Canadians Unite

Feb 22, 2020
One of the organizers, Tamar Lich, has given a press conference this morning. She does explain that their lawyers and accountants are currently providing evidence to GoFundMe so they can release the suspension on the money raised:

Yes the same Tamara Lich that is an anti-Islamist, and is a part of an Albertan separatist party.

Great bunch of characters behind this "protest" which is really nothing more than a political stunt if you look beneath the surface.
Feb 22, 2020
Stating the obvious, I know--
But as MANY FISHERS points out in the video, below-- of course Elon Musk supports the truckers-- it's the perfect time to sell his Driverless Semis to the Government.
If you understand the broader GEOPOLITICAL game at play here (which unfortunately most of our forumers do not) then it should be no surprise that Elon Musk supports the Truckers and their "freedom march"

Musk has long been a closet supporter of the goals of the International FAscist agenda, so why should this be a surprise, when you realize that the "freedom march" is being lead and organized by Canadian Fascists, likely being helped by the fascists on the other side of the border. Why on earth are their Confederate and AMERICAN flags at these protests ?

and for all those who think that the Fascists will "stick it to the Davos crowd" and their 4IR agenda, well Musk is very much a part of that with his talks of artificial intelligence merging with man. Not to mention that one of the main financiers of the fascist agenda Robert Mercer, helped to create and promote forms of artificial intelligence.

People are too partisan to see the bigger picture as always.

I will tell you right now what is going to go down, I have a good track record of predicting these things. I predicted a Trump like figure would be elected in the US back in 2013.

These Fascists are being intentionally positioned as the "saviours" to all of this Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine mandaes. It is clear to the controllers that the fascists cannot gain widespread support through their traditional means of white supremacy, so they are being positioned to gain widespread support through other means.

The Vaccine scam I believe is designed to INTENTIONALLY unravel as people become fed up and they start to notice the correlations of deaths and serious side effects with those who have been vaccinated. The Liberal Democrats around the world have been set up to take the fall from all this and will bear the brunt of world wide anger, and thus ushering in Fascist governments and movement across Europe and North America. The pieces are already being positioned, and for those who cannot see it, you need to look harder.

The controllers WANT CHAOS, the controllers clearly want division, and they have been pushing CIVIL WAR, and mass unrest for a long time, and this is the perfect vehicle to bring those things to fruition.


Jun 28, 2020
Yes the same Tamara Lich that is an anti-Islamist, and is a part of an Albertan separatist party.

Great bunch of characters behind this "protest" which is really nothing more than a political stunt if you look beneath the surface.
Thanks to a 20 year media campaign, many who have never been introduced to Islam are "anti-Islamists". Seriously, we still have people today who don't know isis and all of its derivatives are proxy armies of the United States of Israel.

While at the same time, some of the most notorious anti-Islamists out there have embraced Islam. Such as Van Klaveren.

In summary don't attempt to smear people who are basically ignorant. For what its worth, i think you done massive damage to yourself by posting that msms garbage where the truckers are stealing from the homeless when the opposite is actually the reality in that they are feeding them.


Mar 19, 2018
If you know of anyone who's donated to GoFundMe for the truckers, you have until Saturday, February 19 to request a refund. In the thread, others have suggested that if you've charged it, request a charge back which means GFM will have to pay a fee.

They've set up another donation site at GiveSendGo. However, it does have the tendency to crash due to the number of people trying to donate to it:

Freedom Convoy 2022
Campaign Created by: Freedom 2022 Human Rights
I just wish people would learn from the past to NOT use gofundme. They've very openly discriminated against and censored other donations efforts that are outside their leftist guidelines. How many examples does it take to figure this out.

I also hope it's possible to sue their asses into oblivion for this. People donated assuming gofundme would honor their wishes. How can gofundme legally not return the money???
Feb 22, 2020
Thanks to a 20 year media campaign, many who have never been introduced to Islam are "anti-Islamists". Seriously, we still have people today who don't know isis and all of its derivatives are proxy armies of the United States of Israel.

While at the same time, some of the most notorious anti-Islamists out there have embraced Islam. Such as Van Klaveren.

In summary don't attempt to smear people who are basically ignorant. For what its worth, i think you done massive damage to yourself by posting that msms garbage where the truckers are stealing from the homeless when the opposite is actually the reality in that they are feeding them.
yeah they're just "ignorant" Sure believe that if you want. These people are POLITICAL OPERATIVES, they aren't just some run of the mill idiots who are too stupid to realize what they are doing.

So the people working at the soup kitchen that reported Truckers stealing food and harassing people were just lying ?

It's fucking hilarious how you guys are so willing to just ignore ANYTHING that contradicts your narrative and tell yourself its just MSM.

These people organizing the "freedom march" ARE anti-Islamic they ARE racist they ARE separatists, they ARE political operatives. You can't just wish it all away by playing that "MSM lies" bullshit that you always think just magically erases the truth.

Ask yourself why these people organized a similar event with Faith Goldy (Neo nazi who had JDL operatives as body gaurds) as one of the key speakers. This is all much bigger and intentionally coordinated than you have the ability to see.
Mar 30, 2017
I just wish people would learn from the past NOT to use gofundme. They've very openly discriminated against other conservative movements.
The organizers have said firm said this has nothing to do with partisan politics. The truckers convoy has to do with freedom and democracy.
Feb 22, 2020
The organizers have said firm said this has nothing to do with partisan politics. The truckers convoy has to do with freedom and democracy.
at least Lurking09 knows exactly what this is while you remain clueless or willfully ignorant

LMFAO Freedom and Democracy ? Yeah a bunch of Trump supporting wannabe fascists. Pat King one of the leaders of this movement is on video saying "only bullets will get what we want" and believing in White Genocide and that Islam is "invading Canada"

Yes Freedom and Democracy indeed.

the truth beyond the very superficial surface is that this is ENTIRELY ABOUT PARTISAN POLITICS. Why are you being so damn naive ?

I mean this wouldn't be the first time that evil people have taken up A NOBLE CAUSE to push a sinister agenda. Like where have you been ? Hiding under a rock ?
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Mar 30, 2017
but the truth beyond the very superficial surface is that this is ENTIRELY ABOUT PARTISAN POLITICS. Why are you being so damn naive ?
Because I'm not a low-level thinker, that's why. If you think that the Canadian Charter of Rights and the Canadian Bill of Rights being usurped by a so-called emergency for the past two years is something that's a partisan issue, that's on you. Add to it, Trudeau is making money off of every shot that is given and has purchased 10x the amount that there is of Canadians and don't see that a sheer conflict of interest, again, that's your issue.

Your emotional and myopic hyperbole on the convoy doesn't change that and doesn't seem to address any real issues I've stated above. As I've said to you before, feel free to see it that way, but I'm more interested in a mature and factual approach to this.
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May 18, 2018
If you understand the broader GEOPOLITICAL game at play here (which unfortunately most of our forumers do not) then it should be no surprise that Elon Musk supports the Truckers and their "freedom march"

Musk has long been a closet supporter of the goals of the International FAscist agenda, so why should this be a surprise, when you realize that the "freedom march" is being lead and organized by Canadian Fascists, likely being helped by the fascists on the other side of the border. Why on earth are their Confederate and AMERICAN flags at these protests ?

and for all those who think that the Fascists will "stick it to the Davos crowd" and their 4IR agenda, well Musk is very much a part of that with his talks of artificial intelligence merging with man. Not to mention that one of the main financiers of the fascist agenda Robert Mercer, helped to create and promote forms of artificial intelligence.

People are too partisan to see the bigger picture as always.

I will tell you right now what is going to go down, I have a good track record of predicting these things. I predicted a Trump like figure would be elected in the US back in 2013.

These Fascists are being intentionally positioned as the "saviours" to all of this Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine mandaes. It is clear to the controllers that the fascists cannot gain widespread support through their traditional means of white supremacy, so they are being positioned to gain widespread support through other means.

The Vaccine scam I believe is designed to INTENTIONALLY unravel as people become fed up and they start to notice the correlations of deaths and serious side effects with those who have been vaccinated. The Liberal Democrats around the world have been set up to take the fall from all this and will bear the brunt of world wide anger, and thus ushering in Fascist governments and movement across Europe and North America. The pieces are already being positioned, and for those who cannot see it, you need to look harder.

The controllers WANT CHAOS, the controllers clearly want division, and they have been pushing CIVIL WAR, and mass unrest for a long time, and this is the perfect vehicle to bring those things to fruition.
You literally just copy and pasted the same things you say about every movement your lefty controllers told you not to like. Your a goddamn moron, but the fact that you support BLM makes you a parody
Feb 22, 2020
You literally just copy and pasted the same things you say about every movement your lefty controllers told you not to like. Your a goddamn moron, but the fact that you support BLM makes you a parody
another low IQ fascist who just IGNORES facts that you dont like


Its clear who the people organizing this event are. Its pretty much undisputed, and hilarious how you all think it doesn't matter that a bunch of fascists and clowns believing in "white genocide" are behind it.

Of course you have no problem with this and are invested with your silly game of "nothing to see here, just MSM smears"

any rational thinker who isn't under the spell of fascist propaganda would at least acknowledge that the actors behind this are very suspect. I haven't even seen that which shows how clueless and down the rabbit hole of insanity many people on this forum are.
May 18, 2018
another low IQ fascist who just IGNORES facts that you dont like


Its clear who the people organizing this event are. Its pretty much undisputed, and hilarious how you all think it doesn't matter that a bunch of fascists and clowns believing in "white genocide" are behind it.

Of course you have no problem with this and are invested with your silly game of "nothing to see here, just MSM smears"

any rational thinker who isn't under the spell of fascist propaganda would at least acknowledge that the actors behind this are very suspect. I haven't even seen that which shows how clueless and down the rabbit hole of insanity many people on this forum are.
Random facts that you’ve tried to pull together into a narrative that doesn’t exist. Tbh I don’t care if someone there is an Alberta separatist. Why does that matter? You’re grasping at straws like crazy to try to justify to yourself a prejudgment that’s you made based on your brainedmelted partisan takes, even bringing up trump lol. I’m not suprised, it’s consistent with the fact that you support movements the msm supports and are against ones they aren’t, then try to rationalize it with someone is an Alberta separatist. Retard, your government revoked all your rights 2 years ago, and they are now thinking about giving them back now that people are doing something about it. but you support the government taking away your rights because you are scared of breathing air. Retard, you are a literal joke, it’s amazing to think you aren’t someone pretending to be a leftist retard for laughs.
Feb 22, 2020
Because I'm not a low-level thinker, that's why. If you think that the Canadian Charter of Rights and the Canadian Bill of Rights being usurped by a so-called emergency is partisan politics for the past two years is something that's a partisan issue, that's on you. Add to it, Trudeau is making money off of every shot that is given and has purchased 10x the amount that there is of Canadians and don't see that a sheer conflict of interest, again, that's your issue.

Your emotional and myopic hyperbole on the convoy doesn't change that and doesn't seem to address any real issues I've stated above. As I've said to you before, feel free to see it that way, but I'm more interested in a mature and factual approach to this.
what does any of this have to do with THE FACT that the so called "freedom convoy" is being organized and controlled by fascists who are political operatives ? You keep wanting to ignore this fact.

You know you can be against the vaccine mandates, and at the same time be suspicious of the people organizing the "freedom march" and their motives for doing so.

Its like you guys lack nuance and sophistication. Everything isn't either black or white, there is plenty of grey area, which you cannot seem to grasp. So basically that does make you a "low level thinker" because the elites controlling all of these movements need people who can't really think outside the box but just fall for their "teams" propaganda hook line and sinker.
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Feb 22, 2020
Random facts that you’ve tried to pull together into a narrative that doesn’t exist. Tbh I don’t care if someone there is an Alberta separatist. Why does that matter? You’re grasping at straws like crazy to try to justify to yourself a prejudgment that’s you made based on your brainedmelted partisan takes, even bringing up trump lol. I’m not suprised, it’s consistent with the fact that you support movements the msm supports and are against ones they aren’t, then try to rationalize it with someone is an Alberta separatist. Retard, your government revoked all your rights 2 years ago, and they are now thinking about giving them back now that people are doing something about it. but you support the government taking away your rights because you are scared of breathing air. Retard, you are a literal joke, it’s amazing to think you aren’t someone pretending to be a leftist retard for laughs.
you dont care if someone in Alberta is a separatist ?

Yet you've gone on for years about Antifa and BLM, blaming them for "division"

But seceeding from a country isn't division, and you don't care about that ?

You are a hypocritcal fascist clown. Anybody who buys your cheap tricks is a fool. You are such an unsophisticated political propagandist who just follows the script of the Tucker Carlson's of this world. You've just taken it further to the Neo Nazi level, but you are all just the same.

the MSM on your side IS SUPPORTING this movement by the way. You still haven't figured out that Fox News and their Canadian equivalent Rebel Media, both who support this are MSM, and you basically follow their talking points with everything you say.

Heck even the Conservative party in Canada support this "freedom convoy" and they just sacked their leader because he refused to do so. But yeah its so "anti-establishment" when MSM in both US and Canada support it and when the opposition party leader (CAndice Bergen) is taking pictures with the Truckers.

why is she wearing a "Make America Great again" hat WTF does this have to do with Canada ? No international Fascist conspiracy right.

You are too stupid as a fascist to see the bigger picture. I aint' talking to you.

I'm hoping there are intelligent enough people on this forum to converse with.
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May 18, 2018
you dont care if someone in Alberta is a separatist ?

Yet you've gone on for years about Antifa and BLM, blaming them for "division"

But seceeding from a country isn't division, and you don't care about that ?

You are a hypocritcal fascist clown. Anybody who buys your cheap tricks is a fool. You are such an unsophisticated political propagandist who just follows the script of the Tucker Carlson's of this world. You've just taken it further to the Neo Nazi level, but you are all just the same.

the MSM on your side IS SUPPORTING this movement by the way. You still haven't figured out that Fox News and their Canadian equivalent Rebel Media, both who support this are MSM, and you basically follow their talking points with everything you say.

Heck even the Conservative party in Canada support this "freedom convoy" and they just sacked their leader because he refused to do so. But yeah its so "anti-establishment" when MSM in both US and Canada support it and when the opposition party leader (CAndice Bergen) is taking pictures with the Truckers.

why is she wearing a "Make America Great again" hat WTF does this have to do with Canada ? No international Fascist conspiracy right.

You are too stupid as a fascist to see the bigger picture. I aint' talking to you.

I'm hoping there are intelligent enough people on this forum to converse with.
this protest was organized by the truckers, not this random person you fixated on.


Jun 28, 2020
These people organizing the "freedom march" ARE anti-Islamic they ARE racist they ARE separatists, they ARE political operatives. You can't just wish it all away by playing that "MSM lies" bullshit that you always think just magically erases the truth.
Here is the problem. Edward Bernays Propaganda 101.

The ruling class know they can't challenge the people. The know full well the power lies with the people. So they instantly go into the divide and conquer. Did you not think it strange from day one Trudeau came out saying these people are racist? Islamaphobic? rada rada rada?

How can you not see what is more obvious then the nose on your very face?


Its about DIVISION. Its about us verses them. Its not about ...the protestors are racists, transphobic, lgbt qxy zed.

If you want to get drunk on msm talking points then do it alone. End of the day its us against those who seek to rule us.
The 0.001% that have amassed 90% of the worlds wealth leaving us to fight over the scraps from their table.

And what do they want? George Carlton said it best. They want MORE!

STOP.... recognize who your enemy actually is. We both know they aren't racist but lets play devils advocate and say they are. They are fighting for YOUR RIGHTS so who gives a damn what they believe?

Turn off the god damn tv.
Feb 22, 2020
this protest was organized by the truckers, not this random person you fixated on.
but that isn't true. Just because you believe or spout lies does not make it truth.

a political party right wing racist separatist organized the funding.

and as I pointed out earlier. They've organized these rallies before. You are so pathetic the way you ignore reality.

the same people who organized "freedom convoy" organized "united we roll" back in 2019. Same exact people.

Tamara Lich, the main speaker at a protest media briefing in Ottawa Thursday afternoon, is one of the organizers of the controversial and currently frozen GoFundMe campaign that has raised more than $10-million for the demonstration. Lich was also involved with the Canadian “Yellow Vest” protests and the smaller “United We Roll” truckers’ protest convoy of 2019.

The Saskatchewan native was living in Medicine Hat when she became politically active three years ago with Wexit, which later merged into the Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta. When Lich and her husband moved to Manitoba, she left Wildrose and joined the fringe and fledgling Maverick Party as an original member of its governing council

But Lich is also on the radar of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which has flagged her association with the “Yellow Vest” movement and her support of the anti-Muslim Clarion Project.

I'm convinced that you and others simply aren't interested in the truth (which is what I thought conspiracy forums were about) you are stuck on pushing a narrative and hide from and dismiss and deny anything that counters your narrative.

Basically you are no different than MSM.
May 18, 2018
but that isn't true. Just because you believe or spout lies does not make it truth.

a political party right wing racist separatist organized the funding.

and as I pointed out earlier. They've organized these rallies before. You are so pathetic the way you ignore reality.

the same people who organized "freedom convoy" organized "united we roll" back in 2019. Same exact people.

Tamara Lich, the main speaker at a protest media briefing in Ottawa Thursday afternoon, is one of the organizers of the controversial and currently frozen GoFundMe campaign that has raised more than $10-million for the demonstration. Lich was also involved with the Canadian “Yellow Vest” protests and the smaller “United We Roll” truckers’ protest convoy of 2019.

The Saskatchewan native was living in Medicine Hat when she became politically active three years ago with Wexit, which later merged into the Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta. When Lich and her husband moved to Manitoba, she left Wildrose and joined the fringe and fledgling Maverick Party as an original member of its governing council

But Lich is also on the radar of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which has flagged her association with the “Yellow Vest” movement and her support of the anti-Muslim Clarion Project.

I'm convinced that you and others simply aren't interested in the truth (which is what I thought conspiracy forums were about) you are stuck on pushing a narrative and hide from and dismiss and deny anything that counters your narrative.

Basically you are no different than MSM.
That said she put up the gofundme page. None of that money went to help the protest. So she did nothing. Again, this protest was organized by the truckers, these random people you are fixated on to try to justify to yourself why you dont support a protest with a clear and simple goal of ending fascistic mandates, when the real reason is your brain is melted by partisan politics.


Jun 28, 2020
I just wish people would learn from the past to NOT use gofundme. They've very openly discriminated against and censored other donations efforts that are outside their leftist guidelines. How many examples does it take to figure this out.

I also hope it's possible to sue their asses into oblivion for this. People donated assuming gofundme would honor their wishes. How can gofundme legally not return the money???
They've always been corrupt. With all of the false flags and people getting rich from them, many i know refer to the company as gofraudme. I do hope with this latest event they go bankrupt.

Far as legalities go, the entire system is corrupt. From the top to bottom people are routinely bought off, threatened and blackmailed.
The so called elite are above the law and won't know what justice is until they meet the One whose the most severe in punishment.