Satanism in ART [Trigger Warning]


Dec 1, 2019
Jakub Schikaneder

Ken Wong

Andrew Ferez

André Breton
Hilma af Klint
Vladimirov Ivan

1812 heritage destroyed.

Colours Parts
CLEAR. Secret or shell alters who can take on any colour are coded clear. These are alters who serve as images or as a stage for other alters. This would include “Guardian of the Vail” alters. GOLD. This colour is for the supreme leadership in the System, which includes the Grand Druid Council.

SILVER. This colour is for the Satanic alters who perform high level satanic rituals. The Mothers of Darkness have silver coding.

PURPLE. These alters see themselves as the abusers, rather than the Illuminati. These alters were involved with the programming. They have been taught to forget the abuse and to reframe it in their mind as training.

BLACK. These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and assassination. RED. These altars see themselves as witches. They were born out of witchcraft ritual, believe they have great spiritual power, and tend to deny that they have been abused.

GREEN or EMERALD GREEN. These are cat altars. They still see themselves as belonging to the cult family, and deny that they have been abused to protect their cult family.

DARK EMERALD GREEN. This colour is assigned to the Antichrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult colour for Satan and is the most sacred colour. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other colour.

LIGHT GREEN. The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in sets of three.

BLUE ALTERS. Clones, armies and the ribbons have blue coding. These alters will go so far as to hurt the body to protect it from leaking information or deprogramming.

WHITE. ‘These are Atlantean alters who have been given Aryan race teachings to think they are superior. They believe in genetic engineering, and a master race.

ORANGE. These special protector alters are scouts who warn of danger from internal or external threats.

YELLOW. These are the strong Christian alters of which there will only be a few in the System. They help serve as a balancing point to control the System as well as to hide what the System is all about. PINK. These are core related alters. They maintain the true feelings of the true self apart from the cult programming and the cult family’s programming. These alters are viewed as weak because they are emotional and often break down and weep. They are fragile emotionally. They are also vulnerable front alters, usually inducing depression or some other kind of trauma-based freeze.

An alternative colour scheme that is used: WHITE. The internal programmers who come around in white robes get this colour assigned to them, as if they are doctors or angels of light.

RED. Sexual alters are given the natural colour of sex and arousal red.

BLACK. Connecting alters that are Nexus alters between various system parts.

PINK. Reporting alters.

DARK BLUE. Non hierarchy cult alters.

LIGHT BLUE. Alters in charge of the way the system runs, such as the judges.

YELLOW. Alters which are ritually and sexually twinned with alters of other systems.

ORANGE. Guard alters which are heavily programmed for obedience.

VIOLET-PURPLE. Front alters and small child alters placed into boxes.

CLEAR. Shell alters to deceive the outside world.

GOLD. The traumatized alters upon which the programming is built on. Cult Parts-participate in cult activities, and maintain the secrecy of the cult.
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Dec 1, 2019
Tarot Garden
Niki de Saint Phalle was inspired by Bomarzo for her Tarot Garden, Giardino dei Tarocchi. Rothschilds have taken her works as the wine label. They have professional artists create their wine labels.

In the first picture, the serpent is offering Eve a bottle of Rothschild wine. It also refers to the "Niki-object."
"From the sun to the plate, taking in a sensual mouth and an outstretched hand, Niki de Saint Phalle’s composition for Mouton is a sparkling, festive allegory of the pleasures of the table. And then, running across the painting, there is the “Niki-object”, springing from a story as old as the world itself: the serpent tempter. But instead of the traditional apple, this serpent, more wine-loving than malign, is offering Eve a bottle … of Mouton Rothschild 1997 no doubt!"

Tarot Garden (1974–1998)
In 1976, she retreated to the Swiss Alps to refine her plans for the sculpture park.[51] In 1977 Ricardo Menon, an Argentinian, became her assistant; he would work closely with her until 1986.[13][78]

In 1977, she worked with the English writer Constantin Mulgrave to design sets for The Traveling Companion, based on a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, but the project was never completed.[51] She and Mulgrave lived together for around four years, but Tinguely remained a continually reappearing presence in her life.[24]: 101–103

In 1977, she also visited Mexico and New Mexico, in search of more extensive artistic inspirations.[51]

In 1978, Saint Phalle started to lay out her sculpture garden in an abandoned quarry in Garavicchio, Tuscany, about 100 kilometres (62 mi) north-west of Rome near the west coast of the Italian peninsula. The following year, sites were cleared, and foundations were established.[73]

In 1979, she produced the first of what would become a new series of sculptures, the Skinnies. These were flat, planar, see-through outlines of heads and figures, highlighted by patches of color. In some ways, they resembled her colorful sketches and drawings but scaled up to monumental size. The series also symbolized Saint Phalle's struggles against emphysema and illness.[79] She continued to produce her Nanas in addition to her new style of sculpture,[13] and both styles of figures would appear in her Tarot Garden project.

In 1980, Saint Phalle and her team began to build the first architectural sculpture in the garden. As the project progressed, Saint Phalle started taking lessons in the Italian language, to better communicate with local workers.[20] The second crew member she hired was Ugo Celletti, a 50-year-old part-time postal delivery man, who discovered a love for mosaic work on the project.[20][80] He would work on the project for 36 years and recruit his nephews to join in; some family members are still involved in maintaining the site.[81][80]

She invited artist friends from Argentina, Scotland, Holland, and France to help work on the sculptures.[20] Over time, Saint Phalle worked with dozens of people, including architects, ceramicists, ironworkers, bricklayers, painters, and mosaic artists.[82] The materials used in the Tarot Garden project would include steel, iron, cement, polyester, ceramic, mosaic glass, mirrors, and polished stones (which she called "M&M's").[12]

The structure of the more massive sculptures was very similar to the temporary Hon installation at the Moderna Museet in 1966, but this time the artworks were outdoors and needed to withstand the long-term weathering effects of sun and rain. The basic shape of the sculptures was established with frameworks made of welded steel rebar. A second layer of lighter-gauge steel reinforcement bars was added, followed by two layers of expanded metal. A specialist firm was then brought in to spray shotcrete onto the structure. A layer of tar for waterproofing and a final layer of white cement produced a sturdy, hollow structure ready for decoration.[73]

In 1980, she also began selling a series of polyester snake chairs, vases, and lamps.[13] That year, she recorded her first attack of rheumatoid arthritis, a painful disease affecting the joints of the skeleton.[13]

In 1980–1981, she designed a colorful paint scheme for a Piper Aerostar 602 P twin-engine airplane, which participated in the first trans-Atlantic race sponsored by the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation of Amsterdam.[13] As an act of playful rebellion against the cigarette manufacturer sponsor, she added a "No Smoking" sign visible on the belly of the plane (she was allergic to tobacco smoke).[83]

In 1981, Saint Phalle rented a small house near the Tarot Garden and hired young people from Garavicchio to help with construction of the garden. Jean Tinguely led a Swiss team, comprising Seppi Imhoff and Rico Weber, and started welding the frames of the sculptures.[51] The following year, Dutch artist Doc Winsen (also called "Dok van Winsen") took up the welding operations.[13]

In 1982, Saint Phalle developed and marketed an eponymous perfume, using the proceeds to help finance her project.[28][27][13][84] The perfume bottle top featured a small sculpture of two intertwined snakes, one golden and the other brightly multicolored.[85] This was one of the first of what came to be called celebrity perfumes, using fame and name recognition to sell scented products.[2] She may have raised as much as a third of the funds she needed for the garden in this way.[20] She actively solicited funding from friends and acquaintances, as well as by selling her artworks.[20]

In August 1982, Saint Phalle was honored at the Street Festival of the Arts in New York City.[86] Later that year, Saint Phalle collaborated with Tinguely to produce the Stravinsky Fountain, a 15-piece sculptural fountain for Igor Stravinsky Square, located next to the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. Because of its prominent location in Paris, it would become one of the best-known collaborations between the two artists.

From 1983 until 1988 when on site,[73] Saint Phalle lived in a small apartment built into The Empress, a house-sized sphinx-like sculpture in the garden. On the second level, her bedroom was inside one breast, and her kitchen was inside the other one.[20][84] Each of these two rooms had a single recessed circular window, appearing as an inverted nipple when viewed from the outside.[87] In 2000, she would recall: "At last, my lifelong wish to live inside a sculpture was going to be granted: a space entirely made out of undulating curves ... I wanted to invent a new mother, a mother goddess, and be reborn within its form ... I would sleep in one breast. In the other, I would put my kitchen".[47]


Apr 6, 2018
Comme ils repassent Mr. Robot à la télé:
Tout d'abord le ~héro Elliot est un hackeur qui c'est lui même hacker le cerveau. Parmi les personnalités qu'il a créé, il a Elliot (le vrai Elliott est Mr. Robot). L'ensemble de ses personnalités se divisent, aux différents Dieux du cycles. C'elle de sa soeur, étant encore vivante, et c'elle qu'il reverra en redevenant conscient, c'est sans doute, elle qui représente la dernière personnalité. Normalement, la fenêtre est lié, à la lumière du soleil. Mais comme dans la Franc-Maçonnerie, là, étant donner qu'elle représente Lucifer, elle est l'étoile de Venus. Il fait aussi référence à de la drogue, de la sexualité. Certains font références au projet MK-Ultra, est aussi souligné, au moment du mariage, lorsque les invités sont divisés, entre les Hommes avec leur costume et leur noeud papillon (symbole du sablier, symbole associable à l'Antichrist). Les filles sont elles habillés d'une robe rouge:
RED. Sexual alters are given the natural colour of sex and arousal red.
Tous portant, un masque venant de la BD, V de Vendetta, dont le film, faisait aussi référence, au symbole MK-Ultra, politique...
Elliott va dans son imaginaire, se marié, avec sa bien aimée, qui est morte avant, dans une robe blanche. Elle représente, Lucifer comme sa soeur, il a différentes références, à la fin de la première saison, (si je me trompe pas). Eliott va voir, la tombe de son père. Il voit alors Mr. Robot, à la place de la tombe de son père, une tombe, devant un obélisque, qui représente le Phallus, symbole de l'Antichrist. Sa petite amie arrive en courant avec sa soeur, à côté, d'un énorme arbre. Au mariage, (qui se déroule sur la plage (symbole de Lucifer), en face de la mer (symbole de Satan), représentant la résurrection et le mariage, pour donner naissance, à Dieu. Sachant qu'inversement les parents d'Eliott et sa soeur sont Dieu et Satan. Au mariage, il voit, qu'elle s'enfuit et la poursuit, jusqu'à qu'ils s'arrêtent, dans le parc d'attraction (représentatif, du serpent, aussi bien par les manèges, que la grande roue, représentant le cycle). Symbole principalement de Lucifer et de l'Antichrist, le serpent. La tenue de marié est utilisée, dans un rituel où ils habillent, dans les Illuminatis, une jeune fille (je ne sais plus si je l'ai déjà marqué, mais, il est possible de faire référence à l'Inde, qui dans un village, sélectionne, une gamine pour représenté la Déesse, qu'il pense, qu'elle se réincarnera. Elle s'arrête comme Elliott devant le graphisme du logo du parc d'attraction, qui représente, la première marionnette Américaine, qui sert à invoquer, les esprits. Toute cette partie, ce déroule, dans son rêve, ce qui fait pensé au compte de Blanche Neige, où elle meurt (comme sa petite amie), après avoir manger la pomme empoisonner (elle est morte, par le directeur du groupe, qui a tué son père, comme le père d'Elliott est mort, à cause de cette entreprise) et épouse (même si, là non), son prince charmant (qui est l'Antichrist).
A la toute fin, il finit par son oeil droit, qui pleure; deux symboles de l'Antichrist.

Petite aparté, lorsqu'il va avec son père au cinéma. Le décor fut utilisé dans un clip KPop, comme une salle de jeu (rappelant la salle d'arcade, des hackeurs). Le clip est Candy de Baekhyun. Il ferait aussi référence, aux centres MK-Ultra, à cause, du grand terrain de squate board.

Note importante: il chute, par la fenêtre, en hiver. Hors, l'Antichrist représente aussi, la chute de la lumière, en automne. Alors qu'il fait beau, quand c'est lui qui pousse son père par la fenêtre.

As they replay Mr. Robot on TV:
First of all the ~hero Elliot is a hacker who hacks the brain himself. Among the personalities he created, he has Elliot (the real Elliott is Mr. Robot). All of his personalities are divided into the different Gods of the cycles. She from his sister, being still alive, and she whom he will see again when he becomes conscious again, it is doubtless, she who represents the last personality. Normally, the window is bound, with sunlight. But like in Freemasonry, there, being that she represents Lucifer, she is the star of Venus. It also refers to drugs, sexuality. Some refer to the MK-Ultra project, is also underlined, at the time of the wedding, when the guests are divided between the Men with their suits and their bow ties (hourglass symbol, symbol associated with the Antichrist). The girls are dressed in a red dress:
RED. Sexual alters are given the natural colour of sex and arousal red.
All wearing a mask from the comic book, V de Vendetta, whose film also referred to the MK-Ultra symbol, politics...
Elliott goes in his imagination, married, with his beloved, who died before, in a white dress. She represents, Lucifer as his sister, he has different references, at the end of the first season, (if I'm not mistaken). Eliott goes to see his father's grave. He then sees Mr. Robot, in place of his father's tomb, a tomb, in front of an obelisk, which represents the Phallus, symbol of the Antichrist. His girlfriend comes running with her sister, next to a huge tree. At the wedding, (which takes place on the beach (symbol of Lucifer), in front of the sea (symbol of Satan), representing the resurrection and the marriage, to give birth, to God. Knowing that conversely the parents of Eliott and his sister are God and Satan. At the wedding, he sees, that she runs away and pursues her, until they stop, in the amusement park (representative, of the snake, both by the rides, that the big wheel, representing the cycle). Symbol mainly of Lucifer and the Antichrist, the serpent. The groom's outfit is used, in a ritual where they dress, in the Illuminati, a young girl (I don't know more if I have already marked it, but, it is possible to refer to India, who in a village, selects, a girl to represent the Goddess, that he thinks, that she will reincarnate. stop like Elliott in front of the graphic design of the logo of the amusement park, which represents the first American puppet, which is used to invoke spirits. This part unfolds, in her dream, which brings to mind the account of Snow White, where she dies (like her girlfriend), after eating the poisoned apple (she died, by the director of the group, who killed his father, as Elliott's father died, because of this business).
At the very end, he ends up with his right eye, which is crying; two symbols of the Antichrist.

Small aside, when he goes with his father to the cinema. The decor was used in a KPop clip, as a game room (reminiscent of the arcade room, hackers). The music video is Baekhyun's Candy. He would also refer to the MK-Ultra centers because of the large squat board terrain.

Important note: it falls, through the window, in winter. Outside, the Antichrist also represents the fall of light, in autumn. While the weather is fine, when he is the one who pushes his father out the window.
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Jan 29, 2018
Comme ils repassent Mr. Robot à la télé:
Tout d'abord le ~héro Elliot est un hackeur qui c'est lui même hacker le cerveau. Parmi les personnalités qu'il a créé, il a Elliot (le vrai Elliott est Mr. Robot). L'ensemble de ses personnalités se divisent, aux différents Dieux du cycles. C'elle de sa soeur, étant encore vivante, et c'elle qu'il reverra en redevenant conscient, c'est sans doute, elle qui représente la dernière personnalité. Normalement, la fenêtre est lié, à la lumière du soleil. Mais comme dans la Franc-Maçonnerie, là, étant donner qu'elle représente Lucifer, elle est l'étoile de Venus. Il fait aussi référence à de la drogue, de la sexualité. Certains font références au projet MK-Ultra, est aussi souligné, au moment du mariage, lorsque les invités sont divisés, entre les Hommes avec leur costume et leur noeud papillon (symbole du sablier, symbole associable à l'Antichrist). Les filles sont elles habillés d'une robe rouge:
Tous portant, un masque venant de la BD, V de Vendetta, dont le film, faisait aussi référence, au symbole MK-Ultra, politique...
Elliott va dans son imaginaire, se marié, avec sa bien aimée, qui est morte avant, dans une robe blanche. Elle représente, Lucifer comme sa soeur, il a différentes références, à la fin de la première saison, (si je me trompe pas). Eliott va voir, la tombe de son père. Il voit alors Mr. Robot, à la place de la tombe de son père, une tombe, devant un obélisque, qui représente le Phallus, symbole de l'Antichrist. Sa petite amie arrive en courant avec sa soeur, à côté, d'un énorme arbre. Au mariage, (qui se déroule sur la plage (symbole de Lucifer), en face de la mer (symbole de Satan), représentant la résurrection et le mariage, pour donner naissance, à Dieu. Sachant qu'inversement les parents d'Eliott et sa soeur sont Dieu et Satan. Au mariage, il voit, qu'elle s'enfuit et la poursuit, jusqu'à qu'ils s'arrêtent, dans le parc d'attraction (représentatif, du serpent, aussi bien par les manèges, que la grande roue, représentant le cycle). Symbole principalement de Lucifer et de l'Antichrist, le serpent. La tenue de marié est utilisée, dans un rituel où ils habillent, dans les Illuminatis, une jeune fille (je ne sais plus si je l'ai déjà marqué, mais, il est possible de faire référence à l'Inde, qui dans un village, sélectionne, une gamine pour représenté la Déesse, qu'il pense, qu'elle se réincarnera. Elle s'arrête comme Elliott devant le graphisme du logo du parc d'attraction, qui représente, la première marionnette Américaine, qui sert à invoquer, les esprits. Toute cette partie, ce déroule, dans son rêve, ce qui fait pensé au compte de Blanche Neige, où elle meurt (comme sa petite amie), après avoir manger la pomme empoisonner (elle est morte, par le directeur du groupe, qui a tué son père, comme le père d'Elliott est mort, à cause de cette entreprise) et épouse (même si, là non), son prince charmant (qui est l'Antichrist).
A la toute fin, il finit par son oeil droit, qui pleure; deux symboles de l'Antichrist.

Petite aparté, lorsqu'il va avec son père au cinéma. Le décor fut utilisé dans un clip KPop, comme une salle de jeu (rappelant la salle d'arcade, des hackeurs). Le clip est Candy de Baekhyun. Il ferait aussi référence, aux centres MK-Ultra, à cause, du grand terrain de squate board.

Note importante: il chute, par la fenêtre, en hiver. Hors, l'Antichrist représente aussi, la chute de la lumière, en automne. Alors qu'il fait beau, quand c'est lui qui pousse son père par la fenêtre.

As they replay Mr. Robot on TV:
First of all the ~hero Elliot is a hacker who hacks the brain himself. Among the personalities he created, he has Elliot (the real Elliott is Mr. Robot). All of his personalities are divided into the different Gods of the cycles. She from his sister, being still alive, and she whom he will see again when he becomes conscious again, it is doubtless, she who represents the last personality. Normally, the window is bound, with sunlight. But like in Freemasonry, there, being that she represents Lucifer, she is the star of Venus. It also refers to drugs, sexuality. Some refer to the MK-Ultra project, is also underlined, at the time of the wedding, when the guests are divided between the Men with their suits and their bow ties (hourglass symbol, symbol associated with the Antichrist). The girls are dressed in a red dress:

All wearing a mask from the comic book, V de Vendetta, whose film also referred to the MK-Ultra symbol, politics...
Elliott goes in his imagination, married, with his beloved, who died before, in a white dress. She represents, Lucifer as his sister, he has different references, at the end of the first season, (if I'm not mistaken). Eliott goes to see his father's grave. He then sees Mr. Robot, in place of his father's tomb, a tomb, in front of an obelisk, which represents the Phallus, symbol of the Antichrist. His girlfriend comes running with her sister, next to a huge tree. At the wedding, (which takes place on the beach (symbol of Lucifer), in front of the sea (symbol of Satan), representing the resurrection and the marriage, to give birth, to God. Knowing that conversely the parents of Eliott and his sister are God and Satan. At the wedding, he sees, that she runs away and pursues her, until they stop, in the amusement park (representative, of the snake, both by the rides, that the big wheel, representing the cycle). Symbol mainly of Lucifer and the Antichrist, the serpent. The groom's outfit is used, in a ritual where they dress, in the Illuminati, a young girl (I don't know more if I have already marked it, but, it is possible to refer to India, who in a village, selects, a girl to represent the Goddess, that he thinks, that she will reincarnate. stop like Elliott in front of the graphic design of the logo of the amusement park, which represents the first American puppet, which is used to invoke spirits. This part unfolds, in her dream, which brings to mind the account of Snow White, where she dies (like her girlfriend), after eating the poisoned apple (she died, by the director of the group, who killed his father, as Elliott's father died, because of this business).
At the very end, he ends up with his right eye, which is crying; two symbols of the Antichrist.

Small aside, when he goes with his father to the cinema. The decor was used in a KPop clip, as a game room (reminiscent of the arcade room, hackers). The music video is Baekhyun's Candy. He would also refer to the MK-Ultra centers because of the large squat board terrain.

Important note: it falls, through the window, in winter. Outside, the Antichrist also represents the fall of light, in autumn. While the weather is fine, when he is the one who pushes his father out the window.
Its a treat when Shuna posts!


Dec 1, 2019
Right eye — Sun side, acess to LEFT hemisphere, contious side.
Left eye — Moon side, acess to RIGHT hemisphere, subcontious.
Harry Potter
demonstrates Ether, the gas with light.

During my own PTS Integration I had seen Ether with my Third eye and them the memory has been restored.
View attachment 74571View attachment 74572View attachment 74573
More ETHER, how I see it with my Third eye vision
Alex Grey

I can see people likt that too. Two yeyes picture and that Third eye added. If I close my eyes I will see the Ether silouette -- this light silouette.
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (French: Nu descendant un escalier n° 2) is a 1912 painting by Marcel Duchamp. The work is widely regarded as a Modernist classic and has become one of the most famous of its time. Before its first presentation at the 1912 Salon des Indépendants in Paris it was rejected by the Cubists as being too Futurist. It was then exhibited with the Cubists at Galeries Dalmau's Exposició d'Art Cubista, in Barcelona, 20 April–10 May 1912.[1] The painting was subsequently shown, and ridiculed, at the 1913 Armory Show in New York City.

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 was reproduced by Guillaume Apollinaire in his 1913 book, Les Peintres Cubistes, Méditations Esthétiques. It is now in the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.[2]
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May 15, 2017
he is so right with that video
some people like example marinar a
is consider a very talented artist but I
don't see what she does in anyway to be
consider art and there are so many just like that
that are receiving the props of being an artist that
definitely is not even close

Not every work of art is artwork


Jan 29, 2018
More on Koons... hes better at hiding it with his dress/speech/mannerisms than many of his contemporaries but in the end, he pretty much exposes what hes about. Whats up with that music as well?


May 15, 2017
Your right he definitely hides it better than some eh
the Peoples someone chooses to work with also says a lot
of who they are specially if it's in a field where Ya can take or leave
and choose to do Your work elsewhere than with that person
