What Is Monotheism Really About?


Mar 26, 2017
Every imperialism needs a justifying philosophy -José Vasconcelos

I think this is the raw truth but I want to be very clear- this is about Islam but what this book is talking about is not just about Islam- this book exposed monotheism for what it really is.

Monotheism is about control.

^the history of monotheism, in a nut shell

it sounds beautiful on paper but its history is one of the bloodshed

what has it served as? As a justifying ideology for colonialism and genocide!

An ideology for colonizers- for invaders.

here is the book I am talking about- but I want to be very clear- I do not mean this as an attack on Islam. No- I mean this as an attack on monotheism.

http://www.hindusthangaurav.com/books/ISLAM THE ARAB IMPERIALISM.pd

I don't care if this entire forum attacks me and if every person on this forum turns against me. I am tired of holding my tongue.

The Christians and the Muslims are like the Democrats and the Republicans- two parties that are supposedly different but really are pretty much the exact same. Two groups who are still fighting crusades hundreds of years later- over whether Jesus was a prophet or the son of God. What difference does it make?! How does it effect my every day, day-to-day decision-making whether he was the son of God or a prophet? I frankly don't care! And honestly I think he was neither- I think he was probably just a Jewish preacher- if he existed. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Christianity was just invented by some clever people as some form of mind control. Or did it start off as sincere and then was hijacked into being mind control?

you don't have to be a PHD in History to know about Christianity and its evil history. That other user was right to make a thread about how Christianity murdered Greeks and destroyed Greek culture- that is the general pattern of how Christianity was spread.

And Islam is pretty much the same religion. I seriously doubt it was spread through lecturers and pamphlets.

Anyways, please examine the book I have provided a link to. And please keep in mind it exposes not merely Islam but monotheism in general- the essence of its message applies to Christianity as well.

And having said all this, I want to say that the truth lies in the unification of opposites.

Let's not be reductionist- yes monotheism is a veiled justification for imperialism but it's not just that.

The coin has two sides. Islam is a path to God and Christianity is a path to God.

We can't run around and insult Christians and Muslims and belittle them and try to force our own thinking on them. These religions can bring people closer to God. But the secret is that they bring people closer to God simply through bringing people closer to their true inner nature

The value of these religions- which form part of the rich spiritual heritage of mankind- is not in their debates over whether Jesus was a prophet or son of God or how many angels can desd on the head of a needle- their value is that they teach spirituality, free us from materialism, and bring us in like with our own, innate human decency. And because this decency is innate- the moral teachings of these religions are useful as a map- but the map is not the path itself. There comes times when you must walk by faith, by your own intuitive knowing and not by sight- to leave the map behind.

The great spiritual teachers of history were not obsessing over the minute grammatical details of previous scriptures- they studied scriptures but their greatness came from their own spirit and the courage to follow their own unique path and vision- they were not merely regurgitating the fossilized creativity of the past.

In short, I have written a post almost seemingly tailor-made to be capable of offending billions of people. Perhaps I can unite Muslims and Christians in thinking I am awful.

But... please read the book I posted the link to. Some of what I've said has tended towards the speculative but even if I offend pretty much everyone snd manage to succeessfully alienate myself from everyone- I at least in part have the force of truth on my side and that is enough to satisfy me. And the book I have posted the link to- that book certainly has the truth on its side. You read it and s lightbulb turns on and you know he's telling the truth.


Mar 15, 2017
1. People who deny Jesus' existence should be taken as seriously as believers of the Mandela Effect, Holocaust deniers, man-on-the-moon deniers and flat-earthers.
2. Of course a Hindu writer is going to deny monotheism - they have invented so many gods.
3. He is using all the arguments atheists love to use when it suits them.
4. Christianity existed well before Islam. 1st century AD compared to 6th century AD. Islam continues to cause wars wherever it goes.


Mar 26, 2017
1. People who deny Jesus' existence should be taken as seriously as believers of the Mandela Effect, Holocaust deniers, man-on-the-moon deniers and flat-earthers.
1. People who deny Islam should be taken as seriously as believers of the Mandela Effect, Holocaust deniers, man-on-the-moon deniers and flat-earthers.
Do you see what I mean? Exact same religion.

And it's not hard to see how believers of the "everyone outside my religion is going to hell" school of thought might eh... become a little dangerous.

"Hi, I'm such and such. I just arrived here from another continent. I don't understand anything about your culture, language, history or spirituality but as a follower of the one true religion [*insertnameofonetruereligion*], I am going to destroy your culture, kill your men and enslave you. So you can learn civilization." o_O

And you know what? I applaud the Hindus for standing up to the "tolerant", "open-minded" (sarcasm) monotheists who want to attack their culture that has gone back thousands of years and for defending their traditions.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how monotheism can turn into genocide.

Maybe go ask a Native American... if you can find one still around.


Mar 18, 2017
I think you actually make an interesting point that I have spent some time considering over the years. The problem with the theory that monotheism is responsible for everything you are suggesting is that the world has always been engaged in wars.

Throughout Asia, there have been wars and takeovers of different areas of land. The same is true in Africa. The same is true everywhere, monotheism or not.

This led me to the conclusion that monotheism is not responsible, the presence of sin is responsible. This is why I am Christian because the Bible gives an explanation for evil; whereas, the world debates whether evil is based on genetics or experience.

The reality is that the perfect environment will not remove violence.

This is why I believe in the Bible because there is no other explanation for the presence of evil that is consistent and does not encounter issues. Sociologists have done many studies on the subject of morality and environment and have not found a way to remove sin.

So the problem is this monkey on our back that is impossible to remove, not monotheism.

However, like I said, I think you make an interesting point, and I find your process of searching out answers interesting. You are very energetic in your pursuit of truth.


Mar 15, 2017
Do you see what I mean? Exact same religion.

And it's not hard to see how believers of the "everyone outside my religion is going to hell" school of thought might eh... become a little dangerous.

"Hi, I'm such and such. I just arrived here from another continent. I don't understand anything about your culture, language, history or spirituality but as a follower of the one true religion [*insertnameofonetruereligion*], I am going to destroy your culture, kill your men and enslave you. So you can learn civilization." o_O

And you know what? I applaud the Hindus for standing up to the "tolerant", "open-minded" (sarcasm) monotheists who want to attack their culture that has gone back thousands of years and for defending their traditions.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how monotheism can turn into genocide.

Maybe go ask a Native American... if you can find one still around.
You making a common mistake - confusing Medieval Roman Catholicism with Christianity.


Apr 12, 2017
Every imperialism needs a justifying philosophy -José Vasconcelos

I think this is the raw truth but I want to be very clear- this is about Islam but what this book is talking about is not just about Islam- this book exposed monotheism for what it really is.

Monotheism is about control.

^the history of monotheism, in a nut shell

it sounds beautiful on paper but its history is one of the bloodshed

what has it served as? As a justifying ideology for colonialism and genocide!

An ideology for colonizers- for invaders.

here is the book I am talking about- but I want to be very clear- I do not mean this as an attack on Islam. No- I mean this as an attack on monotheism.

http://www.hindusthangaurav.com/books/ISLAM THE ARAB IMPERIALISM.pd

I don't care if this entire forum attacks me and if every person on this forum turns against me. I am tired of holding my tongue.

The Christians and the Muslims are like the Democrats and the Republicans- two parties that are supposedly different but really are pretty much the exact same. Two groups who are still fighting crusades hundreds of years later- over whether Jesus was a prophet or the son of God. What difference does it make?! How does it effect my every day, day-to-day decision-making whether he was the son of God or a prophet? I frankly don't care! And honestly I think he was neither- I think he was probably just a Jewish preacher- if he existed. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Christianity was just invented by some clever people as some form of mind control. Or did it start off as sincere and then was hijacked into being mind control?

you don't have to be a PHD in History to know about Christianity and its evil history. That other user was right to make a thread about how Christianity murdered Greeks and destroyed Greek culture- that is the general pattern of how Christianity was spread.

And Islam is pretty much the same religion. I seriously doubt it was spread through lecturers and pamphlets.

Anyways, please examine the book I have provided a link to. And please keep in mind it exposes not merely Islam but monotheism in general- the essence of its message applies to Christianity as well.

And having said all this, I want to say that the truth lies in the unification of opposites.

Let's not be reductionist- yes monotheism is a veiled justification for imperialism but it's not just that.

The coin has two sides. Islam is a path to God and Christianity is a path to God.

We can't run around and insult Christians and Muslims and belittle them and try to force our own thinking on them. These religions can bring people closer to God. But the secret is that they bring people closer to God simply through bringing people closer to their true inner nature

The value of these religions- which form part of the rich spiritual heritage of mankind- is not in their debates over whether Jesus was a prophet or son of God or how many angels can desd on the head of a needle- their value is that they teach spirituality, free us from materialism, and bring us in like with our own, innate human decency. And because this decency is innate- the moral teachings of these religions are useful as a map- but the map is not the path itself. There comes times when you must walk by faith, by your own intuitive knowing and not by sight- to leave the map behind.

The great spiritual teachers of history were not obsessing over the minute grammatical details of previous scriptures- they studied scriptures but their greatness came from their own spirit and the courage to follow their own unique path and vision- they were not merely regurgitating the fossilized creativity of the past.

In short, I have written a post almost seemingly tailor-made to be capable of offending billions of people. Perhaps I can unite Muslims and Christians in thinking I am awful.

But... please read the book I posted the link to. Some of what I've said has tended towards the speculative but even if I offend pretty much everyone snd manage to succeessfully alienate myself from everyone- I at least in part have the force of truth on my side and that is enough to satisfy me. And the book I have posted the link to- that book certainly has the truth on its side. You read it and s lightbulb turns on and you know he's telling the truth.
Link gives me a 404 page not found message. Could you check and repost?


Mar 15, 2017
Another point:
Every country and culture around the world which is polytheistic (has multiple gods), did the writer discuss their many wars between each other, their human sacrifices to their gods etc?
Or is it the usual Christians/ Jews/ Muslims bad, everyone else good (oversimplication as usual)?


Mar 13, 2017

I have seen you board a few faith trains whilst on here, and really, that is ok. You are not offensive, but are in the midst of your journey to real Truth. I have been there and it is a bumpy ride. The God of the Universe promises this:

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
And I will be found of you, saith the Lord..."
Jer. 29:13-14a

You are on your journey to God and no one can ride in your place.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

What an interesting observation... The fact that you are asking this question lets me know that you think deeply, and I have a greater respect for you for it!

You start your OP with the quote:

"Every imperialism needs a justifying philosophy" -José Vasconcelos

This is packed full of meaning and needs unpacking properly. Men have appropriated the prevailing ideology, religious or secular to advance their own ends throughout time. The most bizarre recent example of this might be ANTIFA who are aggressively intolerant in the name of fighting for tolerance!!!

There is much more to be said but I won't say it all at once,

God bless
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Mar 14, 2017
look at ancient empires ie assyrian, babylonian, persian, greek, roman.
religions/gods always changed..but the name of the game was power/control/conquest.

So from the very beginning you have a context ie competing empires trying to conquer your territory. So there's nothing wrong with christian or muslim expansion AS LONG AS the ideals of the religions are put into practice.
If either religion was practiced how is really ought to be practiced ie with proper justice coming from a place of honesty and humility, the world would be a much better place than it is.
Mar 14, 2017
Just a note, that "f" was missing from the link, so here it is again for those interested:
http://www.hindusthangaurav.com/books/ISLAM THE ARAB IMPERIALISM.pdf

"Until a country has embraced Islam, it is legally considered a
fattlefield (Dar-ul-Harb) and the Muslims are obliged to fetray their
own motherland through civil and military action. Once, it is
converted to the Muslim ideology, it ranks as a Land of Peace (Darus-
Salaam) but at a very high cost to one's national pride because
then it exists as a spiritual and cultural satellite of Arabia. This is
what makes Islam, the subtle tool of Arab Imperialism."


Darl ul Harb didn't mean 'we can totally slaughter them whenever we want'

Al-Baqara, Chapter #2
190 And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors.
191 And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-Al-Haram (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
192 But if they cease, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
193 And fight them until there is no more Fitnah and worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun.

Fitnah means 'strife/trouble'. a Zalim is someone who's basically cruel and isn't divided by faith. A muslim can also commit 'zulm' like murder/r*pe.


Also the argument about arab imperialism is nonsense.

i don't know the true motives of the author..but a lot of muslims have been reacting to the modern rise of salafism which is an arab phenomenon and so they've began using arguments of 'arab imperialism' out of bitterness.
these days a lot of rich arabs are racist against other nations esp when they have different sectarian beliefs.

honestly it bugs me how many dumb fuckers write books and imagine themselves as some sort of educator of supreme information when in reality they're just attention whores.


Mar 18, 2017

honestly it bugs me how many dumb fuckers write books and imagine themselves as some sort of educator of supreme information when in reality they're just attention whores.
...and such a professional way to respond to something you disagree with. Attention whores. How clever. Such a distinction you make between yourself and the one you are criticizing. Well done.
Mar 14, 2017
...and such a professional way to respond to something you disagree with. Attention whores. How clever. Such a distinction you make between yourself and the one you are criticizing. Well done.
alright princess. my language isn't clean.
imagine you're just trying to live a clean healthy life and some dude walks into your home, pulls down his pants and takes a shit in your home and walks away.

that is how i feel when i read shit opinions on the internet.

There's no religious cure for it, I have to vent.

I wouldn't be arrogant enough to author a book especially if it was full of shit opinions.
look, i doubt anyone could write that stuff without knowing it's nonsense.
i reckon the guy wrote it knowing the likes of
would buy it as a form of religious porn..in which case i forgive him and think he's a smart businessman.

thanks, im over it now.
Mar 22, 2017
I've never thought of Islamic monotheism as being about control, but rather about everything being in order, the way God has ordained it. It is also about absolute justice. The principles of Islamic monotheism lead to order and justice in this world and Eternal Salvation and Happiness in the Next.
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May 20, 2017
Hello Fellow VC members.
So Eta has set me up for a big position here in our small corner of cyberspace.

I will take that nomination for a VCF peace prize, with seriousness.:)
I thank him for calling us out to such an ideal.:oops:
I was blessed to have grown up with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
I was always aware that there are good and bad in every group.
I am glad that at this moment in time most members on here have reinforced that belief,
Keep sharing your beliefs as teachers not as adversaries, God willing.
Muslims say Islam is perfect but people are not perfect.
Quran: 2;256

Sahih International
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut (false beliefs)and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

There were people in our history who have lived up to our ideals and moments that people have not, unfortunately. We pray for times of justice and peace on earth.
We have no doubt that this will come with the rightly guided brethren and with the advent of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him.

What is Islamic monotheism about? In a nutshell:

"Islam is not a new religion, rather it is the continuation of the same Truth that God revealed to all of His prophets starting from Adam and culminating with Muhammad (peace be upon all of them), to the entire mankind.
One God: Accepting the absolute unity of Allah (God) is the most important article of faith for a Muslim (one who follows Islam). Monotheism is a theme that is frequently emphasized in the Holy Qur’an - the scripture that Muslims believe was revealed by the Lord to Prophet Muhammad - and the famous sentence that states: There is no creature or deity worthy of worship except Allah is the foundation stone of Islam.
Some of the attributes of God that are mentioned in the Qur’an which serve to provide a better understanding of our relationship with the Almighty are: The Merciful, The Generous, The Just, The Forgiving, The Master, The Wise, The All-Knowing, The All-Hearing, The All-Seeing, The All-Powerful, The Peaceful, among many others.

The Qur’an introduces Allah in the following way:

“Say: He, Allah is One, Allah the Eternal. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is nothing that is equal to Him.” (al-Qur’an, Chapter 112, Verses 1-4)

In another chapter of the Qur’an, God describes himself as such:

“He is Allah besides Whom there is no god; the Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah, besides Whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Giver of Peace, the Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of every greatness.” (al-Qur’an, Chapter 49, Verse 22-23)

Prophethood: Muslims believe that out of His loving care for humanity, Allah sent Prophets to guide mankind. This golden chain of divinely appointed individuals began with Adam, who was the first Prophet, as well as the first human being; and ended with Muhammad, the last Messenger."

Quran 24:46

Sahih International: We have certainly sent down distinct verses. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.

DR: I have been travelling and am going through a busy phase (personal)
Switching to lurker mode for now although the site is addictive.
I saw this video and remembered Floss likes this guy.
Maybe he can agree with Nabeel's sentiments God willing.
I remember being grateful on the old board for some of Floss's comments during heated exchanges.
Perhaps that Floss can come back to us. A prayer and hope.
May the Creator of the heavens and earth guide Nabeel and heal him from his ailments.Also, may the Creator of the heavens and earth guide us all to his straight path. Ameen.

DR: I pray that we become part of the world's solutions and not part of the world's problems. Ameen.

Nabeel Qureshi : I don't condone the use of my videos to attack Islam and Muslims (video)
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Hi @DesertRose

Very interesting comments so far. My heart goes out to Nabeel, I have listened to much of what he has said, and I have liked the spirit in which he has spoken over the years.

When a Christian explains his or her faith to someone of another world view it should always be informed by the spirit of 1 Peter 3...

"14But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; 15But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: 16Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ."

I didn't read hear of pride, aggression, misrepresentation, rudeness or any number of other follies Christians sometimes stumble into, in trying to "beat" other people's arguments. In the same spirit as Nabeel, if I have accidentally fallen into these errors in my time on this forum, I ask forgiveness from those I have hurt.

To the issue of the thread, Muslims rightly get offended over the highlighting of terrorists, the cruelty of punishments for minor infingements etc etc. The whole thing of holding up an unfavourable example of a given faith then declaring "see - that's what they are like!" is a poor rhetorical tool imo. Hurt by such accusations, Muslims reach for examples of the Crusades, Paganism in the Church, the treatment of indigenous peoples by "missionaries" etc etc. Christians then get offended over comparisons, hit back by highlighting the most recent poor example if Islam and the cycle repeats.

So what are we to do?

We all want truth, yet the truths presented are in many ways contradictory.

It is not for me to tell others what to do, but for me, I take a practical example of my phone. When things go wrong, I sometimes need to revert it back to its factory settings. Only then does it show how the phone was supposed to work. In the same way, we should look carefully at the properly understood messages we hold to be true and look at the actions by those who follow them to see if they are supported by, or in contradiction to their faith.

I don't know enough about Islam to distinguish its factory settings, but from a Christian perspective, in Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus comments on the 7 churches are a reflection on what would then have been future Church history.

The Lord's assessment of these Churches is by no means universally favourable, and the way in which they depart from his wishes illustrates the central truths they would stray from. The true purpose of the Church has certainly not always been reflected to the world by those calling themselves Christians.
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Mar 18, 2017
@rainerann and @AspiringSoul have already said part of what i wanted to say. I take no offence at @Etagloc. He has every right to express his opinions and i have every right to challenge those opinions be it in my mind or in public.
The OP has actually made me realise that
from antiquity, war has always had a religious aspect to it. You destroy a culture, making sure it doesn't 'rise from the ashes to pose a challenge [think: the Punic wars between Rome and Carthage(present day Tunisia) at the end of which they salted the earth so that nothing would ever grow again in Carthage] but before this, the aggressor seeks out the oracle of Delphi, or is at the temple of Mars or stands at the crossroads with animal liver, seeking guidance from the gods on whether to wage a campaign or not. Iam sure Genghis Khan (Mongol empire) took care to do that before laying waste to Central Asia.
The thought that the OP provoked was why the British empire co-opted Christianity(1600-1900), sending missionaries ahead of colonialists. I think it was meant to placate the masses at home but they also knew that they cultures abroad had already peaked centuries earlier and were waning, hence susceptible to psyops.(like the Desmond Tutu quote).
Eriunios cast blame on Christianity and i didn't master a reply to her but will say it here. An individual's actions aren't always reflective of the ideology they claim to adhere to. Muslims say that all the time about ISIS. Should we also blame Christianity for the horrors in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nagasaki and the Dresden bombing? Should Shintoism be blamed for the r*pe of Nanking? It is doctrine that should be examined to see whether or not it throws weight behind an individual's actions.