Annoying Trends


Jun 28, 2020
Yeah, adults these days are less mature than back then. That's undeniable.

I agree that pushing marriage into later adulthood results in fornication and a broken society.

But in my opinion female teenagers marrying older males is not the solution. While i didn't personally make that choice, i would not be opposed to two young people getting married to each other. Much older men wanting to marry teenagers seems predatory.

(Yes, i know about the female fertility window, thats why i said BOTH should be young if they are thinking of a large family)
Seems younger women chase older men because they are established. They already have some form of wealth.

Theoretically age doesn't matter really. People love to talk about Aisha (the 9 yr old) but none want to mention Khadijah, who was older then the prophet (saw) by 15 years. He was 25 and she was 40 when they got married. Bet you didn't know this, most non-Muslims don't because it doesn't fit any western agenda so it doesn't make headlines.

I am only mentioning the prophet (saw) at this point because he is the example.

Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often. (33:21 Quran)

Of course we live in a different reality today, as I've already explained 11, 12 year olds are not out plowing the fields and hunting to put food on the table forcing them to grow up, today they are scrolling on iphones. Increasingly more then 1 at a time.

The mindset today is just different and the majority refuses to grow up. ...but its true when they say age is just a number.

All of this aside, there are many issues our generation never faced. From men being satisfied with Only fans and Ai women to women chasing careers trying to be Miss Independent not wanting kids at all.

The real problem is no one wants to get married today.


Remember when mothers told their daughters no one buys the cow when the milk is free?

Its like a different dimension altogether, isn't it?


Jun 5, 2023
Seems younger women chase older men because they are established. They already have some form of wealth.

Theoretically age doesn't matter really. People love to talk about Aisha (the 9 yr old) but none want to mention Khadijah, who was older then the prophet (saw) by 15 years. He was 25 and she was 40 when they got married. Bet you didn't know this, most non-Muslims don't because it doesn't fit any western agenda so it doesn't make headlines.

I am only mentioning the prophet (saw) at this point because he is the example.

Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah often. (33:21 Quran)

Of course we live in a different reality today, as I've already explained 11, 12 year olds are not out plowing the fields and hunting to put food on the table forcing them to grow up, today they are scrolling on iphones. Increasingly more then 1 at a time.

The mindset today is just different and the majority refuses to grow up. ...but its true when they say age is just a number.

All of this aside, there are many issues our generation never faced. From men being satisfied with Only fans and Ai women to women chasing careers trying to be Miss Independent not wanting kids at all.

The real problem is no one wants to get married today.

View attachment 89878

Remember when mothers told their daughters no one buys the cow when the milk is free?

Its like a different dimension altogether, isn't it?
Eeeew, you're so gross trying to defend your pedo perversion.

Here's the difference you depraved creep.

Your "prophet" was a grown man with a 9 year old girl - a CHILD.

The people you tried to compare it to? A 25 year old man and a 40 year old woman? Well there's nothing wrong with that because they are both ADULTS.

You're also embarrassingly pathetic and insecure trying to condescend to women working thinking they're trying to be "miss independent, not wanting kids at all". LOL no shit, they're independent so they can get away from creeps like you.

You're very intimidated and angry that women are smart and won't take bullshit from your kind lol. And yes, not all women want children and your pervert cult can't force them to. That bothers you so much, LOL. You're mad because no wants wants your disgusting spawn? Awww. :)
Aug 12, 2020
What bigot fails to recognize is there are 2 billion Muslims in the world. In a public space how is talking about ones religion forcing it on anyone?

Please, highlight for us all which thread is forcing you to convert Bigot. Let me just grab the top latest so we can deal with the evil ones.

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I see 2 threads are by a new Muslim at VC. What else is he gonna post but what he knows?
Sacrilege like a new Christian to VC posting about the Bible, isn't it?

I see a bigot, my sharia thread derailed to hell and back. I also see a thread by a yahtruther attacking Muslims.

Which one is after you and your children? Let us know so we can deal with them quickly.
You and Mohammed Atta still hoping for the 13 nine year old virgins that you were promised in a fantasy world? I tell you what you going to get in reality: 13 guys named Bubba and they will all give you a chance to prove you not a bigot.
Oct 20, 2021
Black Lies Matter always using the word bigot. Also lying dog pony soldier and Obummer too. Big Mike I think wrote a book about bigots. Bigot: the ultimate politically correct word gifted to us by Norman Lear and the rest of MSM and the Yiddish who run an apartheid country in the middle east.
Jul 12, 2022
A person with multiple accounts accusing others of multiple accounts while having no evidence IS projecting.

Wanting to start over is understandable, but if the new account literally rants about the same topics word for word it defeats the purpose...

Much how it is obvious troll eldesande was previously a banned user named celestree. Ranting and raving about the same exact topics.
Believe what you want to believe.
Plus you only know of this because of talking in private and that's why you felt that the two say the same thing.
It was always about protection. I never intended to argue with you or anyone else. This only happened when you got a bit hostile.
I just wanted to start again. That was the intention in the first place. But of course, you will only believe what you want.
Funny how your name is toxicfeminitysucks, but lately you have been proving you're a toxic female. Your true self has shown.
I was actually intending to start over and even be able to talk to you on here by quotes every once in a while without the baggage. But I guess you took that the wrong way when you used your attitude first towards me. I wasn't intending to do that.
But now you're kinda in an alliance with the main culprit on here who's practically trying to take over the entire forum. Do you see what's happened in the last while? Doesn't seem like the same forum, doesn't it.
I warned you in private chat before saying goodbye, and you believed me at the time. Now, even though you don't always agree with what this culprit says, you're kinda helping him take this forum down with him.
Not exactly what I would expect from the person I THOUGHT I knew.
Not saying I'm the good person, here, either. I obviously made many mistakes, but I would never intentionally form an alliance with the enemy to get back at one person because you're angry.
You want to take your anger out, do so at ME. Don't take it out on the entire forum.
Thank you.
Jun 26, 2022
I never intended to argue with you or anyone else. This only happened when you got a bit hostile
I wholeheartedly apologize if i came across as hostile.

Given the fact that you are very passionate about the things that mean a lot to you, i would hope that you can understand that i am passionate about the things that mean a lot to me. I didn't mean for my words about diet/nutrition to come across as hostility, but that is one subject i feel strongly about. I also find it very upsetting and frustraring for my motivations in said topic to be misinterpreted, as they often are by almost everybody.

I am not forming alliances with ANYBODY. If something appears to be true then i agree, if not i dont.

But as i said in the other thread, to expect a group to not troll our threads when we troll theirs first i literally hypocrisy.
Jul 12, 2022
I wholeheartedly apologize if i came across as hostile.

Given the fact that you are very passionate about the things that mean a lot to you, i would hope that you can understand that i am passionate about the things that mean a lot to me. I didn't mean for my words about diet/nutrition to come across as hostility, but that is one subject i feel strongly about. I also find it very upsetting and frustraring for my motivations in said topic to be misinterpreted, as they often are by almost everybody.

I am not forming alliances with ANYBODY. If something appears to be true then i agree, if not i dont.

But as i said in the other thread, to expect a group to not troll our threads when we troll theirs first i literally hypocrisy.
Thank you. Thank you for this. I appreciate you saying this, it helps alot.
I didn't see this post because I went off of that thread, and I apologize that I never saw it, myself.
That again, I also apologize for hurting you or anyone in the process. I tend to have alot of issues dealing with people.
I guess we both felt we had to walk on eggshells, sadly. We both misunderstood each other.
I do want you to know, that being in any disguise never meant to hurt you or anyone else.
I understand about the trolling thing and realize that, I am just sad to see what's happened on the forum. I have seen a few others notice there's something wrong on here, too. We can't ignore the fact that something is indeed wrong. I just felt the need to fight against it, and I said this in one of my other posts to you, instead of just plain doing nothing and letting this person take complete control.
I do see things a bit differently than some, so this may be why I noticed something was wrong from the get go.
This is also to any others I've hurt in the process and never meant to. I was only ever meant to expose ONE person on here for their cult leader mentality. (Besides the obvious being Freeman lol)
So with this, im sorry @ToxicFemininitySucks if things went wrong with us. I guess maybe the friendship would not of worked out in the long run, sadly. I guess we can both be pretty emotional, yeah? Me more so lol.


Jun 28, 2020
You and Mohammed Atta still hoping for the 13 nine year old virgins that you were promised in a fantasy world? I tell you what you going to get in reality: 13 guys named Bubba and they will all give you a chance to prove you not a bigot.
Reality is how does someone at your age become so ignorant? So much for old age and wisdom, huh?

Tell ya what, why don't you produce the proof that says i get 13 nine year old virgins? As a Chrisitan you are forbidden from bearing false witness right? Go ahead, produce Quran or authentic hadith that promises me that. I'm waiting.


Jun 28, 2020
Black Lies Matter always using the word bigot. Also lying dog pony soldier and Obummer too. Big Mike I think wrote a book about bigots. Bigot: the ultimate politically correct word gifted to us by Norman Lear and the rest of MSM and the Yiddish who run an apartheid country in the middle east.
Why are you so hung up on the word bigot when the literal definition of it is one who hates a group of people without reason?

Indoctrinated? Imagine me calling someone whose intelligent a genius or someone who works on cars a mechanic.

Bigot isn't a compliment, its not meant to be. Is the problem bigotry exists in you? Is this why you are so offended by it?

How many Canadians are Muslim? Feel like you're being conquered, is that your damage?

What i don't get is there has ALWAYS been a Muslim presence here. Formally a MUCH stronger one. Now i see at least 3 or 4 users that don't want to advertise the fact that they are Muslim. Gee, i wonder why that is? Couldn't be because of people like you, could it?

Absolute ignorance from the majority of you. Whats fascinating is how many are Christian and literally hate their neighbors because when Jesus said love to thy neighbor. He obviously meant the people inside those lines that men drew on a map. Once you're over the line that's an enemy.

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,
but only if they are your skin color.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
(Mark 12:31)

Am i in the ballpark of truth? Why don't you tell me?


Jun 28, 2020
But as i said in the other thread, to expect a group to not troll our threads when we troll theirs first i literally hypocrisy.
For the record, there is a difference between highlighting ignorance and trolling.


Maybe what we need to do is get all non-Muslims to only post in this thread and have them all learn Greek.

What, something wrong with that? That's exactly what these 2 asshats are saying.
Oct 20, 2021



I promise to not mention the self-righteous know it all who is always promoting sex with nine year old girls again.


Mar 26, 2022
rare in both western and eastern societies. This is our current reality. [ATTACH type="full" width="428px" alt="kidul.jpg said:

Heres alot of images with full grown men playing with Legos.

View attachment 89862
This is depressing. I know females around my age who still buy toys and stuffed animals. This type of behavior has existed since the late 1990s or the 2000s thanks to web stars (Nostalgia Critic).

Since when the word adult became a verb? The English language is getting worse. Do these people mean growing up or maturing?


Aug 20, 2023
What's next we have to learn Arabic? And now they are promoting sex with nine year girls. Could someone please call Child Protection Services or something?
You would be surprised by what a bad judge you are.

Our elders were on another level to say the least.

Care to research before judging those who were there much before you were even something mentionable?

If anything, you would be better off hiding the sins of others to your own self lest you might one day become worse than those you are criticising or finding fault with.


Jun 17, 2017
You would be surprised by what a bad judge you are.

Our elders were on another level to say the least.
Care to research before judging those who were there much before you were even something mentionable?
If anything, you would be better off hiding the sins of others to your own self lest you might one day become worse than those you are criticising or finding fault with.
that discussion is wrapped up on this thread.
copy her message if you have to and paste it on the religious fighting board. take it up with her there.
Jun 26, 2022
Since when the word adult became a verb? The English language is getting worse. Do these people mean growing up or maturing?
The first time i heard of "adulting" i was so annoyed lol.

I believe it means engaging in responsible things adults have to do, like paying bills or doing laundry or getting car repairs. Things that are not usualy considered fun.

That said, "i have to adult today" sounds so dumb in my opinion lol
Jun 26, 2022
And with that in mind, i bring to everyone's awareness "big kid kindergarten".

Big Kid Kindergarten: An Immersive Play Experience for Adults

We bring grown-ups into a fully immersive play experience, inviting them to play as they did as kids and connect with strangers through art materials, blocks, games and other play-based learnings.
Not gonna lie, i like arts and crafts and playing with blocks and legos. Only reason i wouldn't be interested is the whole connecting with strangers thing. No thanks - i already had to go through that once.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but i don't see the problem with adults playing wih legos and stuff like that (on their own, not in some weird groom-y, excuse to be around children kind of way).

I mean, adults have leisure time, why is, say, gambling, partying or watching a bunch of men fight over a ball more valid than playing video games or building legos? I don't think these activities get in the way of family formation either as long as both people are on board and don't neglect their responsibilities.