Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russia tells UN: ‘Arbitrary Israeli force’ is cause of West Bank violence

A view shows an apartment block with a mural depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin in the town of Kashira in the Moscow region, Russia October 6, 2022. (photo: Reuters, Evgenia Novozhenina)

Russia blamed Israel’s “disproportionate and arbitrary” force against Palestinians for the ongoing West Bank violence when it spoke Monday at a meeting of the United Nations Second Committee in New York.

“The steady, high level of violence continues not only near the Gaza Strip, but also on the West Bank... because of arbitrary and disproportionate use of force in Israeli military operations,” said Evgeny Varganov, a senior counselor at the Russian mission to the UN.

He spoke a week after the UN condemned Russia’s war against Ukraine amid rising tensions between Jerusalem and Moscow. Israel did not speak at the meeting, which was held during the Shimini Atzeret holiday.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Ukraine to formally ask Israel for air defense assistance amid Iran drone assault

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is seen following a meeting of NATO foreign ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, on April 7, 2022. (Evelyn Hockstein/Pool Photo via AP)

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tells a news conference that his country will formally ask Israel for air defense assistance following a wave of attacks by Iranian-made drones.

Reuters quotes Kuleba as saying that he has also submitted a proposal to President Volodymyr Zelensky, asking that Kyiv to cut diplomatic ties with Tehran for supplying weapons to Russia.

Zelensky says he has repeatedly asked Israel to provide air defense systems, listing the Jewish state as one of five countries possessing the technology to help the Ukrainians against aerial attack during a September CNN interview.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Ukraine officially asks Israel for Iron Dome, Iron Beam, other defense tech

File: An Iron Dome anti-missile system fires an interceptor missile as rockets are fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel, on August 6, 2022. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

In an official request submitted to Israel this week, the Ukrainian government asked for top air defense systems developed by Israel, some of which are not yet operational, according to a letter obtained by the Axios website.

The outlet cited a copy of the Tuesday letter containing the requests, which stated that Ukraine “is highly interested in obtaining from Israel (in shortest possible terms) defense systems, in particular: Iron Beam, Barak-8, Patriot, Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow Interceptor and Israeli support in training for Ukrainian operators.”

The laser-based Iron Beam, intended for use against short-range missile and mortar attacks as well as drones, is not yet operational. The Patriot missile defense system is made by the US and has not been included in the hardware of Washington’s own multi-billion dollar supplies to Ukraine.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017


Oct 22, 2022
It's eerie, isn't it? I have been watching for this one for a while. I don't know when it will be exactly, but I do know it is supposed to bring Israel back to the Lord. All apologies but I have limited data and can't watch the video. I also know that the summits the 3 biggest players have held in recent years regarding peacekeeping in the mid east are quite noteworthy, and I can only think it must mean... Something. I can't make up my mind on how imminent this will be, but it struck me that it all comes together pretty fast in the account from Ezekiel, so maybe I'm not supposed to be certain...? It just seems that with the late hour and looming world events, it's too much for coincidence. I sure wish they would all just change their minds when it comes down to it, that's going to be a LOT of dead people.
I wonder, are you aware that what we are seeing ('we' who are the most privileged generation to ever have lived on this earth) is the stage being set for the most cataclysmic seven years this world has ever seen. Jesus Himself says that were this time not foreshortened nobody would survive. The Bride of Christ is removed (that is those who are His disciples) and God now concentrates back onto the Jewish nation whilst expressing His wrath at the disbelieving world which has rejected His Son.


Oct 22, 2022
“Art thou come to take a spoil?”

America has long been identified as one of the Young Lions of Tarshish, who stand by, mildly protest and do nothing.

One year ago, who would have predicted that a semi-aware glove puppet would be in the White House, acting as a mouthpiece for the anti-Israel left? Will an emboldened Iran seeing the vacuum that America is leaving do something prophetic and foolish soon?

Time will tell…

Letter signed by 73 House Democrats calls on Biden to reverse Trump's pro-Israel policies

Israeli supporters of Donald Trumps wave US and Israeli flags to support his candidacy for the presidential in Jerusalem on October 27, 2020 - Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90Israeli

Letter insists that US refer to West Bank, Gaza as 'occupied' in official documents and communications

A letter signed by 73 Democrats in the US House of Representatives calls on US President Joe Biden to "reverse" the Trump administration's pro-Israel policies, including his peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The letter, sent to the White House on Wednesday, urges to Biden to refer to Israeli settlements as illegal under international law and to Gaza and the West Bank as "occupied" in official US documents and communications.

Hey, our first disagreement, America is nothing to do with the young lions of Tarshish, when you begin to be aware of exactly where God's focus is, where He considers is the centre of the world, it is Israel, always Israel. America did not even exist in the way it does today until a little more than approximately 220 years ago! Neither is the UK anywhere in the Word either. You have to take on board the meaning of 'the world' in the context of the time when the books of the Bible were written. God has a great deal to say, however, on the dividing of His land!


Oct 22, 2022
You are straight up cursed man.
Theres no other explanation.

Literally the prophecy (which ive discussed with you) is talking about a future where the land was desolate and a remnant have returned. There are no walls and gates there.

This is literally the opposite of israel.
You whore of babylon worshipping peice of shit.
To whom are you addressing your vile comment. Is your knowledge of the English language so bad you have to resort to words not normally heard in good company? They are most assuredly words I never hear these days around me.


Oct 22, 2022
,“I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people(U)—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.

How the fuck is that the state of israel?
Its literally the opposite.
Gosh you even have sexual intercourse taking place in your comments, wow, you are truly something! Strangely enough the sort of words you use are not seen in the Word of God, true Jesus called the Pharisees Whitewashed sepulchres, but you will not find one lewd word anywhere.


Oct 22, 2022
Without engaging in personal comments @AspiringSoul many prophecy students anticipate a time when the physical protection that a returned Israel might have has been done away with, perhaps through some form of regional peace accord.

We are not there yet but as the events of last year indicate, things can move fast.

As for the two variants accounts of the nations of Gog and Magog, most Bible commentators see two events here, one prior to the Millennium, one after.

You may disagree with that view but I will not curse you for your opinion.
He was addressing you, wow you handled it better than I would have done. Your answer is excellent too, but I do wonder how anybody can consider themselves a Christian when they use the sort of language that "Aspiring Soul" is using - everybody I know who has become a disciple of Jesus Christ of Nazareth has, in seemingly no time at all, had their mouths cleaned out by the Holy Spirit.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Hey, our first disagreement, America is nothing to do with the young lions of Tarshish, when you begin to be aware of exactly where God's focus is, where He considers is the centre of the world, it is Israel, always Israel. America did not even exist in the way it does today until a little more than approximately 220 years ago! Neither is the UK anywhere in the Word either. You have to take on board the meaning of 'the world' in the context of the time when the books of the Bible were written. God has a great deal to say, however, on the dividing of His land!
It’s certainly one to think about. Is America in Bible prophecy? Some teachers say yes, others no.

Is it possible that the Bible talks about an international future configuration in some prophetic passages that may not directly equate to the known world at the time of writing? Did Moses understand the full future meaning of the bronze serpent? I guess time will tell, and I personally wouldn’t build a specific doctrine on it one way and or another.


Oct 22, 2022
My focus on this is as it has always been and that is, because I have been reading the Word of God from cover to cover on a regular basis for 40+ years, I can categorically say that America is not there. The youngest book was penned in 95AD, whilst America did not exist in its present form until 1776. I do agree that there are certain things which are 'iffy' and could go either way, but not this one.
By the way did you know that once copper and tin are united in the furnace to become bronze they can never be separated, just as we can never be separated from Jesus Christ of Nazareth if He is our Saviour.


Oct 22, 2022
Russia tells UN: ‘Arbitrary Israeli force’ is cause of West Bank violence

A view shows an apartment block with a mural depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin in the town of Kashira in the Moscow region, Russia October 6, 2022. (photo: Reuters, Evgenia Novozhenina)

Russia blamed Israel’s “disproportionate and arbitrary” force against Palestinians for the ongoing West Bank violence when it spoke Monday at a meeting of the United Nations Second Committee in New York.

“The steady, high level of violence continues not only near the Gaza Strip, but also on the West Bank... because of arbitrary and disproportionate use of force in Israeli military operations,” said Evgeny Varganov, a senior counselor at the Russian mission to the UN.

He spoke a week after the UN condemned Russia’s war against Ukraine amid rising tensions between Jerusalem and Moscow. Israel did not speak at the meeting, which was held during the Shimini Atzeret holiday.
Well, they would say that, wouldn't they?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
My focus on this is as it has always been and that is, because I have been reading the Word of God from cover to cover on a regular basis for 40+ years, I can categorically say that America is not there. The youngest book was penned in 95AD, whilst America did not exist in its present form until 1776. I do agree that there are certain things which are 'iffy' and could go either way, but not this one.
By the way did you know that once copper and tin are united in the furnace to become bronze they can never be separated, just as we can never be separated from Jesus Christ of Nazareth if He is our Saviour.
I didn’t know that about copper and bronze - how interesting?!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
My focus on this is as it has always been and that is, because I have been reading the Word of God from cover to cover on a regular basis for 40+ years, I can categorically say that America is not there. The youngest book was penned in 95AD, whilst America did not exist in its present form until 1776. I do agree that there are certain things which are 'iffy' and could go either way, but not this one.
Let me say this - if America is referred to it is only to infer it does nothing, so in that sense it wouldn’t be “in” Bible prophecy in an active sense!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
If it's true it doesn't matter who says it even if it is the pot calling the kettle black.
I think what Amir said on his Telegram channel yesterday sums it up perfectly:
Amir Tsarfati, [Oct 23, 2022 at 07:53]

“Is it ok to say that I love my country yet am ashamed of my corrupt government?

Is it ok to say that I am a very patriotic person yet I detest all that we’ve turned into?

Lord, will you give our nation another Josiah time of favor before your inevitable judgment?

Israel is in its best shape ever economically (Not thanks to this government), However spiritually it’s bankrupted.

One of Israel’s names in the Bible is Jeshurun.

The below verse is an accurate description of our current state:

“But Jeshurun grew fat and kicked; You grew fat, you grew thick, You are obese! Then he forsook God who made him, And scornfully esteemed the Rock of his salvation.”
(Deuteronomy 32:15)
Mar 14, 2017
To whom are you addressing your vile comment. Is your knowledge of the English language so bad you have to resort to words not normally heard in good company? They are most assuredly words I never hear these days around me.

ooo, look sumbody swearded.

well, your deity in the old testament, that demonic thoughtform 'yahweh' who fed off mass murder..uses r*pe analogies to mock jews.
and yes Jesus thought yahweh was the devil.

ps im not a 'gnostic' but i can come to these conclusions on my own, afterall i posess a conscience. my language follows accordingly. if i think something is dog shit, ill make sure to remind people of that.

however i also have another understanding, that is, that the same entity is a component of the collective monkey mind and hence an imposter acting as the primordial power in such a way, to harm us and prevent us from connecting with the truth. In doing so, 'he' uses the highest types of ideals, makes promises using such ideals and yet never delivers.

furthermore, Yahweh was mass mrudering jews just for following the traditions of other nations. Yet despite the maccabean revolt, despite jews hanging onto judaism and torah, Yahweh conveniently saw fit to give them a messiah echoing hellenistic/eastern beliefs.
Jesus was an INCARNATION of VISHNU who claimed john the baptist was a REINCARNATION...and yet when the jews rejected him due to the warnings in the Torah, Yahweh went on mass murdering.

The blood sacrifice of Jesus was not merely for the accountability or even the nature of sin, it was to give life to a brand new thoughtform, 'The Father' and leave this Yahweh's mass murdering behind. unfortunately christianity was hijacked by a mass murdering power that was a byproduct of Yahweh, Rome. Rome hijacked christianity, turned the Cross into a symbol of conquest and imperialism, so now christianity is also dead.

Not to say christianity or Jesus were ever perfect. Jesus was flawed because he was an extension of Yahweh's mind games playing sides against one another and constantly moving the goalposts.

ps i dont believe in false morality. I don't use kind words to appear righteous nor do i curse out of habit or bad character. i swear because what im speaking of deserves to be cursed. Yahweh mocked the r*pe and mass murder of a people he promised to protect and when he mocked them, he used r*pe analogies like 'you're a whore getting nailed by these men arent you? don't come back to me now'

does that deserve worship?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

It is with sadness that the following words from Romans 1 come to mind.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, warns Riyadh against ‘relying on Israel’

Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, June 8, 2018. Source: MEMRI.

(October 20, 2022 / JNS) In an apparent reference to the strengthening ties between Israel and Gulf Arab governments, Tehran’s semi-official Tasnim News Agency said on Thursday that Iranian officials had told Saudi Arabia’s leaders they should stop relying on Israel.

“This is our warning. Your house is that of a spider [fragile]. You have relied on Israel, which is on the verge of collapse, and this is your fate,” said Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, reported Tasnim.

“Stop meddling in our country’s internal affairs,” he said while speaking at the Qom Islamic Seminary.