Differences between the Bible and Islam


Jun 28, 2020
@Haich I'm surprised you read his books. Freeman is part of the Yahtruth cult. They take bits and pieces of every religion, including Hinduism, and create one abomination. Notice he loves to quote Quran.

A man who attacks Islam and quotes the Quran has no credibility.
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Mar 15, 2017
Please see:

No, it does not. You cannot confirm something while attempting to correct it. The Bible is very obviously the foundational document that the Quran is based upon, as the Old Covenant account of Lot was written over two thousand years before the Quran.


Does it? Where in the Quran does it tell us that Lot's daughters didn't r*pe him after getting him drunk? Please provide the exact verses where this information may be found, or admit that your source is "Islamic scholars" and NOT the Quran.

Truth, for those interested in it, understanding in advance that very few are.
lol the Quran wasn’t written it was revealed orally. You haven’t been reading the thread so you only have a segment of info. The nature of the Quran is divine as we believe it was revealed to the illiterate prophet Muhammad pbuh. God confirms the truth that came beforehand and corrects the ills. That’s it. You don’t have to accept it and you can continue preaching whatever it is you believe.

Who wrote the accounts of the prophets? Who authored the Bible? Are you really that obtuse that you don’t think to look into authorship? The Bible has been ripped to shreds with regards to authenticity as it contradicts itself so much. What evidence do you have that the authors of your book were divinely guided?

The Quran omits the narratives which are false. No prophet of God would get drunk and allow his daughters to mount. Don’t be so ridiculous.


Mar 15, 2017
@Haich I'm surprised you read his books. Freeman is part of the Yahtruth cult. They take bits and peaces of every religion, including Hinduism, and create one abomination. Notice he loves to quote Quran.

A man who attacks Islam and quotes the Quran has no credibility.
Is he Jatruth from the old boards??


Mar 15, 2017
Listen @A Freeman yiuve proven yourself to be a liar, you’ve misrepresented verses of the Quran and have failed to produce your source. Even the copy I have at home doesn’t refer to Lot as an Apostle. You clearly have an agenda which is I’m assuming if you are ‘JaTruth’ to recruit people to your cult. I am not interested in anything other than spreading the truth about my faith, educating those on what little I know and sharing ideas. So you can take your chicken sacrificing self and sling your hook. You’re clearly not interested in having a genuine dialogue.


Jun 28, 2020
Is he Jatruth from the old boards??
Idk, we have at least 3 of them here. Freeman is just the most outspoken.

They seem like Muslims, but when you get to know them, it's clear they aren't. Like Soljoiner (I'm certain it's misspelled) or the one with the old woman avatar. I forget names.
Jun 26, 2022
View attachment 95563

Suicide, terrorists, terror. I'll let you read the article.

When the reality is..

Does the kkk represent Chrisitnaity? According to them, they do.

If you need the satanic verses, an obvious biased source coming from someone who hates Islam, to describe Islam, then I don't know what to tell you.

You can always tell someone's agenda when you just look at the source material they bring. You might as well start quoting Robert Spencer and David wood while you're at it.

Like I've told you before, millions hate Islam. Yet not a single one has managed to change a single letter in the Quran. But keep telling yourself you're upon the truth.

The dogs constantly bark, but the Lion pays them no heed.
Wiki is biased in favor of official narratives. Not "against Muslims". If there is any group that it could be accurately said they are biased against is conspiracy theorists.

Just for fun i looked up a variety of subjects that have nothing to do with Islam and yeah, it's about pushing the official narrative. But they are a useful source for a quick answer, and i always check their source on anything i want to investigate further. As i already mentioned, they are books not sites, so it was a dead end.

Don't see the point of bringing up the kkk, but yeah, im aware that there are many poor examples of Christianity, including the "Christian identity" movement that claims only whites can be saved. In the case of these teachings, anyone who actually studies the Bible can see they are unbiblical. Salvation is available to ALL.

All i wanted to know is are "the satanic verses" part of the Quran, or not.

Where did i say i was describing Islam based on those verses alone?

But i get it, now youre accusing me of having an agenda. And asking any questions is "hating Islam".
You know, i didn't believe in this whole victim mentality thing but stuff like this is making me wonder if a certain troll may have a point...

And im a barking dog. Nice.
Jun 26, 2022
I mean wiki isn’t even accepted in university as a reliable source. Purely because it’s edited by anyone and everyone so it’s not considered a reliable source. So I do agree with Daze in that regard. When I was at university we were banned from using it; there’s a wealth of other secondary and primary resources which you can quote from or use as reliable sources.

So with Quran, we believe it is the direct word of God from himself, which was sent down through Angel Gabriel. So Angel Gabriel recited the direct words of God to Muhammad pbuh. There is no other authorship or interference from anyone else. Muhammad was I guess a vessel in which God’s literal words were relayed. So it’s a common misconception for some to conclude that Muhammad wrote the Quran himself. He was in fact illiterate and couldn’t read or write. That’s what makes The Quran so miraculous in origin.

So I’ll clarify, it is absolutely fine to ask questions about God, The Quran, existence etc. but I was trying to make the point that many people fall in to an endless loop of questioning and they could fall into doubt. It could be their faith wasn’t firm in the first place but it could also be that life circumstances have pushed them into a downward spiral. I’m of the opinion that if this happens, you just have to reconnect with God through prayer and reading Quran.
Yeah, i understand, i usually check out the source they used for anything i want to investigate further. They may lie by omissiom, but if there are any claims made i read what their source says.

I dont go searching for primary sources right off the bat on every topic because there is a limited amount of time.

Ok, my question would be, if Muhammad was illiterate, doesn't it take a certain degree of faith to believe that what he wrote was not altered by someone after the fact? How would he have known?

Or is the miracle that he was formerly illiterate and then miraculously was able to read from that point on?

I've previously heard that he received the Quran in the cave and then spoke it and someone else wrote it, is this the accepted Islamic view?
Jun 26, 2022
Please note well from the above comparison of the Biblical and Quranic verses about Lot:

1) nowhere in the Bible nor the Quran is Lot referred to as a prophet;

2) even if one were to assume Lot (who was a righteous man) was a prophet, nowhere in the Bible nor the Quran does it tell us that prophets are not human+Beings or sinless (in fact it tells us that they all have been influenced by Satan at some point - Sura 22:52-55);

3) there is nothing in the Quran which contradicts the Biblical account found in Genesis 19, which the Quran was sent to confirm; and

4) the Quran specifically commands its readers NOT TO BE IN DOUBT of The Law (Torah) reaching them (Sura 32:23), so anyone who claims to believe the Quran, but rejects the Biblical account of Lot, is actually an infidel/unbeliever.

Sura 32:23. We did indeed aforetime give The Book (The Torah) to Moses: be then NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah) reaching (THEE): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel.

This entire thread is a satanic approach to Scripture, looking for the differences rather than the common-ground.
I was actually in agreement with you until that last sentence.

This thread is not about comparing scriptures. It's about comparing the Bible with Islam, since 99% (or more) of Muslims don't just go by the Quran.

While everyone is free to contribute and ask questions, please dont use this thread to proselytize jahtruth, theres already enought threads about it. Or make another. But dont take over this one.


Dec 27, 2017

You can make up all these reasons as to why I don’t accept the Bible but ultimately you aren’t able to prove anything you believe in. There’s absolutely no concrete evidence of Jesus’ divinity and you are* referring to the sayings of ‘inspired men’.
You are so wrong and sadly you don't even know it.

I have approached Christianity objectively, I have an analytical mind and all I care about is accuracy and truth. God is not the author of confusion. The Bible doesn’t make sense to me because it’s not a cohesive body of work direct from the Creator.
You don't need an analytical mind to understand God. You need to open your mind to be receptive to Him and His truth then the Holy Spirit will lead you to more truths of God. The Bible says

You're right, God is not the author of confusion and I can tell you the Bible is not confusing except to those who do not understand it and what's more don't want to because of their beliefs that contradict His Word.

You have absolutely no way of proving those authors (is it 40+ authors?) were inspired by God.
We know the Bible and its 40+ authors were inspired by God because it harmonises even though it was written over a period of 1500 years.

Bible predictions of future events that have come to pass dramatically confirm the divine inspiration of Scripture by different prophets. These are just a few examples of fulfilled Bible prophecies:

- Four world empires would arise: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome
(Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8).

- Cyrus to be the warrior to capture Babylon (Isaiah 45:1-3).

- After Babylon's destruction, it would never be inhabited again (Isaiah 13:19, 20; Jeremiah 51:37).

- Egypt would never again have a commanding position among the nations (Ezekiel 29:14, 15 30:12, 13).

- Earth-shaking calamities and fear toward the end of time (Luke 21:25, 26).

- Moral degeneracy and decline of spirituality in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Biblical historical statements are accurate.

The Bible says, “I, the Lord, speak righteousness, I declare things that are right” (Isaiah 45:19).

Sometimes evidence might not yet be available to prove certain historical claims found in Scripture, but evidence has repeatedly surfaced proving the validity of the Bible. Note the following:

- For years skeptics said the Bible was unreliable because it mentions the Hittite nation (Deuteronomy 7:1) and cities like Nineveh (Jonah 1:1, 2) and Sodom (Genesis 19:1), all of which they denied ever existed. But now modern archaeology has confirmed that all three did exist.

- Critics also said that the kings Belshazzar (Daniel 5:1) and Sargon (Isaiah 20:1) never existed. Again, their existence has since been confirmed.

- Skeptics said the Bible record of Moses was not reliable because it mentions writing (Exodus 24:4) and wheeled vehicles (Exodus 14:25), which they said didn’t exist in his time. Today we know they did.

- At one time, the 39 kings of ancient Israel and Judah were known only from the Bible record; thus, critics doubted their existence. But when archaeologists found independent ancient records that mention many of these kings, the Bible record was proved accurate once again.

Critics of the Bible have been proven wrong repeatedly as new discoveries have confirmed biblical people, places, and events.

What other facts about the Bible prove its divine inspiration?

The Bible says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16).

One of the greatest miracles of the Bible is its unity. Just ponder these amazing facts:

The 66 books of the Bible were written:
  1. On three continents.
  2. In three languages.
  3. By about 40 different people (such as kings, shepherds, scientists, attorneys, an army general, fishermen, priests, and a physician).
  4. Over a period of about 1,500 years.
  5. On the most controversial subjects.
  6. By people who, in most cases, had never met.
  7. By authors whose education and background varied greatly.
Yet, though it seems totally inconceivable, the 66 books maintain harmony with one another. And even when new concepts on a certain subject are expressed, they do not undermine what other Bible writers say on the same subject.

This is almost too amazing to believe! Ask people who have viewed the same event to give a report of what happened and you’ll discover that their stories will often differ widely and will contradict each other in some way. Yet the Bible, penned by 40 writers over a 1,500-year period, reads as if it was written by one mind. And indeed it was: “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). The Holy Spirit “moved” them all; He is the real Bible author.

This is taken from amazing facts.

This is tip of the iceberg of how the Bible harmonises. it harmonises even in the minutest detail. Only those who study the Bible know that. Only God could do that. Plus all biblical prophecy is always fulfilled. We are seeing end time prophecy being fulfilled right now.

There is simply no other book like the Bible in this world and there never will be. It is the truth of God.

Everything you have today and refer to as scripture, was this documented in the life time of Jesus? Are there any carbon dated manuscripts in Aramaic? Why is the oldest text in Greek? Sounds like blind faith to me. If I was a Christian I’d look into the origins of my book and why it has a dozen or so versions and why everything before Jesus pbuh is not in line with your book.
You keep on missing the point sadly. Seeing texts written in Aramaic or Greek or any other language is not going to transform one's heart from the inside out is it? Whatever version of Bible a person reads they can find Christ in it.

As I have pointed out in this post and in my previous one, there is a spiritual side to being a Christian. If we open our hearts to God, He will lead us to the truth and the best version of His Word where we can get to know Him deeply and accept Christ as our personal Saviour. Its about Christ can be found in all the versions of the Bible (even the latest ones).

One day God decided to send his son, who is also God, but according to some people is just his son, to die for our sins as the ultimate sacrifice? There are so many issues with this I’ll just make one stark one, SIN STILL EXISTS so his sacrifice was for what? Christians still sin so his sacrifice was for what? What just and fair God would allow one person to die for the sins of mankind? Again, your doctrine requires a significant level of blind faith because you can’t rationalise it, it doesn’t make logical sense.
Jesus did not come to eradicate sin from this world when He came the first time. Only hell and the eternal death of the wicked including Satan and his angels will get rid of sin at the end of the world.

Jesus came to save us from paying for the penalty of sin. He paid for that penalty so we don't have to. If we accept Christ as our Saviour and His gift of salvation and follow His precepts, we will be saved and not die eternally. This is a choice we have to make ourselves then God can start being part of lives and leading us after we let Him in.

Yes Christians still sin but as they grow in Christ and become more and more obedient, they sin less and less. And when Christian sin, they ask God for forgiveness earnestly and He forgives them.

Anyway, this isn’t a thread about the authenticity of the Bible so I won’t delve further. I apologise for derailing. I expect you to defend your faith and your book but you literally have no way of explaining why the Bible is hard to understand other than ‘you don’t get it because you need accept Jesus’. Bit of reductive way of explaining it away.
Yes we need Jesus as He is our Saviour, but we need the Holy Spirit too. The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ. This is something that does not exist in Islam. That is why you don't get it.

The spiritual side of being a Christian is very important. We get led to God by the Holy Spirit. We discern the Bible through the Holy Spirit. We are baptised in the Holy Spirit. We get spiritual gifts too to serve God with. Jesus said about the Holy Spirit, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (John 16:13).

Jesus also said in John 4:24: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”

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Jun 28, 2020
Wiki is biased in favor of official narratives. Not "against Muslims". If there is any group that it could be accurately said they are biased against is conspiracy theorists.
Who runs wiki?

Whose been bombing Palestine for a solid month? 10,000+ dead, 25,000+ injured.




Seeing a pattern?


Jun 28, 2020

You are so wrong and sadly you don't even know it.

You don't need an analytical mind to understand God. You need to open your mind to be receptive to Him and His truth then the Holy Spirit will lead you to more truths of God. The Bible says

You're right, God is not the author of confusion and I can tell you the Bible is not confusing except to those who do not understand it and what's more don't want to because of their beliefs that contradict His Word.

We know the Bible and its 40+ authors were inspired by God because it harmonises even though it was written over a period of 1500 years.

Bible predictions of future events that have come to pass dramatically confirm the divine inspiration of Scripture by different prophets. These are just a few examples of fulfilled Bible prophecies:

- Four world empires would arise: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome
(Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8).

- Cyrus to be the warrior to capture Babylon (Isaiah 45:1-3).

- After Babylon's destruction, it would never be inhabited again (Isaiah 13:19, 20; Jeremiah 51:37).

- Egypt would never again have a commanding position among the nations (Ezekiel 29:14, 15 30:12, 13).

- Earth-shaking calamities and fear toward the end of time (Luke 21:25, 26).

- Moral degeneracy and decline of spirituality in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Biblical historical statements are accurate.

The Bible says, “I, the Lord, speak righteousness, I declare things that are right” (Isaiah 45:19).

Sometimes evidence might not yet be available to prove certain historical claims found in Scripture, but evidence has repeatedly surfaced proving the validity of the Bible. Note the following:

- For years skeptics said the Bible was unreliable because it mentions the Hittite nation (Deuteronomy 7:1) and cities like Nineveh (Jonah 1:1, 2) and Sodom (Genesis 19:1), all of which they denied ever existed. But now modern archaeology has confirmed that all three did exist.

- Critics also said that the kings Belshazzar (Daniel 5:1) and Sargon (Isaiah 20:1) never existed. Again, their existence has since been confirmed.

- Skeptics said the Bible record of Moses was not reliable because it mentions writing (Exodus 24:4) and wheeled vehicles (Exodus 14:25), which they said didn’t exist in his time. Today we know they did.

- At one time, the 39 kings of ancient Israel and Judah were known only from the Bible record; thus, critics doubted their existence. But when archaeologists found independent ancient records that mention many of these kings, the Bible record was proved accurate once again.

Critics of the Bible have been proven wrong repeatedly as new discoveries have confirmed biblical people, places, and events.

What other facts about the Bible prove its divine inspiration?

The Bible says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16).

One of the greatest miracles of the Bible is its unity. Just ponder these amazing facts:

The 66 books of the Bible were written:
  1. On three continents.
  2. In three languages.
  3. By about 40 different people (such as kings, shepherds, scientists, attorneys, an army general, fishermen, priests, and a physician).
  4. Over a period of about 1,500 years.
  5. On the most controversial subjects.
  6. By people who, in most cases, had never met.
  7. By authors whose education and background varied greatly.
Yet, though it seems totally inconceivable, the 66 books maintain harmony with one another. And even when new concepts on a certain subject are expressed, they do not undermine what other Bible writers say on the same subject.

This is almost too amazing to believe! Ask people who have viewed the same event to give a report of what happened and you’ll discover that their stories will often differ widely and will contradict each other in some way. Yet the Bible, penned by 40 writers over a 1,500-year period, reads as if it was written by one mind. And indeed it was: “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). The Holy Spirit “moved” them all; He is the real Bible author.

This is taken from amazing facts.

This is tip of the iceberg of how the Bible harmonises. it harmonises even in the minutest detail. Only those who study the Bible know that. Only God could do that. Plus all biblical prophecy is always fulfilled. We are seeing end time prophecy being fulfilled right now.

There is simply no other book like the Bible in this world and there never will be. It is the truth of God.

You keep on missing the point sadly. Seeing texts written in Aramaic or Greek or any other language is not going to transform one's heart from the inside out is it? Whatever version of Bible a person reads they can find Christ in it.

As I have pointed out in this post and in my previous one, there is a spiritual side to being a Christian. If we open our hearts to God, He will lead us to the truth and the best version of His Word where we can get to know Him deeply and accept Christ as our personal Saviour. Its about Christ can be found in all the versions of the Bible (even the latest ones).

Jesus did not come to eradicate sin from this world when He came the first time. Only hell and the eternal death of the wicked including Satan and his angels will get rid of sin at the end of the world.

Jesus came to save us from paying for the penalty of sin. He paid for that penalty so we don't have to. If we accept Christ as our Saviour and His gift of salvation and follow His precepts, we will be saved and not die eternally. This is a choice we have to make ourselves then God can start being part of lives and leading us after we let Him in.

Yes Christians still sin but as they grow in Christ and become more and more obedient, they sin less and less. And when Christian sin, they ask God for forgiveness earnestly and He forgives them.

Yes we need Jesus as He is our Saviour, but we need the Holy Spirit too. The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ. This is something that does not exist in Islam. That is why you don't get it.

The spiritual side of being a Christian is very important. We get led to God by the Holy Spirit. We discern the Bible through the Holy Spirit. We are baptised in the Holy Spirit. We get spiritual gifts too to serve God with. Jesus said about the Holy Spirit, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (John 16:13).
For Pete's sake, I had to scroll 4 screens to pass this.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your lengthy post prior which you copied and pasted has errors. You are clearly a deceitful
person. Apostle is not the correct word used to refer to Lot so where have you got that from?

The Arabic word is rasul which means messenger. You really have to work hard to tarnish the Quran to make your beliefs look better don’t you? Pretty weak and pathetic beliefs you must have to spend all day copy and pasting passages of text you don’t regard as true.

View attachment 95591View attachment 95592View attachment 95593
An apostle is a messenger.

The only deceit is pretending otherwise.


Jun 28, 2020
Don't see the point of bringing up the kkk,
All i wanted to know is are "the satanic verses" part of the Quran, or not.
The satanic verses is a book written by Salman Rushdie.
This guy.


Very fitting he has 1 eye symbolism. Don't you think?

The satanic verses is a book of lies with the intent to demonize Islam and Muslims.

Look up the book on social media and see it is pushed by Zionists and Hindus. This should be your first clue.

The fact that the Quran repeatedly denounces satan and elevates Jesus should be your second clue to the intent of the "satanic verses"



I brought up the KKK because they are a hate group.

Why are you sourcing a book written by a hateful man being pushed by hateful people?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
lol the Quran wasn’t written it was revealed orally.
According to whom please? Where does it tell us that in the Quran that it was revealed orally?

You haven’t been reading the thread so you only have a segment of info. The nature of the Quran is divine as we believe it was revealed to the illiterate prophet Muhammad pbuh.
And where does it tell us in the Quran that Muhammad was "illiterate" please?

If we turn to Sura 7:157-158, it is very clearly describing Christ-Jesus, The Messenger of God.

Sura 7:157-158
7:157. Those who follow The Apostle, the unlettered Prophet (John 7:15), whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures - the Bible),- in The Law (The Torah) and The Gospel (New Testament - Covenant);- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); he releases them from their heavy burdens (Matthew 23:1-4) and from the yokes (Matt.11:28-30) that are upon them. So it is those who believe him, honour him, help him, and follow the Light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper (John 8:3)."
7:158. Say: "O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of "I AM", to Whom belongeth the Dominion of the heavens and the Earth: there is no god but He: it is He That giveth both life and death. So believe in "I AM" and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet (John 7:15-19), who believeth "I AM" and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided (by "The Way" - John 14:6)."

John 7:14-17
7:14 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into The Temple, and taught.
7:15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man "Letters", having never been taught?
7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, BUT HIS THAT SENT ME.
7:17 If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself.

Compare with:

Sura 4:157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger/Angel of God";- but they killed Christ not, nor crucified Christ, but so it was made to appear to them (as they crucified the human body called Jesus, that Christ the spirit-being used - Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13 - 54:1; Zechariah 11:10-13; Matthew 27), and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) Knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed Christ not:-

God confirms the truth that came beforehand and corrects the ills. That’s it. You don’t have to accept it and you can continue preaching whatever it is you believe.
Of course God is THE Source of All Truth, which is why we should be turning to HIS Book (Scripture) in its entirety, i.e. the Old Covenant/Testament, New Covenant/Testament and the Koran/Quran, instead of turning to totally fabricated man-made books like the talmud and hadith.

Once this truth is accepted, it will free those in bondage to the traditions of men, who confuse those traditions with The Word of God.

Who wrote the accounts of the prophets?
2 Peter 1:21 For the Prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke [as they were] moved by the Holy Spirit.

Who authored the Bible?
As above please. The beauty of Scripture is that no human can ever counterfeit it, nor add to it or subtract from it, because it has so much built in redundancy that any such efforts to tamper with it stick out like a sore thumb.

ALL Scripture, when properly written, translated and understood, will ALWAYS be in perfect agreement with itself.

Sura 39:23. "I AM" has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, CONSISTENT WITH ITSELF, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of "I AM"'s praises (Prov. 1:7; 9:10). Such is the Guidance from "I AM": He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as "I AM" leaves to stray, can have none to guide.

Are you really that obtuse that you don’t think to look into authorship? The Bible has been ripped to shreds with regards to authenticity as it contradicts itself so much.
Ripped to shreds by whom? By the so-called scholars and experts that the Bible refers to as the spiritually blind leading the blind (Matt. 15:14)? Please.

What evidence do you have that the authors of your book were divinely guided?
As above please.

The Quran omits the narratives which are false.
According to whom? Where does it tell us this in the Quran?

No prophet of God would get drunk and allow his daughters to mount. Don’t be so ridiculous.
Again, according to whom? Where does it tell us this in the Quran?

IF you will be honest with yourself (i.e. answer the questions above that have been asked of you), you will find that most of the beliefs espoused by the organized religion that calls itself "Islam" are found nowhere in the Quran.

The Quran condemns the hadith, and tells everyone to read and study the Bible. Why not do as the Quran says instead of turning to made-up stories (like those in the self-contradictory hadith)?


Jun 28, 2020
According to whom please? Where does it tell us that in the Quran that it was revealed orally?

And where does it tell us in the Quran that Muhammad was "illiterate" please?

If we turn to Sura 7:157-158, it is very clearly describing Christ-Jesus, The Messenger of God.

Sura 7:157-158
7:157. Those who follow The Apostle, the unlettered Prophet (John 7:15), whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures - the Bible),- in The Law (The Torah) and The Gospel (New Testament - Covenant);- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); he releases them from their heavy burdens (Matthew 23:1-4) and from the yokes (Matt.11:28-30) that are upon them. So it is those who believe him, honour him, help him, and follow the Light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper (John 8:3)."
7:158. Say: "O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of "I AM", to Whom belongeth the Dominion of the heavens and the Earth: there is no god but He: it is He That giveth both life and death. So believe in "I AM" and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet (John 7:15-19), who believeth "I AM" and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided (by "The Way" - John 14:6)."

John 7:14-17
7:14 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into The Temple, and taught.
7:15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man "Letters", having never been taught?
7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, BUT HIS THAT SENT ME.
7:17 If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself.

Compare with:

Sura 4:157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger/Angel of God";- but they killed Christ not, nor crucified Christ, but so it was made to appear to them (as they crucified the human body called Jesus, that Christ the spirit-being used - Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13 - 54:1; Zechariah 11:10-13; Matthew 27), and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) Knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed Christ not:-

Of course God is THE Source of All Truth, which is why we should be turning to HIS Book (Scripture) in its entirety, i.e. the Old Covenant/Testament, New Covenant/Testament and the Koran/Quran, instead of turning to totally fabricated man-made books like the talmud and hadith.

Once this truth is accepted, it will free those in bondage to the traditions of men, who confuse those traditions with The Word of God.

2 Peter 1:21 For the Prophecy came NOT in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke [as they were] moved by the Holy Spirit.

As above please. The beauty of Scripture is that no human can ever counterfeit it, nor add to it or subtract from it, because it has so much built in redundancy that any such efforts to tamper with it stick out like a sore thumb.

ALL Scripture, when properly written, translated and understood, will ALWAYS be in perfect agreement with itself.

Sura 39:23. "I AM" has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, CONSISTENT WITH ITSELF, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of "I AM"'s praises (Prov. 1:7; 9:10). Such is the Guidance from "I AM": He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as "I AM" leaves to stray, can have none to guide.

Ripped to shreds by whom? By the so-called scholars and experts that the Bible refers to as the spiritually blind leading the blind (Matt. 15:14)? Please.

As above please.

According to whom? Where does it tell us this in the Quran?

Again, according to whom? Where does it tell us this in the Quran?

IF you will be honest with yourself (i.e. answer the questions above that have been asked of you), you will find that most of the beliefs espoused by the organized religion that calls itself "Islam" are found nowhere in the Quran.

The Quran condemns the hadith, and tells everyone to read and study the Bible. Why not do as the Quran says instead of turning to made-up stories (like those in the self-contradictory hadith)?
So many people here writing literal books to Haich.
Looks like she triggered something.

Personally, who has the time to bother with one of you, let alone all of you?

There's no such thing as making a point or two here, it's dropping a dictionary on the table and saying "respond".


Looks like you all need to go out and get some sunlight. Touch grass as she says

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
So many people here writing literal books to Haich.
Looks like she triggered something.

Personally, who has the time to bother with one of you, let alone all of you?

There's no such thing as making a point or two here, it's dropping a dictionary on the table and saying "respond".

View attachment 95612

Looks like you all need to go out and get some sunlight. Touch grass as she says
Why can't any of you answer a direct question? Where does it tell us in the Quran that Muhammad was allegedly illiterate, or that a prophet is allegedly sinless, etc.?
Jun 26, 2022
Who runs wiki?

Whose been bombing Palestine for a solid month? 10,000+ dead, 25,000+ injured.

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View attachment 95600

View attachment 95601

Seeing a pattern?
What does zionists hiring people to edit wikipedia in order to get sympathy for their ongoing onslaught against the Palestinians have to do with this thread?

Or tweets by netenyahu for that matter?

Tptb spread narrratives against all kinds of people, and wiki is biased towards official narrarives on practically every subject.

This is the same wiki that erases the existence of ultrafundamentalist Christians so theyre not pro Christian either...