BTS discussion thread


Sep 21, 2021
India lands on the moon...and Kim Seokjin's "space songs" are charting on India i-Tunes...

India Becomes The First Nation In History To Successfully Land On The South Pole Of The Moon, Beating The United States, China And Russia



Jan 20, 2021
as I said it's impossible to know what's been going on in their 10 years of career, but it's unlikely they are innocent.
Their vaccine endorsement was public and we can at least comment on it. It's clear that ther endorsement was ethically wrong.
They are singers and entertainers, it was not appropriate for them to talk about diseases and vaccines. They were not qualified for it. They didn't even know what went into the vaccine, simply because it's classified information. You simply can't endorse a substance that you know nothing about. Even if they tell you it's safe.
I bet so many young people listened to their speech and decided to get the jab. This goes far beyond being a fan of a boyband and fan of pop music. Very, very far. Their health has absolutely nothing to do with 7 guys who sing. We are talking about bodies of young people here.
I searched for comments on this issue back then but didn't find much. Fans were praising them as world saviours. And of course no one is talking about it now, but it's something extremely serious. Being obsessed and fanatic is one thing, taking jabs of something unknown is an other.
The members can't be excused for what they have done. Just for this, this group should immediately cease to exist.
Thats the entire point. They use these entertainers to push these products on the fans so that they are easier to manipulate into taking these things. It's terrible. It's weird because I like them, but I am aware enough to not trust them because they are paid to push products on fans.


Jan 20, 2021
Well they said so, but who knows if it's entirely true. And some of the jabs are just saline solution. Anyhow what's been really surprising me is that many pop stars seem to be in trouble with their health. I thought rich and famous people like them would be spared. They bring in tons of money. Ok, big pop singers are controlled by satanic elites and all, but harming mega stars like BTS would be stupid, it's really like killing the golden goose. Even if the plan to destroy humanity includes the rich, I'd be surprised if BTS greedy agency allowed a potential huge loss of money. A guy with an heart condition cannot perform on stage.
I don't think the chosen ones took the magic potion. They already knew that its risky due to the heart issues. However, I do think the lower level celebs did take the real one and can be why they keep getting sick. I don't think the highly initiated or chosen ones took the real potion.


May 8, 2023
lol you're seriously believing some bogus website?
I know for a fact, that the vaccine (do you know how vaccines work?) greatly protects against the severity of covid. Know this from personal experience and lots of people I know who thankfully only had minor symptoms, thanks to being fully vaccinated. The efficacy of vaccines is well-documented. Please don't spread anti-science misinformation.
Well, not the covid vaccine. The covid vaccinr was never meant to protect against covid. Please check out the posts I commented earlier.


Jun 5, 2023
Well, not the covid vaccine. The covid vaccinr was never meant to protect against covid. Please check out the posts I commented earlier.
Well, that's a strange claim seeing as I've seen myself how the vaccine has indeed protected very effectively against covid. :) Please don't spread anti-science stuff.


Jun 5, 2023
Y'all see that video of Vee leaving some place (idk what his schedule is) and the fans went crazy, someone even grabbed his hair with her fist lol.


Jun 5, 2023
poor lost foolish soul..

are you going to allow the devil to outwit you with his diabolic schemes/devices and deceptions? satan is the temporary ruler of this world so what do you expect!?

planned pandemic for jabs to be rolled out so they can enter the bloodstreams of humanity and corrupt them laying down the foundation of the mark of the beast. the jabs and the alien agenda are all connected that’s why you got one right after the other. tests done so they can take hold of your DNA one of the reasons being that they are looking for the DNA of the 144K hand picked by YAH so they can destroy them but they will only wish to get near them. another reason they are looking for the DNA is bc once they have it they can create different types of diseases to get rid of a certain group of people/ethnicity etc.

nobody cares about your well being the only one who cares about your well being is YAH for He cares for your SOUL! for the battle is for the SOUL
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they want to corrupt your DNA because the devil hates humanity and will do anything possible to rewrite your blueprint and make you into his image because he hates the fact that you were created in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF YAH! he hates people worshipping THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD. satan wants to receive all the worship and praise if you are wondering why music is filled with diabolic symbolism THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS. to make humans no longer fully human and make them unable to enter thru the gates of heaven.

you deciding to stay ignorant when so many people are already speaking up on losing their loved ones after they got the jab or so many people who got the jab and died a little after taking it. so many people who worked for those companies are exposing things documents are coming out exposing their lies. you being ignorant to those things will NOT make them untrue and your opinion doesn’t matter at all.. ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT YAH SAYS AND HOW HE SEES THINGS. arrogant humans will perish together with their gods called MY OPINION but YAH’S LAWS AND STATUTES WILL STAND FOREVER AND EVER THEY ARE ETERNAL FOR HE IS ETERNAL AND HAS NO BEGINNING AND AN END!

i advise you to get your head out of the sand and REPENT or else it will not be well for you. if you are deceived with the jabs you will fall into further and deeper deception with all else that’s on the horizon that the beast system has prepared. all technology comes from the fallen angels who come to the earth and slept with human women giving birth to the nephilim. if all the technology comes from the fallen ones where do you think vaccines came from? for the greater good they say but have you not heard that the road of hell is paved with good intentions? satan is a trickster/mischief and the master of illusion/deception the father of LIES. they speak of depopulation and you don't even know why and what's this all about at its core.. well i will tell you DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN SEED SO THE SEED OF THE SERPENT CAN ARISE AND BE MORE THAN HUMANITY. humans have no idea what their true identity is in CHRIST and that they were given the dominion and power thru Christ Jesus over the earth and all of the wicked forces of the enemy.

The Lord Jesus Christ is calling you into His loving embrace will you answer HIS call? choose this day whom will you serve for tomorrow is not promised to anyone. you can’t serve two masters. choose The Life choose The Lord Jesus Christ.

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” - (1 John 2:15)
"Poor lost foolish soul?" Really? You're so unbelievably arrogant and stupid with your anti-vaxx bullshit. Stop.

Perhaps you're the poor lost foolish soul spreading anti-science bullshit. I personally know people who have thankfully only had very mild symptoms thanks to be fully vaccinated. Diseases like polio have been eradicated thanks to vaccines. Now, a fringe group of delusional extremists like you are pushing nO vAcCiNeS and guess what? Cases are beginning to re-emerge again.

If you don't want to take the covid vaccine then do whatever you want, no one cares. But for you to go around here acting superior, calling yourself "Yah's chosen one" and threatening people about whether they will enter the gates of Heaven for making good decisions about their health?? That is you treading on very dangerous ground.

Also, you received vaccines when you were a baby. You do know that right? Guess your DNA has already been changed by the demons or whatever. You also eat GMO food... oooh! Maybe that's changed your DNA too! You've taken medicine in the past as well. Time for some inner reflection clearly.

Oh, and take your own advice maybe. Since according to you medicine is "demonic" or whatever crap you're spewing, don't take any medication when you're sick. See where that gets you.

i advise you to get your head out of the sand and REPENT or else it will not be well for you. Eat our own words. :)
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Aug 21, 2023
Seven was composed by producers Andrew Watt and Cirkut and I doubt that stupid Jungkook knows about the plagiarism. Producers are composers, pop stars just sing their stuff. Their Korean songwriter is Pdogg. I think that even jhope, who pass as a genius and blah blah, had his songs written by American producers.
Seven is just one of the songs that were offered to Jungkook, as he mentions in the making of.
They immediately put it in first in the billboard chart as though it was Thriller by Michael Jackson or something like that.
Anyway all song writers use stuff taken from other artists, sometimes it sounds obvious, sometimes it's hidden. It's very common through the whole Western music history. It's such a trite accusation that one wonders if they make it just to publish articles and increase youtube views. I noticed they use the same means of the covid propaganda, they keep making headlines using any tiny silly reference to BTS so that people talk about them. Perhaps they photoshop pics saying it's a member kissing someone, touching someone... Since they are not doing concerts together the BTS machine has to keep running somehow, so that no one is allowed to forget they exist. In a few months the younger members will be off to the military so they have to milk the cow before they go. I just wonder when this band will start to vanish, or are their army fans permanently damaged? Will they shove them down our throats even when they are 50 y.o.?
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Dec 9, 2020
Now that a couple members are in the military, and basically that unit of 7 is not so unified, I'm betting that's why the controversies are rolling in. I'm totally fine with this. They are not perfect at all and armpits having to endure their imperfection is very much needed.


Sep 28, 2018
the comments are so right. Bang pedo is a terrible bussinesss man....he also tried to buy SM and failed. Now this

More artists terminate contracts with HYBE amid suspicious Scooter Braun "rumors" and "stock sales"

  1. [+60, -2] An agency that lost sight of their roots that were created by the ARMY fandom. They got arrogant and became ignorant mistakenly thinking things would turn out great now they're getting hit with a boomerang. Real ARMY all over the world can't wait until Bangtan leaves that sh** agency.. hoping for an announcement soon.

  1. [+50, -2] This is an example of a small-medium company CEO with zero management skills that ended up managing a company too big for his breaches... what else did people expect to happen?!

  1. [+45, -2] There are rumors Justin Bieber fired his entire management team but he bought the company for 1 trillion won for Bieber and Ariana who are now leaving? On top of that, Scooter himself is a scammer with rumors of defrauding his artists, Spotify, and s*x scandals.. how the hell is going to explain all this?

  1. [+42, -2] All the money earned off BTS wasted! A boss that throws money everywhere thinking the company is his and became big because of him.


Sep 21, 2021
the comments are so right. Bang pedo is a terrible bussinesss man....he also tried to buy SM and failed. Now this

More artists terminate contracts with HYBE amid suspicious Scooter Braun "rumors" and "stock sales"

  1. [+60, -2] An agency that lost sight of their roots that were created by the ARMY fandom. They got arrogant and became ignorant mistakenly thinking things would turn out great now they're getting hit with a boomerang. Real ARMY all over the world can't wait until Bangtan leaves that sh** agency.. hoping for an announcement soon.

  1. [+50, -2] This is an example of a small-medium company CEO with zero management skills that ended up managing a company too big for his breaches... what else did people expect to happen?!

  1. [+45, -2] There are rumors Justin Bieber fired his entire management team but he bought the company for 1 trillion won for Bieber and Ariana who are now leaving? On top of that, Scooter himself is a scammer with rumors of defrauding his artists, Spotify, and s*x scandals.. how the hell is going to explain all this?

  1. [+42, -2] All the money earned off BTS wasted! A boss that throws money everywhere thinking the company is his and became big because of him.
Woah! Such a dreadful state of affairs at H*be... Wonder if BTS could sue Bang for fraud...