions so what else is there to be shoved out into the world that hasnt already been milked 100x over. in 50 years time do you think society gonna care about animated movies? they wont be able to tell which celebs are real or deepfaked.
You saw the AIs I posted lol I think they'll be replaced by computers.
Sep 4, 2023
the only platform that im surprised is still going or churning out more junky entertainment is youtube. kpop idols dont bring anything new to the table they as bland as they get and their individual channels dont spark much hysteria as they mightve done when bts first tried to break the records... literally even if they try to comeback in 2 years, i bet fartmies going to be less interested and most of their sales will be rigged cause they got nothing new to offer anymore.
Sep 4, 2023
tis a shame no one can see into the future, id actuslly want to be prepared for what other junk that we would haev to deal with in advance lol. celebs passing in mysterious ways is nothing new either, its like nothing surprises me anymore. entertainment so dull sports so rigged, idols so scripted, music so repetitive and brainwashy. theres so much superficial about it all now that none of entertainment seems real.


Mar 27, 2023
Do you guys think that female singer that die recently was a blood sacrifice for Rv comeback? The song title is Chill Kill, very fishy..
Yeahhhhhhh probably, I would have to do the gematria on that though (or somebody else if you feel inclined to)

EDIT: Chaldean Cipher equals 24...... maybe that has something to do with it. :(


Sep 4, 2023
i cringe at modern society.

Good for you mate, you'd make a great Christian..:)
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Pet 1:18 )
"Don't conform to the pattern of this world" (Rom 12:2)
"Don't love the world or the things in it, otherwise the love of God is not in you" (1 John 2:15-17)
"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col 3:2)
"A friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4)
"You were dead when you followed the ways of the world" (Eph 2:1/2)

"You died with Christ from this world, so don't keep submitting to its rules" (Col 2:20)


Sep 4, 2023
nothing surprises me anymore. entertainment so dull sports so rigged, idols so scripted, music so repetitive and brainwashy. theres so much superficial about it all now that none of entertainment seems real.

Right, the only thing we know for sure is that WE are real..:)
Hey Sarge, are you real?-



May 18, 2023
Good for you mate, you'd make a great Christian..:)
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Pet 1:18 )
"Don't conform to the pattern of this world" (Rom 12:2)
"Don't love the world or the things in it, otherwise the love of God is not in you" (1 John 2:15-17)
"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col 3:2)
"A friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4)
"You were dead when you followed the ways of the world" (Eph 2:1/2)

"You died with Christ from this world, so don't keep submitting to its rules" (Col 2:20)
Go on, tell me the beauty of the Gospel


Sep 4, 2023
Why can't females just support women and be normal? They are doing exactly what they hate men doing and turning everything sexual.

Yes, decent sensible women are as rare as precious gems..:)
"A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"

(from Proverbs 31)

Personally I've always had a crush on Nurse Chapel, here she is tending the ailing Spock but he don't want her, huh there's vulcans for you..

Sep 4, 2023
lol theres some non kpop stans who still obsess with korean celebs to the point they assume the celeb is theirs, its fckn weird like on dumblr this one user was fretting about a footballer wearing a ring on his ring finger it wasnt as tho she would marry him anyway but it was only for a photoshoot kinda hilarious that even non kpop idols cant be seen doing anything other than being single in case they get rumors or fans assume something or other about the celebs.


Sep 4, 2023
It's not just Kpop we should watch out for, as even the Beatles were prone to satan's mind-control, for example Lennon's 'Imagine' is satanic through and through-
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

And no religion too..."

And he might even have written this song about himself-

As for George Harrison, he rejected Jesus and turned to Harry Krishna for 'enlightenment', and when he died his ashes were slung in the 'sacred' river Ganges as he'd requested, poor guy, now-

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Sep 4, 2023
It's not just Kpop we should watch out for, as even the Beatles were prone to satan's mind-control, for example Lennon's 'Imagine' is satanic through and through-
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky

And no religion too..."

And he might even have written this song about himself-

As for George Harrison, he rejected Jesus and turned to Harry Krishna for 'enlightenment', and when he died his ashes were slung in the 'sacred' river Ganges as he'd requested, poor guy, now-

never really liked nor cared for the beatles tbqfh. cant even avoid them through the media in this useless country, dont bother visiting liverpool either cause the beatles are everywhere there.
Sep 4, 2023
why do varying parts of ent industry always have some type of couple that go viral or they are the IT couple then other pockets of the internet kinda obsess about the couple? its kinda sad and pathetic at the same time that people cant be truly happy in thier lives so they misplace their happiness with obsessing over celebs whom theyll never marry nor date anyway. we have all done it at some point honestly