"The way home or catch the fire" compared to bible/ other religions (part 6)


Mar 15, 2017
8:104 Jesus said, if any man does God’s Will, God will prove to him, whether Jesus’ teachings are true, or whether Jesus has made them up himself (John 7:17).

See what I underlined.
What a shocking allegation TWHOFTF made there.

SO if a person - Anthony John Hill - does what he believes is God's will - God will always prove to him whether JESUS
teachings are true?!!!

John chapter 7
16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

Since when is God obligated to do that for us?
Since when are we guaranteed to hear from God?

8:105 You have had 2000 years to test his teachings, and find-out if they are true, and yet you are still here. Why? WHY? The Bible is not just a Book of nice stories.

It contains the Old COVENANT and the New COVENANT (contract/Testament), and is a map for your spiritual-journey of self-perfection.

What I underlined is not a Christian teaching. There is nothing to suggest that in the bible.

Other religions and world philosophies offer followers a guarantee like that though.
Finding your true self. Reaching Nirvana.
Even Psychology offers self-actualization and learning your "true self".

It is righteousness via WORK not via FAITH.


Mar 15, 2017
[conclusion to chapter 8)
YOU have to BECOME Abraham, to begin the journey, and then become Isaac; Jacob/Israel; Joseph; Moses; the Prophets and then FINALLY Jesus.

I put the conclusion in red because according to JAHtruth red is Satan's colour.

Frankly it deserves a professional Christian apologist's indepth analysis, because quite a few heresies etc could be mentioned.

e.g. We cannot become JESUS. Jesus is God made flesh.
We cannot make ourselves a god. Satan tempted Eve with that in Genesis 3!!!

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

We cannot even go a single day without sinning!!!!

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

We can only be what God has made US - a unique individual with unique strengths and weaknesses. Only through being born again and being a child of God are we able to do God's will.


Mar 15, 2017

1. I have decided to continue chapters 9-10 (maybe 11 too) on this thread even though it will be somewhat longer than my more recent threads.

2. Starting from now on, I may not display the website name of some links. Careful readers will be rewarded with going down a rabbit-hole.
Warning: some of those will be for spiritually mature people only.
I trust by now only people who truly care about the bible/ JAHtruth already will view them. :)

3. I am not going to address any of the Islamic heresies in "The way home or face the fire" (mostly chapter 10).
A real Quran and King of King's "Quran" might be compared at times though.
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Mar 15, 2017
Some of the claims have been addressed in other entries, and so I will be giving hyperlinks in relevant words now.

Title: The birth of Christianity as yet another religion. Dictatorship; Communism and Capitalism are all wrong. Jesus was The Right Way.

9:1 After Jesus had ascended (Acts 1:9) into a “cloud”

AJH inserted brackets to support his doctrine.
Acts chapter 1
9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

(cloud? - spaceship -
Matt. 17:5);
There are no results for "transfiguration spaceship", unless you fall for results like this one or that one.
[Well written does not guarantee truth is being told!!!! Fiction is often well written!]
The transfiguration - bible.org

and his soul/spirit-being (Christ) had been released from the “son of Mary”, and had become his REAL self again, i.e. Prince Michael, and had gone home to the Morning Star;
That makes no sense. Jesus had not died. Jesus ascended into Heaven, not "the Morning Star".
Jesus Christ of the bible was never a false self and never had a false self.

and the disciples had written the New Testament; Satan had to work fast, to find a way to undo all the good work.
At times AJH has given too much power / fear about Satan. Here TWHOFTF over-humanises/ downplays his power.
Satan is not a mere human, Darth Vader or cartoon villain master-type, he is a powerful fallen angel.

Who is Satan in the bible?

9:2 Satan, therefore, decided to use his most successful weapon, i.e. religions, and had to find a way to turn the teachings into yet another organized-religion.
That is a statement of faith for Anthony John Hill's new religion, JAHtruth.
It is very ironic how much doctrine this non-religion has!

If there is counterfeit money, then there is real money.
If there are counterfeit religions, there is a real religion.
It is amazing how many men claim to be JESUS, but never AJH's other religion's prophet....

The devil succeeded, and called it Christianity, even after all that Jesus went through, to show that organized-religions are wrong, and that they belong to the devil, NOT God or Christ.
The book of Acts used the word Christian.
Satan did not write the book of Acts, the apostle Luke did.


Mar 15, 2017
I have not mentioned this topic enough. Perhaps I had been hoping that AJH would eventually refer to it somehow, even if it was going to be incredibly heretical.

At this point it is safe to assume that "The way home or face the fire" is not going to present the Gospel/ Good News in any way.

TWHOFTF has not gone over a single detail over Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament's prophecies about the coming Messiah, His death, burial and resurrection. In the bible they are addressed at great length in the last chapters of the 4 Gospels.

One thing I have noticed over the years is that both non-Christian religions and apostates from Christianity avoid mentioning the Gospel like the plague. That is not surprising. Their belief systems require conscious rejection of what is clearly said in the bible.

JAHtruthers: shouldn't you question why Anthony John Hill - who claims to be Jesus born in a new body (Sheffield UK 1948) gave no details about the Gospel at all?



Mar 15, 2017
As I wrote the above entry it occurred to me I needed to address the second half of 9:1 further:

.... and the disciples had written the New Testament; Satan had to work fast, to find a way to undo all the good work.

AJH jumped from the barest mentions of Jesus + his own unbiblical teachings RE how Jesus returned to Heaven [allegedly the Morning Star], to disciples writing the NT and then to his speculations about Satan needing to "work fast"....

TWHOFTF makes no mention of the Book of Acts (history of what apostles did + early churches) or ANY of the books to the early churches throughout the New Testament.

People: Anthony John Hill passed over 22 books of the 27 books in the New Testament.

I realise that the first edition of TWHOFTF was 1986, and the official King of Kings "bible" perversion was created over a decade later.

Remember though that AJH had to quote-mine from the NT constantly in the process of creating this monstrosity of a book. That must have been deliberate. AJH pretends there is no such thing as the church.

The Letters spell out the doctrines of the Good News. The Book of Romans spells out the WHY Jesus needed to die for our sins in great detail.

AJH has to ignore those books otherwise his new religion falls apart like tissue paper when it becomes wet.

If readers look at @A Freeman's entries (AJH's chief evangelist) you will see the only church letter he ever regularly quotes from is 1 John, because he believes his quoting 1 John's verses on obeying commandments therefore means AJH's heresies are supported.


Mar 15, 2017
From my recommended list this am:

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

At the best, AJH was familiar with the basics of what the bible said only when he wrote "the way home or face the fire". Only God knows of course where "JAH" was at spiritually when he was deceived.

However what a shame he had not read a Christian book/ heard preaching upon 1 John chapter 4 BEFORE he received his "revelation".... maybe he would have tested what came to his mind first with the scripture before he decided it automatically came from God.


Mar 15, 2017
Back to the ebook now.

9:3 It was the counterfeit-Jewish RELIGION and their PRIESTS, that nailed Jesus onto the cross.
Many true racial Jews accepted the New Covenant.

1. No, the Romans caused Jesus to be crucified. I have read/ heard that if the Jews were totally responsible, then Jesus would have been stoned instead.
2. I hope TWHOFTF expands on what AJH defines as "counterfeit-Jewish" and "true racial Jews"!

It is a very controversial area. Both sides appear to have a lot to back up their arguments, but the definition of JEW seems to be worlds apart at times.

9:4 With the passage of time and the devil’s influence, people, as usual, became apathetic, and decided that they could not possibly be like Jesus,
Aiming to be like Jesus is not Christianity. (It should be a fruit of being born again though.)
What are the essentials of the Gospel Message? Got questions

because he could walk on water and could do magic tricks, so they stopped striving to be like him. N.B. John 14:12.

Look at what I underlined. Are they the words of someone who respects Jesus/ the bible?
If AJH had faith in Jesus, he would believe that they were MIRACLES (actual events), not magic tricks (illusion only).
John chapter 14

11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Reminder: Jesus was talking to the apostles, and they did great miracles like Jesus promised.

Reasons why Christians don't have miracles happen like they did in the New Testament deserves a whole new thread.


Mar 15, 2017
AJH's has many overgeneralisations and opinions below (except Jesus using a "human- animal" , that is a Gnosticism compatible concept).

9:5 People decided that, instead of striving to be like Jesus, they would make graven-images, of the worthless human-animal he had used, even though it is against The 10 COMMANDments, and make a new organized-religion, and just go to church one day a week. That was much easier than striving to live like, and be like, Jesus.

9:6 They also decided, that they would celebrate his birthday and his crucifixion, and have now made, what they falsely claim was his body’s birthday, into a sick-joke, turning it into an excuse to make money.

9:7 Some of the evil people, who worship the devil’s standard, (money) make billions, whilst the others are relatively good, for one day a year, and are bad for all the rest. They believe that because they are what they think is relatively good, on Christ’s supposed birthday, which is really a pagan feast-day, that that makes everything alright.
There were trends like AJH described above, but it is so overgeneralised it isn't funny.
e.g. Like earlier chapters, AJH is accusing the church for only being it for the money.

TWHOFTF was written in 1986 before the World Wide Web.

Part of me actually wanted to be kind and make some allowances for the man's (because that is all he is!) lack of references to support all his claims RE very early church history and after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD.

That is until I remembered that he has proved through other sections of the ebook and links on his website that he knows how to do research WHEN it suits his wild theories and conspiracies.

I assume he was living in the UK?
If that is the case, he would have so many good libraries to access their PRINT information resources. He would have been able to provide facts to help support all his claims.

Basic history books would have provided information about church divisions, minor sects, differing trends/ cults forming, division of the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox etc etc.

Just because the majority of the western world's churches became what critics describe as idol worshippers doesn't mean ALL Christians are idol worshippers. Some groups went underground because of persecution.


Mar 15, 2017
Reminder: green first person communication style.

9:8 Do you think that God is stupid, and that you can get away with that? You can not fool God, He knows everything that you are thinking. You are only fooling yourselves!

9:9 I came to make every day Christ’s day and not one paltry day a year. In any case, it was on April 12th of 7 B.C., not Dec. 25th of 1 A.D.

There is no evidence to support the above claim from the bible.
TBH I was expecting AJH"s birthday to be April 12th.

9:10 How could YOU do that to ME? I abhor Christmas, as I told you in the Revelation (2:6, 15). Christmas day should now be abolished, and you should all do what I said, and love each other, and make it like Christ’s Day, every day, by becoming more like Christ, every day.

So here is where JAHtruth's anti-Christmas position started from, other than the JAHtruth website's page.

Revelation chapter 2
6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate....

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

No mention of Christmas in the above verses. It would be interesting to find out if the Nicolaitanes had belief systems RE Christmas/ Christmas traditions.
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Mar 15, 2017
For once TWHOFTF is addressing one topic only. On this rare occasion I actually agree with AJH!!!!

9:11 By giving money and expensive toys and presents to children; instead of giving your time, and love and understanding, the whole year round; you are teaching your children to worship mammon (money), instead of love (God), and they, in their turn, then teach their children and grand-children, and so on, in a vicious-circle.

9:12 Don’t deprive your children of your love, and your precious time, by working like lunatics, and almost killing yourselves, to give them money and expensive toys. They do not need money, and they only break their toys. They NEED love. Give them love, not emotion, and your time and understanding. Teach them love and the God-standard, NOT the gold-standard (devil’s standard).

9:13 Mothers must get back into the home, with their children, taking care of them and their needs, and playing with them, instead of working, leaving them alone to play with strangers and expensive toys.

9:14 How can a child grow up well adjusted and balanced, in surroundings that lack love, and the harmony, that love brings with it?

I do not think people who believe women should be at home with their children would disagree with a single word above!
Of course some of what AJH says is impossible for many people these days.
Single parents need childcare if they are working etc.

9:15 I may as well have stayed at home, and not wasted my time, or suffered the agony of the Crucifixion, for all the notice that you have taken of me.

People: please take the time to compare the character of Jesus with what is said above.

in the words of the real Jesus there is nothing that sounds like self-pity or personal accusations
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Mar 15, 2017
It is only because of nursing elderly/ disabled people (and knowing how vulnerable some would be to con artists) plus knowing that there is NO detailed information on this cult online that has kept me determined to trudge through the ebook (now over half way).

JAHtruth website links that are relevant to the "The way home or face the fire" section are going to be added when relevant.
I hummed and ha-ed over adding the links, but I decided that potential researchers might appreciate being saved the time.

People: It is essential you wear your thinking caps when you read those links. I strongly suspect older people/ people who were never trained how to analyse websites' reliability are the ones who will be conned easily by JAHtruth.

(From several interactions with other JAHtruth believers than the chief evangelist A Freeman, it appears that is what has happened. I therefore think it is from people being overtrusting of AJH's apparent sincerity, not personal stupidity on their part.)

First things to consider:

A. Is it ACCURATE (e.g. factual evidence provided) or personal opinions
B. Is it BALANCED or BIASED (only facts which support the theory are provided)
c. Is it CURRENT or undated/ out of date

One warning sign that is especially noticeable that JAHtruth has in common with the all the 2012 Mayan calendar (false) prophecies:
There is a regular pattern: points out all the relevant information, inserts a multitude of beliefs/ theories and then suddenly steers off on a different tangent, assuming that the reader/s believe the theories have been proven.

A reader who assumes a large volume of (usually) well-written material with lots of links/ pages is therefore proven material is at high risk of falling for those theories.


Mar 15, 2017
To save some space, I am now going to usually put whole chapter bible/quran links in the references he gives now too. Please check the links to see for yourself if AJH is ever (ha!) quoting in context. [It is a very pleasant surprise when he does.]

Remember: in general the Old Testament's laws were written for Jews, ones we all are to follow are repeated again/ paraphrased in the New Testament.

The following section really just expands on earlier AJH's anti-church / all established religions position.

9:16 There are more religions now, than ever before, and the priests.... teach the breaking of the COMMANDMENTS (idolatry, etc.), of whom, the pope is by far the worst.

All the priests on this planet think that they are working for God, but they are really working for the devil,

The use of the word priest only is very inaccurate. There are totally different roles/ positions in religions that have nothing to do with being a priest! Minister or pastor could be argued to be a synonym, but monks, nuns, shamans, evangelists, imams are not priests. Words do have meaning.

by teaching and perpetuating organized-religions, and thereby preventing people from having their own directcontact with the Lord (Matt. 23)(Hosea 4:9 & Malachi 2:1-3).

There is AJH's claim about us needing to have "direct contact" (what he calls telepathy) with God again.

9:17 The catholic cardinals even wear the Devil’s colours - red - and the others wear black (darkness and evil).

I have never seen a priest wearing God’s colours.

The colours of God versus Satan would be an interesting topic for another thread. It does appear Satanists love the colours red and black.

However priests in Australia usually wear mostly white clothes with some liturgical colours, e.g. green, purple, pink and red. Maybe he was thinking of the higher ranked bishops? The pope is nearly always in white and cream, at least in everyday media coverage!


Mar 15, 2017
9:18 I said do not be a priest Matthew 23:8, and yet the priests are waiting for my Second Coming, thinking that I am going to come and be their friend. How stupid can they be? I said to the Jewish priests, that they encompassed land and sea to make a convert, and that when they have made a convert, he is then twice as much a child of Hell, than the priests themselves (Matt. 23:15). I also said that even the publicans (tax-collectors), and prostitutes, would go into the Kingdom of God, before the priests (Matt. 21:31).

AJH clearly is claiming to be Jesus (reborn in a new body Sheffield UK, 1948). Read the pronouns.

9:19 Read ALL of Matt. 23, and substitute the word priest for rabbi; lawyers for scribes; and politicians for Pharisees. Rabbis, scribes and Pharisees were the priests; lawyers and politicians of that time.

It is one thing for a preacher/ writer to explain how things were back in Jesus'/ apostles' day etc and then compare it to our situation.
(That can be very helpful for people after all. At first reading, some passages ARE hard to see how they are relevant to us in the 21st century.)

However, It is quite another to say rabbi = priest, full stop, period.
A declaration that black = white does not therefore make black white.

9:20 On the Last-Day, the pope; the priests and ANYONE who teaches organized-religion, will be the first into The Fire (Matt. 5:19-20)(Sura 57:27).

TWHOFTF could have given Revelation verses here, but here is why AJH didn't:
Revelation chapter 22

14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

If Anthony John Hill had any understanding of the bible he would be shaking in his boots.

Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.


AJH needs Jesus just as much as the rest of us.
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Mar 15, 2017
The following section is mostly an expansion of what TWHOFTF has already said.
Reminder: the Quran was written at the VERY earliest in the 7th century AD.

9:21 There is no such thing as a christian priest; except in your minds. It is NOT POSSIBLE for there to be such a thing as a Christian priest.

I said that anyone, who believes in me, must NOT be a priest, or religious teacher (Matt. 23:8)(Sura 9:31), and that there is only ONE teacher - ME - and to call no MAN upon the Earth your father, because you have only one Father - God in heaven (Matt. 23:9).
Please read the surrounding verses in the links for context.

9:22 How is it possible then, that there are thousands of men on Earth, who claim to be something it’s IMPOSSIBLE to be, i.e. a Christian priest?
That is a very strong claim!

Many of them even have the audacity to call themselves Father, the worst of whom, by far, is the pope, who has the SUPREME audacity to not only call himself Father (Matt. 23:9), but the Sainted or Holy Father.

That means that he is blasphemously claiming to be God the (Holy) Father. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3, N.B. v 4 then 7 & Revelation 17:5, 7-9, 18.

The word father is not said once in either 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 or Revelation chapter 17!!!!

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

P.S. AJH's anti-Roman Catholic Church position is expanded upon further here. It must have been written after his King of Kings' "bible".
Amongst many shockers some of the points he makes are quite good about the Vatican etc (assuming you hold AJH's position of course), but there is a lot of overuse of capitals and bold font.
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Mar 15, 2017
In the next section, "The way home or face the fire" suddenly introduces British Israelism, also known as Anglo-Israelism.

British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is the British nationalist, pseudoarchaeological, pseudohistorical[1] and pseudoreligious[2] belief that the people of Great Britain are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct descendants" of the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel.[3] With roots in the 16th century, British Israelism was inspired by several 19th century English writings such as John Wilson's 1840 Our Israelitish Origin.[4] From the 1870s onward, numerous independent British Israelite organizations were set up throughout the British Empire as well as in the United States; as of the early 21st century, a number of these organizations are still active. In the United States, the idea gave rise to the Christian Identity movement.

The central tenets of British Israelism have been refuted by archaeological,[5] ethnological,[6] genetic,[7]: 181  and linguistic research.[8][9]: 33–34 

Archive.org has a lot of books from both sides on British Israelism.
Anglo Israelism
Ango [sic] Israelism

There are a surprising amount of YouTube videos to go through as well, so thanks to @Red Sky at Morning for this link for beginners to the subject!



Mar 15, 2017
The heading looks promising.... but wait....

Why did the Crucifixion have to happen, and what did it mean?

9:23 THE PASSOVER - 1500 B.C. - foreshadowing the Second. The British (Israel) were in Egypt, in slavery, under the rule and laws of evil men. The word British is Hebrew and means the “People of the Covenant”, that means, the “People Israel of the Covenant”.

British - etymology, origin and source

Old English Bryttisc "of or relating to (ancient) Britons," from Bryttas "natives of ancient Britain" (see Briton). The meaning "of or pertaining to Great Britain" is from c. 1600; the noun meaning "inhabitants of Great Britain" is from 1640s. British Empire is from c. 1600. First modern record of British Isles is from 1620s. British English as the form of the English language spoken in Britain is by 1862 (George P. Marsh). Related: Britishness.

British = Israel and the word "British" is Hebrew is a massive claim. That most definitely deserves its own thread!!!!
TWHOFTF goes beyond the actual religion/ worldview.

What is British Israelism and is it biblical? Got questions

British Israelism, also known as Anglo-Israelism, is the belief that the "lost ten tribes" of Israel migrated to Europe and then to England and became the primary ancestors of the British people and, thereby, the United States.....

There were TWELVE tribes that left Egypt. Tribes, the twelve encyclopedia.com

TRIBES, THE TWELVE , the traditional division of Israel into 12 tribes: Reuben, Simeon (Levi), Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim, and Manasseh. Biblical tradition holds that the 12 tribes of Israel are descended from the sons and grandsons of Jacob (Gen. 29–30; 35:16–18; 48:5–6).

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
In the next section, "The way home or face the fire" suddenly introduces British Israelism, also known as Anglo-Israelism.

British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is the British nationalist, pseudoarchaeological, pseudohistorical[1] and pseudoreligious[2] belief that the people of Great Britain are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct descendants" of the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel.[3] With roots in the 16th century, British Israelism was inspired by several 19th century English writings such as John Wilson's 1840 Our Israelitish Origin.[4] From the 1870s onward, numerous independent British Israelite organizations were set up throughout the British Empire as well as in the United States; as of the early 21st century, a number of these organizations are still active. In the United States, the idea gave rise to the Christian Identity movement.

The central tenets of British Israelism have been refuted by archaeological,[5] ethnological,[6] genetic,[7]: 181  and linguistic research.[8][9]: 33–34 

Archive.org has a lot of books from both sides on British Israelism.
Anglo Israelism
Ango [sic] Israelism

There are a surprising amount of YouTube videos to go through as well, so thanks to @Red Sky at Morning for this link for beginners to the subject!

One of the points David made really stood out to me. Hebrews write from the right to the left. The British write from left to right. At what point would a whole culture reverse its writing direction and for what reason???


Mar 15, 2017
One of the points David made really stood out to me. Hebrews write from the right to the left. The British write from left to right. At what point would a whole culture reverse its writing direction and for what reason???
The past few days I have read/ listened to a lot RE British Israelism, and the difference between Hebrew and European languages - especially English - was noted a lot.
If the theory was correct, you would think ancient Hebrew would be like Old English, or at least a gaelic language of any variety.

I like the author of The history of the ten lost tribes. David Baron had the wit and sarcasm needed to cope with delving through the belief system.
He brought up the language issue a lot too.
  • (p. 82, spacing added)

  • The grand story of an Israelitish emigration from Assyria into Great Britain, whether by sea or land, we are not told, and there is neither history nor tradition nor local monuments to confirm it. And yet, when was there ever an emigration in which the emigrants did not carry their language, their religion, their manners, their dress, and their national traditions with them ? This the identifiers of Israel with England have not considered.

  • The Two Tribes in their dispersion over wide Europe carried their worship, their language, and their manners, into every European city, and synagogues exist to this day which were set up centuries before Christ, and every European Jew can tell for certain that he is a descendant of Abraham, and lives apart from the Gentiles around ;
  • yet, if the Anglo-Israelite theory be true, the Ten Tribes poured in upon Great Britain and settled themselves there, drove back the Aborigines, but left their religion, their books, their priesthood, their language, their names behind them, like cast-off clothes, in order to prevent themselves from being identified, as if ashamed of their ancestry.

  • It must have been with Israelites that Julius Caesar fought; their queen, Boadicea, not a Hebrew name, and their general, Caractacus, not a Hebrew name either : these Israelites must have set up the Druid religion in the island, and to them we must owe Stonehenge and similar relics of antiquity.



Mar 15, 2017
I will leave the subject of whether the time periods/ other theological subjects mentioned below are accurate to potential researchers or for another potential thread.


9:24 The Passover was where the “Angel of Death” passed-over the houses of the Israelites, and killed the first-born of Egypt, from EVERY household, including the pharaoh’s (king).

Correct! Exodus chapter 12

9:25 It foreshadows the Second, because a lamb was sacrificed, and its blood used, to paint over the door of every Israelite house, to save them from death, just as the death of THE “Lamb of God” – Jesus and his blood - saved the entire nation from death, 1500 years later.

9:26 The Passover and the lamb’s blood, was the thing that brought about:- the end of 400 years of slavery and oppression, under the rules and laws of man; and; FREEDOM under the rule of God, His Laws and Economics, given to Moses and the British (Israel) people at Sinai.

There is a difference between people and a nation. Words have meaning. At biblegateway.com keyword search for Israel, limited to Exodus.
They are repeatedly called CHILDREN of Israel. Results for Israelites are way fewer.
They are called Jews, not Israel.
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