What To Do When Family/ Friends Etc Believes Opposite Gay Marriage Position?


Jun 3, 2017
Because I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman (because I believe what the bible says is true) you claim I have hatred and animosity towards my siblings because they now believe the polar opposite to me?! Now that is being judgemental!!!

I expressed annoyance at the constant propaganda on TV etc and now my siblings supplying it too. I don't agree with them obviously and I don't want conflict with them either. I won't lie to them though.
That's the thing though, you BELIEVE. That doesnt mean anything.

I BELIEVE that everyone should be nice human beings, but are they? No. And we accept that.

You don't need to love it, but accept it as it is, and just be happy. It's not your marriage.

Also, marriage has nothing to do with some bullshit sacred bond between a man and a woman. Marriage was just created to keep females from sleeping with other men, and 90% of the time marriage was just about money. Not love.
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Aug 24, 2017
That's the thing though, you BELIEVE. That doesnt mean anything.

I BELIEVE that everyone should be nice human beings, but are they? No. And we accept that.

You don't need to love it, but accept it as it is, and just be happy. It's not your marriage.

Also, marriage has nothing to do with some bullshit sacred bond between a man and a woman. Marriage was just created to keep females from sleeping with other men, and 90% of the time marriage was just about money. Not love.
Hello i'm new here and I'm Christian nuff said.

Your description of marriage being about money and woman being trapped to a man but not about love is rather simple and shows how our society achieved to make marriage look like a strange thing in our day and age that only gays are doing because only them do it for love.

If marriage was definitely not a sacred bond then Jesus wouldn't have a single thing to say on whether marriage was important or completely futile :

“Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’ ? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Matthew 19:4‭-‬6

But i understand that a non-theist view will say it's bs etc... After all we're here to make us happy, we do whatever we want when we want etc but you can't be a theist if you believe that a normal marriage is to be mocked for the years to come even more when you realize that they're now targeting this core element that will some day affect biological families existence .

Some will say my view on marriage are extreme but i think that those who says that marriage is a jail or all about money when it's just people who make it look like that or having babies is shamefull are more extreme for me.

My parents made a good example for me as they are married for more than 40 years with a lot of pain but marriage is not solely about love, it's about faithfullness like theist must remain faithfull to their God.
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Mar 15, 2017
That's the thing though, you BELIEVE. That doesnt mean anything.

I BELIEVE that everyone should be nice human beings, but are they? No. And we accept that.

You don't need to love it, but accept it as it is, and just be happy. It's not your marriage.

Also, marriage has nothing to do with some bullshit sacred bond between a man and a woman. Marriage was just created to keep females from sleeping with other men, and 90% of the time marriage was just about money. Not love.
Marriage was created only to keep women faithful.... evidence please.

It isn't a unique personal belief. It is what the bible says. Marriage is between a man and a woman from the first book of the bible. See verses 22-24 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+2&version=KJV

Not man and man, or woman and woman, or man and women, or woman and men.... man and wife.


Mar 16, 2017
Marriage existed before the Bible no in nearly every country and culture on earth including those that do not believe in the Bible. Marriage is not solely a Christian thing.

I'd suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself. There is a gay person in your family and you will risk being alienated from them completely if you speak out about something that will make your nephew happy.
Apr 12, 2017
Marriage was created only to keep women faithful.... evidence please.

It isn't a unique personal belief. It is what the bible says. Marriage is between a man and a woman from the first book of the bible. See verses 22-24 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+2&version=KJV

Not man and man, or woman and woman, or man and women, or woman and men.... man and wife.
Regardless, marriage historically has generally not been an arrangement between a man and and a woman, but an arrangement between a man and another man: his wife's father.

No individual or group owns the word "marriage". My smoothie this morning was a marriage of pineapple, strawberry, banana, flax, chia, and tumeric. The word already had multiple definitions, what's the issue with adding one more?


Mar 13, 2017
Show them what they are really supporting...
What are they supporting besides equal rights to marry a person they want to marry? If all gay people didn't want marriage to be possible at all, then they wouldn't even try to get married themselves. This lady's opinion doesn't represent all gay people.
Apr 12, 2017
Show them what they are really supporting...
Let's get real.. 1) it would never happen, and 2) she is a completely irrational nut. If you think she's awful, you might want to avoid reading the comment section on that video: "I miss the days when evil scumbags were burned or hanged by sane people." <that person represents the anti-gay marriage side just as much as the woman in the video represents the pro-gay marriage side.
Apr 12, 2017
How about, when you wake up and your spouse decides that s/he is gay. Stories on this abound such as...Married Christian rock star admits he is gay.
Very good point to raise. Hopefully people pretending to be straight just for the sake of keeping up appearances will not occur nearly as frequently now that homosexuality does not carry as much of the social stigma of being an embarrassing secret to be kept hidden.

This quote from the article is particularly heartbreaking: “When I was 13, I was just beside myself, sobbing into my bedroom carpet, saying to God, ‘You know, You’ve got to take my life away. I can’t actually handle this. Like I can’t be Christian and gay. These things don’t work in my family, in my universe, in my world.”


Mar 18, 2017
Very good point to raise. Hopefully people pretending to be straight just for the sake of keeping up appearances will not occur nearly as frequently now that homosexuality does not carry as much of the social stigma of being an embarrassing secret to be kept hidden.

This quote from the article is particularly heartbreaking: “When I was 13, I was just beside myself, sobbing into my bedroom carpet, saying to God, ‘You know, You’ve got to take my life away. I can’t actually handle this. Like I can’t be Christian and gay. These things don’t work in my family, in my universe, in my world.”

Parenting author candidly
reveals her heartbreak after her husband ended their 17-year marriage
because he is GAY as she details his 'brutal' decision to leave her and their three children.


Aug 24, 2017
I'll share my personnal testimony,

I wished to be a girl at the age of 9 struggling to be myself while I was raised with christian values. I was hiding myself in video games so I could keep my parents away from this problem thinking about my brother being epileptic that was an already strong issue for them.

It was killing me to a point I couldn't sleep at night because of anxiety and depression, I was shy without a normal childhood and I blamed this situation on God and was full of hate in my heart against christians until I reached my 17th birthday. One day I prayed to God to say to Him that I wasn't made to be unhappy.

There are things that I won't say because I'm new here and I know none of you but i'm glad to say that God has helped me to get free from this situation and that i'm happy to live with myself as a man, loving a woman without the need to act as someone i'm not anymore.

Our society make us think that happiness revolve around your sexual preferences but it took time for me to realize that happiness wasn't without God for me. Sometimes when I think about it, i'm crying because i escaped this living hell with these destructive sexual fetish.

If i'm hated for what i've said, I don't care as I was supposed to be dead today.

Anyway I want to know your thoughts about this video.


Mar 15, 2017
This is probably a little unrelated but I work with a devout vegan who is always condemning everyone for their chicken sandwiches and milky teas.

She lost the plot today because someone ate her soy yogurt and went on a huge rant about how we don't care about animals and the environment. How we don't need meat to live etc etc etc

Everyone is tired of her constant vegan advertisements but we just let her be because it's the right thing to do. If we call her out it'll cause friction in the office and create an icy atmosphere, if we report her she may be given a warning and it'll affect her record. All we can do is just be British about it and awkwardly smile and put the kettle on.

With regards to the pro gay posts, you have every right to have your reservations but they have every right to express their support. Just try to ignore it and if it bothers you that much maybe you need to address why it gets to you.


Mar 15, 2017
This is probably a little unrelated but I work with a devout vegan who is always condemning everyone for their chicken sandwiches and milky teas.

She lost the plot today because someone ate her soy yogurt and went on a huge rant about how we don't care about animals and the environment. How we don't need meat to live etc etc etc

Everyone is tired of her constant vegan advertisements but we just let her be because it's the right thing to do. If we call her out it'll cause friction in the office and create an icy atmosphere, if we report her she may be given a warning and it'll affect her record. All we can do is just be British about it and awkwardly smile and put the kettle on.

With regards to the pro gay posts, you have every right to have your reservations but they have every right to express their support. Just try to ignore it and if it bothers you that much maybe you need to address why it gets to you.
I think your comment is relevant to this thread. :) Your workmate's behaviour sounds very challenging to other people. Quite religious in its fervour in fact. It probably gets to me because we all us kids had a standard Catholic upbringing, attended schools etc. Pro-homosexuality position is an obvious "fruit" of non-Christian worldview.

You jogged my memory of other issues my sister has preached upon - minority rights, aboriginal rights as well as gay rights. It is something that is very common amongst social workers, always sticking up for the underdog.

There is a time and place for everything, but it gets quite tiresome for people who do not work in her field, have never knowingly hurt these groups personally but still get talked at as if we have somehow oppressed [fill-in-the-gap] people.

I remember a few years back her getting quite preachy at me for saying negative things about aboriginals, as if she knew more because she had worked with aboriginal women elders. I lived next door to one family in a outback town for six months. They even gave us several red and black dot paintings as presents to my boys.

They were OK until their relatives came to stay, then the tribe fights, domestic violence and drunkenness that the cops took their time to respond to after our calls "because it was THEM (the aboriginals) again". Thankfully towards the end of the year they went walkabout (they all disappeared), and we told the Defence housing staff that our house (we rented) shouldn't be for army personnel any more if possible because they were that bad.

But what I said didn't matter, she knows more because she is the social worker. I only lived with them. :rolleyes:

So my sister is as bad as me in her fervour about issues we care about. :D I keep it semi-anonymous online though and I think I have never told (or typed) anyone off for "not thinking the right way, according to me".


Mar 16, 2017
You didn't live WITH them. You lived NEXT to them. Social workers (I am
One so your negative attitude about them is a bit off putting) are trained to look at the micro and the macro to put things in context and find real solutions to people's issues. People in general tend to only look at the micro.

One bad experience with an aboriginal family who wasn't always bad and seemed only to be a real problem when their family came for a visit isn't exactly expert level knowledge to judge the whole aboriginal group.