we don't need another word in the english language to designate the child of a sibling or cousin. To me it sounds like clear pandering to the don't misgender [or] else! agenda.
I agree. The child of a sibling is ... just that, the child of a sibling, but of course we don't speak that way ... that depersonalizes both the child and the sibling. "Henry? Oh, that's my sister's son." Or, "HIM? Oh, that's my nephew." Plain, simple English.
The attempted control of language ... what is colloquially known as newspeak per George Orwell in his book 1984 ... is one of the hallmarks of Fascism. Of course, the Alphabet Mafia will call YOU (or me, or anyone who refuses to play their little games) the REAL Fascists. I myself am labelled a Fascist by the nephew who demands that I kowtow to his demands to: use the pronouns that he has "chosen"; refer to him with his chosen female monikers; and any other whimsical demand that he conjures inside his mentally ill prison.
If that is his chosen label for me, so be it. I wear it proudly. As i put it: I refuse to take part in his little Barbie Doll fantasy game.
Now, if he decided to call himself something like Kar-Glish of the Uglion Faction of Klingon Females, at least I would get a chuckle out of that. But until he shows me his legal notice of name change granted by the appropriate Court of Law: not happening. The name remains the same.