Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG

z gharib

Sep 26, 2017
I don't think he has an agenda. Just young and newer to Islam is all.

I've been a Muslim for about 12 years, and the only thing I am certain of is I don't know everything.
i am not refering to any individual here...but there is a campaign a push persistent and coordinated effort for demonization of shia......


Jun 28, 2020
I am not new to Islam. and like I said, my view of Shia is very mild compared to the classical scholars. were they young and new to Islam?
I've read your posts from about 2 years ago on these boards, akhi. Seems I'm the only one that thought you were Muslim. But I'm told you were Catholic.

One thing I can tell you, arrogance will kill ilm. It is a light, a nur. Not something to be lorded over others.

I'm no scholar, far from it, and I remind myself before you.


Sep 4, 2023
Boycotts work, one thing i like from woke culture is cancelling evil people.

Yeah, for example I boycott any product with the frickin rainbow symbol on it, and TV adverts that feature perversion and hidden agendas, and TV programs that are twisted, and films and TV shows and DVD's who've got lefty actors in them who i can't stand, and local shops whose owners are lefties, and no way do I vote for the big corrupt parties etc..:)
If millions of people did all that, it'd hit TPTB hard..:)


Jun 28, 2020
i am not refering to any individual here...but there is a campaign a push to persistent and coordinated effort for demonization of shia......
Yes, I can see this. It's always been about division. In all shapes and forms.


Aug 8, 2023
I've read your posts from about 2 years ago on these boards, akhi. Seems I'm the only one that thought you were Muslim. But I'm told you were Catholic.

One thing I can tell you, arrogance will kill ilm. It is a light, a nur. Not something to be lorded over others.

I'm no scholar, far from it, and I remind myself before you.
you're the one trying to make some appeal to authority over me, presenting yourself as this older and wiser person rather than actually making solid arguments. I'm not a scholar, you're not a scholar but the classical scholars definitely were scholars. and I'm not new to Islam and I'm not interested in writing my biography, that's not people's business. you shouldn't even be trying to go that route and you don't know me.

edit: I wasn't on here two years ago and I definitely wasn't a Catholic, I don't know who you were getting false gossip about me from
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Sep 4, 2023
Incidentally i've never registered at any "social media" site like Facebook or Twitter etc because I just can't see the point, am I missing something?


Jan 22, 2018
Awoken you’re an atheist, why do you like talking about religion so much if I may ask lol
I don't, but unfortunately I came to a forum mascarading as a conspiracy forum and found it inundated with people who just wanted to share their belief in God/Allah/Mummahad/Jesus/Yaweh/Icke that it became pretty unavoidable.

Just standing my ground against some pretty spurious and conflicting views that's all.
Feb 12, 2022
Some historical context.
Fact: Israel was founded after Zionists Terrorist militias attacked British Troops and Native Palestinians in the 1940's in Palestine.
And the NYT and world media reported it as such before committing to sanitizing Israeli terror.
-Via Ahmedeldin

There are more images but can only attach 10 per post.

Why it wasn't considered anti-Semitism in that era?


Feb 12, 2022
well first of all, Trump/Putin/QAnon/Iran are all controlled opposition but let me put that to the side.

any idea that the Shia are our brothers- this is a modern deviation. the idea that the shia are kuffar is not some modern view, if you go back and look what the classical scholars said- the classical scholars generally saw them as kaffirs. I think some of them were a little hesistant to say every single one of them is kaffir and sort of left the door open to things like maybe an exception here and there but the general view was they are kaffirs and there wasn't the view that they are our brothers or we should unite with them.

they are being propped up as a conspiracy against sunni Islam.

anyways, I have some classical fataawa on them I will post later insha'Allah. all of the fataawa predate the first Saudi state except I think one from Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and one from Imam Shawkani.

so that is from the classical sunni viewpoint- predating any Saudi state, "Wahhabism" or Zionism. what about from their own view?

from their view, we are kaffirs whose blood is halal. they hate our guts and they believe in using taqiyyah to lure us into being friends with them. anyone that's looked into their "religion".... obviously it is extremely evil and sinister and contemplating it should make it clear that it would be a horrible mistake to trust these people or to expect them to act as any sort of defenders of Islam.

I'm sure you've come across this guy

it's like he says- and he himself is Persian ex-shia, they don't care about Islam, they care about their fake version of Islam. and to them Sunni Palestinians would just be more "wahhabi" enemies. it makes no sense they would really be serious about freeing Palestine. also, Iran is a kaffir country with a Muslim minority. Hassan Nasrallah is a kaffir, neither he nor Khameini are Muslim leaders.
I'm also interested on your take on Baha'i Faith. Its very NWO.


Jun 28, 2020
you're the one trying to make some appeal to authority over me, presenting yourself as this older and wiser person rather than actually making solid arguments. I'm not a scholar, you're not a scholar but the classical scholars definitely were scholars. and I'm not new to Islam and I'm not interested in writing my biography, that's not people's business. you shouldn't even be trying to go that route and you don't know me.
My apologies as this is not my intention.

edit: I wasn't on here two years ago and I definitely wasn't a Catholic, I don't know who you were getting false gossip about me from
I would need to go back and source the actual threads for dates. Might have been 3 or 4 years. idk. Your meme thread is currently active-ish. What is the date on it?

This doesn't change what I said originally, though. The sahaba were afraid to give out advice because if they were wrong they know the punishment was severe. Today everyone thinks they are a scholar. This is not a shot at you, it's just the reality. Go onto social media and everyone is an alim.

I remember when I was newer to Islam, i prayed with my shoes on. People around me chastised me for this. Today, I know it's actually the Sunnah, even though I'd never walk into a masjid with my shoes on.

There is only one who has complete knowledge. The rest of us are prone to mistakes. This is the reality akhi. I am not trying to "1 up" you.

You are closer to the truth than some other Muslims here. Some reject hadith, others think Jesus died on the cross.

May God help us.


Jun 28, 2020
I don't, but unfortunately I came to a forum mascarading as a conspiracy forum and found it inundated with people who just wanted to share their belief in God/Allah/Mummahad/Jesus/Yaweh/Icke that it became pretty unavoidable.

Just standing my ground against some pretty spurious and conflicting views that's all.
I have mentioned conspiracies in this very thread. Why no comment on them? Might have to go back a few pages, but I know one was today.


Aug 8, 2023
My apologies as this is not my intention.

I would need to go back and source the actual threads for dates. Might have been 3 or 4 years. idk. Your meme thread is currently active-ish. What is the date on it?

This doesn't change what I said originally, though. The sahaba were afraid to give out advice because if they were wrong they know the punishment was severe. Today everyone thinks they are a scholar. This is not a shot at you, it's just the reality. Go onto social media and everyone is an alim.

I remember when I was newer to Islam, i prayed with my shoes on. People around me chastised me for this. Today, I know it's actually the Sunnah, even though I'd never walk into a masjid with my shoes on.

There is only one who has complete knowledge. The rest of us are prone to mistakes. This is the reality akhi. I am not trying to "1 up" you.

You are closer to the truth than some other Muslims here. Some reject hadith, others think Jesus died on the cross.

May God help us.
Look- I don't know your personal biography and you don't know mine. I am not new to Islam. Trust me, I know myself a little better than anonymous people on the internet.

If you have a difference of opinion with me, you are free to give your argument as to why you think my opinion is incorrect but it is not right to go and try to talk about my personal details. My personal details are not even known. No person on here really knows my personal details.

I urge that you don't try to dig or make assumptions into my personal details, biography, etc. I don't do that with you. I don't disagree and start make assertions about your personal history as though I know about such things. And no one on here actually knows my personal details or history and anyone that claims such knowledge is making a false assertion.

That is not the way to disagree and express a difference of opinion. If you have some evidence as to why a view is correct or incorrect, feel free to share it. But I don't try to dig into your personal business, no one should try to dig into mine.


Jun 28, 2020
Look- I don't know your personal biography and you don't know mine. I am not new to Islam. Trust me, I know myself a little better than anonymous people on the internet.

If you have a difference of opinion with me, you are free to give your argument as to why you think my opinion is incorrect but it is not right to go and try to talk about my personal details. My personal details are not even known. No person on here really knows my personal details.

I urge that you don't try to dig or make assumptions into my personal details, biography, etc. I don't do that with you. I don't disagree and start make assertions about your personal history as though I know about such things. And no one on here actually knows my personal details or history and anyone that claims such knowledge is making a false assertion.

That is not the way to disagree and express a difference of opinion. If you have some evidence as to why a view is correct or incorrect, feel free to share it. But I don't try to dig into your personal business, no one should try to dig into mine.
I do not think we will ever see eye to eye. It's like we are from 2 different planets.

Let us agree to disagree. Salaam alaykum.