Thanks for posting this. This is all true and it's been exposed by a lot of people. There are terms called "kprostitutes" and "텐프로" which is the Korean spelling of Tenpro. It means prostitution ring to a lot of people. You can find plenty of info about it on forums and on youtube by typing in "kpopstitues" or "텐프로"
To add to what you said here, even when a famous celebrity leaves the entertainment industry, they are still a "slave" to their company. Like let's say a kp0p group disbands for example. Those members have to pay back their debt, even if it isn't their fault. So what happens is the CEOs and managers set up these failed artists with jobs in the red light district to be waiters, escorts, pimps, wh0res, etc. This is a quick way to make a lot of money to pay off debt, at the cost of the celebrities morality and dignity. Of course all of the perverted elite in Itaewon are some of the most disgusting people on Earth, so it doesn't stop with mere sexual favors. It's humiliation, abuse, physical and mental torture. It might as well be a 2nd Dubai at this point. Even though these entertainers "left" the industry, they are still a slave with debt and a lot of the time they feel like suicide is the only way out. It's truly saddening.