"Divine feminine"/goddess worship:the female aspect of satan?

Jun 26, 2022
I've been meaning to make this thread for a while, but wanted to wait until i had more time to research it.

I'll just get to the point: it's becoming increasingly clear to me that society is being overrun wuth messages about female empowerment and goddess worship and the "divine feminine". This stuff is driven by the occult, and is demonic. But for whatever reason people don't seem to take it serious, instead focusing primarily on male demons.

This post i made elsewhere sums it up briefly.

It could be that the owl is moloch, but i think it has another hidden meaning.
As we saw in the pics in the OP, it is associated with inana/ishtar and athena (possibly is the same entity?).

I don't want what im saying to sound feministic, but here goes anyway: i think people really underestimate this female demon. There's all this focus on moloch and baal, but ashera/ishtar/inana whatever name you recognize her as, is just as bad. The elites worship her. She hides in plain sight because everyone is focused on the male demons.

This is not meant to be any kind of "female empowerment". What im saying is, dont underestimate the enemy.
This is the picture my the quoted post was talking about.


This thread is to discuss the menace of goddess worship - how it hides in plain sight, how it's passed off as a good thing if anyone notices, the effects it's having on society, why no one takes this threat seriously, etc.
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Jun 26, 2022
The thread title comes from a comment i read on vigilant links.

It was some video posted but i couldnt get it to load so i just read the comments. One of them jumped out at me:

...the "sacred marriage" between a king and the great goddess (the pagan goddess in any form is the female aspect of Satan). The sacred marriage takes place on top of a ziggurat, a stepped building of seven levels representing those celestial bodies' orbits. It's all related to s*x magick and the "celestial ascent" which is axtually a horrible trqp that leads one instead of up to heaven, dowm to Lucifer. His "throne" is in the north and the ascent is the ego fallacy that we can save ourselves and become like gods.

The throne of Satan is the axis mundi of shamanism and paganism around which those celestial bodies orbit. The movements also mark aeons of time, Kronps, who is Saturn, Shiva and Death. The seven celestial lights also refer to the chakras and the axis mundi to the spinal column.

Reading about the "female aspect of satan" reminded me of this, of course. Half man, half woman with a goat head.

Jun 26, 2022
I previously posted this in the den, but i think it belongs on this thread:

I did a little bit of research on this "the future is female" slogan. Turns out it's not so innocent after all - it's from the lgbtp agenda back in the 70s! I had no idea.

There's also connections to witchcraft and, of course, blaming every and all problem on men.

Its mothers were, in fact, lesbian separatists.
Let’s rewind.

In 1972, New York City’s first women’s bookstore, Labyris, opened in a small space in Greenwich Village. The founders — all lesbian feminists — wanted the space to be a hub not just for literature by women, but activism for them, author Kristen Hogan writes in her book “The Feminist Bookstore Movement.”

Other bookstores,” the women said at the time, “don’t discuss racism or lesbianism with you.”
Labyris was criticized for being elitist and exclusive, according to Hogan, perhaps because it experimented with lesbian separatism, a school of feminist thought that promotes the complete isolation of lesbians from men and heterosexuals, either temporarily or permanently. But the bookstore also had support from women like Audre Lorde, the black writer, feminist and lesbian who died in 1992.

It’s slogan, printed on merchandise to fund their efforts, became “the future is female.”

Cowan told i-D the slogan is a “call to arms,” but also an “invocation.”
If we are to have a future, it must be female, because the rule of men — patriarchy — has just about devastated life on this beautiful little planet,” Cowan said. “The essence and the spirit of the future must be female. So the phrase becomes not just a slogan, but a spell. For the good of all.

We live in a world where young girls (and i mean young - ive even seen them in baby sizes) are wearing shirts with a degenerate and occult originating slogan and no one even thinks twice.
Jul 12, 2022
Thanks for posting this thread! This will help bring awareness to the fact that this is happening everywhere and it really is very serious.
It's hard to believe most don't believe this is an actual thing.
I'm also getting so done with the whole future is female slogan. It makes it worse knowing where it came from!
Jun 26, 2022
I dug around some more about that "the future is female" slogan.

Contrary to what mainstream articles will claim, yes it does have to do with the elimination - or at least a very severe culling - of men.

This is a well respected in her field feminist and her thoughts on the matter

In her early career, Gearhart took part in a series of seminars at San Francisco State University, where feminist scholars were critically discussing issues of r*pe, slavery, and the possibility of nuclear annihilation. Gearhart outlines a three-step proposal for female-led social change from her essay, "The Future–-If There Is One–-is Female":

I) Every culture must begin to affirm a female future.II) Species responsibility must be returned to women in every culture.III) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.
Gearhart does not base this radical proposal on the idea that men are innately violent or oppressive, but rather on the "real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding, that commitment of groups of men to each other whether in an army, a gang, a service club, a lodge, a monastic order, a corporation, or a competitive sport." Gearhart identifies the self-perpetuating, male-exclusive reinforcement of power within these groups as corrosive to female-led social change. Thus, if "men were reduced in number, the threat would not be so great and the placement of species responsibility with the female would be assured."

Gearhart, a dedicated pacifist, recognized that this kind of change could not be achieved through mass violence. On the critical question of how women could achieve this, Gearhart argues that it is by women's own capacity for reproduction that the ratio of men to women can be changed though the technologies of cloning or ovular merging, both of which would only produce female births. She argues that as women take advantage of these reproductive technologies, the sex ratio would change over generations.[14]

Daphne Patai in her book Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism summarizes Gearhart's essay as, "The future must be in female hands, women alone must control the reproduction of species; and only 10% of the population should be allowed to be male".[15]

Mary Daly supported Gearhart's proposals, stating: "I think it's not a bad idea at all. If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males."

Only 10% of the human population should be allowed to be male.
And not because men are bad, but because they would stop the women from being in charge of everything.
A reductiom of the male population would be a "decontamination"?

This is some twisted stuff.

Or as this guy puts it:

If you think that feminism is benign and has the welfare of all of humanity and equal rights for all at heart, consider what would happen if a man, an academician at any university, would dare to state this:

Why have any women at all? Every culture must begin to affirm the male future. Species responsibility must be returned to men in every culture. The proportion of women must be reduced to and maintained at approximately ten percent of the human race.
Do you think that man would not be hauled in front of a human rights tribunal, that he would be able to keep on teaching, that he would remain in his job, that he would retain tenure at his university?

Of course not! However, with the sexes reversed, that is exactly what Sally Miller Gearhart stated in an article she wrote.
Jun 26, 2022
There is also a common thread tying in all this goddess worship stuff: a hyperfixation on the environment.

As i mentioned several posts ago
Cowan told i-D the slogan is a “call to arms,” but also an “invocation.”
If we are to have a future, it must be female, because the rule of men — patriarchy — has just about devastated life on this beautiful little planet,” Cowan said. “The essence and the spirit of the future must be female. So the phrase becomes not just a slogan, but a spell. For the good of all.

The Divine has been worshipped in the feminine form in every culture at some point of time.
As very aggressive, dogmatic and patriarchal cultures sought power in the world, they got militarized. This militarization of what should have essentially been an inner process led to a situation where the divine feminine got wiped out in most parts of the world.

When you worship the masculine, it is very natural to look up heavenward. The sky is referred to as the masculine God. When you worship the feminine, you inevitably look at the planet on which you exist. It is not a coincidence or a consequence of linguistics that we refer to the Earth and the soil as the mother. There is an innate intelligence in this that when you say Earth, you naturally think it is feminine because it produces life. Everything that nourishes us comes from the breast of the Earth. It is from this context and an innate inner experience in every human being that when you say Earth, it is feminine.

Bringing awareness to the divine feminine is of great significance in today's world, when we are going through various levels of crisis, particularly ecological ones. At a juncture like this, where our own capabilities, science, technology and enterprise is destroying the very basis of our life, the divine feminine becomes very significant.

Those cultures which looked upon the Earth as mother and had a worshipful attitude towards that never caused too much damage to the environment around them. It only happened where people saw conquest as the way of life. After doing all this damage to the planet, half the people still cannot even eat properly though there is enough food on the planet. If the feminine was dominant, the population would eat for sure. Compassion, love and aesthetics would be dominant, not conquest.

If feminine was the more dominant factor or at least evenly balanced, I do not think you would have any ecological disaster, because feminine and Earth worship always came together.
Jun 26, 2022
Here's another.
This one denies the existence of heaven in favor of fixating on the environment, and is full of "woke" language

And there is much more that brings us troubled worlds – the social injustices that pervade our societies: racial bigotry and the groundswell of hatred toward groups that do not seem to fit whatever is conceived of as the mainstream; the hardships that befall those without capital in capitalistic economies; and the loss of women’s rights to control their own bodies in the United States and elsewhere.

... where I often saw tee-shirts that read “The Future is Female.” The phrase “Holding up Half the Sky” is somewhat misleading, for I think women hold up all the sky, at least from the perspective of the Great Earth we inhabit, Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachamama, Lakshmi, Hòutŭ, Hahanarudaichi, Papahānaumoku, Asase Ya/Afua, and others. Even holding up half of the sky is some heavy work, because those male sky gods are powerful – just think of Zeus, Yahweh, Brahman, and all the other male gods that rule there, sending their oppressive authority crashing down on us from above. Holding up the sky is a serious weight to bear.

Our appeal to the transcendent, the ideal realms of Plato, Christianity, Pure Land, or Brahman take us away from the miraculous fecundity of the earth and seduce us to a “purer” place that is without trouble, suffering, or pain. It’s an ideal vision – a good illusion, but an illusion, nevertheless. We’ve become addicted to the fix of this hope for something that is always on its way, but never arriving.

The future is female” is a restorative call that balances earth and sky; its call is also for that atmospheric membrane that protects life on our planet, that thin veil crucial to a thriving earth. My determination to listen more fully to this call came to me in the vibrant city of Bogotá, where I frequently saw this tee-shirt displayed on the bodies of men, women, and those who consider themselves non-binary, all of whom were proclaiming the need to listen again to the ancient wisdom that knows the future is female, even as the sky gods colonize the earth goddesses.
the future is female, and we need to listen so we may survive.

This previous article mentioned "pachamama" a pagan mother goddess to whom the catholic pope blessed in the not to distant past, so it is fitting to include the following recent article

Welcoming thousands of children to the Vatican on Monday, Pope Francis fielded selected questions and heavily focused on imparting his support for “climate change” talking points to them.

The questions ranged from how can children “save the Earth” to why the weather is hot, along with what appeared to be essentially a springboard question for the Pope to expand on his theme – “Are you concerned about the environment?”

Questioned about if he believed “children can save the earth,” Pope Francis replied:

Yes, because you are simple and you understand that to destroy the Earth is to destroy us. We must guard the Earth: Do you understand this? If you destroy the Earth, you destroy yourself.

Francis punctuated the meeting, and his answers, with repeatable slogans for the children to chant along with him. “Let’s say it all together, slowly, without shouting, ‘to destroy the Earth is to destroy us.’”

He expanded on this slogan, stating that “because the Earth gives us everything to live: It gives you oxygen, it gives you water, it gives you herbs, it helps you so much to live.”

A short mention was made of prayer at the start of the Pope’s meeting, when to close his remarks about the importance of young witness on matters such as “climate change, hunger, war, poverty,” he stated:

Our Lady will help you. I recommend: always pray to Our Lady! Do you pray to Our Lady? Do you pray to Our Lady? That’s it, always, don’t stop. And pray for me, too. Thank you.

Praying to "our lady" who will help you save the environment. It is increasingly more blatant that the catholic church really worships a mother goddess (by whatever name this thing is currently known as), not God.
Jul 12, 2022
How crazy that they believe that 10 percent of the world's pop can be men, and the rest women. It's interesting to hear it's cause they just want to get ahead and take everything away from men, when we are to believe it's because they hate men for being rapists and such. Just goes to show that they just want an ego trip and feel important. There's no reason they need to go to such extremes about it, especially. Men are very much as needed as women, and it's horrible that they feel men should barely exist. I wouldn't know what to do if there were hardly any men left. It's bad enough that some of the "men" that are around are becoming more feminine due to estrogen and gay/trans propaganda.

Interesting find about how they worship the earth as a female! I wonder if the term mother nature derives from this theory. It's great to love nature, cause God created it for us humans to live with it, but not to completely worship it like it's own goddess. That's craziness.
Jun 4, 2021
The Mother Goddess is a deity who is associated with motherhood, fertility, and the natural world. She is a popular figure in many cultures around the world, and she has been worshipped for centuries.

The Mother Goddess is often depicted as a woman with a large, nurturing body. She may be holding a child or surrounded by animals. She may also be depicted as a symbol of the earth, such as a mountain or a tree.

The Mother Goddess is a powerful symbol of life, death, and rebirth. She represents the cycle of nature, and she is a reminder that all life is interconnected. She is a source of strength and comfort for those who worship her.

The Mother Goddess is a complex and multifaceted figure. She can be both benevolent and destructive. She is a symbol of both life and death. She is a reminder that the natural world is both beautiful and dangerous. She is a source of both hope and fear.

The Mother Goddess is a powerful force in the world. She is a reminder that we are all connected to something larger than ourselves. She is a source of strength and comfort for those who seek her out.

Here are some of the different names of the Mother Goddess in various cultures:

  • Inanna: The Sumerian goddess of love, war, and fertility.
  • Aphrodite: The Greek goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure.
  • Venus: The Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.
  • Isis: The Egyptian goddess of motherhood, magic, and healing.
  • Kali: The Hindu goddess of death, destruction, and power.
  • Tonantzin: The Aztec goddess of motherhood, fertility, and the earth.
Jun 26, 2022
How crazy that they believe that 10 percent of the world's pop can be men, and the rest women. It's interesting to hear it's cause they just want to get ahead and take everything away from men, when we are to believe it's because they hate men for being rapists and such. Just goes to show that they just want an ego trip and feel important. There's no reason they need to go to such extremes about it, especially. Men are very much as needed as women, and it's horrible that they feel men should barely exist. I wouldn't know what to do if there were hardly any men left. It's bad enough that some of the "men" that are around are becoming more feminine due to estrogen and gay/trans propaganda.

Interesting find about how they worship the earth as a female! I wonder if the term mother nature derives from this theory. It's great to love nature, cause God created it for us humans to live with it, but not to completely worship it like it's own goddess. That's craziness.
I agree, bot men and women are needed. Preferably in an equal number, the way God intended.

Yeah, these days so many men are becoming feminized as part of this agenda. I find it interesting that back when this agenda first started being promoted these women were very much against men transing to pretend to be women, but looks like in the nezt phase of the agenda that changed.

I agree, these people are worshiping the creation not the Creator.

I do wonder where these stupid ideas about womne being the ones who care about the planet even came from? Perhaps my experiences are skewed, but i've met so many men who were interested in environmentalism and so many women who littered and couldn't care less. Seems like it's just another stereotype to fit the agenda. Or is there something deeper that i'm overlooking...?
Jun 26, 2022
Here are some of the different names of the Mother Goddess in various cultures:

  • Inanna: The Sumerian goddess of love, war, and fertility.
  • Aphrodite: The Greek goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure.
  • Venus: The Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.
  • Isis: The Egyptian goddess of motherhood, magic, and healing.
  • Kali: The Hindu goddess of death, destruction, and power.
  • Tonantzin: The Aztec goddess of motherhood, fertility, and the earth.
This is true, this thing goes by many names

and she has been worshipped for centuries.
Yeah, and the plot twist is that the worship continued, despite feminists screeching about the "patriatchy". Just that the worship went undergroung. Now the elites are pushing to bring it to the forefront again.

She may be holding a child
Yeah, like all those pictures and statues that are supposedly Jesus and Mary.
She is a source of strength and comfort for those who seek her out.
Screw that.

I'll take the real God.
Jun 26, 2022
While i haven't watched this show, so i don't know the context, this is a great example of the programming about "female empowerment" that the elites are pushing on society.

It also displays the satanists' obsession with bodily fluids and acts, making a connection between them, goddess worship and s*x.

I don't remember exactly where i read that satanists are obsessed with this, so i can't post a link.

However, as evidence i can post a link to this aleister crowley poem, if anyone needs proof.

Warning: it is filthy, which is why i am not posting even under a spoiler tag.
I would also advise to not read it all, especially out loud, or to skim over some words. I'd be concerned that it is some form of spell...

Jun 26, 2022
One method of goddess worship that occurs blatantly in non western cultures is having a woman or girl be turned into an idol, a living version of "the goddess" (often at the cost of freedom to the actual girl or woman).

An example of this is how in nepal young girls are chosen to be the embodiment of "the goddess".

Kumari, Kumari Devi, or the Living Goddess is the tradition of worshipping a chosen virgin as manifestations of the divine female energy or Shakti in Dharmic Nepali religious traditions. It is believed that the girl is possessed by the goddess Taleju or Durga.
While there are several Kumaris throughout Nepal, with some cities having several, the best known is the Royal Kumari of Kathmandu, and she lives in the Kumari Ghar, a palace in the center of the city. The selection process for her is especially rigorous. As of 2023, the Royal Kumari of Kathmandu is Trishna Shakya, aged five, installed in September 2017.
In this pagan culture, the supreme deity is a goddess. Only females have "potential divinity"?
The worship of the goddess in a young girl represents the worship of divine consciousness spread all over the creation. As the supreme goddess is thought to have manifested this entire cosmos out of her womb, she exists equally in animate as well as inanimate objects. While worship of an idol represents the worship and recognition of supreme through inanimate materials, worship of a human represents veneration and recognition of the same supreme in conscious beings.

In the Shakta text Devi Mahatmyam, or Chandi, the goddess is said to have declared that she resides in all female living beings in this universe. The entire ritual of Kumari is based on this verse. But while worshipping a goddess, only a young girl is chosen over a mature woman because of their inherent purity and chastity
The main target of a Kumari puja is to realize the potential divinity in every human being, mostly female
The selection process involves examining the child's private parts.

Eligible girls are from the Newar Shakya caste of silver and goldsmiths. She must be in excellent health, never have shed blood or been afflicted by any diseases, be without blemish, and must not have yet lost any teeth. Girls who pass these basic eligibility requirements are examined for the battis lakshanas, or thirty-two perfections of a goddess. Some of these are poetically listed as such:

  • A neck like a conch shell
  • A body like a banyan tree
  • Eyelashes like a cow
  • Thighs like a deer
  • Chest like a lion
  • Voice soft and clear as a duck's
In addition to this, her hair and eyes should be very black, and she should have dainty hands and feet, small and well-recessed sexual organs, and a set of twenty teeth.
Yet actual girls are severely limited if chosen to play this role of "the goddess". Remember, we're talking about children as young as 2 years old.

She will leave her palace only on ceremonial occasions. Her family will visit her rarely, and then only in a formal capacity. Her playmates will be drawn from a narrow pool of Newari children from her caste, usually the children of her caretakers. She will always be dressed in red and gold, wear her hair in a topknot, and have the agni chakshu, or "fire eye", painted on her forehead as a symbol of her special powers of perception.

The Kumari's walk across the Durbar Square is the last time her feet will touch the ground until such time as the goddess departs from her body. From now on, when she ventures outside of her palace, she will be carried or transported in her golden palanquin. Her feet, like all of her, are now sacred. Petitioners will touch them, hoping to receive respite from troubles and illnesses. The king himself will kiss them each year when he comes to seek her blessing. She will never wear shoes; if her feet are covered at all, they will be covered with red stockings.

Twelve-year-old living goddess Samita Bajracharya doesn’t reply to questions. So her mother speaks for her. "I do think she's missing part of her childhood,” says Shoba Bajracharya as she collects offerings brought by visitors. “She misses playing with friends and the stuff normal children can do. But I like that my daughter is a Kumari because it makes me feel proud.”


Representatives of other human-rights organizations go as far as to suggest that the tradition actually encourages respect for women in a largely male-dominated society. "Kumaris have a totally different childhood. But I also think that no other girl gets the kind of respect and dignity that she gets,” says the president of Himalayan Human Rights Monitor, Anjana Shakya. “Parents and society in general could learn how to treat a girl through this tradition”

Where have i heard that before...?

Goddess worship can actually result in women cheering on their own oppresssion, they just don't realize it...

While this custom may be far removed for most of us, there are other examples if one really cares to examine everything...
Jul 12, 2022
I agree, bot men and women are needed. Preferably in an equal number, the way God intended.

Yeah, these days so many men are becoming feminized as part of this agenda. I find it interesting that back when this agenda first started being promoted these women were very much against men transing to pretend to be women, but looks like in the nezt phase of the agenda that changed.

I agree, these people are worshiping the creation not the Creator.

I do wonder where these stupid ideas about womne being the ones who care about the planet even came from? Perhaps my experiences are skewed, but i've met so many men who were interested in environmentalism and so many women who littered and couldn't care less. Seems like it's just another stereotype to fit the agenda. Or is there something deeper that i'm overlooking...?
Exactly, God needed for us to both be together to procreate and have families :)

Interesting how they changed their mind on that suddenly! I wonder if it has to do with they feel they will be "transphobic" and they are afraid to say anything because of it, or just fully brainwashed to it, by now? How crazy that is. It's so sad how more and more men are becoming feminine. It makes it so much harder for us women who need to find someone who is masculine.

That's so horrible to do that :(

It does seem like stereotyping, it's awful. Kinda reminds me of a cookie cutter label and thinking in black and white when it comes to people's behaviours. I wonder how much deeper this goes, myself. I'm sure there is something crazy going on there.

Plus, I feel so terrible for those poor girls that have to be put in such a position to feel there's a goddess inside of them! There's so much pressure and expectation. That's not how these girls should live their lives :(
Jun 26, 2022
Interesting how they changed their mind on that suddenly! I wonder if it has to do with they feel they will be "transphobic" and they are afraid to say anything because of it, or just fully brainwashed to it, by now?
If i had to guess i would say it is a combination of several factors

- the transphobia accusation thing for sure. In fact, the reason i even found out about that woman who wanted to reduce the population of men to 10% was that a man pretending to be a woman was upset and mentioned her and i looked her up.

. A critical mass of men have decided they are trans, but back then in the 70s it was much more rare. Perhaps back then it was easier to criticize the possibility, while now they are everywhere.

- the rise of the whole nonbinary and fluid "identities". The radicalization of gender theory that there is no such thing as gender.

I fluctuate between thinking that the elites' goals are a feminized (but warriorlike/"amazon") society where men are stripped of power and women replace men OR a society in which gender is erased and everyone is some kind of androgynous or both sexes at once.

I truly don't know if the elites prefer one option over the other. Depopulation is a factor, of course, but i think the spiritual reasons are also a huge motivating factor. Are they trying to recreate the ancient pagan matriarchal religions, but this time with technological measures in place to ensure they won't be overthrown?

Another thing i dont know: how this all ties in with the end times.


May 8, 2023
I've been meaning to make this thread for a while, but wanted to wait until i had more time to research it.

I'll just get to the point: it's becoming increasingly clear to me that society is being overrun wuth messages about female empowerment and goddess worship and the "divine feminine". This stuff is driven by the occult, and is demonic. But for whatever reason people don't seem to take it serious, instead focusing primarily on male demons.

This post i made elsewhere sums it up briefly.

This is the picture my the quoted post was talking about.

View attachment 95648

This thread is to discuss the menace of goddess worship - how it hides in plain sight, how it's passed off as a good thing if anyone notices, the effects it's having on society, why no one takes this threat seriously, etc.
It has to do with Lilith, they worship her. Lilith represents the divine feminine.
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