"The way home or catch the fire" compared to bible/ other religions (part 6)


Mar 15, 2017
There are many different concepts thrown together below.

9:27 EASTER - the Second Passover -Wednesday 21st April 34 A.D.

AJH's birthday is 22nd April 1948. The days are getting closer....

It was the Second Passover; now wrongfully celebrated as Ishtar/Easter;
AJH expands upon that claim here.
Notice: many different topics and different hyperlinks on one page, and NO references provided except to other pages on his website. That is yet another warning sign to tread carefully.

because the “Lamb” died, instead of the entire nation, who were under “the Curse of the Law”. What curse and why? The Law was not a curse but a blessing, to all those who kept it (God’s Law, not man’s), and was a school-teacher to bring men to Christ - the Head-“Master”.

People: the bible says Jesus died for MANKIND - all sinners - not just Israel/ Jews.

IMO it would be worth doing further study on how the Book of Galatians and the Book of Hebrews contradicts AJH.

e.g. Galatians chapter 3

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
They are repeatedly called CHILDREN of Israel. Results for Israelites are way fewer.
They are called Jews, not Israel.
The Jews are not ever mentioned in the Bible, until 2 kings 16:6 -

16:6 At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.

The name Israel (Champion of God, or Ruling with God), is a title which was specially bestowed by God Himself upon Jacob, the ancestor of the Israel people.

Jacob-Israel had twelve sons, of whom Judah was the fourth. It is obvious, therefore, that Judah was one of the children of Israel, and equally obvious that the other eleven sons could not possibly have been Judah.

Each of these twelve sons founded a tribe, with the exception of Joseph, who founded two tribes through his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. There were thus, strictly speaking, thirteen tribes; but, inasmuch as the tribe of Levi had no territorial status but was dispersed throughout the other twelve tribes for the performance of special duties, it became customary to speak of the whole nation as the twelve tribes of Israel.

These tribes were organized into a kingdom, of which God Himself was the King: a Theocratic State, which lasted about four hundred years. At the end of that time they decided to set up a visible and earthly king, and first Saul, then David, and lastly Rehoboam, reigned over the original united kingdom of all-Israel.

In the reign of Rehoboam this kingdom was split into two parts: the tribes of Judah, Benjamin with some of the tribe of Levi scattered amongst them formed the kingdom of Judah, while the remaining ten tribes with the remainder of the Levites scattered amongst them formed the new northern kingdom of Israel. This great division took place about 975 B.C., and from this time forward the terms Israel and Judah generally refer to the two separate kingdoms so formed.

Between the dates 741 B.C. and 676 B.C., the people of the kingdom of Israel were deported by the Assyrians to a district north of Nineveh; and shortly afterwards their land was handed over to colonists from the Assyrian Empire.

The main deportations of Judah took place between the dates 606 B.C. and 587 B.C. when all the inhabitants of that kingdom, with very few exceptions, were transported by the Chaldaeans to Babylon.

The people of the two kingdoms were thus deported at different times, by different conquerors, and to different districts.

In 537 B.C., under the decree of Cyrus, a portion of Judah (42,360 souls in all), some of whom had married non-Israelite wives and fathered children by them, returned to their own land - Judaea, and became known as Jews.

These Jews, being of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, were, therefore, of the race of Israel, but of the kingdom of Judah.

On the other hand, the ten tribes, who never returned home from their captivity, were not only of the race of Israel, but also of the kingdom of Israel; they could not, therefore, by any possibility have been either Judah or the Jews.

Until these facts are clearly understood, much of the Bible must remain unintelligible.

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The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
Another point, the importance of which cannot be over emphasised, is to realise that Divine prophecy always deals with "Israel" and "Judah" as two separate entities, each having quite different functions to perform in the Plan of God. If, in our study of the Master’s Plan, we treat these terms as synonymous, then only hopeless confusion can follow. The ability to define the difference between Israel and Judah, in the Scriptures, is to hold one of the most important keys to the understanding of the whole scheme of God Almighty. In the mind of God there were potentially two separate peoples with two different destinies when Israel came out of Egypt. King David was divinely aware of this, and he wrote, "When Israel went out of Egypt, and the House of Jacob from a people of strange language; Judah was His SANCTUARY, and Israel His DOMINION" (Ps. 114:1-2).

Josephus, the Jewish historian, also referred to these sections of Israel as being two separate entities. To quote: "So he (Cyrus) called for the most eminent Jews that were in Babylon, and said unto them, that he gave them leave to go back to their own country, and to rebuild their city Jerusalem and The Temple of God . . . When Cyrus said this to the Israelites, the rulers of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with the Levites and priests, went in haste to Jerusalem; yet did many of them stay at Babylon, as not willing to leave their possessions" (Josephus: Book 11, Chapter 1, Paras 2 and 3). The Bible books of Ezra and Nehemiah agree that those who returned belonged only to these tribes.

Of the ten tribes, Josephus records the following: "Wherefore, there are but (only) two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the TEN TRIBES are beyond Euphrates till now (A.D. 70 or so) and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers" (Josephus: Book 11, Chapter 5, para. 2).

Much more material could be produced, but let one more testimony suffice. On 26th June, 1950, the following letter was addressed to the Chief Rabbi of Britain:

Dear Sir,

May I ask for replies to the following questions:

1. Do the Jews, as generally known, represent the whole twelve tribes of Israel?

2. Does the State of Israel in Palestine constitute a union of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms as a united Israel?

Yours faithfully, C.H.L.I.

The following reply was received a few days later, being the official opinion of the Chief Rabbi.

Dear Sir,

I refer to your letter of the 26th ult. The Jews of today do not represent the whole of the twelve tribes. What happened to the ten tribes who occupied Northern Palestine in Bible times is not definitely known. Various theories have been propounded. Modern Jewry is considered as being descended from the ancient tribe of Judah, and to a lesser extent, the tribe of Benjamin.

Yours truly,

Signed J. H. Taylor, Sec.

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Mar 15, 2017
TWHOFTF's pro- British Israelite worldview continues more in depth.

9:28 So what was this “Curse of The Law”, that had condemned the entire nation to death?

9:29 As the British (Israel) left Egypt and slavery, hoping to never become slaves again - “Rule Britannia” (think about the words – you all know them) - they swore that they would never kneel, to

9:30 At Sinai, in Horeb, Moses was given God’s Laws; Statutes; Judgements; Agricultural and Economic Policies; so that the British (Israel) could live in prosperity, and freedom from the oppression, that always exists, under men’s selfish laws and economic policies.

9:31 The entire British nation accepted the contract (Covenant), that had been made, at first, with Abraham their ancestor, because he did not withhold his only son, the “miracle” child Isaac, on top of Mt. Moriah.

Under The Covenant (contract), the British swore a solemnly-binding-oath, that you would KEEP and DO everything, that God had commanded to Moses, FOR EVER, and would be God’s Servant Nation (NOT a Master Race); His Wife (metaphorically); and Faithful; and also His Demonstration People to the rest of the world.

I have not seen anything like what is written here before investigating "the way home or face the fire".
At this stage it looks like AJH has paraphrased British Israelism's teachings except for a few personal touches.

Of course only the author knows if he did that or if he received the message independently via what JAHtruthers call "telepathy".


Mar 15, 2017
@The Sojourner, the whole British Israelite perspective is one that looks convincing when its theories and legends are presented as if they are actually proven facts. The older writers were especially skilled at using a sophisticated vocabulary with great personal assurance!

There are a lot of "holes in the narrative".
The racism and pro-evolutionary viewpoints are especially troubling.
White supremacists and antisemites love the worldview as well.

Critical dictionary of Apocalyptic and Millenarian movements - British Israelism

British-Israelists are defined by their belief that the lost tribes of Israel are identical with the white, Protestant peoples of Northern Europe. This belief is informed by several different strands of thought and incorporates elements of Protestant apocalypticism, British nationalism, New Age belief, and racial pseudo-science. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in Britain and abroad, hundreds of different British-Israelist movements were founded. At its peak, in the first half of the twentieth century, the largest British-Israelist organisation (the British Israel World Federation) claimed to have hundreds of thousands of members in the United Kingdom alone......

In the United States, British-Israelism became a central plank of the Christian Identity tradition. Within the American context, British-Israelism is usually associated with more virulent expressions of antisemitism. Many Christian Identity churches—like the Shepherd’s Chapel, the Worldwide Church of God, and the Church of Jesus Christ Christian—along with many Christian Identity terrorist organisations—like the Phinehas Brotherhood and the Aryan Nations—espouse some form of British-Israelist belief. British-Israelism is essentially an apocalyptic movement.


Mar 15, 2017
9:33 That demonstration, is, to show the rest of the world, how wonderful it is to live under God’s
Laws and Economics, as opposed to men’s evil systems.

9:34 Under the terms of the contract, God gave the British (Israel) the “Land Flowing with Milk and
Honey” - the milk of human kindness and sweetness (that comes only from the strong – Judges

14:14) - the land of Israel.

What? Does TWHOFTF really believe that was the sole purpose of God saving the Israelites out of Egypt and eventually into the promised land?
The bible says the Jews were God's chosen people.

Why did God choose Israel to be the chosen people? Got questions
Deuteronomy chapter 7

6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
7 The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

The BIBLE says it was because of God's love for Israel.


Mar 15, 2017
Here TWHOFTF expands further on Anthony John Hill's belief system (spacing added).

9:35 He said that, as long as they kept His Ways, and did not commit adultery (unfaithfulness), He would bring the sun and rain, in their seasons, and He would make their crops grow abundantly, and they would want for nothing.

They would live in peace and safety, and be happy and prosperous, with no need for crime, as there would be no poverty, and everyone would love and help each other (“Love thy neighbour as much as you love yourself”).

9:36 The idea behind this, was, so that the gentile nations, outside of Israel, would see how wonderful it was to live under God’s System, and want it for themselves.

9:37 They would have two options, and would choose the wrong one first, as humans always do, and that would be, to try to take Israel by force and steal what they had. BUT, under The Covenant, God had promised the British, that He would fight their enemies FOR them, and defeat them, and that one British man would chase a thousand, and they would flee in terror.

9:38 So, then, the gentiles would have to take option two - “if you can’t beat them, join them”, and they would come to the British (Israel), and ask if they could join them. Whereupon, they would be told, yes, IF they agreed to keep The Covenant too.

This was to be “the grafting into Israel of the gentiles”, so that, little by little, the borders of Israel would enlarge to take in these gentile nations, and eventually the whole world would become the Kingdom of Israel, and God’s Kingdom on Earth, with justice; freedom; safety and prosperity for everyone, not just for the strong, powerful and rich, like under men’s evil laws.

I have to admit that reading the word British instead of Israel really causes confusion in my mind.
Who else imagines (white) Caucasian people not (olive skinned at lightest) Middle Eastern people?

This sounds nothing like the Old Testament. God told the Jews/Israel to remain SEPARATE from the surrounding countries and peoples.
As well as the moral laws that Christians continue to follow today (repeated/ reworded for us in the New Testament), the Old Testament Jews had their own unique legal and cultural laws.
Those laws are spelled out in massive detail starting from the 10 commandments in Exodus chapter 20, and throughout the Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.


Mar 15, 2017
A sort of a light bulb came on when I had while reading through 9:23 to approximately 9:60.

Over the past week I have read a few books and watched a few videos now which address British Israelism and Anglo-Israelism (I have put some of them in earlier entries). Imagine one of those mystery detectives collecting random bits of data to create the profile of a repeat offender, and eventually finding a pattern to predict where the criminal is likely to strike next.

I can see now who would be especially vunerable at falling for JAHtruth and why AJH's chief apologist A Freeman is incredibly unlikely to give up JAHtruth. To reject the new religion would mean he would have to reconstruct his personal identity as well as reject the man and his belief system he has built his life around for probably several decades now.
A subtle pride in one's whiteness and overall British ancestry would be very hard to give up.

Essential characteristics:
A white AngloSaxon background, (UK, USA or Commonwealth countries)
spiritual seeker who has rejected mainstream religion but some basic familiarity with Christian concepts
willing to see hidden messages/ numbers in religious texts
conspiracy friendly mindset (a distrust of mainstream media/ books is essential)
conscientious, hardworking, disillusioned with society's values overall
a strong desire to return to the "good ol' days", traditional family values

I cannot see how anyone who does not have the above characteristics + has actually read TWHOFTF could be a believer in JAHtruth.
e.g. I would be very unpleasantly surprised if a person of full African American ancestry or full Australian Aboriginal ancestry could read TWHOFTF and still become a 100% believer. The cognitive dissonance would be too painful to live with surely!

Disclosure: I am white Anglo Saxon Australian who because of my sensitive and inquisitive nature could have fitted that profile exactly except that God intervened in my life. e.g. God gave me a father who taught me to examine facts and evidence, to not trust feelings blindly like my mother (she was often correct, but the outcome of her wrong decisions was disastrous at times).
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Mar 15, 2017
I don't think I really need to comment here, except to remind people God's Covenant with the ancient Jews was more than a legal/ economic contract. They were punished because of SIN!

9:39 However, they broke their promise and The Covenant and allowed greedy; selfish; evil people, from amongst their own nation, to make up their own laws; economics and customs, to make The Commandments of God of no-effect. Because of this going-away from God’s Laws and Economic Policy, given in the Books of Moses (the first five Books of the Bible), and turning to man’s laws in the “Talmud”, the people became slaves, again. This time they were not the slaves of foreigners, but of the rich people, whom they had allowed to make up laws/legislation to cheat them and make them poor, and themselves rich - people from within their own nation.

9:40 So they had broken the contract, and were not giving God’s Demonstration, as they had promised, and would not be able to help God to bring the gentiles into the Kingdom, as there was nothing worth joining. The system was no better than a gentile one.

9:41 The Curse then came into force. Under The Covenant, there were “Blessings” for keeping the contract, and penalty-clauses or “Curses” for breaking the contract. As they had broken the contract, they came under the “Curse” (penalty-clause), and that curse was death, for the whole nation. They had already sold themselves back into slavery and poverty, and death was to follow.


Mar 15, 2017
The next section in "the way home or face the fire" really deserves a professional Christian apologist's attention, it is that bad.

People, the Gospel of the true bible:
is GOOD news for sinners/ those who still break the commandments!
for ALL people (not just the British)!
has NO fine print, clauses, or conditions!
is what Jesus DID (past tense) for us, not what we have to DO (present/ future tense) for God!

The Gospel is for all kinds of people, including you - open the bible

What Jesus did for me - Gospel billboards
Jun 26, 2022
In the United States, British-Israelism became a central plank of the Christian Identity tradition. Within the American context, British-Israelism is usually associated with more virulent expressions of antisemitism. Many Christian Identity churches—like the Shepherd’s Chapel, the Worldwide Church of God, and the Church of Jesus Christ Christian—along with many Christian Identity terrorist organisations—like the Phinehas Brotherhood and the Aryan Nations—espouse some form of British-Israelist belief. British-Israelism is essentially an apocalyptic movement.
As a relatively new (less than 5 yrs) Christian from the US, i was not aware of the "Christian Identity" movement/denomination until very recently.

Now i understand why most anti-Christian people insist on sterotyping Christians as white (and racist), despite the fact that the gospel was to be preached to all nations, the first convert was an Ethiopian, and Jesus was a Jew...

All of the congregations for churches we attended had a variety of races, so i was always confused as to where the "white Christian nationalist" stereotype came from. Now i get it (though it is still a strawman)...

Essential characteristics:
A white AngloSaxon background, (UK, USA or Commonwealth countries)
spiritual seeker who has rejected mainstream religion but some basic familiarity with Christian concepts
willing to see hidden messages/ numbers in religious texts
conspiracy friendly mindset (a distrust of mainstream media/ books is essential)
conscientious, hardworking, disillusioned with society's values overall
a strong desire to return to the "good ol' days", traditional family values

I cannot see how anyone who does not have the above characteristics + has actually read TWHOFTF could be a believer in JAHtruth.
e.g. I would be very unpleasantly surprised if a person of full African American ancestry or full Australian Aboriginal ancestry could read TWHOFTF and still become a 100% believer. The cognitive dissonance would be too painful to live with surely!

I wonder if this then goes into the (false) idea that other races are somehow "unintelligent" and unable to see what the elites are up to, making them blind to conspiracies.


Mar 15, 2017
As a relatively new (less than 5 yrs) Christian from the US, i was not aware of the "Christian Identity" movement/denomination until very recently.

Now i understand why most anti-Christian people insist on sterotyping Christians as white (and racist), despite the fact that the gospel was to be preached to all nations, the first convert was an Ethiopian, and Jesus was a Jew...

All of the congregations for churches we attended had a variety of races, so i was always confused as to where the "white Christian nationalist" stereotype came from. Now i get it (though it is still a strawman)...
Maybe it depends on which part of the USA you are from whether you hear much about it?
I get the impression that southern states would be way more inclined to Anglo-Israelism.

If you have the time you might be interested in watching some videos from two USA Christians who address William Branham's cult "the message" and all his dubious history.
His name has been mentioned from time to time on this forum as well.
He may not have been a mainstream preacher, but he had close ties to the Klu Klux Klan and Christian Identity.


I wonder if this then goes into the (false) idea that other races are somehow "unintelligent" and unable to see what the elites are up to, making them blind to conspiracies.
Pride can be very blinding. I also wonder whether white people tend to have more time on our hands and therefore surf looking for entertaining websites. For some of us that is weird books and videos. People from poor countries/with more social constraints probably aren't the ones who do searches like was Princess Diana's death murder or an accident or close encounters spaceship.*

People who have that on their search history are not likely to be surfing bible commentary websites to check whether the verse is in context!
Just sayin' ....

* Look at the way the articles are written - remember they are written by a man who is supposed to be Jesus reborn in a new body....
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Mar 15, 2017
The extreme legalism, the claim that we are all to return back obeying to the Old Testament Law (that no sinner was ever able to obey, that is why we need Jesus as our Saviour !) is not unique to "The way home or face the fire".

I will just point out a less common pattern instead, look at the words I enlarged and put in red:

9:42 So, once-again, the nation needed to be freed from slavery and death, just as in the Passover in Egypt, 1500 years before.

9:43 As The Covenant came into being, because Abraham did not withhold his “miracle” son Isaac, the only way to save the entire nation from death, was for God to annul (cancel) the contract, and the only way He could do that, was by sacrificing His own “miracle” Son from the “Virgin-birth”, unless the nation accepted His Son’s Sovereignty and returned to His Laws, and their duty under the Old Covenant, accepted and signed at Sinai, in Horeb.

9:44 This they refused to do, so the contract had to be cancelled, and the only way to do that, was for God’s Son to be sacrificed, instead of the whole nation.

9:45 The New Covenant / contract (Testament) then came into existence, for those who wanted “Life” and freedom. It was necessary to sacrifice THE “Lamb”, to free the people from slavery, poverty and death under The Curse, and under men’s evil laws/legislation in the Jewish / Babylonian Talmud; and return them to freedom, under God’s Perfect Laws of Liberty, in the Bible, once-again; under the New Covenant (Testament).

All the words which contradicted AJH's worldview, all the words which AJH must discredit or dismiss were put in quotation marks.

How "convenient" that was for the self-professed "Jesus". Just make every concept that doesn't suit AJH look like mere allegory, nothing in the bible should be believed unless AJH says so.

Life really is "life"..... "apparently"....

Jun 26, 2022
Maybe it depends on which part of the USA you are from whether you hear much about it?
I get the impression that southern states would be way more inclined to Anglo-Israelism.
Yeah, i think you're right. I've never lived in the south. The pastor of one of the churches we went to was from a southern state, and now looking back i can see some elements of the Christian ID movement, though the words "Christian identity" were never explicitly mentioned and the congregation was mixed.

If you have the time you might be interested in watching some videos from two USA Christians who address William Branham's cult "the message" and all his dubious history.
His name has been mentioned from time to time on this forum as well.
He may not have been a mainstream preacher, but he had close ties to the Klu Klux Klan and Christian Identity.

Wow, that was informative. So both British israelism and Christian identity are not denominations, but the ideas/teachings/doctrines can be found embedded in churches of various denominations?

I had heard something similar to the "serpent seed" theory before - the version i heard said that cain and abel were twins and that eve was already pregnant by the serpent (which happened when he "beguiled" (2 Co11:3) her in the garden) when adam knew her to conceive abel. But the version i heard said that cain's descendants were wiped out in the flood... unless ham's wife was from the line of cain (there's no evidence of this in the Bible), since then racialism was mentioned again in the form of noah's sons being the father's of the 3 races, with ham being the father of blacks. This version was not anti-semitic, but mostly focused on black people (ham) being cursed to be servants, because God cursed canaan ham's son (Gen 9:25). Also, black people were not considered iredeemable, or without a soul, it was more a matter of their condition in life.

Anyway, i can see how these teachings contribute to a perception that Christianity is racist, and it is a shame.(my conspiracy mind also wonders if these pastors were somehow "connected" or masonic, and were part of a plot to subvert Christianity)

Pride can be very blinding. I also wonder whether white people tend to have more time on our hands and therefore surf looking for entertaining websites. For some of us that is weird books and videos. People from poor countries/with more social constraints probably aren't the ones who do searches like was Princess Diana's death murder or an accident or close encounters spaceship.*

People who have that on their search history are not likely to be surfing bible commentary websites to check whether the verse is in context!
Just sayin' ....

* Look at the way the articles are written - remember they are written by a man who is supposed to be Jesus reborn in a new body....
I think in general those of us from 1st world/more affluent countries definitely have more time on our hands than someone from a developing country. I meant more along the lines that among the population of, say, the US, conspiracy researchers can be found represented by a variety of people, not exclusively white.

Years ago i read that one of the determining factors in going down the rabbit hole involved a feeling of disatisfaction with life, or that something in wrong, and that's something that can be found cross-culturally. In more recent times (i'd say since around the time leading to the 2016 election) i did see a push to make "conspiracy theorist" synonymous with "white", with more of a focus on politics on conspiracy sites, but i think that is more of the elite's plant to cause strife and disunity.

Yeah, the quality of the articles leaves much to be desired...
Jun 26, 2022
These Jews, being of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, were, therefore, of the race of Israel, but of the kingdom of Judah.

On the other hand, the ten tribes, who never returned home from their captivity, were not only of the race of Israel, but also of the kingdom of Israel; they could not, therefore, by any possibility have been either Judah or the Jews.
The apostle Paul refers to himself as an "Israelite", though he was from the tribe of Benjamin. So the term "Israelite" is not exclusively reserved to the northern tribes.

Romans 11:1
I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin
The ability to define the difference between Israel and Judah, in the Scriptures, is to hold one of the most important keys to the understanding of the whole scheme of God Almighty.

The Bible books of Ezra and Nehemiah agree that those who returned belonged only to these tribes.
The gospel of Luke refers to a woman from the tribe of Asher. If no one returned from the northern tribes that would make the Bible a liar...

Luke 2:36

36And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser:


Mar 15, 2017
Yeah, i think you're right. I've never lived in the south. The pastor of one of the churches we went to was from a southern state, and now looking back i can see some elements of the Christian ID movement, though the words "Christian identity" were never explicitly mentioned and the congregation was mixed.
Many years ago when I still watched The Comedy Channel I sometimes watched USA comedians pay out on all the conservative Christians and leaders. Of course they focused on negative issues in a very biased manner, but they were sadly often right. Racism was one of those issues. The social divides in USA seem to be enormous in some areas.

Wow, that was informative. So both British israelism and Christian identity are not denominations, but the ideas/teachings/doctrines can be found embedded in churches of various denominations?

I had heard something similar to the "serpent seed" theory before - the version i heard said that cain and abel were twins and that eve was already pregnant by the serpent (which happened when he "beguiled" (2 Co11:3) her in the garden) when adam knew her to conceive abel. But the version i heard said that cain's descendants were wiped out in the flood... unless ham's wife was from the line of cain (there's no evidence of this in the Bible), since then racialism was mentioned again in the form of noah's sons being the father's of the 3 races, with ham being the father of blacks. This version was not anti-semitic, but mostly focused on black people (ham) being cursed to be servants, because God cursed canaan ham's son (Gen 9:25). Also, black people were not considered iredeemable, or without a soul, it was more a matter of their condition in life.
Yes those two are fine historians. The man presenting the material was also an ex-pastor of "The message" so he really knows what he is talking about.

Some of the heresies are shocking, but via Bitchute and Rumble I found that there are people who still believe British Israelism and Christian Identity. Only if I was going to do formal research on those movements would I listen to that type of material properly. (Biased information and personal snobbiness is as difficult to tolerate as someone singing out of tune to me.)

From listening over the years to several Christian apologists who analyse false preachers' materials, I noticed that amongst Word of Faith televangeli$ts especially they have southern USA accents.
They also inevitably mix with even shonkier ones.
Messed up church or Long for truth might have been the channels (both Lutheran channels, but Christian apologetics seems to be a high priority for that church!) where I learned about the really old ones, back before the colour TV days. Preachers today know permanent records will be kept online, not just on believers' cassette tapes!

Anyway, i can see how these teachings contribute to a perception that Christianity is racist, and it is a shame.(my conspiracy mind also wonders if these pastors were somehow "connected" or masonic, and were part of a plot to subvert Christianity)
I got the impression that a Christian Freemason is not seen automatically as an oxymoron in the USA. Please correct me if I am wrong!
The false gospel of freemasonry - pulpit and pen
I most certainly would not go to a church where I found out the pastor/s and deacons etc were Freemasons after what I have read now!

I think in general those of us from 1st world/more affluent countries definitely have more time on our hands than someone from a developing country. I meant more along the lines that among the population of, say, the US, conspiracy researchers can be found represented by a variety of people, not exclusively white.

Years ago i read that one of the determining factors in going down the rabbit hole involved a feeling of disatisfaction with life, or that something in wrong, and that's something that can be found cross-culturally. In more recent times (i'd say since around the time leading to the 2016 election) i did see a push to make "conspiracy theorist" synonymous with "white", with more of a focus on politics on conspiracy sites, but i think that is more of the elite's plant to cause strife and disunity.

Yeah, the quality of the articles leaves much to be desired...
I remember a few years back that the media was very concerned at how search engines modified the results/ advertisements according to our search patterns, inevitably biasing the results to the viewpoint we already held. Facebook was especially bad at that.

The thing I am learning via researching "the way home or face the fire" is how people who have NOT researched properly/ love conspiracy theories search and form their opinions.
It is pretty well how NOT to information search and how NOT to process information.

I know they would reflexively dismiss me as close-minded etc, and boy are they wrong!!!! I love to learn how other people think, that is why I liked psychology subjects at university.
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Mar 15, 2017
Here TWHOFTF adds a lot of personal speculation with nothing to back it up.

Note: "quotation marks" are everywhere for what the Bible says actually HAPPENED - is this going to be a consistent pattern now?!!! I will leave that issue alone for now unless it is essential to address what AJH is trying to dismiss via "quoting".

9:46 So it was the Second Passover, not Easter, and was at exactly the same of year. Jesus and the disciples’ “Last Supper” was the “Feast of the Passover”, and the setting-up of the New Covenant (Testament), under which, if everyone returned to God’s Laws and Ways and serving ONLY Him, they could have “Life”, and freedom.

That is the opposite to the actual Christian Gospel. It is what Jesus DID for us, not what we have to DO for Jesus.


9:47 In order to serve only God, which is the first and most important of The COMMANDments, and to do His Will, they would have to learn to communicate with Him, so He could teach them how to, “Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven IS perfect”.

9:48 IF people did this, they would reap the benefit from Divine Wisdom; Love; Law and Justice; instead of the evil, that comes from the rule of men, who are guided by Satan and his selfish; hateful; greedy; unjust and destructive ways.

9:49 The priests, lawyers and politicians had made up their own laws, in the “Talmud”, and misled the people (the blind leading the blind) away from God’s Laws of Liberty; true justice and freedom from oppression; into their evil system, which made and kept them all rich and powerful, and allowed them to prey on the people, and steal their share of the wealth, under their home-made, unlawful and fraudulent laws (James 5:4) and economics (sound familiar?)(Ezekiel 34:1, 10).
Please look at the passages below. Where is any word that sounds the writer is referring to an actual politician?
James 5
Ezekiel 34 [Old Testament]


Mar 15, 2017
9:50 Therefore the priesthood and false system had to be abolished, and IT WAS abolished forever, at the Crucifixion, to make-way for the return to God’s Rule; Ways and the New Covenant, under which there was only ONE priest - THE High Priest - Christ (Ezekiel 34:10, 23).

9:51 At the Crucifixion, the “Temple Veil” was torn in two, from top to bottom, and totally destroyed. WHY?

9:52 What was the significance of The Veil, that made it so important, that God needed to destroy it; at the Crucifixion?

WOW!!! If 9:51-52 had been at the very beginning of TWHOFTF, it would have sounded so promising, even if AJH could have used better references from the New Testament.

Q: Why didn't AJH use the Book of Romans or the Book of Hebrews to make his case instead of quote-mining from Ezekiel 34?

10 Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. ...

23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

[Of course Anthony John Hill will be counting on readers for reading him as "servant David". ]

A: readers will eventually see why AJH resorted to ignoring everything the new Testament promised those who believe in Christ Jesus in the next entries.
It is so sad to see how a man who cannot see the wood for the trees is determined to take everyone who believes what he wrote back into extreme spiritual bondage with him.


Mar 15, 2017
My first thoughts when reading 9:53-9:64 in TWHOFTF:

"How on earth can a man who claims to have merged Islam and Christianity" be so insistent on following his interpretation of Hebraic Law to the letter"?!!!

AJH has done exactly what the writer of Hebrews has commanded the new Christians who were tempted to return back to the OT laws NOT to do!!!!
Those who rejected the Gospel in favour of the Old Testament Law were warned against becoming apostates.
Are apostates from the faith beyond repentance? Christian Courier

Only God knows if a self-professed Christian who became a JAHtruther is an apostate or not, but it would not be a surprise considering the chief evangelist is determined to reject the Gospel as much as other self-professed ex-Christian members of another religion on this forum.


Mar 15, 2017
People: please read what the apostle Peter said to the Jerusalem Jews in Acts 2: does it sound a THING like what is written below?

For further reading please do name keyword searches on Biblegateway.com.
You will see that a lot of "poetic license" is used with the narratives.


I have put AJH's Gospel in red, because according to him it is Satan's colour.

9:53 For the answer, we have to go back in time, 2000 years, to around 2000 B.C., to the time of Abraham and Isaac. God chose Abraham, because he believed and served only God, and NO-ONE else, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Abraham was willing to give up the most precious thing, to him, on Earth, - his “miracle” son – on Mt. Moriah. Remember Mt. MORIAH.

9:54 Later, the shepherd boy, king David, asked God if he could build a house, for God to live in. He was answered, “Am I a man, that I need a house to live in?” I am God and I need no house. I live in the heart and mind, of every man that invites Me in to live with him, so I can teach him how to be good (like God).

9:55 However, because king “David” had been God’s “well-beloved” servant, God decided to allow David’s son, Solomon, to build Him a house (temple), on Mt. MORIAH, where Abraham had taken Isaac, to offer him as a sacrifice to God, centuries before.

9:56 That temple, or church, is the ONLY one that God has EVER given man permission to build, and it is Satan and his priests (who blasphemously claim to work for God) who have built ALL the others, of EVERY denomination (Matt. 6:5-6)(Sura 7:55 & 9:107-109).

God does not want a house to live in, He wants to live in your hearts and minds, as a welcome guest, to teach you how to be like Him - good.