Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 10, 2022
  • sacrifice
  • rebirth
  • heart chakra (associated with pink and green) wrapped up in darkness = darkened heart

lisa=fox=trickster spirit=cunning, bee, honey bee. she also signals mona lisa which she’s pointed out in the lyrics and mona lisa has everything to do with the moon a full moon (head) crescent moon (smile). that’s something God revealed to me about the famous mona lisa last year. lisa also means “God is an oath” but we have the crescent and the full moon symbolism which is moon worship. oath with the moon god(horned god)=sin, nanna(inanna, ishtar, moon knight =antichrist (ac)) and its many other names.
origin of the name lisa is elizabeth =lily = lucifer, lilith

jennie =signals jennifer/jane/johanna, genes(like new genes), genie/jinn=wandering spirits of the nephilim.

words(sWORDS=spells=spelling. death and life are in the tongue. you either speak life or death over you, over your life, over the people you love etc. words are energy. when a word is said a stone is thrown a dart, arrow is shoot out and let freely into the atmosphere as a new born baby that you keep birthing every time you speak send on a mission to achieve what you have spoken and in many cases that’s putting curses on someone which is the reason people have multiple curses yet THEY know it not. lives are destroyed just because words have been spoken against them and those words were not rebuked in the Mighty Name of Jesus and returned to the sender in 2 fold but they were allowed to penetrate the target and now their life is falling apart and they know NOT the reason. i will share more on multiple curses
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i have explained pink venom here.
pink venom also relates to adrenochrome

pink VENOM the venom refers to the angel of death samael whose name means “venom, poison of God”. samael is satan samael is the demiurge the god of the gnostics. (think about the samuel/sam symbolism from the grammys till the superbowl with all them ads like adam this adam that i have explained this one too. samuel adams =death of man(adam).
mind you adam means red so red agenda = altering of man/ hybridization/ corrupting man

more here

another meaning for venomous flower is also flower of chaos.


the magenta pink or a very vibrant even neon pink is related to the northern lights pink skies =red skies = bloodshed/war/judgment
the northern lights going out of their usual place = increased demonic activity the fallen are hiding behind while man wonders and awes at what they see and gather in groups to go watch the aurora borealis they risk becoming food of the fallen… cryptids and all other types of beings will get bolder now they will attack humans because satan know he has but a little time on the earth

those who are NOT covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ who are not walking close with Him hand in hand on the narrow path, are not in a life of constant prayer and repentance, know NOT who they are in Christ, know NOT their true identity as a royal priesthood sons and daughters princes/kings and princesses/queens of the MOST HIGH, know NOT that we have been given power & authority to trample upon the enemy and his demons WE ARE TO USE IT in Jesus Mighty Name in His Precious Shed Blood & the fire of the Holy Spirit burning the plans of the enemy. THOSE WHO DONT DO THIS ARE AT RISK PLEASE REPENT GO BACK TO GOD IN THE SECRET PLACE JUST YOU AND HIM IN THE QUIET AND POUR OUT YOUR HEART TO HIM A HEARTFELT REPENTANCE ON YOUR KNEES ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS FOR WE ARE SINNERS ONLY CHRIST WAS BLAMELESS YET HE SUFFERED FOR US AND THUS HE RESTORED US BACK TO THE FATHER

may God Bless and Keep you and your whole household and may He open your spiritual eyes and ears to see Him Real as He is.
woah the part about multiple curses is really interesting. what book is that from?
Feb 20, 2020
i want to warn you guys about the out of place aurora borealis that’s been going on A LOT just as God warned it would be happening

BEWARE the demonic activity is increasing greatly. also when you see news in the media about black holes or whatever holes being discovered know that those are codes for portals being opened huge portals allowing much to come into our world. the great reset they are barking about includes the beast system and the living of man with beings that are not human but fallen forbidden cursed entities. AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH.

the time for games is over STOP sitting on the fence you are either fully with Jesus Christ or not with Him at all. there is no middle ground you can't serve two masters!


the dream is here ->


Jun 26, 2022
Ive new mv, any thoughts , their aura is very dark in these , plus them dancing at 00:44 , the image behind them , looks a devil with horn :

Mar 27, 2023
Ive new mv, any thoughts , their aura is very dark in these , plus them dancing at 00:44 , the image behind them , looks a devil with horn :

Yeah. Without even watching it: IVE *always* has the creepiest dark aura in almost every song they have. I put them in what I call the pedo 3: ive, StayC, Newjeans (there's obviously many more). All blatant Satanism (like any group), but with a heavy focus on p***philia. It's just particularly sad because of how young they are, these idols must have terribly stupid parents for not seeing the evil they allow them to sign up for.
Mar 27, 2023
im actually curious why this keeps happening in kpop? like it's not a coincidence anymore at this point (and i don't think these people are simply ignorant or "didn't know" like kpoop stans love to say. like get real it's 2023 and these people know exactly what they are doing :rolleyes:)

and apparently i read she owns the shirt herself and it's a difficult shirt to get. like it's really rare and costs over $200... so not one you would find at your local thrift store.
It's crazy how much symbolism these Illuminati people identify with. Not that Nazism isn't part of Satanism, it very much is, the communists use it, but it seems like these elites just take everything they know and combine it. I literally get symbolism overload, i.e. there's too many examples to use so I end up showing/screencapping nothing.


May 10, 2022
these idols must have terribly stupid parents for not seeing the evil they allow them to sign up for.
oh trust me the parents know. i mean think about all the evils and the "dark side of kpop" that is exposed in the media along with all the suicides and deaths that happen in the industry. s3ungri literally ran a whole sex trafficking prostitution ring for fucks sake. these parents are sure as hell aware what goes on behind the scenes. they are evil period and just as fame-hungry and obsessed as their fame-desperate children. and i have no doubt most of these idols parents are in shady dark money business behind the scenes as well.


Jun 26, 2022
oh trust me the parents know. i mean think about all the evils and the "dark side of kpop" that is exposed in the media along with all the suicides and deaths that happen in the industry. s3ungri literally ran a whole sex trafficking prostitution ring for fucks sake. these parents are sure as hell aware what goes on behind the scenes. they are evil period and just as fame-hungry and obsessed as their fame-desperate children. and i have no doubt most of these idols parents are in shady dark money business behind the scenes as well.
Yes the one that start very young were sold by the parents ,so ..


Mar 2, 2023
Guys I need your help, I'm being harassed by the illuminãtí they hate me because I tried to exposed them by telling the truth about the transgender world we live in on Facebook and they won't harassing me. I begged them to stop harassing me and I will not expose them anymore but they still keep on harassing me. They want me to support homosexuality and transgenderism. My life is a mess right now because of them and made me realize that non transgendered people are the most oppressed people in this world. I can't take all the hurt and pain they cause daily in my life anymore I hope someone can help meplease pray for me please help me because I can't take it anymore