"The way home or catch the fire" compared to bible/ other religions (part 6)


Mar 15, 2017

Look at the language used by apostle Paul to condemn the Jewish leaders who were "only" trying to claim circumcision + faith in Jesus equals salvation.
What would he say to Anthony John Hill ("JAHtruth") if he read what is below?!!!!!

[For further bible study, please go through the Book of Hebrews, especially chapters 5-10.
preceptaustin.org and sermonaudio.com are wonderful resources for examining individual verses.
Same for Matthew 7:13-23 and the Book of Galatians.]
Spacing and red (Satan's colour) added.

9:57 The Temple, on Mt. MORIAH, had an outer courtyard and an inner sanctuary, called “The Holy of Holies” - the most sacred spot on Earth - the exact place where Abraham offered up Isaac, and it was known as THE Holy Place. This “Holy of Holies” was separated, from the outer court of The Temple, by the “Temple Veil” (curtain).

9:58 NO-ONE was allowed to enter the “Holy of Holies”, EXCEPT the “High Priest”, who went in there, to communicate with God.

9:59 When THE “High-Priest of all time” (Gen. 14:18 & Ps. 110:4) was crucified, by the Jewish priests; lawyers and politicians, for challenging their authority, and the “Temple Veil” to the “Holy of Holies” was destroyed, this was to show the world, that, from that moment on, the priest-hood was abolished, FOR EVER, except for Christ Himself.

Then, through His teachings, of the New Testament (contract / Covenant), EVERYONE has DIRECT-ACCESS TO GOD, IF they follow the teachings, EXACTLY as written, and not as mis-interpreted and corrupted by Satan’s priests, who have the audacity to say they serve Christ, when they do the opposite of what Christ says.

Thereby misleading the people away from God, and into believing that God lives in a house, and outside of their hearts, which is the opposite of what God wants.

They teach people to sing silly songs, that help no-one, instead of teaching Christ’s teachings, about how to learn from God, how to make the world a better, fairer and safer place, as they should be doing. Anyone who does, and/or teaches, the opposite, of what God says, works for Satan – the Opposer (opposite) - no matter what they themselves might say.

“Judge a tree by the fruit it bears” (Matt. 7:12-23)(Sura 9:31, 34). Don’t listen to what they say; look at what they do (Matt. 23:3).


Mar 15, 2017
Is TWHOFTF actually going to spell out exactly all the fine print for what the [new] Old Covenant involves for JAHtruthers?

9:60 Anyone who has not signed-up for the New Covenant, in its entirety, is as good as dead, because you are still under The Curse (penalty-clause) of the Old Covenant - slavery and death.

9:61 There is still time, but only just. Read Isaiah 42:7 and my “Handbook for Prisoners, Prison Officers & Governors” – http://jahtruth.net/prison.htm or send for a copy.

9:62 You are ALL in slavery to the rich, and in poverty, and always have been, because you have not kept The Covenant, and have allowed evil, selfish people, to make up unlawful laws and economic systems, to cheat you and make you poor, and drive you to crime to survive and feed your families, exactly as God warned you, almost 3000 years ago, by His Prophet, TO YOU: Isaiah. Read Isaiah 3:12-15 & 42:20-22 for yourself. See what it REALLY says.

9:63 You can set yourselves and the entire working-class FREE, from poverty and injustice, by keeping The Covenant; “Fighting for the Kingdom and Justice for ALL”; and for a return to Freedom, under God’s Perfect Laws of Liberty, and Economics; instead of imprisonment, under men’s unlawful laws/legislation and economics.

9:64 The New Covenant is waiting for YOU to acce pt it, and do your half, so that God and I can do Ours, and it has been waiting, for 2000 years, for you to come to your senses, and open your eyes and ears, and listen to Us, and ONLY Us. When are you EVER going to learn to do as you are told?

It appears 9:64 is it.
Listen to AJH's "god", therefore listen to Anthony John Hill and believe blindly whatever he says, no matter what he says/ does.

Now THAT is the only thing I have seen where AJH is just like the alleged prophet Muhammad.

AJH's god loves a smorgasbord of beliefs from every moralistic world religion [including spiritualism and esoteric Christianity), except biblical Christianity of course.
Jun 26, 2022
I got the impression that a Christian Freemason is not seen automatically as an oxymoron in the USA. Please correct me if I am wrong!
The false gospel of freemasonry - pulpit and pen
I most certainly would not go to a church where I found out the pastor/s and deacons etc were Freemasons after what I have read now
From my (limited) experience of 4 different churches that my family attended:

First church had a car in the parking lot with a masonic decal, and the pastor and some of the members were overheard by us discussing something about a "lodge". We left and never returned.

Second church was explicitly anti-masonic, even sold anti-masonic literature in the church bookstore. However, there was a cult-like vibe and, while perhaps not masonic per se, after researching more i learned of some possibly questionable things which are beyond the scope of this thread.

Third church was similar to 1st church. Both used materials from a well known pastor who has in the past mentioned having family history of freemasonry. Masonry was not explicitly mentioned though. However, the layout of the church, when looking from the front street view, was exactly the same as a picture i found online of a masonic temple - two pillars with a triangle in the middle. Also, for what it's worth, the pastor had a family medical issue (i'm being vague purposely) that was resolved in a much more timely fashion that for the average person, so it kind of made me think.

Fourth church. Masonry was not mentioned, but they used chick tract material and i know he was against it.

So yeah, in general i would say it is not something that is brought up in the majority of churches. I remember reading that something like 40% of southern baptist pastors were masons. Scary to think about.

The thing I am learning via researching "the way home or face the fire" is how people who have NOT researched properly/ love conspiracy theories search and form their opinions.
It is pretty well how NOT to information search and how NOT to process information.

I know they would reflexively dismiss me as close-minded etc, and boy are they wrong!!!! I love to learn how other people think, that is why I liked psychology subjects at university.
Yeah, that's about right. It's sad to say, but if i hadn't studied the Bible as much as i have in my short time of being a Christian, i could totally have seen myself falling for it. My early days of reading conspiracy material were spent with a sort of wide eyed wonder as i rapidly scrolled through at times conflicting views, yet having no basis of truth to ground me.

Much how if i hadn't personally faced certain hardships i could see my decade-ago self having accepted his anti-medicine stance unquestioningly.

It is always fascinating to figure out how different people arrive at their conclusions.
Jun 26, 2022
Q: Why didn't AJH use the Book of Romans or the Book of Hebrews to make his case instead of quote-mining from Ezekiel 34?
By now it's been about a year since i read twhoff, but if i remember correctly anything that is not either Old Testament, the gospels, or Revelation is not mentioned very much at all. Possibly just quoted once or twice total. I remember wondering if the jah truth religion rejects the Pauline epistles.


Mar 15, 2017
By now it's been about a year since i read twhoff, but if i remember correctly anything that is not either Old Testament, the gospels, or Revelation is not mentioned very much at all. Possibly just quoted once or twice total. I remember wondering if the jah truth religion rejects the Pauline epistles.
You are right that TWHOFTF hardly mentions anything outside of those books. Until proven otherwise, it looks like he relied on his personal memory of bible readings in childhood religious classes or Sunday School.
It is one of the things that makes me wonder if he had a RCC upbringing like me (or at least was strongly influenced via the RCC growing up e.g. lived in a RC area of town/ country. [Any JAHtruthers out there : if you do know for sure either way, please let us know!]

The little snippets of truth that TWHOFTF does offer occasionally are as basic as what I heard growing up in RCC schools. I was taught basic OT storylines, commandments, what Jesus did (at least the RE classes presented what the bible actually said, even if it was without explanations). I was never taught anything from the early church letters - I heard NO Gospel.

It appears that every pseudo-Christian cult hates the apostle Paul's books with a passion. By now I expected to see to have seen a little effort put towards disproving the apostle Paul's writings (even if that meant only contradicting) New Testament passages about God's grace or verses which Christians often use to defend the Trinity doctrine.

Direct quote from introduction:
This Book, like the Torah and the Koran, has been written in forty days, and at the same time of year. I have expanded certain points later, to make them easier for everyone to understand.

Because of AJH approves of the book "God calling", my theory is that most of TWHOFTF was pretty well written as it came to his mind, like what allegedly happened to those two women.

Bible and quran "quote mining" was added later to the text in an attempt to sound more convincing to potential readers.

P.S. If there are any ex-JAHtruthers out there who would like to share your insights, please feel free to PM me if you feel too "shy" to give entries publicly. The more I learn, the more I feel real concern for you all.
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Mar 15, 2017
Here is a fairly long segment, but when TWHOFTF is in (green) conversation mode it really doesn't need much commenting!
I won't address the Covenant/ Essene/ Brit/church related keywords because frankly it is unimportant at this stage.

Please read it carefully while keeping what Jesus said below in your mind:


9:65 These people are totally disobedient, and are going against my teachings, so how can they possibly represent me?

9:66 When are you going to stop listening to people’s words about me, and listen to MY words and follow MY teaching instead, as you should be doing?

9:67 If you look at MY words in the New Covenant, you will see the REAL me, which is totally different from the image, created by listening to words about me, spoken by people who do not KNOW me, even though they say that they do. They are liars, like their father the devil (liar – John 8:35).

9:68 The Essenes and the Disciples called themselves “The Covenanters” (Nazrim ha-Brit), and the early disciples called themselves “Followers of the Way”, NOT christians.

9:69 “So-called” christian priests, in general; and especially Roman Catholic priests; have caused incalculable harm in the world, by teaching people that God is stupid.

They have taught people, that they can be evil all their lives, and as long as these people get one of their priests, and say that they are sorry, on their death-bed, and give money to the church, then everything is alright, and that God will forgive them.

9:70 Unfortunately, most people believe their stupid evil LIES, and do exactly that, which is why the world is so bad, and the churches are so rich, especially the Roman Catholic church.

9:71 That is why most of the catholic countries are so corrupt, because people take bribes, and do wrong all their lives, believing that it doesn’t matter, so long as they go to confession, and receive absolution from a priest.

9:72 Do YOU really think you can live your life, being willfully evil, thinking it’s alright, as long as you say you’re sorry, on your deathbed, to a priest, and give money to the church, and that you can fool God? You are the ones who are stupid and being fooled - conned really
. You can’t fool God, He knows everything you think (
Galatians 6:7).

AJH accidentally slipped up there and said it himself in the second last sentence.
Those who listen to him AND believe him have been "fooled - conned really".....

But seriously now:
What he said in 9:72 is technically correct. AJH's cure for sin is no cure at all though.

Where is the Gospel - the Good News for those who realise they are sinners?

There is none- JAHtruth's message is hopeless. You had better follow AJH's commandments OR ELSE....
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Mar 15, 2017
It is all borderline green now, but the anti-Vatican position seems to be doctrine. Please read the verses to see if they are in context.

9:73 What an incredible BUSINESS - selling forgiveness for sins - and what a confidence-trick. Priests can NOT forgive your sins, they are conning you for money, “Protection-money”. How are they going to protect you from God, when, as far as God is concerned, they do not even exist (Matt. 23:8-9)?

The Matthew chapter 23 substituting the word priest/s (instead of Jewish leaders) has been addressed in earlier entries.

9:74 I’m sure the Mafia are all good (?) catholic boys, giving money to the Vatican, which itself is the biggest mafia on Earth.

9:75 If the Vatican hadn’t started their evil “protection-racket”, and conned millions of people, those people would, through fearing God’s retribution, be better people today, and the world would be a far better place. So it is the Vatican’s fault (Revelation 17 & 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).

Reminder: not all churches are Catholic.
Not all churches have corrupt leaders.
The word Vatican did not exist when the bible's books were written.

9:76 They have also turned people away from MY teachings, through their corruption; instead of bringing people to my teachings, by setting a good example. If they had followed MY teachings, they would not have DRIVEN people to communism and atheism, serving mammon and Satan (giving power to the Beast), and would not have turned the Moslems against the Christians.

Although the RCC is at the very best wrong on many matters, AJH made some extraordinary claims in the second sentence. It deserves its own separate thread!

9:77 You are responsible for your actions and thoughts and words, and ONLY God can forgive you, if you are GENUINELY sorry. Just because He may forgive you, it doesn’t mean that He won’t punish you too. So you had better really live a good life.

When I read that, it brought back memories of how my least favourite nun Sister Doreen sounded at times.
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Jun 26, 2022
The little snippets of truth that TWHOFTF does offer occasionally are as basic as what I heard growing up in RCC schools. I was taught basic OT storylines, commandments, what Jesus did (at least the RE classes presented what the bible actually said, even if it was without explanations). I was never taught anything from the early church letters - I heard NO Gospel.

It appears that every pseudo-Christian cult hates the apostle Paul's books with a passion. By now I expected to see to have seen a little effort put towards disproving the apostle Paul's writings (even if that meant only contradicting) New Testament passages about God's grace or verses which Christians often use to defend the Trinity doctrine.
Yeah, i've noticed that.

Even from my limited understanding of roman catholicism, they claim they believe and follow the epistles but at the same time they...don't .

As for jahtruth doctrine, a while back freeman referred me to this thread about how Christians supposedly "misunderstand" Galatians, but i havent read theough it yet (those wall of text scripture quotes make me glaze over). I would imaging it is full of contradictory arguments against the epistles.



Mar 15, 2017
Yeah, i've noticed that.

Even from my limited understanding of roman catholicism, they claim they believe and follow the epistles but at the same time they...don't .

As for jahtruth doctrine, a while back freeman referred me to this thread about how Christians supposedly "misunderstand" Galatians, but i havent read theough it yet (those wall of text scripture quotes make me glaze over). I would imaging it is full of contradictory arguments against the epistles.

I gave a very quick skim of the thread, and it made me quite sad to see how A Freeman even tried to make the apostle Paul's letter defending grace into a letter defending legalism.
A Freeman inserted his JAH"truth" via footnotes and scrambling the bible verses everywhere.


Mar 15, 2017
When I heard this song at church yesterday I thought of the contrast between Jesus Christ and the "Christ" of "the way home or face the truth". It is EXTREMELY relevant to the next section.

Please first read the actual account of the woman caught in adultery account in John chapter 8. [It is in the King James Bible, the version that AJH pretended to translate to create his KoK "version" ].

[Gospel of] John 8:1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.
3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.


Mar 15, 2017
Now the green first person conversation mode is becoming more common the font has been changed.
TWHOFTF added the emphasis below so underlining has been used, spacing added for easier reading

9:78 The most misunderstood and misinterpreted teaching in the New Covenant, is the one about the adulterous-woman (John 8:3-11).
It is the New Testament, not the New Covenant.

The Bible (to which the story has been added later)...

That is an area of debate suitable for another thread. Both sides make a good case for their position.

says that I ONLY forgave the woman, because I could read her thoughts, and knew that she was REALLY sorry, and I trusted her, NEVER to do it again.
Read the bible quote in the above entry.
AJH gave yet another hint that he did not believe Jesus was all-knowing.
That is not a surprise, as he has projected his own limitations and faults onto Jesus Himself.

I did NOT say that committing adultery was lawful, or that it was alright to do it.
People who read verses 10- 11 should not need that fact explained to them! :rolleyes:

John 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

9:79 Your “so-called” christian priests have mis-interpreted the whole thing, and twisted it, and used it as a license, to commit all the abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17), supposedly with my blessing, even though I told sinners to, “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (John 8:11).
The issues raised have been covered in earlier entries. e.g. the word priests is usually reserved for Roman Catholic priests.


Mar 15, 2017
My thoughts now:

Those who have read the ebook up to this point should know by now that the writing is too regulated to be a train of thought disorder or any form of language disorder (that some people who do not have a religious worldview might conclude too early).
It jumped from topics more and more as it continued but there is an underlying goal - to convince the reader to believe in JAHtruth, no matter how much it contradicts the bible, historical evidence and basic common sense.

Therefore it is safe to conclude it is now showing signs of a (sort of semi) automatic writing, i.e. AJH emptying his mind and writing whatever comes into his mind and assuming it is from a revelation from God Himself.

Going on everything has been written in TWHOFTF, it has been written via using "telepathy" , [allegedly] showing that he - AJH - is actually Jesus reborn in a new human body, and therefore whatever he is writing he has the right/ authority from God to present it in the first person.
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Mar 15, 2017
Here TWHOFTF jumps between two subjects repeatedly, condemning the (Roman Catholic) church and singing the praises of JAHtruth style "telepathy". Please read the bible chapter links to see if he is quoting in context.
no he isn't

9:80 I also said that I had come, not to destroy The Law, but to fulfill (fully preach) it, and that The Law would not change AT ALL, until the end of time (Matt. 5:17-20)(Malachi 4:4-6).
Note: AJH claims to be Elijah as well as Jesus reborn. That is why he pretends his name was John Anthony Hill on his website.
Remember the photo of his watch.


9:81 Stay away from priests, and follow MY teachings. How many times do I have to tell you?
Does that second sentence sound like Jesus?!!!

9:82 If a church is really the house of God, then no-one has the right to put a lock on the door, never mind lock-it.

That would be nice in theory but that is unrealistic and frankly impossible in the 21st century.
e.g. There are many people who hate Christianity who would love the opportunity to vandalise/ perform evil ceremonies in a church building.

You should not go to church (Matt. 6:5-6), go into your closet or bathroom, or anywhere private, and speak to God in thoughts (telepathy), and He will answer you by telepathy, with your “good” voice, but not words.

I will cover telepathy and its incompatibility with Christianity in a separate entry.
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Mar 15, 2017
I skimmed ahead in TWHOFTF and decided to make my position clear to prevent anyone assuming that I have never been "enlightened"/ "had my spiritual eyes opened" (so I have no idea what I am criticising in the ebook and JAHtruth friendly websites).
I am going to do the unthinkable and give what I believe a JAHtruther might say to defend AJH's use of the word telepathy for a second:

"you are getting it all wrong, JAHtruth is just using the word telepathy in a different sense to the traditional Judeo-Christian worldview and the bible.
"when "the way home or face the fire" says telepathy, it really means thought exchanges with God, you talking to God mentally and you listening to (and obeying) what God says to you via thoughts you receive in your mind."

That sounds sort of reasonable on the surface; there are some self-proclaimed Christians (usually of the Charismatic variety) who do claim to receive messages from Jesus/ God in the exact same manner. That is a very controversial issue. They should acknowledge many false teachings and even religions have developed that way.

Self disclosure: this may be shocking to those who assume I am a hardcore cessationist, but I used to do the same, including the "journaling". If it was ever from God, then what was correct I would have already been able to find the relevant answers in the bible [even easier now with bible websites online].

I am not a person who reads God versus Satan into everything either. I know firsthand that the SELF has way more to do with the formation of a new personal spirituality/ worldview than we realise.

I now believe what I received in my mind was mostly a mixture of me talking to myself [i.e. flesh], to convince me what I was wanting to do was OK in the eyes of God, even though it was directly condemned in the bible, and direct thoughts implanted in my mind from servants of Satan [seducing spirits i.e. demons).

According to TWHOFTF I was doing this [what he called] "telepathy to a level that Anthony John Hill would recommend. I could even feel God's presence everywhere I went! Interestingly I lost this ability soon after a serious medical condition I have was brought under control via surgery and later new medications. That started the long gradual backslide into near unbelief until I heard the Gospel again in 2006. [I want to thank that street preacher who jogged my memory in Heaven!]

From what I experienced for many years I believe that I do know what some religious people experience through prolonged fasting, probably sleep loss and extended periods of prayer and meditation. I experienced naturally what people have to use meditation and chemicals to reach a state of altered consciousness.

I hope that helps any JAHtruthers understand my position better. I really do believe that what you may be actually feeling in a physical/ mental sense is real as I have felt it myself, and very intensely.
What you need to do is what I should have done - even if you don't believe the bible:

does what you are hearing from God via what AJH called "telepathy" actually align with reality and common sense?

A God who is worthy of following will only tell you the truth, not "a truth" that feels so real.


Mar 15, 2017
Back into usual stereotyped left-brain thinker mode. TWHOFTF changes topic entirely after first sentence.

9:83 Learn the new language (to you) — telepathy.
Telepathy - Wikipedia
Telepathy (from Ancient Greek τῆλε (têle) 'distant', and πάθος/-πάθεια (páthos/-pátheia) 'feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience')[3][4] is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person's mind to another's without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was first coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. Myers,[5] a founder of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR),[6] and has remained more popular than the earlier expression thought-transference.[6][7]

For Google and Duckduckgo search, Telepathic connection results are all between people, sometimes in a romantic sense - but all unexplained knowledge, not a prayer or request for information with words!

Stop giving money to the church, or hoarding it. Use it to do good in the world, and fight evil with it, YOURSELF, and keep only what you REALLY need. Hoarding money shows a lack of faith in God, and that He will supply all your needs, both spiritual and physical.

9:84 The Roman Catholic church is probably the richest organization in the world, in money; land; property; shares and jewels. How can they represent God, when they are obscenely rich, and there are millions of people starving to death? Jesus had nothing except his clothes, and taught the sharing of everything, so that there would be no poor, or crime.

9:85 How can the religions be working for God, when they are teaching the hoarding of gold and money (serving mammon)? Isn’t it obvious that they are working for the devil? They are hypocrites, just like the scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (politicians), and they devour widows’ houses and say long prayers, for a pretence (Matt. 23:14).

They wear silly clothes and revel in salutes in the streets. 2000 years and NOTHING has changed. How can someone who is a fellow prisoner and bad, and who is blind to the truth, teach you how to be good? God is the ONLY one who can teach you.

AJH expands on his anti-RCC position further in some of his social and spiritual articles here. I doubt he will have a positive word to say about that church, whether rightly or wrongly.


Mar 15, 2017
I will not address TWHOFTF's historical claims (especially allegations towards the Roman Catholic church and AJH's claim that ALL priests are corrupt etc). They are worthy of a separate thread/s.

9:84 The Roman Catholic church is probably the richest organization in the world, in money; land; property; shares and jewels. How can they represent God, when they are obscenely rich, and there are millions of people starving to death? Jesus had nothing except his clothes, and taught the sharing of everything, so that there would be no poor, or crime.

9:85 How can the religions be working for God, when they are teaching the hoarding of gold and money (serving mammon)? Isn’t it obvious that they are working for the devil?

They are hypocrites, just like the scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (politicians), and they devour widows’ houses and say long prayers, for a pretence (Matt. 23:14). They wear silly clothes and revel in salutes in the streets. 2000 years and NOTHING has changed.

How can someone who is a fellow prisoner and bad, and who is blind to the truth, teach you how to be good? God is the ONLY one who can teach you. Open your eyes! (Isaiah 42:16-25)

9:86 The catholic priests told soldiers to murder in God’s name, when God Himself says that you must not murder (10 COMMANDments). They are not the only priests to do that, as you well know. How can they represent God?

9:87 All the priests throughout history have been conned by Satan, and have actually been working for him, NOT for God.

Isaiah 42 is a chapter that refers to a prophecy about the coming Messiah, whom Christians believe is Jesus Christ. Introduction to Isaiah 42 - bible study tools

For those who have the time, please read Isaiah 42:16 commentaries - bible hub and continuing verses.

9:88 Once the devil had created christianity, he then divided it, into lots of different sects, to make it even more efficient, at dividing and deceiving the world, into believing that organized-religions belong to God, just because they use and abuse His name (Rev. 12:9).

Sweeping statements about the Christian churches as usual.
Only the out of context verse shows it is not from an atheist propaganda source.
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Mar 15, 2017
Here TWHOFTF finally changes the subject!!!!
Notice: There are no bible verses to support what looks like Anthony John Hill's s pro-socialism [with AJH's conditions and exceptions] worldview though.

9:89 Jesus taught charity; and the hoarding of NOTHING material; and giving to the poor; so what excuse can a Christian church have, for hoarding material treasures? They should be setting a good example, by DEEDS NOT WORDS, instead of which they are setting a bad example, teaching by their example, the hoarding of worldly treasures.
The bible teaches against the LOVE of money and the LOVE of the world, not money as an evil itself.
Some churches have done what AJH strongly criticises, that doesn't therefore mean people should reject ALL churches.

I hope AJH doesn't apply his black-and-white thinking to all areas of life e.g. SOME police are corrupt, therefore ALL police are corrupt!

9:90 Jesus was the world’s first, best and most famous socialist. However, socialism has to be on an individual-choice basis, just like talking to God, because, once it becomes an organization, it goes all wrong, just like religion. Remember the rules of the prison - Free-will (Ch. 2).

9:91 Once socialism becomes organized into a political party, or a government, it becomes a dictatorship and evil. All human dictators are evil, but the most evil is state dictatorship, with walls to keep people in, forcibly. If they don’t build walls, the place becomes deserted.

9:90-91 is another example of where I can understand spiritual seekers who strongly dislike the materialism worldview and leaders who abuse power would like the words of TWHOFTF.


Mar 15, 2017
I am saying up-front:
If TWHOFTF didn't add the pro-reincarnation worldview (9:92), the terribly out-of-context bible verses (9:93) and unsupported claims about Jesus/ colour red I would agree a lot of what is said below.

9:92 Everyone should individually help his neighbours, from personal choice.

That person who has a problem could have been one of your grand-parents, or great grand-parents. Shouldn’t you give them a hand?

9:93 You can not force people to be socialists, each individual must have his own Free-will, to decide, for himself. God gave everyone their own Free-will, and no man, or men, have the right to take that away.

Men have, however, made up their own UNLAWFUL laws/legislation (Isaiah 3:14- 15 & 41:15-16 & 42:13-25)(Matt. 15:9), to take away your God given rights, and now you must fight to get them back (Eph. 6:10-18).

Please take the time to look at the links and surrounding verses. The Ephesians passage deserved to be quoted in full, because it is about SPIRITUAL armour! It has nothing to do with fighting man's/ society's laws.

Verses 19-20 reveals the apostle Paul's GOAL of it all!!!

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

9:94 The state socialists also work under the devil’s colours — the RED flag.

9:95 Capitalism is also wrong, but it is not as evil as communism, because at least it allows freedom of choice, to be or not to be a capitalist. It teaches the wrong values, because it teaches the values of the world (materialism), instead of the values of heaven (brotherly love and sharing). However, at least it does not force itself upon people, and you are free to opt-out, and/or leave. It is probably the lesser of the evils.

9:96 Jesus taught The Way, i.e. “individual socialism”.

IF everyone was like Jesus, there would be no need for governments, because everyone would help his neighbours, and soon this planet would be deserted, because everyone would have gone home: “I am The Way - home” (I am how YOU have to be, to go home).

That looks very good on paper/ online, but we will never have a perfect world, because all people are sinners.
If people even fight with family members, what hope do we have for a perfect society?!

9:97 Stay away from priests, with their silly clothes and rituals. Talk to God privately, and listen to Him and do His Will, and NOT your own. No “Self”-will, ONLY God’s Will. Do not hoard worldly treasures (serving mammon). Don’t exchange your chance to live forever, and to go home, for worldly treasures that you can not keep, and certain-death.

He was repeating himself again.


Mar 15, 2017
9:98 This world has, and always has had, a perfect government, if only people would listen to it, and help it, by doing what it advises them, instead of always ignoring it, and working against it. If people helped the REAL government, the world would function PERFECTLY. That government is also their King and is GOD (Malachi 1:14)(Sura 114).

9:99 Unfortunately YOU are all ANARCHISTS, and have set up your own governments and monarchies, in direct disobedience of the First COMMANDMENT (“and Him ONLY shall you serve”), and they govern in direct conflict with His governing (Matt. 4:10 & 15:9)
That makes absolutely no sense.
Anarchists want NO level of government, monarchy or authority at all, at least in the dictionary sense!

Anarchist - Wikipedia
Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is skeptical of all justifications for authority and seeks to abolish the institutions it claims maintain unnecessary coercion and hierarchy, typically including nation states,[1] and capitalism. Anarchism advocates for the replacement of the state with stateless societies and voluntary free associations. As a historically left-wing movement, this reading of anarchism is placed on the farthest left of the political spectrum, usually described as the libertarian wing of the socialist movement (libertarian socialism).

9:100 Worshipping other evil human+beings and Satan, and bowing down to them, either physically or spiritually, when God says that “ALL men are created equal”, has caused nothing but trouble and wars, since the beginning of time, and you STILL haven’t learned to keep the First COMMANDMENT (Sura 3:64).

64. Say: “O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will).”

Why didn't AJH give Exodus 20, the actual 10 commandments instead?

20:1 And God spake all these words, saying,
2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Allah is not the name of the God of the Old Testament!!!


Mar 15, 2017
TWHOFTF is becoming very self-explanatory. It appears that AJH believes rich = bad. Poor = good.

Bible/Quran chapter links are in the thread, spacing added.

9:101 Whenever you break a COMMANDMENT, you automatically bring punishment and suffering upon yourself - Divine Justice.
Reminder: "Divine Justice"/ Karma is not in the bible.

9:102 They are not polite requests. They are not even advice. They are COMMANDMENTS!!! and they mean EXACTLY what they say.
9:103 You seem to think that you are good, and FREE to do as you like, with impunity, and a law unto yourselves, but you are NOT, and you are GRAVELY mistaken (Isaiah 3:12)(Luke 11:52)(Sura 96:6-7).

9:104 You talk about democracy, and you don’t know the meaning of the word (demon-crazy).
I want to assume that AJH was not being serious about "demon-crazy".

Democracy (from Ancient Greek: δημοκρατία, romanized: dēmokratía, dēmos 'people' and kratos 'rule')[1] is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy") or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy").

In any case, prisoners on Death-Row do not have the right to make up their own rules, and elect themselves kings and queens; lords; ladies and parliaments, and rule themselves. You can’t have kings and queens in prison, and prisoners ruling themselves. Prisons have rules, that the prisoners must follow, and so does this prison planet, and they were given to Moses.

9:105 Since the day that men started to make up laws, there has been less and less justice. Every time a new law is made up, there is even less justice, until today; under man’s laws/legislation; there is no justice - (Isaiah 3:2-15).
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