“Pride Month” and the hidden hand of Ishtar

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Q: What would an ancient deity from Sumer have to do with a month that celebrates all things LGBTQ+?

A: Far more than I had realised till a month ago!


This thread relates to the character and worship of “goddess” who in the Bible is called Ashteroth, and later Diana of the Ephesians. In ancient times her month of celebration and parades (accompanied by the sign of the rainbow and cross-dressing devotees) was June.

for a deep dive]


The Month of Her Possession

Ishtar played a part in other holy days and festivals, but it was this one time of year that her mythology, her passions, her frustration and anguish, her desires and longings, her rituals, and her possession of multitudes saturated Mesopotamian culture for an entire month. It was during those days that her spirit seemed everywhere. It was then that the people of Mesopotamia not only worshipped her but, in their passions, became as her.

They cried out for her lover Tammuz as if it were her crying out through them. They yearned as if it were her yearning in them. They moved in procession as if it were her moving in procession. So the prophet Ezekiel was given a vision in which he saw the women of Israel weeping, as if it were Ishtar weeping for Tammuz. The people became her channels. The goddess of possession possessed them. It was at that time of year that her mythology exerted an amplified power to infiltrate daily life. They were the days when, according to her mythology, she and Tammuz were separated. He was in the underworld, the land of the dead, and she was in the land of the living, seeking to be reunited. Rituals, observances, festivals, and processions dedicated to the goddess and the object of her desire took place throughout the Middle East. One could hardly escape it. During those days, the air was especially filled with her presence.

The Twenty-Nine Days

What would happen if the goddess returned to the modern world? Would she again mark out and lay claim to a similar time of year? Would she again create rituals to be performed during that time, observances to be kept, festivals to be celebrated, and processions to be followed? And would her spirit again especially indwell those days? The answer is yes.

That is exactly what she would do. Upon her return to Western civilization, the goddess set out to mark and lay claim to a space of time every year as her own, a time that her spirit could especially inhabit. As she was the goddess of pride, the time would be crowned with the name pride. The time of the goddess and the object of her passions lasted approximately twenty-nine days. So one month of the ancient Middle Eastern calendar was especially given for the possession of the goddess, her lover, and her mythology. Rites, festivals, and processions took place from the month’s opening to its last day. So the mystery would ordain that the spirit of the goddess would again seek to lay claim to a similar space of time in modern times, one month each year on the calendar of the civilization she was now seeking to possess. And so it happened in exact accordance with the ancient mystery.

Jonathan Cahn, “The Return of the Gods”
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I’m posting this thread up because if we can’t escape Pride propaganda, at least we can expose its true roots…

Ancient Mesopotamian Transgender and Non-Binary Identities

The most highly venerated deity in Ancient Mesopotamia was Inanna, who was also known as Ishtar after the two were merged. She was known as the Queen of Heaven and was the goddess of sex, war and justice. She also was believed to have the ability to change a person’s gender. This power of Inanna’s, the ability to change a man into a woman and vice versa, is well accounted for in multiple poetry fragments and is indicative of the existence of people living outside the gender binary in ancient Mesopotamia. The words of Enheduanna, Inanna’s High Priestess in the city of Ur in the 23rd Century BCE, attest to this. In her Passionate Inanna she writes: ‘To destroy, to create, to tear out, to establish are yours, Inanna. / To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna.’ (115-131).

Oct 20, 2021
Matt Walsh released this clip today, apparently Twitter is censoring/ preventing re-tweets. I don't how long the clip will be available. It is "what is a woman" documentary.
I expect he did it to honour "pride month".
I was going to put this in your thread but saw this one. Tonight as I took my walk around the California State Capitol lo and behold the Capitol Dome is lit up in pride colors. Homeless and hungry everywhere but the most important thing they care about is shoving this down everybody's throat.


Mar 15, 2017
I was going to put this in your thread but saw this one. Tonight as I took my walk around the California State Capitol lo and behold the Capitol Dome is lit up in pride colors. Homeless and hungry everywhere but the most important thing they care about is shoving this down everybody's throat.
Please do give entries, I am in a very different zone to most of you and clips like that are very important.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
What everyone agrees on is that something unusual happened at Tall el-Hammam, an ancient settlement near the Dead Sea.

In a layer of ancient earth, archaeologists claim to have found evidence of an apocalyptic event: Melted rooftops. Disintegrated pottery. Unusual patterns in the rock formations that can be associated with intense heat. For another three to six centuries after 1650 B.C., the settlement’s 100 acres lay fallow.

But when Steven Collins, the principal archaeologist at Tall el-Hammam, considered the scientists’ evidence in an article that ran last year in the respected scientific journal Nature, he claimed that the incineration matched with the place and timing of the biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah. This brought down on himself what in academic circles might be called hellfire…

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
…and another about Ishtar that many won’t realise…

Inanna = Ishtar= Asherah = Venus = Aphrodite = Diana etc

Often just referred to as “The Goddess” - its interesting how the paganism of the Roman world infiltrated Catholicism and elevated Mary to “The Queen of Heaven”

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May 11, 2020
Praying for these people, but also trying to escape the wrath to come. It's like casting pearls with some of them. The spirit inside them is vicious and full of hatred toward Christ.

2 Peter 2:7-8
King James Version

7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)

Matthew 7:6
“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.

Job 16:11
English Standard Version

11 God gives me up to the ungodly
and casts me into the hands of the wicked.


May 11, 2020
It is all spiritual. I spoke to someone recently on social media and it's like their demons started manifesting. They began saying weird things and praising Satan and speaking things that I won't even repeat against God. Sadly people are making their choice and coming into agreement with demons.

That's really all this nation has become. A nest for evil spirits and demons.


May 11, 2020
It doesn't matter who or what you are. The Bible says you must turn to Christ and be born again. God is more than sufficient to change and heal you. Unnatural lusts and affections, evil desire, idolatry and love for money, hatred and anger in your heart toward your neighbor, narcissistic behavior, adulterous eyes(everyone who looks upon a woman with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart). Christ came into the world to save sinners and to heal them, to give them a new heart and put his spirit within them once they turn to him, to heal them of every unnatural affection and sickness and disease of the soul and mind. All LOVE for the things considered by God to be evil comes from sin and how it's perverted and warped our hearts. Sin is a disease and only Jesus can make one whole by the shedding of his blood and by the outpouring of the holy spirit! He gave himself to take away our spiritual sickness and make us whole!



Mar 15, 2017
MEMO: If everyone hates Ishtar [as they should] that much, then stop keeping Easter Sunday!
Just saying.


Jun 28, 2020
MEMO: If everyone hates Ishtar [as they should] that much, then stop keeping Easter Sunday!
Just saying.
Truth be told they are called holidays (holy-days) for a reason. All of them are pagan and have esoteric meanings.

Ishtar is the goddess of war and fornication.

Easter celebrates the goddess Estore. Who is the goddess of reproduction (the rabbits) and new life (eggs), ie resurrection.
