Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Aug 23, 2022
I think they are not being "submissive..." But they appear like that because they are "being held hostage" by their "superiors" in exchange for job security and a sense of accomplishment, good pay, and livelihood. Many Koreans are strong-willed and very goal-oriented. But they tend to compromise to achieve their "goals". Sadly, they become victims of abusive bosses/employers or superiors...
This sister put it really well wow. To all my Christian brothers and sisters here is a reminder to please pray for the people of Asia. There needs to be a revival very badly. So many souls suffering.


Sep 21, 2021
This sister put it really well wow. To all my Christian brothers and sisters here is a reminder to please pray for the people of Asia. There needs to be a revival very badly. So many souls suffering.
Thank you...and also for the reminder to pray...not just for Asia but for the rest of the continents...

North America (USA & Canada) -- has been heavily attacked by satanic ideologies, massive disinformation and globalists' agenda & control...

South America -- drug problems, poverty, social unrest and human rights' abuses...

Europe -- plagued by socio-economic problems, wars/conflicts, and loss of faith in the One True God Almighty... many have chosen "atheism..."

Australia -- socio-political problems, domestic violence, dysfuntion in Australian politics and government...

Antarctica -- environmental abuses, geopolitical pressures, sexual harrassment problems...

Africa -- civil wars, poverty, oppression from western countries (being "bullied" for standing up against woke ideologies), taken advantaged of by more "powerful" nations...

Asia -- geopolitical conflicts (mainly China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan), threats of nuclear war... conflicts in the Middle East (mainly Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine with some western countries' involvement)...satanic influences via entertainment industry (mainly KPop)... population problems (over and underpopulation, infertility), youth suicides, mental health problems, socio-economic problems...

"May God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."
In The Name of Jesus, Amen!


Aug 23, 2022
Thank you...and also for the reminder to pray...not just for Asia but for the rest of the continents...

North America (USA & Canada) -- has been heavily attacked by satanic ideologies, massive disinformation and globalists' agenda & control...

South America -- drug problems, poverty, social unrest and human rights' abuses...

Europe -- plagued by socio-economic problems, wars/conflicts, and loss of faith in the One True God Almighty... many have chosen "atheism..."

Australia -- socio-political problems, domestic violence, dysfuntion in Australian politics and government...

Antarctica -- environmental abuses, geopolitical pressures, sexual harrassment problems...

Africa -- civil wars, poverty, oppression from western countries (being "bullied" for standing up against woke ideologies), taken advantaged of by more "powerful" nations...

Asia -- geopolitical conflicts (mainly China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan), threats of nuclear war... conflicts in the Middle East (mainly Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine with some western countries' involvement)...satanic influences via entertainment industry (mainly KPop)... population problems (over and underpopulation, infertility), youth suicides, mental health problems, socio-economic problems...

"May God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."
In The Name of Jesus, Amen!
I know there's a lot of problems lol... I just thought we could just focus on Asia right now since this forum is focused on that area. Don't overwhelm people because that'll make them not pray at all.


Jun 2, 2021
It's fine if you don't agree but you don't have to call people disgusting. It's not like those artists or their families will see this anyway as long as it's not shared too much publicly.
Please give her a break. She is an Ex-Sh@wol and a J0nghyun fan. She felt horrible after reading crazy theories about J0nghyun's death on this thread and doesn't want people to do the same with Moonb1n.


Jun 2, 2021

MJ: "My little brother, Bin
I came too late... I'm sorry.
How lonely, tired, and painful it must have been
If only I had been closer.
I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

JINJIN: "Bin! It's jinjin hyung!
A lot of people came. You promised me, right? to live with a smile. Just like you told me, i'm trying to live with a smile like you did. I'm going to start practicing for my musical again and also to eat my meals. I will take care of your mom, dad, and sua so don't worry.
I love you so much my little brother"

SUA: "Oppa it's me, your one & only precious little sister, Sua!
I came too!
I've cried too much so I'll stop now! i'm gonna smile a lot now. I'm going to be happy while doing the things I want to do. I hope you'll be in peace & happy there, You have to watch over me and see if your little sister is doing well here!

I'm gonna to live well and work as hard as you do. don't stop me.
Even when it gets hard, I'll often come to whine to oppa so you have to accept it. You've worked hard this whole time ♡I love you so much and i'm oppa's little sister forever.

"Moon siblings forever."

SEUNGKWAN: "Moongbingi ♥
Please wait a little bit.
I'll make the whole universe feel like you ♡
I love you so much ♡
I'll give you a big hug when we meet again"
- 뿌야 (it's boo)

“To Binnie oppa
Hi oppa it's Yoojungie :)
There's so much I want to say to you, from the little stuff to the ones that aren't, there's just so so much!- All of us are working really hard to listen well to oppa's words. I feel like we're listening to it rather well!!! Hehe So now rest easily. Till now, oppa has worked hard at promotions (comebacks) and you've worked really hard in your trainee times too, you even worked hard at practices, your thoughts and taking care of the people around you so rest easy over there~ comfortably~ I'll go see you often! So come by our dreams too, once for each person. You were very reliable, I was thankful and I'm sorry. Ah I'm cancelling saying sorry! Because I know oppa's probably not gonna like it!
- Yoojung”

So, after reading these letters I think he and his group members were not close at all. We talk about conspiracy theories here so some people might think he did not commit suicide which is fine. However, I think what M00nb1n, J0nghyun, Sull1's death prove is that these groups lie about them having a strong bond. They do not care about each other. So many western bands disbanded because there was jealousy and hate among members. We rarely see that happen in KPOP because everything that we see on camera is scripted. We do not know what happens behind the scenes. Ch@ eun w00 is not cancelling his schedules. He did not even mourn for a week. Now, some will blame his company but he is a rich and powerful celebrity could he not ask them to postpone the activities for some time??


Sep 21, 2021
I know there's a lot of problems lol... I just thought we could just focus on Asia right now since this forum is focused on that area. Don't overwhelm people because that'll make them not pray at all.
Lol. All the more there's a need to pray when things become "overwhelming..."

This forum is not necessarily limited to Asia alone... because all problems are interconnected...i.e., worldwide...

The thing is...God Almighty already knows all these "overwhelming" problems... what He expects us to do is to humbly interceed in prayer...

1 Timothy 2:1
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—


Sep 21, 2021
Sh1nee's PR machine is back and they already started to overwork him and put him on tough diets. Looks like they haven't learned anything. Also, I swear they only meet up for work schedules. The group is not close like at all.
He really "looks different"
They didnt cancel any music show either, and most groups are back on social platforms as normal...
Is it because deaths have become a "casual occurrence" now in their society...that they've become cold and callous...that they need to go back to "normal" right away so as not to lose "income and opportunity?"

2 Timothy 3: 1-4

King James Version

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
I was rewatching Astro's MVs while mourning and I noticed something weird with Moonbin on their "Breathless" MV. Was his death planned almost 7 years ago??? Watch the video at 0:13 to 0:18 and it's like he's reaching out for help, yet dies "of thirst" anyway. Then, at 2:55, one of the bottles that symbolizes the members falls over.

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
They said he died at age 25.
Dëâth = 25
In gëmätrîa, this is what comes up so far.

He died on 4/19/23
(4) + (19) + (23) = 46
S@cr!fïcé = 46

Áströ Möònb!n = 56
C0r0näv!rûs = 56

also, it’s a weird coincidence that J@ëhyün was tested for Cörônàv!rüs the Same time and his schedules canceled. I’m probably reaching but it’s certainly a coincidence.

I don’t know if he was a s@cr!f!cë for his group or another group to come up.

update: it definitely was a planned mûrdër. They took him out 83 days after his last birthday.

mürdêr = 83

I also think R0ckÿ left the group because he was supposed to be s@crïfïcéd.
Röckÿ ástrô = 46
Sácrïfïcè = 46
You might be onto something about R0cky if you watch their Breathless MV @2:55 and then compare the way the bottles are lined up with how the members are lined up in the thumbnail.



Apr 22, 2022
I saw videos on twitter of Yves trying to pray during their concert in the US. She tried to pray in English and people laughed and mocked her.
I'm not surprised, i think they have majority western fans who are homo and those are usually disrespectful and rude. They are the same type of fans who bark at concerts for other groups too. Tbh i always feel bad for the idols performing there and getting interrupted and barked at


Sep 21, 2021
There's a video on Kriesha Chu's Youtube channel that she filmed with her manager. They went to see a consultant and it turns out they have a very deep bond with each other. It's sweet and I pray that every K-Pop star has selfless managers like this who put the idols well-being above their own. Ever since I saw this video I started praying for their managers as well.
I remember Kriesha as one of the talented contestants in Popstar...and YG liked her a lot... and wanted to sign her up right away...

What happened to her? There were news about her getting sick...Did she leave KPop for good?

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
I remember Kriesha as one of the talented contestants in Popstar...and YG liked her a lot... and wanted to sign her up right away...

What happened to her? There were news about her getting sick...Did she leave KPop for good?
I don't know. I haven't heard from her other than on her youtube which she hasn't updated in 3 years.....I think last place I saw her was on arirangtv hosting one of those Korean Tour shows for foreigners.


Aug 23, 2022
Lol. All the more there's a need to pray when things become "overwhelming..."
This forum is not necessarily limited to Asia alone... because all problems are interconnected...i.e., worldwide...
The thing is...God Almighty already knows all these "overwhelming" problems... what He expects us to do is to humbly interceed in prayer...
I already know all of that why do you keep trying to one up me like this is a competition or something lol
Last edited:


Sep 21, 2021
I already know all of that that's why I replied to your comment with that reminder to other Christians.
Also this forum IS focused on KOREAN pop though. If it was a general discussion on satanic influences in all pop culture it would be in the general discussion forum. I was trying to make a simple reminder to the other Christians in here since it's a mix bag of beliefs here and you just had to one up me even after I complimented you. was not trying to "one up" you... Why would I do that? Is it wrong to also point out the prayer needs of the rest of the world? There should be no limit to what we can pray for... I'm sure there are other Christians praying for KPop and South Korea...and Asia...

Anyways, "meanings are always in people..." I understand... No offense intended here...Peace.


Sep 21, 2021
I don't know. I haven't heard from her other than on her youtube which she hasn't updated in 3 years.....I think last place I saw her was on arirangtv hosting one of those Korean Tour shows for foreigners.
Thanks for your reply. I hope she's doing fine and in good health. :)