"Divine feminine"/goddess worship:the female aspect of satan?

Jun 26, 2022
All quotes from when God was a woman by merlin stone

Temple prostitution was a central part of "goddess worship" in ancient times. The temple was in charge of the land and livestock and there was no separation of church and state. It would appear there was no way out of participating within this system for someone living in this society.

During biblical times it was still customary, as it had been for thousands of years before in Sumer, Babylon and Canaan, for many women to live within the temple complex, in earliest times the very core of the community. As we have seen, temples owned much of the arable land and herds of domesticated animals, kept the cultural and economic records and generally appear to have functioned as the central controlling offices of the society

The way the author refers to "love" when discussing random, casual fornication is sickening.

Women who resided in the sacred precincts of the Divine Ancestress took their lovers from among the men of the community, making love to those who came to the temple to pay honor to the Goddess. Among these people the act of sex was considered to be sacred, so holy and precious that it was enacted within the house of the Creatress of heaven, earth and all life. As one of Her many aspects, the Goddess was revered as the patron deity of sexual love.

But according to the author, feeling disgust at this fornication free for all is because we're programmed by "male religions".
And "open acceptance of ALL human sexuality" sounds like the mess society finds itself in.

Pg 148
People today, raised and programmed on the “morality” of the contemporary male religions, may find the ancient sexual attitudes and customs disturbing, shocking or even sacrilegious. Yet we should consider the likelihood that such judgments or reactions are the result of the teaching and conditioning of religious attitudes present in our society, which are themselves based on the ideologies of those who initially and repetitively condemned the sexual customs of the Goddess. In the worship of the female deity, sex was Her gift to humanity. It was sacred and holy. She was the Goddess of Sexual Love and Procreation.

But in the religions of today we find an almost totally reversed attitude. Sex, especially non-marital sex, is considered to be somewhat naughty, dirty, even sinful. Yet rather than calling the earliest religions, which embraced such an open acceptance of all human sexuality, “fertility-cults,” we might consider the religions of today as strange in that they seem to associate shame and even sin with the very process of conceiving new human life. Perhaps centuries from now scholars and historians will be classifying them as “sterility-cults".

Married women as well were involved in the temple prostitution.

Documentary evidence from Sumer, Babylon, Canaan, Anatolia, Cyprus, Greece and even the Bible reveals that, despite the fact that the concept of marriage was known in the earliest written records, married women, as well as single, continued to live for periods of time within the temple complex and to follow the ancient sexual customs of the Goddess

The author takes a rather cynical view that the suppression of this perverted goddess worship was all about politics, not morality. While it is true that fornicating with random men does make it hard to keep track of paternity, there is no proof, just assumption (see the "probably") on the writer's part that the Israelites were not simply following God's commands.

Pg 150
This anti-sexual attitude was not the result of a more inherent purity or lesser sex drive among the adherents of the Judeo-Christian beliefs. As we shall see, it was probably developed and propagated for purely political motives, aiming at goals that would allow the invading patrilineal Hebrews greater access to land and governmental control by destroying the ancient matrilineal system. From the time of the earliest Indo-European conquests, laws concerning the sacred women of the temples, the qadishtu—laws dealing with inheritance rights, property rights, business rights and their legal and economic relationship to their children—continually appear in the codes.
Alongside the greater sexual restrictions for women, we find the Levite priests and prophets repeatedly condemning the sexual customs of the temple as well. I suggest that the point of the confrontation was as follows. If, as qadishtu, sacred women of the Goddess, women made love to various men rather than being faithful to one husband, the children born to these women would be of questionable paternity. Sumerian and Babylonian documents reveal that these women, through their affiliations with the temple complex, owned land and other properties and engaged in extensive business activities. Various accounts report that they were often of wealthy families, well accepted in the society.

A mother looking forward to her daughtet also being a prostitute? Being proud of this? There are some definite parallels here to modern society and how it is supposedly "empowering" to sleep around.

Following the original kinship customs of the Goddess religion, children born to qadishtu would probably have inherited the names, titles and property of their mothers; matrilineal descent would have continued to exist as the inherent social structure of the community. Daughters may have become qadishtu themselves. One inscription from Tralles in western Anatolia, carved there as late as AD 200 by a woman named Aurelia Aemilias, proudly announced that she had served in the temple by taking part in the sexual customs, as had her mother and all their female ancestors before them.

Hilariously, the writer takes exception with temple prostitution being called prostitution. What else should it be called that these women were engaging in?

Women who made love in the temples were known in their own language as “sacred women,” “the undefined.” Their Akkadian name of qadishtu is literally translated as “sanctified women” or “holy women.” Yet the sexual customs in even the most academic studies of the past two centuries were nearly always described as “prostitution,” the sacred women repeatedly referred to as “temple prostitutes” or “ritual prostitutes.” The use of the word “prostitute” as a translation for qadishtu not only negates the sanctity of that which was held sacred, but suggests, by the inferences and social implications of the word, an ethnocentric subjectivity on the part of the writer.
Jun 26, 2022
Temple prostitution was a "gift to civilize people"??

Pg 151
The legend of Inanna and Enki listed the sacred sexual customs as another of the great gifts that Inanna brought to civilize the people of Erech. The Queen of Heaven was most reverently esteemed by the sacred women, who in turn were especially protected by Her. At Erech the women of the temple were known as nu-gig, the pure or spotless.

The introduction of lilith as the hand of inanna, sent to bring in men to the temple. If the men were so eager to participate why was it needed to gather them and bring them?

One interesting Sumerian fragment recorded the name of Lilith, described as a young maiden, as the “hand of Inanna.” We read on this ancient tablet that Lilith was sent by Inanna to gather men from the street, to bring them to the temple. This same name, Lilith, later appeared in Hebrew mythology as the first wife of Adam, who refused to be sexually submissive to him; and later as the name of the demon who hovered about, waiting to find spilled sperm, of which to make her “illegitimate demon children.”

Both these tales may well have developed in reaction to the original Lilith, so closely associated with the sexual customs of the worship of the Goddess. In the eighteenth century BC in Babylonia, the Akkadian name of Ishtar began to replace the Sumerian name Inanna. One tablet referred to Erech, where Ishtar’s worship eventually superseded that of Inanna, as the city of “courtesans and prostitutes” (a contemporary translation of the words). This same tablet mentioned priestesses who made love with strangers, claiming that they were

incarnations of the holy spirit. The women of Ishtar were also known by the Akkadian word qadishtu, while at the important temple in Babylon they were known as ishtaritu, which simply means “women of Ishtar.”

Lilith as "the female devil".
Could "the hand of inanna" be a metaphorical reference to the temptress/seductress aspect of inanna as opposed to the mother aspect?

Pg 218
As late as the sixteenth century AD, Hebrew scholars compiled a text known as the Kabbalah. The name of Lilith, once described in a Sumerian tablet as “the hand of Inanna” who brought men into the temple, a name also found in some Hebrew literature as the first wife of Adam who refused to lie beneath him and to obey his commands, appeared once again. In the Hebrew Kabbalah, Lilith was presented as the symbol of evil, the female devil.

G. Scholem wrote that in the Zohar, a part of the Kabbalah, it was stated that “Lilith, Queen of the demons, or the demons of her retinue, do their best to provoke men to sexual acts without benefit of a woman, their aim being to make themselves bodies from the lost seed.” It gave the warning that Lilith hovered about, just waiting for available sperm from which she created demons and illegitimate children. The Kabbalah cautioned that, with the help of Lilith, the illegitimate children come. Was this a remote reference to the ancient qadishtu, their image now embodied in the wicked demon Lilith?

Interesting part about how in the Bible there are mentions of baal, but there are many clues to the fact that the pagans were worshipping this female false god. (Does this mean that when children were sacrificed it was to this female? The author is silent on that matter...)

I wonder if this is somehow tied in to how people don't seem to be concerned about this rise in goddess worship...? By thinking only a male can be a threat, the female threat sneaks in hiding in plain sight and no one seems to care...

Pg 193
In the pages of the Old Testament however, Ashtoreth, the name used most often in southern Canaan where most of the Hebrew people had settled, seldom appears alone. Her name was nearly always joined with Baal, much as many of the serpent demons of the Indo-European legends were the sons or husbands of the Goddess; at times the religion is even designated as Baalism.

Though it is certainly possible that the Canaanite religion in the south, where Aryan princes had by now made deep inroads, may have elevated Baal to a higher status by later biblical times, the worship, the rituals, the sexual customs, the eunuch priests, the grieving for Tammuz or Baal as the dying consort, the abundance of the Astarte statues and plaques, the symbolic pillars and poles (actually called asherah, though always in lower case), all reveal that it was the symbolism and customs of the religion of the Goddess that were actually the target of Hebrew aggression. It appears more than likely that the Levite priests, just as they purposely misspelled and mispronounced Her name (reciting it as boseth, meaning shame), and referring to Her only in the masculine gender, refused to even recognize the position of the Goddess, doing this by continually linking Her name with that of Her male consort.

I have had a theory for a while that the Bible translators wanted the name of this thing stricken from the record... To that aim in the KJV there is no mention of "asherah", only "groves" and "high places".

Another crazy thought... does raising awareness of this thing somehow give it more power?

On the one hand i doubt it, because things are going that direction and no one even seems to notice or care that society is reverting to the ancient anti-God religion.
On the other hand, were the Bible authors or translators trying to protect us for our own good?
Jun 26, 2022
Almost 20 year old article, goddess worship hidden in plain sight. Promoting child sacrifice of course.

"dianisis"? Basically diana and isis.

Titled “A Superhero for CHOICE,” the video follows a female “superhero,” named “Dianisis,” whose sole mission is to protect “choice.”
Dianisis first encounters “Sleezy Dude,” as Sleezy tells a group of teenagers that “the only way to prevent pregnancy is to practice abstinence.” One teen responds, “But Mister, we learned at school that there are other ways to practice safe sex and protect ourselves.” Sleezy responds: “Those are instruments from the devil’s toolbox!” Dianisis interrupts the conversation and throws Sleezy into a trash can. “Now you kids know where to go for all your healthcare needs and reproductive advice, don’t you?” she asks. “We sure do, ma’am! Planned Parenthood Golden Gate! Because we have a choice!” they respond. Before departing Dianisis throws a “safe sex kit” to the teens as she yells, “Remember, safe is sexy!”

The superhero’s next encounter is with pro-life activists who are grunting whIle they picket Planned Parenthood. “These folks here are known as anti-choice demonstrators,” she says. “Under the First Amendment of our Constitution they are allowed to express their beliefs…Yet they can sometimes become unruly and sometimes they get a little too close. But mostly I just wish they would disappear. Hey, that gives me an idea!” Dianisis takes out a gun that fires condoms. Each demonstrator is shown inside a condom, which then explodes, eliminating them. “That’s more like it,” Dianisis continues. “Open for business. Now everyone that needs low cost and confidential healthcare may enter freely, without intimidation or violence…”

Dianisis interrupts a U.S. Senator who she sees throwing copies of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution the First Amendment, and Civil Rights laws into a boiling pot, which he refers to as “I Can Do Whatever I Want To Do Stew.” The Senator explains: “You see, I come from a long line of grandiose narcissists where quite simply the laws of these United States do not apply.” He then claims to be above the law. Dianisis throws the Senator into the boiling pot, pulls him out again, and the Senator says, “I feel cleansed. I no longer have the stench of misinformed conservatism. I want all women everywhere to have the ability to choose what they do with their bodies.” The superhero responds, “That’s more like it. And besides, money spent now for the funding of family planning will save billions of dollars in future social expenditures.”
Jun 26, 2022
Goddess worship relabeled as satanism... while yes, it IS satanism, calling it only satanism rather than satanic goddess worship allows this evil to hide in plain sight.

The worship of Santa Muerte (Holy Death, or Saint Death) is widespread, especially among the drug cartels, but it's also rapidly growing among the general population in Mexico and in Hispanic communities in the U.S.," he said.

Human blood is sometimes offered to gain the favor of this idol, which is depicted in illustrations and statues as a skeleton wearing a hooded robe, holding a scythe or globe. Some link Santa Muerte to the Aztec goddess of the dead, Mictecacihuatl.

"Beheadings, like the ones we see the cartels doing, were part of ancient Aztec human-sacrifice rituals. The adoration of death and the use of witchcraft have been practiced in Mexico for longer than anyone knows, and are regaining popularity," he said.
Basically, it all adds up to Satan worship, which feeds the violence and every other problem, like poverty, drought, hunger, chronic ill health, lack of jobs, and hopelessness," he said.
On both sides of the border, so many people go to church on Sunday, then on Monday they go to a witch to get healed. They call them curanderas, faith healers. They don't find any power in the church, so they go to someone who does have power. The only problem is, it's Satanic power, and they get worse – they get demonized."
Jun 26, 2022
Another example of how goddess worship is downplayed, allowing it to be hidden in plain sight

The word husband, or ‘baal’, means owner or master.
It is interesting that the Mesopotamian god was named Baal, owner or master. The idol worship that led Israel into all kind of difficulties as they hardened their heart against God. It was wicked Queen Jezebel who introduced the worship of Baal to the Israelites, 1 Kings 16:31. The same spirit is seen in Revelation 2:20.

Actually, the Bible mentions that the apostate king and queen worshipped BOTH baal and asherah.
And if baal means husband, then who was the wife? Obviously asherah.

1 Kings 18
18And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim. 19Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table

The Hebrew text identifies asherah as who the "prophets of the groves" served. The majority of Bible traslations do as well. I can only speculate that the translators of KJV were trying to erase the memory of this abomination, but with the new versions her memory has been reirevived.

of Asherah
הָֽאֲשֵׁרָה֙ (hā·’ă·šê·rāh)
Article | Noun - feminine singular
Strong's 842: A Phoenician goddess, also an image of the same

Jezebel (not the same person, since the queen mentioned earlier was long dead by the time of Revelation) is mentioned here in connection with a church which does many good works and charity, but is also involved in idolatry and fornication.

Revelation 2
19I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. 20Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. 21And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds

Through her anti-God feminist lens, stone writes about how asherah was primarily mentioned in conjunction with baal (husband), the worship of her designated as "baalism" (much how goddess worship today gets designated as "satanism", but given that people have a dark, "scary" perception of what satanism looks like, the "loving", "peaceful" goddess worship slips by the radar, the evil hidden as it has become more and more blatant).

Pg193 from when God was a woman

In his Dictionary of the Bible of 1900, J. Hastings asserted that Ashtoreth was supreme, saying of Her, “This Goddess was the chief divinity of the Semites in their primitive matriarchal stage of organization. She was the analogue of the human matriarch, free in her love, the fruitful mother of the clan, and its leader in peace and war.”
In the pages of the Old Testament however, Ashtoreth, the name used most often in southern Canaan where most of the Hebrew people had settled, seldom appears alone. Her name was nearly always joined with Baal, much as many of the serpent demons of the Indo-European legends were the sons or husbands of the Goddess; at times the religion is even designated as Baalism.

Though it is certainly possible that the Canaanite religion in the south, where Aryan princes had by now made deep inroads, may have elevated Baal to a higher status by later biblical times, the worship, the rituals, the sexual customs, the eunuch priests, the grieving for Tammuz or Baal as the dying consort, the abundance of the Astarte statues and plaques, the symbolic pillars and poles (actually called asherah, though always in lower case), all reveal that it was the symbolism and customs of the religion of the Goddess that were actually the target of Hebrew aggression.

It appears more than likely that the Levite priests, just as they purposely misspelled and mispronounced Her name (reciting it as boseth, meaning shame), and referring to Her only in the masculine gender, refused to even recognize the position of the Goddess, doing this by continually linking Her name with that of Her male consort.