Annoying Trends


Jun 28, 2020
What's next we have to learn Arabic? And now they are promoting sex with nine year girls. Could someone please call Child Protection Services or something?
Actually, just look into your own history.


Is this a good time to discuss 83 year old Joseph and 12 year old Mary?


Jun 28, 2020
What about the annoying trend of Muslim threads popping up everyday. Why can't they all be put under the same thread title. Hardly no one responds to them even Muslims. Seems more like propaganda than actual threads.
Shall we highlight all of the threads by the Non-Muslims that go no where?

Alot hardly have any replies at all.




But ya, its only a Muslim thing, right?


Jun 28, 2020
Agreed @Lizard King . It's not about them freely living in their religion, it's about pushing it. People don't have to accept any religions they don't want to, shouldn't be forced upon others. I have to say this is definitely an annoying trend that's been going on here for a while. And most of them are created by like three people lol.
What bigot fails to recognize is there are 2 billion Muslims in the world. In a public space how is talking about ones religion forcing it on anyone?

Please, highlight for us all which thread is forcing you to convert Bigot. Let me just grab the top latest so we can deal with the evil ones.


I see 2 threads are by a new Muslim at VC. What else is he gonna post but what he knows?
Sacrilege like a new Christian to VC posting about the Bible, isn't it?

I see a bigot, my sharia thread derailed to hell and back. I also see a thread by a yahtruther attacking Muslims.

Which one is after you and your children? Let us know so we can deal with them quickly.
Jul 12, 2022
I don't even agree with Jahtruth, just another cult to be honest. And just using the word "bigot" doesn't help your case.
I'm not gonna go through the work for you, it's just too boring to deal with lol.
Maybe if you didn't call anyone a bigot for not agreeing with shariah law, then there would be a difference. If people don't want to accept that religion, that's fine.
If you and some of the others (possibly alternate accounts?) Just went on with your lives with your religion and didn't expect people to accept it and call them names, then things would be different.
Free will is given to us for a reason.


Jun 28, 2020
And just using the word "bigot" doesn't help your case.
Have you had anything nice to say about Muslims here, ever? Please highlight it from one of your 1050 posts.

I use the word bigot because it describes you perfectly. You hate all Muslims for the sole reason they are Muslim. Do you not?
Hell, you liked me until you learned i was Muslim.

You've had threads attacking Muslims that you somehow wanted deleted so changed the titles.

As a Muslim i can feel the love.

Actually READ this image for the literal definition of the word.

"a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)


Maybe if you didn't call anyone a bigot for not agreeing with shariah law, then there would be a difference.
Now you're putting words into my mouth. Remind us what the Bible says about bearing false witness?


If you and some of the others (possibly alternate accounts?) Just went on with your lives with your religion and didn't expect people to accept it and call them names, then things would be different.
Yet here we are, with multiple posts directly above this one with people who are unable to go about their lives because they are unable to accept there are more Muslims threads here then yesterday.

Imagine if i made a post... I am so annoyed by all the Christian threads here, now what, do i need to learn Greek?

Just ignorance on another level and it is the herd mentality that drives it. It is the bias that makes all of you blind to it.

End of the day you all look hypocritical. Including the autistic queen bigot.
Jun 26, 2022
Is this a good time to discuss 83 year old Joseph and 12 year old Mary
I dont want to derail this thread into religion talk, but literally NOWHERE in the Bible does it say this. Let's not rely on catholic nonsense.

The only reason the catholics push the idea of joseph being elderly is because they have to make Jesus' half siblings fit into they're Mary was still a virgin after having Jesus doctrine.



Jun 28, 2020
I dont want to derail this thread into religion talk, but literally NOWHERE in the Bible does it say this. Let's not rely on catholic nonsense.

The only reason the catholics push the idea of joseph being elderly is because they have to make Jesus' half siblings fit into they're Mary was still a virgin after having Jesus doctrine.

They say its in the hidden texts in the Vatican. But honestly its not worth debating.

Child marriage was very common globally only a 100 years ago, let alone 10-20 centuries ago. Look into your own family tree and i highly doubt you will have to go beyond 3 generations to find child marriage in your own linage.

I have shared these same images in another thread. But the practice itself was anything but rare in both western and eastern societies.

Isabella.jpg Urraca.jpg

Whats going on is we live in an age that has pushed marriage off as late as possible and made fornication easily accessible everywhere you look.
What does this do in an over sexed society?

The answer is obvious, no one wants to get married today and John and Jane don't know who their dad is.

There is not a Muslim on the planet promoting fornication. But look at what some people claim.

And now they are promoting sex with nine year girls.
Is this not a Christian bearing false witness?

I'd like her to produce the one promoting sex with a 9 year old but we both know she won't because its a fabrication.

We live in an age where "kids" live with their parents until 30 for gods sake. If they are 21 and mentality inept whats it say about 9 yrs old today?

This is our current reality.


Heres alot of images with full grown men playing with Legos.

Last edited:
Jul 12, 2022
I just realized something. How did Daze know to come to this thread IMMEDIATELY after people said things about shariah law/Muslims? Is he monitoring every thread on the entire forum? How does someone have time to do all of that? I haven't even seen him post in this thread before. It seems to me that he's just trying to look for arguments with people that don't agree with him and his religion. Want to talk about taking away free speech? LOL! I also find this a bit.... creepy.

@ToxicFemininitySucks projecting, or wanting protection? Some will often go into disguise to protect themselves and even start over.


Jun 28, 2020
I just realized something. How did Daze know to come to this thread IMMEDIATELY after people said things about shariah law/Muslims? Is he monitoring every thread on the entire forum? How does someone have time to do all of that? I haven't even seen him post in this thread before. It seems to me that he's just trying to look for arguments with people that don't agree with him and his religion. Want to talk about taking away free speech? LOL! I also find this a bit.... creepy.

@ToxicFemininitySucks projecting, or wanting protection? Some will often go into disguise to protect themselves and even start over.
Thanks for the laugh. Yes i am monitoring you and tracking you. I have all your details and i intend to sell them to McDonalds for a lifetime of free quarter pounders as me and the CEO have previously agreed to.

I popped in because i usually click the "whats new" link at the top.


Imagine my surprise to see..


Its like everywhere you go people are hating on Islam, why is that Seek?

Birds of a feather is it?
Oct 20, 2021
I don't see any threads by Black Muslims and Black Lies Matter is concerned about this. Also the ghost of Muhammad Ali is also questioning why Arabs refusing to adhere to diversity standards and whatever happened to Lewis Farrakhan and his Yiddish girlfriend?


Jun 5, 2023
The rainbow flags are very irritating!!
A few more I can add are:
That annoying grumbly gangster rap ugh lol.
Crop tops.. cannot express how much these bother me!! If women want to wear them, wear them indoors where no one can see!!
Yoga!! This comes from the occult, Alastair Crowley did yoga!
Any fad diets.
I agree with the bright colourful sneakers on men... Oh, and pink shirts for men.
People taking selfies of themselves with masks on... Oh wait, just selfies in general :D
If you don't like women in crop tops, close your eyes or YOU stay indoors.
Yoga is a health science. Sorry you're so misinformed.
You must have a very fragile and toxic sense of "masculinity" if a man in a pink shirt bothers you so much. :)


Jun 5, 2023
Thanks for the laugh. Yes i am monitoring you and tracking you. I have all your details and i intend to sell them to McDonalds for a lifetime of free quarter pounders as me and the CEO have previously agreed to.

I popped in because i usually click the "whats new" link at the top.

View attachment 89868

Imagine my surprise to see..

View attachment 89867

Its like everywhere you go people are hating on Islam, why is that Seek?

Birds of a feather is it?
Because islam tells men to beat their wives.
Also, they can have several wives who are 9 year old girls.
Sounds about as perverted and sick as the elites, if not more.


Jun 28, 2020
I don't see any threads by Black Muslims and Black Lies Matter is concerned about this. Also the ghost of Muhammad Ali is also questioning why Arabs refusing to adhere to diversity standards and whatever happened to Lewis Farrakhan and his Yiddish girlfriend?
What makes you think there are no black Muslims? Isn't 90's from Somalia? Do you need a map to see where that is?
What difference does color make in any spectrum anyway?

LF leads the Nation of Islam. These people believe Jesus has already descended and he died as Elijah Muhammad. EM is a man who committed adultery many times over. Obviously the NoI are not actual Muslims.

Why don't you tell me what happened with LF and his Jewish girlfriend as i don't follow the tabloids?

What is this "Arabs on diversity standards"? Its like you've never seen a black man in Mecca before.

Have you heard of Mike Tyson?

You forget Islam abolishes racism.

Jun 26, 2022
@ToxicFemininitySucks projecting, or wanting protection? Some will often go into disguise to protect themselves and even start over
A person with multiple accounts accusing others of multiple accounts while having no evidence IS projecting.

Wanting to start over is understandable, but if the new account literally rants about the same topics word for word it defeats the purpose...

Much how it is obvious troll eldesande was previously a banned user named celestree. Ranting and raving about the same exact topics.


Jun 5, 2023
A person with multiple accounts accusing others of multiple accounts while having no evidence IS projecting.

Wanting to start over is understandable, but if the new account literally rants about the same topics word for word it defeats the purpose...

Much how it is obvious troll eldesande was previously a banned user named celestree. Ranting and raving about the same exact topics.
Big yawn. You're still spewing bullshit. Get your facts straight please, it's not that hard. :)
Jun 26, 2022
They say its in the hidden texts in the Vatican. But honestly its not worth debating.

Child marriage was very common globally only a 100 years ago, let alone 10-20 centuries ago. Look into your own family tree and i highly doubt you will have to go beyond 3 generations to find child marriage in your own linage.

I have shared these same images in another thread. But the practice itself was anything but rare in both western and eastern societies.

View attachment 89859 View attachment 89860

Whats going on is we live in an age that has pushed marriage off as late as possible and made fornication easily accessible everywhere you look.
What does this do in an over sexed society?

The answer is obvious, no one wants to get married today and John and Jane don't know who their dad is.

We live in an age where "kids" live with their parents until 30 for gods sake. If they are 21 and mentality inept whats it say about 9 yrs old today?

This is our current reality.

View attachment 89861

Heres alot of images with full grown men playing with Legos.

View attachment 89862
Yeah, adults these days are less mature than back then. That's undeniable.

I agree that pushing marriage into later adulthood results in fornication and a broken society.

But in my opinion female teenagers marrying older males is not the solution. While i didn't personally make that choice, i would not be opposed to two young people getting married to each other. Much older men wanting to marry teenagers seems predatory.

(Yes, i know about the female fertility window, thats why i said BOTH should be young if they are thinking of a large family)


Jun 5, 2023
A person with multiple accounts accusing others of multiple accounts while having no evidence IS projecting.

Wanting to start over is understandable, but if the new account literally rants about the same topics word for word it defeats the purpose...

Much how it is obvious troll eldesande was previously a banned user named celestree. Ranting and raving about the same exact topics.
Like you keep ranting with your depraved anti-women rhetoric? Seriously, don't you have a job or something to do? Having so much hatred for your own gender is not healthy at all, you should try therapy.