Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Mar 1, 2021
The only clue of any rebellion we have is a thriller novel jj0ng was writing he contacted the publisher for his book on the same day he died he was actively working on it according to the publisher and some of us think that he could use that novel to expose 5m no one knows what happened to that novel after his death or what it was about.
Sh1nee were very open about them just having a business relationship pre 2017 it's only after jj0ng's death that the whole sh1nee is a family thing became popular and maybe now they care about each other more to avoid repeating another tragedy from happening but the way they handled the news about T@emin was disappointed they really waited until sh1nee's 14th debut anniversary on 25th May to give fans a proper health update about him and by that time he posted himself so it was just for show in my opinion sh@wols already complaining about them not being in "One Room" since Hiatus period started. Sadly Jjong seemed to be the one who cared the most about the group and I agree Hive groups seem to fake their relationships much more than other big 3 groups.
not all of 5m's favourite are male idols there's Bo@ and T@eyeon among females and currently they are going through a love affair with Aespa girls but back in the day 2nd-3rd gen I mean they were known for preferring their boy groups over girl groups
this is TVXQ when they were 5 you can see J@ejoong is dressed like T@emin was during sherlock era he was always a little more feminized with longish hair and soft visuals compared to other members he used to be 5m fav until the JYJ Lawsuit 5m loved him so much they debuted an identical clone (T@eyong of Nct) a few years later. There was some controversy about him being made to do gay fanservice too I think TVXQ fans would know more
Heechu1 is more liberal minded I believe he is an open supporter of LGBTQ stuff T@emin was younger and I believe he is more conservative minded he only started accepting the feminine image in 2017 and to be fair it is a well known fact that jj0ng kind of encouraged him to accept that more feminine persona nothing against him though jj0ng was just more of a liberal minded person that's all
One of the members of JYJ was in a sex scandal in 2018. Maybe as revenge for the lawsuit? Did anyone take care of Taem1n, he was a very young boy? We see what happened to Jk when a child joins a company and then debuts with a group really early. He's not doing so good. There's a shift in their content after jjong passed. More efforts to seem closer and lots of candid conversations. He was known for being open and caring about mental health issues.

Heech4l is down for whatever. He's always shaking his ass or something dressing feminine. Why did jjong encourage him to be more feminine? In an interview with SHIN3e the host tried to say that a pic of Taem1n crossdressing as a teen was turning him on. Taem1n was around debut age in the picture that he was getting aroused by. Jjong kept saying he was out of line. I think he's the only one and maybe On3w that cared about him.


Jun 2, 2021
He was targeted and treated worse by his superiors. I don't know why, because he seems like a sweet person. The other soldiers complimented his work ethic and he did everything asked with a smile on his face, while taking multiple pills for depression and panic attacks. Someone that entered at the same time, left soon after was given a medical dismissal. He was as sick as Taem1n but allowed to go due to his mental illness. I hope he's not being used in the military the same way he was outside. He should be able to recuperate, eat, gain weight and become healthier. Why is he always compared to women? Hosts and fans continually emasculate him.
The fact that regular korean men who served with him came out to defend him from hate comments can only mean one of 2 things
1- He is such a genuinely humble and sweet person IRL with a good character that those who served with him wanted to defend him from harsh comments
2- He was actually being severely mistreated or bullied by people in the military that made the good people in the military come forward to protect him because It is not common for regular koreans to come out in defense of an idol when GD was being stalked and accused of receiving celebrity privilege no one came to defend him (probably bcz knowing BB and their track record GD was indeed receiving VIP treatment) other idols who had to change to social service for similar reasons didn't receive any kind of support but it is still concerning that they discharged someone who was less sick according to their own words but decided to keep tm inside for longer since social service workers serve 3-4 months longer either way I am glad these korean men spoke up because it gives us a glimpse of what actually happens to these idols behind the scenes I wonder how many would be in similar situation we have to consider that he was on 6-8 pills BEFORE going to the military which means many of these happy go lucky idols could be taking similiar amounts to treat their mental health issues imagine how many pills bt5 members would be on or how many 5m gives to n*t.
The Emasculation began in Luc1fer era because of the extensions it was a common thing in 5m to make male idols wear hair extensions but they went overboard with him because he was younger and hadn't developed traditionally masculine features and probably because he was not in any position to say anything to higher ups


Mar 8, 2022
How did you get to that conclusion? Sometimes I wonder if he wasn't trying to die, or if someone did that. Do you think the guy in the blind is Taem1n? I remember hearing rumors online but can't find it. To be successful in most entertainment industries, people must sell themselves. That can be physically, sexually or something else, but becoming a celebrity isn't about talent.
Ever since his death was announced it seemed strange to me. All of the things I've read combined with the things I've learned here surrounding his death makes it even more fishy. I believe JJÕNG had his own issues, but sorry with all the things I've seen it doesn't point to suicide for me. Same with Jiñri's death. Essemm has been shady for the longest. I've witnessed almost 20 years of them doing shady shit and getting away with it.

Here is the blind people think is about tæmin.

Screenshot_20220605-121452_Samsung Internet.jpg


Mar 8, 2022
The only clue of any rebellion we have is a thriller novel jj0ng was writing he contacted the publisher for his book on the same day he died he was actively working on it according to the publisher and some of us think that he could use that novel to expose 5m no one knows what happened to that novel after his death or what it was about.
Sh1nee were very open about them just having a business relationship pre 2017 it's only after jj0ng's death that the whole sh1nee is a family thing became popular and maybe now they care about each other more to avoid repeating another tragedy from happening but the way they handled the news about T@emin was disappointed they really waited until sh1nee's 14th debut anniversary on 25th May to give fans a proper health update about him and by that time he posted himself so it was just for show in my opinion sh@wols already complaining about them not being in "One Room" since Hiatus period started. Sadly Jjong seemed to be the one who cared the most about the group and I agree Hive groups seem to fake their relationships much more than other big 3 groups.
not all of 5m's favourite are male idols there's Bo@ and T@eyeon among females and currently they are going through a love affair with Aespa girls but back in the day 2nd-3rd gen I mean they were known for preferring their boy groups over girl groups
this is TVXQ when they were 5 you can see J@ejoong is dressed like T@emin was during sherlock era he was always a little more feminized with longish hair and soft visuals compared to other members he used to be 5m fav until the JYJ Lawsuit 5m loved him so much they debuted an identical clone (T@eyong of Nct) a few years later. There was some controversy about him being made to do gay fanservice too I think TVXQ fans would know more
Heechu1 is more liberal minded I believe he is an open supporter of LGBTQ stuff T@emin was younger and I believe he is more conservative minded he only started accepting the feminine image in 2017 and to be fair it is a well known fact that jj0ng kind of encouraged him to accept that more feminine persona nothing against him though jj0ng was just more of a liberal minded person that's all
Also I have heard a rumor of jjõng wanting to create his own label. I can't remember where so I can give you guys a link but I definitely saw it. He was writing, composing and producing his own work. Only a matter of time before he tried to fight his way into his own independent label or even an in-house label, but either way essemm wouldn't get full profits.


Jun 2, 2021
In return they have an artist that does anything they want. I've heard that he was in discussion with esem about a solo career years ago. They would discuss songs and he would tell them which ones he liked. He also had privileges the others didn't have. Lsm has many favorites in esem. He prefers Taem1n, Ta3yong, L4cas, and several others. I don't hear of female artists getting the same treatment.
Bo@ who is currently a director at essem said in a survival show that essem looks for "visuals" and believes "Talent can be taught" and L5m famously said "Lipsync is a genre" 5m doesn't care about talent they just want idols who can set unrealistic standards of visuals for the general public if you see all their favs in each group they are all Visuals J@ejoong, Yoona, Kar1na, Irene, T@eyong, Lucas, M1nho tm has unconventional looks by korean gp standards but he like heechu1 was also marketed for his sex appeal rather than talent contrary to what you say tm stopped receiving good promo from essem starting 2020 and 5m famously sabotaged Criminal by not allowing MTV to play it on their shows because of "Licensing problems" and making him promote superm the same day his album got released maybe they got in a feud with him but it is true that sh1nee in particular were given special privilege to discuss their songs and comebacks most of their Title songs were approved by them they chose View as TT because JJong and the members wanted it against 5m's reccomendations


Jun 2, 2021
Ever since his death was announced it seemed strange to me. All of the things I've read combined with the things I've learned here surrounding his death makes it even more fishy. I believe JJÕNG had his own issues, but sorry with all the things I've seen it doesn't point to suicide for me. Same with Jiñri's death. Essemm has been shady for the longest. I've witnessed almost 20 years of them doing shady shit and getting away with it.

Here is the blind people think is about tæmin.

View attachment 75240
someone in jonghyun deserved better thread posted that he was in friend circle of Madam Shim a lady who has connection with influential people in the korean entertainment industry they said she is connected to mysterious deaths of korean idols and actors including the burning sun scandal and U;Nee's death which @Strawberrypie posted about she was apparently part of a friend circle which also included j0nghyun sull1 was somehow connected to burning sun as well I believe in this Blind they are also talking about one of the parties arranged by her I am not sure if it is about T@emin because the way they wrote it it implies this idol was once in a group but now a soloist only when T@emin was still actively promoting as Superm when this blind was posted and he never left sh1nee but even if it was him I feel bad for him because there is only little a 12-13 year old could have done infront of sifnificantly older men to protect himself
here is the article about madam Shim


Jun 2, 2021
One of the members of JYJ was in a sex scandal in 2018. Maybe as revenge for the lawsuit? Did anyone take care of Taem1n, he was a very young boy? We see what happened to Jk when a child joins a company and then debuts with a group really early. He's not doing so good. There's a shift in their content after jjong passed. More efforts to seem closer and lots of candid conversations. He was known for being open and caring about mental health issues.

Heech4l is down for whatever. He's always shaking his ass or something dressing feminine. Why did jjong encourage him to be more feminine? In an interview with SHIN3e the host tried to say that a pic of Taem1n crossdressing as a teen was turning him on. Taem1n was around debut age in the picture that he was getting aroused by. Jjong kept saying he was out of line. I think he's the only one and maybe On3w that cared about him.
Jkay had it pretty bad debuting at 15 he was the one carrying the group since debut days and I've noticed he is always getting injured or sick at concerts I wonder how Hyb3 does with him behind the scenes. For Sh1nee Initially they used to say K3y is sh1nee's Mom and he was said to be the one who cared about him but that sounds BS and more for show in reality Jj0ng seemed to be the one who took the most care of tm they were roommates and jj0ng also coached him on his vocals Jj0ng acted as Tm's PR machine during his comebacks he would use his twitter account to promote him and wrote songs for his albums too jj0ng called himself tm's No1 fan and his "Mom" on his twitter account jj0ng probably only want to help tm get over his insecurities of not being "Masculine enough" which he struggles with even now in past videos you can easily see it was always jjong who tried to protect him from creepy old men. Sh1nee ain't the same after jj0ngs passing no matter how they try they cannot fill his shoes he left a large hole members were happiest when they were with jjong :(


Sep 21, 2021
someone in jonghyun deserved better thread posted that he was in friend circle of Madam Shim a lady who has connection with influential people in the korean entertainment industry they said she is connected to mysterious deaths of korean idols and actors including the burning sun scandal and U;Nee's death which @Strawberrypie posted about she was apparently part of a friend circle which also included j0nghyun sull1 was somehow connected to burning sun as well I believe in this Blind they are also talking about one of the parties arranged by her I am not sure if it is about T@emin because the way they wrote it it implies this idol was once in a group but now a soloist only when T@emin was still actively promoting as Superm when this blind was posted and he never left sh1nee but even if it was him I feel bad for him because there is only little a 12-13 year old could have done infront of sifnificantly older men to protect himself
here is the article about madam Shim
More on "Madame Shim..."



Jun 2, 2021
The Burning Sun Scandal: Timeline...

This thread explains about madame shim and how she uses dispatch to divert attention from her crimes I think Kim Garam's scandal and Jenn1exV drama is being used to divert attention from seungr1's trial not to say Garam is innocent but she could be being used as a scapegoat by them.
I wonder if she has hands in jj0ng's murder Lee j0nghyun from CNBlue was friends with sh1nee's jj0ng maybe they eliminated him and Sull1 and Goo Hara plus another actor died in 2019 the year burning sun got exposed reminds me of this Sasaeng post
Could 5m killing his idols one by one be related to burn1ng sun and madame shim? Was this the price they had to pay?? Were they trying to get tm to have a public mental breakdown in the military or worst die so they could divert public attention from burning sun and save this madame shim??
Mar 1, 2021
The fact that regular korean men who served with him came out to defend him from hate comments can only mean one of 2 things
1- He is such a genuinely humble and sweet person IRL with a good character that those who served with him wanted to defend him from harsh comments
2- He was actually being severely mistreated or bullied by people in the military that made the good people in the military come forward to protect him because It is not common for regular koreans to come out in defense of an idol when GD was being stalked and accused of receiving celebrity privilege no one came to defend him (probably bcz knowing BB and their track record GD was indeed receiving VIP treatment) other idols who had to change to social service for similar reasons didn't receive any kind of support but it is still concerning that they discharged someone who was less sick according to their own words but decided to keep tm inside for longer since social service workers serve 3-4 months longer either way I am glad these korean men spoke up because it gives us a glimpse of what actually happens to these idols behind the scenes I wonder how many would be in similar situation we have to consider that he was on 6-8 pills BEFORE going to the military which means many of these happy go lucky idols could be taking similiar amounts to treat their mental health issues imagine how many pills bt5 members would be on or how many 5m gives to n*t.
The Emasculation began in Luc1fer era because of the extensions it was a common thing in 5m to make male idols wear hair extensions but they went overboard with him because he was younger and hadn't developed traditionally masculine features and probably because he was not in any position to say anything to higher ups
I think it's a combination of both. He's had a lot of people coming to his defense, saying he's a nice person and being harmed by his experience in the military service. I've talked about this before, but a friend of mine was harmed by joining the military. America and Sk have a lot of issues with abusive superiors, crimes of sex and beatings, and a hostile work environment. There's a kdrama about this that got a lot of attention.

Only a few admit to using medication for depression, but many idols suffer in silence and or it's covered up by their companies. If it came out, someone would ask why young people are experiencing so much stress and that would open a can of worms. Fans have to believe their group is happy, rich and love being idols. Anything else breaks the system.

Knowing how many medications he's on, I keep thinking about that blind. The idol was passed around to executives and in return he got to debut and then go solo. He has to take multiple pills to sleep, and wakes up at night to take more medicine. It's really bad and I worry about him.


Sep 21, 2021
This thread explains about madame shim and how she uses dispatch to divert attention from her crimes I think Kim Garam's scandal and Jenn1exV drama is being used to divert attention from seungr1's trial not to say Garam is innocent but she could be being used as a scapegoat by them.
I wonder if she has hands in jj0ng's murder Lee j0nghyun from CNBlue was friends with sh1nee's jj0ng maybe they eliminated him and Sull1 and Goo Hara plus another actor died in 2019 the year burning sun got exposed reminds me of this Sasaeng post
Could 5m killing his idols one by one be related to burn1ng sun and madame shim? Was this the price they had to pay?? Were they trying to get tm to have a public mental breakdown in the military or worst die so they could divert public attention from burning sun and save this madame shim??
Considering the extent and magnitude of Madame Shim's "influence/power" in SK's politics, business, and entertainment, it's very logical to link her to these crimes and scandals...

Whatever happened to that "petition from concerned citizens" to investigate her.. remains in limbo...
Mar 1, 2021
Also I have heard a rumor of jjõng wanting to create his own label. I can't remember where so I can give you guys a link but I definitely saw it. He was writing, composing and producing his own work. Only a matter of time before he tried to fight his way into his own independent label or even an in-house label, but either way essemm wouldn't get full profits.
When artists leave, esem loses their talent and profits. It's something they struggled with when the Chinese members of exo left and became more famous in China. Jjong was getting really good at everything, and was the heart of SHIN3e. He cared about Taem1n, writing a song called Pretty Boy for him, and protecting him around men. His level of talent is unique in kpop, especially for an idol from esem. Letting him leave, especially if he knew something really messed up, would've destroyed esem. He would have revolutionized Korean music.
Mar 1, 2021
Bo@ who is currently a director at essem said in a survival show that essem looks for "visuals" and believes "Talent can be taught" and L5m famously said "Lipsync is a genre" 5m doesn't care about talent they just want idols who can set unrealistic standards of visuals for the general public if you see all their favs in each group they are all Visuals J@ejoong, Yoona, Kar1na, Irene, T@eyong, Lucas, M1nho tm has unconventional looks by korean gp standards but he like heechu1 was also marketed for his sex appeal rather than talent contrary to what you say tm stopped receiving good promo from essem starting 2020 and 5m famously sabotaged Criminal by not allowing MTV to play it on their shows because of "Licensing problems" and making him promote superm the same day his album got released maybe they got in a feud with him but it is true that sh1nee in particular were given special privilege to discuss their songs and comebacks most of their Title songs were approved by them they chose View as TT because JJong and the members wanted it against 5m's reccomendations
Why did he feud with esem? He's their golden boy. That's very cruel to make him ignore his own comeback for a group that barely made a dent. Kpop companies aren't very logical. Ideally they want to make money, and care about their artists. In reality, they sabotage their artists to play favorites.

Taem1n was a cute kid when he debuted. Whoever convinced him to get plastic surgery and bleach his skin wasn't in it for his benefit. Almost all of his members had surgeries and look different than at before.
Mar 1, 2021
someone in jonghyun deserved better thread posted that he was in friend circle of Madam Shim a lady who has connection with influential people in the korean entertainment industry they said she is connected to mysterious deaths of korean idols and actors including the burning sun scandal and U;Nee's death which @Strawberrypie posted about she was apparently part of a friend circle which also included j0nghyun sull1 was somehow connected to burning sun as well I believe in this Blind they are also talking about one of the parties arranged by her I am not sure if it is about T@emin because the way they wrote it it implies this idol was once in a group but now a soloist only when T@emin was still actively promoting as Superm when this blind was posted and he never left sh1nee but even if it was him I feel bad for him because there is only little a 12-13 year old could have done infront of sifnificantly older men to protect himself
here is the article about madam Shim
The site with the blind about the pregnant idol, also posted about Mdm Shim. I think he posts bits of things because it's too risky to post everything at once. The girl didn't have a chance if she was involved with her after the rock star.

Search for comebacks around the time of the blind. The only one that fits is Taem1n. He had two albums of his own and an album with SHIN3e to promote. He was a little kid when he signed his contract. Have you seen how young he was at debut? His smile was so big and he was happy. Later videos, he has a hardness and caution you don't see earlier. The men around him probably escalated what they wanted as he wanted more than being in a group. He's considered the idol other idols look up to.
Mar 1, 2021
This thread explains about madame shim and how she uses dispatch to divert attention from her crimes I think Kim Garam's scandal and Jenn1exV drama is being used to divert attention from seungr1's trial not to say Garam is innocent but she could be being used as a scapegoat by them.
I wonder if she has hands in jj0ng's murder Lee j0nghyun from CNBlue was friends with sh1nee's jj0ng maybe they eliminated him and Sull1 and Goo Hara plus another actor died in 2019 the year burning sun got exposed reminds me of this Sasaeng post
Could 5m killing his idols one by one be related to burn1ng sun and madame shim? Was this the price they had to pay?? Were they trying to get tm to have a public mental breakdown in the military or worst die so they could divert public attention from burning sun and save this madame shim??
A lot of idols from the same agency committed suicide. They appear to have different companies but were under one company similar to hive.
Mar 1, 2021
Considering the extent and magnitude of Madame Shim's "influence/power" in SK's politics, business, and entertainment, it's very logical to link her to these crimes and scandals...

Whatever happened to that "petition from concerned citizens" to investigate her.. remains in limbo...
Where it will stay until no one remembers anymore. Whatever this is, could take down the biggest companies in kpop, chaebols, politicians and law enforcement. Murder is nothing to these people. Be careful everyone.