Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Mar 1, 2021
i once read that Psy parents didn't talk to him anymore because they want him to be a lawyer or something and he decided to became a dj , that was Gangnam Style era when i read that , that was probably a made up story
I don't believe any stories idols share. It's usually a lie concocted to get sympathy. They learn young to lie and fake for money and to prey on their fans.
Mar 1, 2021
it will come to light but i don't think it will change anything. it hasn't now as fans still support this abusive industry and parents still be send their kids off to them despite all the news of abuse, starvation, s/uicide, etc. some even choose on their own will to join.
The fans don't care and run off anyone who complains about the abusive industry. Confronting the reality behind the glamour would ruin their fun. They could care less about the idols. Their uwu cowboy or fujo fantasy? Yes and please. But the real person? Fans have no desire to know them, and the less idols share with their fans the better. S4lli and H@ra were ruthlessly punished for being human. Jj0ng was bullied too. I always the fans are the least of idol's worries, and that's true, but some of their fans are closer to stalkers and antis.


Jan 20, 2021
The CEO publicly humiliated them and it was caught on camera. They probably have another company willing to work with them, and that's why they're going forward with a lawsuit. The group is suing for their trademark and the group's name. I'm stunned that she was caught and there's support for them. Too many fans will brush it off.
I know. They usually never are able to catch these things in public. It’s shocking that she would mistreat them publicly. There’s no way she didn’t know the backlash this would cause.


Jun 2, 2021
The fans don't care and run off anyone who complains about the abusive industry. Confronting the reality behind the glamour would ruin their fun. They could care less about the idols. Their uwu cowboy or fujo fantasy? Yes and please. But the real person? Fans have no desire to know them, and the less idols share with their fans the better. S4lli and H@ra were ruthlessly punished for being human. Jj0ng was bullied too. I always the fans are the least of idol's worries, and that's true, but some of their fans are closer to stalkers and antis.
Fans are part of the bullying and harassment culture that pushes idols to take extreme steps. Idols are only nice to fans because they know this is where the money comes from. Most fans get blinded by the fake sob stories and expressions of love. If an idol writes a love song and claims it is about their fans 99% times they are lying.


Jun 2, 2021
LSM will usually sacrifice the offender not the whole group. It wouldn't make sense to kill the most popular person.
Yes, like he threw Irene and Lucas under the bus after their scandal. This is one thing I do not understand with the jj0ng murder theory. If they wanted a sacrifice, wouldn't 0new be the better option? Jj0ng contributed more to the group and he made more money for 5m than 0new.


Jul 23, 2020
Yes, like he threw Irene and Lucas under the bus after their scandal. This is one thing I do not understand with the jj0ng murder theory. If they wanted a sacrifice, wouldn't 0new be the better option? Jj0ng contributed more to the group and he made more money for 5m than 0new.
It's Gemantia beloved. His numbers aligned..this isn't about who is more is about who can generate the most energy for the exloitatioon. Again this is not about whos is popular. 5 years in and people are still grieving Jonghung. It's about ENERGY. You guys know better.


Jun 2, 2021
Jonghyun had actually prepared a concert for 2018 called " The man who loves music" That article was eventually pulled off line but there is YouTuber who collected all these articles and often go back to her page to read them. His SHIN music director is the one said that he had planned a concert. He had no plans to end his life otherwise why would he plan a concert? Also a depressed person wouldn't be out here recording MVs days before his death. Jonghyun knew they would kill him because his numbers aligned well with Gematria.
In that let me out VCR, there is scene where he walked in a room as though he is walking in on people talking and walks right being betrayed. He knew..he said it too. That one ft hem would face death. He knew.
Jonghyun Filmed His Comeback MV, Days Before His Death
I know about this it was public knowledge, that he was going to have a comeback in Winter. He was supposed to announce his comeback date in his last concert but then he didn't. I understand your point, but we should still be open to the idea that he committed suicide out of his own will UNLESS we get solid evidence one day that he was absolutely killed because depression itself is a major problem in SK's society which needs more attention.


Jun 2, 2021
It's Gemantia beloved. His numbers aligned..this isn't about who is more is about who can generate the most energy for the exloitatioon. Again this is not about whos is popular. 5 years in and people are still grieving Jonghung. It's about ENERGY. You guys know better.
Maybe you should study about Gnosticism more because everyone in KPOP including your favorite KA1 have been showing concepts related to Gnosticism. Gnosticism is connected to Freemasonry, Carl Jung, duality, Gematria and literally every other thing we talk about on these forums. I am not saying it's a good thing though. Gnosticism is evil.


Nov 28, 2021
Btz will reveal their real character somewhat run ep but mostly they will hide it. But this group doesn't event hide it. We can clearly say who hates whom while watching this games. Joush@ is really thinks that he only know english. He asked dk do you even know what is auction means? I saw him sometimes he real behaves like I'm top in group.
This ep really fun bcz the price they won with their brains was given to staff saying that they are busy lol. Their face were really saying why to give us and why to take from us
I’m curious who do you think doesn’t like whom


Jun 2, 2021
Guys, please read about Gnosticism it's related to 90% of concepts that are prevalent in KPOP today. The Knight Templars used to carry an emblem with a picture of Abraxas the deity mentioned in BTS's Wings era. This god was worshipped by the early Christian Gnostics who were part of the cult of Basilides.
Some historians believe that major sects in Knight Templars converted to Gnosticism. They were executed for worshipping Baphomet. About Baphomet there is a theory that he wasn't a deity rather the term "Baphomet" was a secret code word for the gnostic term "Sophia"
Hugh J. Schonfield (1901–1988),[41] one of the scholars who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls, argued in his book The Essene Odyssey that the word "Baphomet" was created with knowledge of the Atbash substitution cipher, which substitutes the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet for the last, the second for the second last, and so on. "Baphomet" rendered in Hebrew is בפומת‎ (bpwmt); interpreted using Atbash, it becomes שופיא‎ (šwpy‘, "Shofya'"), which can be interpreted as the Greek word "Sophia", meaning wisdom." (Wikipedia)
Freemasons trace their origins to Knight Templars they claim they are the descendants of Knight Templars who had survived the persecution.
In Gnosticism Abraxas is considered a deity who is the embodiment of good and evil both at the same time. They say he is the fusion of god and devil in one being. This concept is extreme form of blasphemy because it puts Lucifer at the same level as the real God.


Jun 2, 2021
Guys I read this on an anime discussion thread recently that the Korean manhwa writers will often make their main characters do evil stuff to give the message that humans are inherently evil with a bad side, and we cannot do anything but embrace our bad side. I don't watch Kdramas or read webtoons but does this theme repeat frequently in Korean dramas or webtoons?? This is the same theme as the duality message S3ulgi's comeback had.


Jun 9, 2022
Straykizss leeknow Han segmin tested positive today. Stay are saying that this is 3rd time leeknew tested positive
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Jun 2, 2021
I think, in the entertainment industry, it doesn’t matter if you’re well respected. You can be sacrificed no matter the status, and the only way I can think of how he would be sacrificed is because he might have told or did not want to be a part of the industry anymore. I wonder what that Horror story was about that he wanted to publish around the time he passed. It may have been about what he experienced but in a cryptic form. I don’t think he was happy with the life anymore. I thought this was spoken before regarding his passing, but I feel like we will never know because there is a lot of coincidence regarding both sacrifice and suicide.
I am ok with the other opinions that he was sacrificed for something else, but I think we should also be OPEN to the idea that he died because of his depression. It seems like some people do not even want to consider the possibility that he died because he was suffering from severe mental health issues. His mental health issues were caused by years of industry abuse as he subtly hints himself in his suicide note. Whether he was killed or died by suicide it doesn't change the fact that Kpop industry is toxic and the bad guys at the top need to be exposed for all of their crimes.