Is Religion A Form Of Mind Control?


Jun 27, 2019
I have a weed strain that probably no one else has in the world,accidental mix of "Blueberry Headband" and "Tangie Banana".It dont look,smell or taste like any other weed plant i have seen and ive seen many.Did god design that plant/strain of weed ? Was it all gods plan that this weed strain came to existance ?
Life evolves on its on according to certain (divine)laws and it is largely infuenced by its environment and we have also the ability to shape it and help it prosper.People who have a different opinion probably havent grown a single thing in their lifetime or have poor knowledge about botanics and horticulture/plant breeding.
"How plants are trained to work for man" by Luther Burbank, (1914 ).

From wiki - "Burbank created hundreds of new varieties of fruits (plum, pear, prune, peach, blackberry, raspberry); potato, tomato; ornamental flowers and other plants. He introduced over 800 new plants, including flowers, grains, grasses, vegetables, cacti, and fruits. "
Exactly, God created each organism and the divine laws and environment needed for each organism to survive. Those are hybrids which can be traced back to the original strains found in nature. If man can't write genetic code from scratch and add the elements needed to bring that code to life how can we expect life to evolve on it's own? Man can't even create an organism using the elements found on the earth let alone create the elements found on the earth. Man can only manipulate what was already provided, favorable in some cases, not so favorable in other cases such as genetic modification. Burbank cross bred plants that can be traced back to nature. Without the plants found in nature Burbank would have nothing to work with. A cannabis hybrid is still cannabis. A potato hybrid is still a potato. A tomato hybrid is still a tomato.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I have a weed strain that probably no one else has in the world,accidental mix of "Blueberry Headband" and "Tangie Banana".It dont look,smell or taste like any other weed plant i have seen and ive seen many.Did god design that plant/strain of weed ? Was it all gods plan that this weed strain came to existance ?
Life evolves on its on according to certain (divine)laws and it is largely infuenced by its environment and we have also the ability to shape it and help it prosper.People who have a different opinion probably havent grown a single thing in their lifetime or have poor knowledge about botanics and horticulture/plant breeding.
"How plants are trained to work for man" by Luther Burbank, (1914 ).

From wiki - "Burbank created hundreds of new varieties of fruits (plum, pear, prune, peach, blackberry, raspberry); potato, tomato; ornamental flowers and other plants. He introduced over 800 new plants, including flowers, grains, grasses, vegetables, cacti, and fruits. "
What is not apparent is that the vast majority of selection and speciation is narrowing the genome and highlighting variations. I.e. mix and match.

Experiments have gone on for many years to add extra information by way of mutations and beneficial ones are vanishingly rare. Many scientists looking into this have abandoned traditional evolutionary explanations when faced with this problem.


Jul 28, 2021
Without the plants found in nature Burbank would have nothing to work with. A cannabis hybrid is still cannabis. A potato hybrid is still a potato. A tomato hybrid is still a tomato.
Poodle and Chihuahua came from wolves but are they same thing as an wolf ? Are dog species designed by man or god ?
Are man and nature separate things? We got a pile of bacteria inside us and all over us and we could not function without it,just like nature is full of bacteria and would not exist without it.
Metaphoricly,life is like lightning,or root system of an plant - it seeks easiest way,spreading out in all directions where resistance is least and conditions are best.Source of it is divine ,i agree with that.But the design or end product is outcome of many factors and circumstances.
In a way DNA is like information how to exist/co-exist and it is based upon the experience of the ancestors of that DNA. Our DNA is constantly changing,but only a very tiny fraction of it at the time.It is like your book of life containing past XP of ancestors and it is being updated with new XP.
Plants evolved from algae,fungi,bacteria etc.Always changing with each other information/DNA , information for spirit how to exist in physical realm in that "bio-vessel".
Since conditions and environment keep always changing(temperature,humidity,hostile wildlife etc) so is life forced to either adapt/evolve or it will succumb to changes.


Jun 27, 2019
Poodle and Chihuahua came from wolves but are they same thing as an wolf ? Are dog species designed by man or god ?
Yes dogs are the same species as wolves as they can continue to procreate with each other. Their genetic code continues to be compatible. Dogs are the result of cross breeding within the same species originally found in nature. Again, who was it, or what was it that created the original designs found in nature? It certainly was not man, so in essence man is not the master designer. The answer to this question should be extremely important in finding out why we are all here.

The main difference is that man can design an automobile or an airplane by using elements mined from the earth, but man cannot do this with a life form. Man needs the original design of the life form to be functional in order to create an altered duplicate. We cannot even create a duplicate from a dead male and a dead female wolf, both male and female wolves must be alive in order to create duplicates. This is how life forms become extinct. Life forms are in essence, biological machines that are divine in origin as we both seem to agree. Cross breeding within the same species has served man well and I consider it to be one of the many gifts from the master designer.
Are man and nature separate things? We got a pile of bacteria inside us and all over us and we could not function without it,just like nature is full of bacteria and would not exist without it.
Agreed in that man and nature are not separate things at this point. Man is part of the same creation designed to coexist with nature at the present moment. Man cannot exist without nature but nature will fare much better without man, that's for sure. It seems to me that man as a whole is hell bent on the destruction of life on this planet, and in the end I doubt that the master designer will allow it. It seems to me that man cannot continue to coexist with nature unless there is a divine intervention.
Metaphoricly,life is like lightning,or root system of an plant - it seeks easiest way,spreading out in all directions where resistance is least and conditions are best.Source of it is divine ,i agree with that.But the design or end product is outcome of many factors and circumstances.
I agree to the point that one species cannot naturally evolve into a different species, no matter how much time is given. Only way is if we humans continue to force this change genetically which results in the many catastrophic mutations we find today. The master designer obviously did not intend for life to evolve from one species to another, or for it to be altered in this way. In my opinion today's practice of genetically mixing 2 or more species into one is just another nail in the coffin of the theory of evolution.
In a way DNA is like information how to exist/co-exist and it is based upon the experience of the ancestors of that DNA. Our DNA is constantly changing,but only a very tiny fraction of it at the time.It is like your book of life containing past XP of ancestors and it is being updated with new XP.
Plants evolved from algae,fungi,bacteria etc.Always changing with each other information/DNA , information for spirit how to exist in physical realm in that "bio-vessel".
Since conditions and environment keep always changing(temperature,humidity,hostile wildlife etc) so is life forced to either adapt/evolve or it will succumb to changes.
I agree that DNA is used for the spirit to exist in the physical realm within the bio-vessel, however there is no evidence in the fossil record that plants evolved from algae, fungi, or bacteria. Or that snakes evolved from lizards, or that chickens evolved from dinosaurs. Or that humans evolved from other primates. This is nothing but a theory based on the theory of evolution. I agree there is change within the same species depending on several factors, but no evidence of one species evolving into a different species no matter how much time is given. Today if we find a donkey mixing with a horse we end up with an infertile mule. If we see a tiger mixing with a lion we end up with an infertile liger. There is no evidence of their genetic code being compatible with the other as they cannot continue to procreate with each other.

It seems to me that this divine source as you call it, has implemented a self correcting mechanism into the code of life in order to avoid any cross contamination between species. It seems to me that each species was designed with a unique function. For one species to evolve into a different species, or for two or more species to be mixed into one seems to undermine the existence of life as a whole.
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Jan 22, 2018
Does the beauty in nature look like it evolved on it's own or does it look like it was designed
Nature's only designer is far as I'm concerned anyway

Did DNA write itself or was it written by someone else
DNA was formed, not written....In my opinion

(I watched the first few minutes of your video, very nice)

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Nature's only designer is far as I'm concerned anyway

DNA was formed, not written....In my opinion

(I watched the first few minutes of your video, very nice)
OK - now this is getting interesting. Naturalism as “designer” just like a river shapes stones into nice smooth shapes?

The thing is, some of these “designs” over which David Attenborough might declare “isn’t nature marvellous?”push the credulity of naturalism beyond its limit.

I offer exhibit A for consideration…



Jul 28, 2021
. I agree there is change within the same species depending on several factors, but no evidence of one species evolving into a different species no matter how much time is given. Today if we find a donkey mixing with a horse we end up with an infertile mule. If we see a tiger mixing with a lion we end up with an infertile liger. There is no evidence of their genetic code being compatible with the other as they cannot continue to procreate with each other.

It seems to me that this divine source as you call it, has implemented a self correcting mechanism into the code of life in order to avoid any cross contamination between species. It seems to me that each species was designed with a unique function. For one species to evolve into a different species, or for two or more species to be mixed into one seems to undermine the existence of life as a whole.
From some spiritual/shamanic perspective there are different kinds of evolutions.There is evolution of nature/ species and there is evolution of spirit which becomes individual soul.Everything in existence has an spirit but not every spirit is evolved/complex enough to comprehend or respond to its environment so it could be calles an "soul".Individual soul can evolve from one species to another after going through many reincarnations as same species but that step in evolution happens in spiritual realm not in physical (example- chicken dies and is born again as an hawk,not that chicken goes to sleep and wakes up in the morning as an albatross or something else).There is also possibility that chicken lays an egg from which comes out some mutated chicken that can breed with normal ones,creating new subspecies while doing so.And if that happens many times over a long period of time you might get something that barely resembles a chicken.
Im not forcing my view on anybody,just trying to explain how i understand it.
How the evolution of soul happens i posted in another topic some time ago

Sacred geometry is one of the divine blueprints of life that everything follows.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

I can see that the narrative of spiritual evolution leans heavily on the supposedly proven fact of biological evolution. It takes challenges, adaptability and selection to better fit an environment as a metaphor.

The issues is that the evolutionary science beneath the story is crumbling. Darwin imagined that variation and selection were sufficient to get novel “designs” but later work into genetics revealed that this just led to creatures hitting their genetic limits. I.e. dogs can get as big as Great Danes but would need different genetics to become as big as elephants.

Enter neo-Darwinism - now we have speciation through variation, random mutation, isolation and natural selection.

Then along comes information theory and the rabbit in the hat of mutation becomes something that can be tested. It turns out it doesn’t have quite the power to create design ex-nihilo that it’s proponents claim (study it yourself though, but it appears to be the point of collapse for the narrative).

Anyway, if you watch 2 minute summaries, this one might help?


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Evolution needs to Evolve

It is interesting to note that in the English language, the word "evolution", with a single exception, always refers to an intelligent process, whether it is applied to personal or social development, business, manufacturing or technology, etc. That single exception is of course materialistic Darwinian evolution.

Darwinism is actually the belief in random mutation with no intention, no purpose, and no planning, coupled with natural selection and enough time. This hypothesis of evolution by random process has now been scientifically disproven by information theory.

Natural selection on the other hand is perfectly valid and has been proven time and time again. But no one has ever actually demonstrated that random mutation can create new information. Information theory shows us why this is so: in communication systems, random mutation is exactly the same as noise, and noise always destroys the signal; it NEVER enhances it.

In communication systems this is called information entropy, and the formula for information entropy is exactly the same as it is for thermodynamic entropy. To keep things simple, entropy is a scientific term describing an irreversible process of degradation. Once lost, the information can never be recovered, much less enhanced. Thus we can be absolutely certain that random mutation is not the source of biodiversity.

The Darwinian Leap of Faith

Dr. Joseph L. Henson, biologist, stated that to believe in Darwinian evolution, one has to have “faith to believe that the statistically improbable is going to happen again and again and again.”14 But when the statistically improbable is as completely improbable as 1/10722 for just the first gene to arrange itself, consider what kind of unfounded leap of faith would be required!

There is absolutely nothing scientific about believing in Darwinism. Contrary to the popular Darwinian-inspired pick-up truck bumper sticker, "stuff" doesn’t just happen. No matter how much time is provided, inanimate objects NEVER reorganize themselves into life and DNA didn't program itself nor will it ever do so. The theory that this was possible was based on completely erroneous assumptions without any scientific proof at the time, much less all of the information that is now available about DNA and how it works. And we've really only begun to scratch the surface of understanding this extraordinarily engineered basic building block of life.

DNA is a code. DNA is a language. DNA is the most efficient data storage device known to man. DNA is an assembly line for life, carrying out incredibly detailed instructions on a molecular level in every single cell of every single living organism everywhere. And most importantly, DNA is proof positive that NOTHING happens by chance, just as the probability statistics have clearly shown.

So let's call Darwinism what it really is: an organized religion.

ALL organized religion is based on lies with a little bit of the truth mixed in to sell it, to lead us away from God. Darwinism is no different. There has never been any actual scientific proof of evolutionary theory which at best was based on flawed assumptions. It's really always been about one thing and one thing only:

"...the point of evolutionary theory is to explain phenomena without having to appeal to intelligence or divine design".

It should therefore be self-evident that Darwinism is yet another irrational form of mind-control.


Jan 22, 2018
I found this documentary quite fascinating. On reading the title I thought I'd give it ten minutes but it was that good I gobbled up the entire 66 minutes.

As any ilumin, kabbalist, gnostic or freemason well knows, they only need your mind, this is all they want, and they will do absolutely ANYTHING to achieve it.

This documentary makes the outrageous claim that Jesus was actually a Master of the Order of Ilumins.... who knew?

What this documentary does do is make it crystal clear why Freemasons never discuss politics or religion.

Mar 30, 2017
I found this documentary quite fascinating. On reading the title I thought I'd give it ten minutes but it was that good I gobbled up the entire 66 minutes.

As any ilumin, kabbalist, gnostic or freemason well knows, they only need your mind, this is all they want, and they will do absolutely ANYTHING to achieve it.

This documentary makes the outrageous claim that Jesus was actually a Master of the Order of Ilumins.... who knew?

What this documentary does do is make it crystal clear why Freemasons never discuss politics or religion.

I think this is an excellent 1-hour summary of what’s currently transpiring worldwide, which makes me wonder how long it’ll last on YT. It explains how all religions have been infiltrated by the “Illuminati”. And who are these people? While there are groups within the groups, ultimately, they are:
  • The Jesuits
  • The Khazars/Kabbalists/zionists, and
  • The Freemasons
They all follow the “Gnostic Gospels”. In Lee Strobel’s documentary, they are “teachings” of Jesus that came after him in the 2nd and 3rd centuries and blend the teaching of Jesus with a variety of philosophical beliefs such as salvation from this world could only be attained through secret knowledge about the spiritual nature of man. Apparently, the list is as follows:
  • Gospel of Egyptians
  • Gospel of Peter
  • Gospel of Philip
  • Gospel of the 12 Apostles
  • Gospel of Mary Magdalene
  • Gospel of Matthias
  • Gospel of Eve
  • Gospel of Judas
  • Secret Gospel of Mark
  • The dialogue of the saviour
  • Secret book of James
  • Gospel of Nicodemus
  • Gospel of the lord
  • Pistis Sophia
  • Acts of Thomas
  • Acts of John
  • 1st apocalypse of James
  • Gospel of Thomas
  • Gospel of truth
Therefore, according to the documentary, some of their teachings/practices such as trinities, dualism, and pantheism have wormed their way into many religions which is exactly what we see being played out today, that we are all part of their “one god, one light”, which is the snake eating its’ tail. I actually listened to this video of Hugo Talks and he mentions how they’re so many versions of the bible and doesn’t know why. I’m in the same camp, as I never understood why there’d be so many interpretations of the same message. I’m making the assumption that there probably might be because rephrasing a phrase or reinterpreting one would probably fall in line with some of the Gnostic Gospels. They’ve been slowly manipulating people for centuries to fall in line with their belief system and unfortunately, many have fallen for it.

In the documentary, it’s also stated that Germany has been heavily influenced by Rosicrucianism, but nobody knows where this originated. That said, it would probably explain Frank’s tweet here regarding their banking system:

It’s fascinating to note that most of this is so blatantly evident for those who choose to see. As it’s explained, early scientists became scientists to understand God himself and our place in the universe, without the use of drugs. However, as the commenter explains, the “great scientists” were highly secret members of the Secret Orders such as Isaac Newton. It would explain how Melissa Fleming claims they “own” the science:

All in all, these people have been pushing for their NWO for centuries to worship man and have man rule over us. It’s essentially the self-deification of man, the Age of Aquarius. Will they be successful? Clearly time will tell, but we need to keep in mind they’ve been pushing this for centuries, not to mention there was a song about it more than 50 years ago (maybe this is why my mum thought Marilyn McCoo was a phoney on Solid Gold or didn't like this group :)):

The 5th Dimension Age of Aquarius 1969
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May 11, 2020
The dead sea scrolls prove that present bible translations haven't really strayed off in any sort of way that brings credible indictment. In fact they all still hold the same core message which is salvation in Christ and Christ alone. They all still teach there will be a judgment and whoever isnt recorded in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire. Nobody can really use the controversy surrounding all these translations as any sort of excuse. They nearly all teach the same fundamental message.


Jan 22, 2018
They’ve been slowly manipulating people for centuries to fall in line with their belief system and unfortunately, many have fallen for it.
Let's explore this further. I'm going to post a video about Rev Peter Ball. An old friend of our current ruler, (yet another royal- pedo connection) who used his position to abuse young boys he took took under his wing.

I can't imagine the mental gymnastics you would have to do after watching this then claim that the church isn't involved in systematic institutional abuse.

What jumped out at me was the symbols inscribed on the church walls (freeze at 2 mins 4 secs) which would be a pretty big red flag linking freemasonry to that church.

Despite it only lasting an hour it tells you all you need to know about how these pious figures use mind control to control their victims. When you listen to the victims testimonies you will not be able to deny that fact.

If you just substitute the word establishment in this extremely enlightening documentary with the words secret society the dots get joined up quite nicely.

Exposes- The Church's Darkest Secret
Episode 1. (Runs 59 mins)

Mar 30, 2017
Let's explore this further. I'm going to post a video about Rev Peter Ball. An old friend of our current ruler, (yet another royal- pedo connection) who used his position to abuse young boys he took took under his wing.

I can't imagine the mental gymnastics you would have to do after watching this then claim that the church isn't involved in systematic institutional abuse.

What jumped out at me was the symbols inscribed on the church walls (freeze at 2 mins 4 secs) which would be a pretty big red flag linking freemasonry to that church.

Despite it only lasting an hour it tells you all you need to know about how these pious figures use mind control to control their victims. When you listen to the victims testimonies you will not be able to deny that fact.

If you just substitute the word establishment in this extremely enlightening documentary with the words secret society the dots get joined up quite nicely.

Exposes- The Church's Darkest Secret
Episode 1. (Runs 59 mins)

Thanks for this, it'll be interesting to watch. Yeah, that's pretty much it, mind control. In the previous video you posted, the commentator used the words, "hypnotize" and said what these secret societies sects do is similar to MK Ultra. I thought 'Wow!', but in the realm of things, I don't think he's far off because if people cling to and defend the lies that they've been told over time and defend them as the truth, what's the difference?


May 11, 2020
I wanted to pose a question here.

What would a society of obedient Christians look like? Lets for the sake of argument say that what's contained within the Bible is indeed mind control.

In our current world lets image that a fourth of people convert and give their life to Christ and became fully obedient to The Word of God. Does this culture improve or get worse?


Jan 22, 2018
In our current world lets image that a fourth of people convert and give their life to Christ and became fully obedient to The Word of God. Does this culture improve or get worse?
In my opinion society would be considerably worse. If a quarter of the world decided that in order to save themselves from living an eternity in the firey pits of hell they had to spend the rest of their natural lives just reading the bible, praying to God and waiting for Jesus to return then this wouldn't really be of any help to anybody in an emergency situation. Nobody would be able to rely on you as you would be busy cross referencing any disaster that befalls us with bible prophecy.

If some psycopaths decided they wanted to fake the second coming of Christ then you for one would fall for it, hook, line and sinker.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
In my opinion society would be considerably worse. If a quarter of the world decided that in order to save themselves from living an eternity in the firey pits of hell they had to spend the rest of their natural lives just reading the bible, praying to God and waiting for Jesus to return then this wouldn't really be of any help to anybody in an emergency situation. Nobody would be able to rely on you as you would be busy cross referencing any disaster that befalls us with bible prophecy.

If some psycopaths decided they wanted to fake the second coming of Christ then you for one would fall for it, hook, line and sinker.
So you take the view that the people who make a positive difference in society and care most for their fellow man are mainly atheists?


Jan 22, 2018
So you take the view that the people who make a positive difference in society and care most for their fellow man are mainly atheists?
No I don't take that view. The point I made was simple. In an emergency situation or times of great peril a religious fanatic would not be somebody who I feel I could rely on.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
No I don't take that view. The point I made was simple. In an emergency situation or times of great peril a religious fanatic would not be somebody who I feel I could rely on.
Interesting use of language ;-)

I can’t speak for all religious fanatics obviously, but for me the fact that I don’t especially fear death has actually been quite helpful when I have faced dangerous situations.


Jul 28, 2021
In an emergency situation or times of great peril a religious fanatic would not be somebody who I feel I could rely on.

One of my favorite books is "Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitzyn.I guess gulag experience could be called a sort of "peril".
People from all age groups from all kinds of backgrounds got stripped from all material wealth and got thrown into labor camps where violence,starvation and brutality was daily occurence.In order to survive in that environment you would either adapt to its brutal ways or get crushed by it (like one professor of literature became a leader of a gang of recidivists/thieves). Yet christians largely did not get corrupted in those harsh conditions and would rather starve to death than steal the foodration from someone who is weaker than them as was the common practice.Some christians went for years in siberian climate wearing same broken clothes that they kept patching up ,or some wore a broken potato sack since to get new clothes from soviet government they had to sign a receit for it.They saw the soviet system as "The devil" and they wanted nothing to do with it and didnt sign anything.Would have been convenient to just sign the damn thing and get some winter boots and other stuff but they sticked to their faith. Examples in that book are plentiful how peoples faith got them through all kinds of gulag hells and their character largely stayd the same while those who lacked strong spiritual/religious core largely turned into thieves and scoundrels rather quickly or simply went insane.

Just one random example from the book -
If the first thing you see each and every morning is the eyes of your cellmate who has gone insane, how then shall you save yourself during the coming day? Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, whose brilliant career in astronomy was interrupted by his arrest, saved himself only by thinking of the eternal and in- finite: of the order of the Universe — and of its Supreme Spirit; of the stars; of their internal state; and what Time and the passing of Time really are.
And in this way he began to discover a new field in physics. And only in this way did he succeed in surviving in the Dmitrovsk Prison. But his line of mental exploration was blocked by forgotten figures. He could not build any further — he had to have a lot of figures. Now just where could he get them in his solitary- confinement cell with its overnight kerosene lamp, a cell into which not even a little bird could enter? And the scientist prayed: “Please, God! I have done everything I could. Please help me! Please help me continue!”
At this time he was entitled to receive one book every ten days (by then he was alone in the cell). In the meager prison library were several different editions of Demyan Bedny’s Red Concert, which kept coming around to each cell again and again. Half an hour passed after his prayer; they came to ex- change his book; and as usual, without asking anything at all, they pushed a book at him. It was entitled A Course in Astro- physics! Where had it come from? He simply could not imagine such a book in the prison library. Aware of the brief duration of this coincidence, Kozyrev threw himself on it and began to memorize everything he needed immediately, and everything he might need later on. In all, just two days had passed, and he had eight days left in which to keep his book, when there was an unscheduled inspection by the chief of the prison. His eagle eye noticed immediately. “But you are an astronomer?” “Yes.” “Take this book away from him!” But its mystical arrival had opened the way for his further work, which he then continued in the camp in Norilsk.