Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
His bone structure is common in black people. His skin color, lips, facial structure all say black. Taem1n looked Eurasian as a kid. He was very masculine at debut and then took on more feminine characteristics. What happened to Taem1n? Was he hurt or did someone touch him? He didn't handle the military well and I heard the other soldiers tried to look at him in the shower. M1nho has a very unique face and does look Indonesian Thai.
Well maybe jj0ng's missing father was of African or South East Asian descent. T@emin has masculine features but 5m forced the flower boy image on him which he initially hated and only came to accept it around Move era but he still looks pretty masculine to me he doesn't have feminine features like j1m1n or GD he only looks feminine when they try to feminize him with make up and feminine clothes ahh a lot has happened with him and his military service he was apparently suffering from depression and panic disorder before he enlisted at least far back since 2019 and he was also stressed out about his career because of enlistment and bcz 5m wasn't giving him promo since 2020 and then last few months before he enlisted 5m worked him to the bone to the point he would sleep in his car because lack of sleep he had anxiety attacks atleast 2 times in the weeks prior to his enlistment probably from overwork and then they sent him to the military like that some Korean men who spent time with him in the military told that he was taking 6-8 pills daily for depression and panic disorder but he would still often wake up due to nightmares and panic symptoms one guy who was discharged early because of same depression and panic disorder said T@emin was taking more tranquillisers, antidepressants and sleeping pills than him but he wasn't discharged instead the military administration was much harsher on him and he received reverse discrimination and only transferred him to social service after his symptoms started to get worst of course there are the rumors that circulated early in his enlistment that men were oggling at him in shower and sasaengs invading his privacy honestly I believe he probably did get severely bullied or harassed in the military because unlike other idols who look rather relaxed and happy in military he looked miserable in most pics and then suddenly last year in September he stopped posting on his Instagram after posting regularly on Sundays for few weeks and went MIA for around 9 freaking months until Shinee's 14th debut anniversary last week so his situation is quite suss
Mar 1, 2021
Well maybe jj0ng's missing father was of African or South East Asian descent. T@emin has masculine features but 5m forced the flower boy image on him which he initially hated and only came to accept it around Move era but he still looks pretty masculine to me he doesn't have feminine features like j1m1n or GD he only looks feminine when they try to feminize him with make up and feminine clothes ahh a lot has happened with him and his military service he was apparently suffering from depression and panic disorder before he enlisted at least far back since 2019 and he was also stressed out about his career because of enlistment and bcz 5m wasn't giving him promo since 2020 and then last few months before he enlisted 5m worked him to the bone to the point he would sleep in his car because lack of sleep he had anxiety attacks atleast 2 times in the weeks prior to his enlistment probably from overwork and then they sent him to the military like that some Korean men who spent time with him in the military told that he was taking 6-8 pills daily for depression and panic disorder but he would still often wake up due to nightmares and panic symptoms one guy who was discharged early because of same depression and panic disorder said T@emin was taking more tranquillisers, antidepressants and sleeping pills than him but he wasn't discharged instead the military administration was much harsher on him and he received reverse discrimination and only transferred him to social service after his symptoms started to get worst of course there are the rumors that circulated early in his enlistment that men were oggling at him in shower and sasaengs invading his privacy honestly I believe he probably did get severely bullied or harassed in the military because unlike other idols who look rather relaxed and happy in military he looked miserable in most pics and then suddenly last year in September he stopped posting on his Instagram after posting regularly on Sundays for few weeks and went MIA for around 9 freaking months until Shinee's 14th debut anniversary last week so his situation is quite suss
Here's a picture of him and his sister. Before plastic surgery and skin lightener, she looked mixed too. What's strange is only the mom looks a little bit mixed but his father doesn't. The father was a strict parent and wasn't there most of the time. He also didn't believe in his goal of becoming a musician. Was he a stepparent? His childhood affected him strongly and he lived with those painful memories.

Taem1n's gone through hell and back. I heard of the military harassment. r*pe is a problem there in the military, and he's been sexualized and shown as gay and effeminate. That's not who he is, but the soldiers may think his persona is the real thing and not for entertainment. Was he abused by LSM or a manager? The videos I've seen, showed older men touching him. When he went on the show, The Knowing Bros, the men kept teasing him and acting like he was effeminate and gay. One even wanted a kiss because it was ok if he kissed him. In other clips, men tried to remove his shirt, pulled it to look at his shoulders and chest, and jjong was defending him. A different host was hot for him dressed as a girl before debut. That's a child.

In one clip, he was begging with his eyes for jjong to help and get that guy off him. Another man was rubbing his chest and nipples. This started when he was a kid. If we go by international age, he was only 13-14 at debut.



Jun 2, 2021
Here's a picture of him and his sister. Before plastic surgery and skin lightener, she looked mixed too. What's strange is only the mom looks a little bit mixed but his father doesn't. The father was a strict parent and wasn't there most of the time. He also didn't believe in his goal of becoming a musician. Was he a stepparent? His childhood affected him strongly and he lived with those painful memories.

Taem1n's gone through hell and back. I heard of the military harassment. r*pe is a problem there in the military, and he's been sexualized and shown as gay and effeminate. That's not who he is, but the soldiers may think his persona is the real thing and not for entertainment. Was he abused by LSM or a manager? The videos I've seen, showed older men touching him. When he went on the show, The Knowing Bros, the men kept teasing him and acting like he was effeminate and gay. One even wanted a kiss because it was ok if he kissed him. In other clips, men tried to remove his shirt, pulled it to look at his shoulders and chest, and jjong was defending him. A different host was hot for him dressed as a girl before debut. That's a child.

In one clip, he was begging with his eyes for jjong to help and get that guy off him. Another man was rubbing his chest and nipples. This started when he was a kid. If we go by international age, he was only 13-14 at debut.
Don't know much about his father but he was apparently abusive and jj0ng hated him he separated during jj0ng's childhood and this deeply affected jj0ng and yes its true that his father was against jj0ng's dream of becoming a musician Ig maybe jj0ng's mother is from 2nd or 3rd generation Korean migrant family his family is also very religious but jj0ng became atheist in adulthood so there could be a possibility that his mother or someone from his distant relatives was Korean-American migrant Christian community. Sodam looks quite different here she looks white now and her features are more traditionally Korean.

Honestly don't know if Taemin was harrassed or abused by 5m higher ups but the way they sexualized him during debut years was disgusting 5m in 2nd gen was famous for making it's boy groups do gay fanservice but most of the others like suju and TVXQ members were at least grown ass adults compared to Taemin who was a child and most likely had no say or consent he was the youngest yet the most sexualized member in sh1nee bt5 members haven't experienced even 50% of the shit he had to put up with on variety shows and still goes through some times in one show his significantly older seniors from suju were making jokes about wanting to touch his butt ewww then there is the famous internet war performance where he was made to play the role of a submissive partner being abused/corrupted by their more dominant partner followed by korn's get up a song about abuse survivors so yeah the messages they were sending about him were sickening the manager for his debut solo album said on live TV that he wants to make him erotic these are huge red flags in my eyes I swear if he was a female idol there would be major uproar about sexual harrassment in the industry but because he is a man it's all taken as joke and sh@wols don't care instead they were celebrating him turning "Legal" on his 18th birthday yeah......................if God Forbid something like r*pe or sexual harrassment did happen with him in the military we will probably never know about it I believe he only went to active duty because he didn't want to be seen as "Less manly" because I know of idols who were less sick then him but still got qualified for public service I mean suh0 got exempt from active duty just because of having weak eyesight and Taemin also went earlier then he was supposed to most famous 5m idols delay till the last moment like his BFF ka1 and B@ekhyun did
I am happy things seem to be better for younger idols debuting now 5m hasn't sexualized n*t dream members like they did with Taemin and neither are enpipen or txt members forced to go through the kind of stuff he went through sure they are sexualized and marketed for their sex appeal but not to the extent Taemin was and some fans seem to care about minors being sexualized these days which is a positive development
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Sep 21, 2021
trying to get attention?
Perhaps... he's been "trending..." since he did it...

Remember when he changed his Ig alphabet name? He gave a lame excuse after several days...

Let's see how he's going to answer the big question of why he deleted all his Ig posts...


Sep 9, 2020
That's the big question...armees are puzzled, confused...depressed...and making different speculations...

According to infos, he deleted them the night before their supposed mtg with Biden...
everything is possible ,thanks for the answer


Jan 20, 2021
I was watching this and I noticed around 1:17:00 or so H@ech@n look like his glitching or being controlled by h@ndlers and even the others noticed it because he was frozen.
Also, around 1:19:00, M@rk rubs R3njun neck and he stopped talking, and I thought maybe he was a h@ndler. I don't know, but it was weird the way it happened.


Feb 10, 2022
what is this covid thingie though? people keeps talking about it but never understood.


Jan 20, 2021
are you talking about why all the kpop idols keep testing positive for covid? it's because when an idol "gets covid", it's most probably a cover-up/code for any occult rituals and those types of things.
Do you know what they might have to do in these rituals?


Jan 20, 2021
Do you know what they might have to do in these rituals?
are you talking about why all the kpop idols keep testing positive for covid? it's because when an idol "gets covid", it's most probably a cover-up/code for any occult rituals and those types of things.
I wonder if someone wanted to “book” them for services or something like that.