Canadians Unite


Mar 18, 2017
Being a Canadian I'm going to offer a different perspective that I know many are not going to want to hear, but this supposedly being a place where we go to the truth, no matter where it leads, I think this is important.

First off I want to state that I support the protest of ordinary citizens and I truly hope that this protest does indeed bring down the Vaccine Mandates. So I am thankful for the people getting involved to make this happen. Those with truly good intentions that is.


we cannot be so naive to think that this protest is not at the very least being hijacked, or even worse was organized from the beginning by dark forces pursuing an agenda which goes WAY beyond ending Covid Mandates.

When you look at who is in charge of the Gofundme page and who is organizing this protest it becomes clear that there is a far right wing political agenda that was alive before Covid even existed.

The organizers of this event organized a similar UNITED WE ROLL march (or drive) on Ottawa back in 2019. The woman named on the GoFundme page is Tamara Lich who was a part of the YellowVest Movement Canada who organized Untied we Roll and she is now a member of the Maverick Party (Canadaian fringe federal political party which wants Western Canada to seperate) WEXIT is their movement.

The United we Roll was supposedly disenfranchized oil workers from Alberta but the event turned out to be just a far right wing event with Neo Nazi and ex Rebel media propogandist Faith Goldy speaking.

Its important to note that Rebel Media run by zionist Ezra Levant was supportive of the YellowVestCanada movement (even selling yellowvests on their website) and the United we Roll as well as the Freedom Convoy.

One of the main promoters of the Freedom convoy is Pat King another Yellow Vest movement guy who has promoted tons of anti-Islam and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

here is an article breaking down the organizers of this Freedom Convoy


This protest is being run an organized by

Yellow Vest Movement
Western Canada seperatists
far right groups

this is their second (drive down to Ottawa protest) with United we Roll the first

We can all hope the vaccine mandates end because of this, but we have to ask ourselves WHAT IS THE END GOAL OF THESE PEOPLE.

Their agenda clearly HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID MANDATES, as they were organizing and protesting and driving down to Ottawa in 2019 well before Covid existed, and I think its fair to say that they are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They are simply using this Covid situation, like they tried to exploit the grievances of Alberta oil workers as a cover for their true agenda.

So while people cheer and appreciate some of the good that might come from this, I'm looking at the much bigger picture and knowing how the elites operate with their dialectical means, and controlling opposite sides of a conflict I am very skeptical.
Not Canadian (obviously) but I hear you and iam accommodating of your perspective. Everyone is just nervous that the whole thing will be derailed.

Yes, these people aren’t perfect but it’s also important to keep in mind that everyone has a past that can and will be used against them. This is war, afterall, and when the “people” make a move obviously the opposing side is going to make one aswell. Iam actually 100% willing to believe the Canadian mov’t to be organic but I extend caution to the trucker mov’t that has suddenly spread to other countries.

Something in your posts struck me though. The idea that she (Tamara) is an Albertan Separatist is being used to discredit her. Iam curious…what will you (or those espousing this) actually say when it’s America’s turn and secessionists are all of a sudden at the forefront? Or for that matter, secessionist movements (especially in Europe) are energized?

The end goal is World Government. We should just keep our eyes open to that…whether its through burnt-down governments or balkanized city-states that were formerly part of federal nations (Agenda 2050)…TPTB want that at all costs and will take any and every route that gets them there…..simply adapting themselves to how any situation develops.

That said, i just saw this:
"....they are significant in light of a concept called the “3.5 percent rule” for social change. The idea comes from Harvard political scientist Erica Chenoweth who, after studying hundreds of demonstrations across the 20th century, found that if at least 3.5 percent of a nation’s population actively participates in nonviolent protest, they are likely to achieve serious political change. Her theory is so influential, in fact, the controversial climate activist group Extinction Rebellion cites this figure in their mission statement."~ Source


Jun 28, 2020
Just to muddy the waters i guess. Allegedly some cops were caught with explosives. No way to know if the video itself is faked, but its damaging if its real. While i seen several comments saying its fake, I'll let you decide and simply say idk.

It is wierd the "American" says he is exercising his 2nd amendment. I do not think there is a person in this entire nation that doens't know the 1st amendment is the right to free speech and 2nd is the right to bear arms (guns). I guess he could have been nervous?

For what its worth we know agent provacatours and large protests go together like bread and butter.


Jun 28, 2020
Oct 20, 2021
Call me paranoid but am getting some deja vu here. Remember how January 6 2021 happened and then the ultimate results? Bring everyone together and then attack all those that came and then persecute all involved. MSM lying about everything as usual.
Feb 22, 2020
Not Canadian (obviously) but I hear you and iam accommodating of your perspective. Everyone is just nervous that the whole thing will be derailed.

Yes, these people aren’t perfect but it’s also important to keep in mind that everyone has a past that can and will be used against them. This is war, afterall, and when the “people” make a move obviously the opposing side is going to make one aswell. Iam actually 100% willing to believe the Canadian mov’t to be organic but I extend caution to the trucker mov’t that has suddenly spread to other countries.

Something in your posts struck me though. The idea that she (Tamara) is an Albertan Separatist is being used to discredit her. Iam curious…what will you (or those espousing this) actually say when it’s America’s turn and secessionists are all of a sudden at the forefront? Or for that matter, secessionist movements (especially in Europe) are energized?

The end goal is World Government. We should just keep our eyes open to that…whether its through burnt-down governments or balkanized city-states that were formerly part of federal nations (Agenda 2050)…TPTB want that at all costs and will take any and every route that gets them there…..simply adapting themselves to how any situation develops.

That said, i just saw this:
"....they are significant in light of a concept called the “3.5 percent rule” for social change. The idea comes from Harvard political scientist Erica Chenoweth who, after studying hundreds of demonstrations across the 20th century, found that if at least 3.5 percent of a nation’s population actively participates in nonviolent protest, they are likely to achieve serious political change. Her theory is so influential, in fact, the controversial climate activist group Extinction Rebellion cites this figure in their mission statement."~ Source

Like I stated, which appears lost on many here.

I am glad the protests are happening, and I hope they accomplish something.

That shouldn't however make me naive as to the greater play at hand beyond the whole Covid mess, and I consider it due diligence to be on top of who these actors are, rather than just trusting them blindly.

As for your question of separatists, in the US as well. I'm completely against any of that. That is usually almost always elite driven to cause destabilization and chaos, and usually always to control resources as well.

Alberta is the oil part of Canada and produces much revenue for the federal government, so they have always floated these ideas.

The controllers are also trying to replicate a CULTURE WAR in Canada similar to the US, with Alberta essentially being the Texas of Canada (Both in terms of oil and culture)

My brother works in Alberta and they HATE Trudeau out there, (even well before any of his bullshit)
Feb 22, 2020
Just to muddy the waters i guess. Allegedly some cops were caught with explosives. No way to know if the video itself is faked, but its damaging if its real. While i seen several comments saying its fake, I'll let you decide and simply say idk.

It is wierd the "American" says he is exercising his 2nd amendment. I do not think there is a person in this entire nation that doens't know the 1st amendment is the right to free speech and 2nd is the right to bear arms (guns). I guess he could have been nervous?

For what its worth we know agent provacatours and large protests go together like bread and butter.
London Ontario is nowhere near Ottawa. The video doesn't even prove anything.

This is much ado about nothing.


Jun 28, 2020
London Ontario is nowhere near Ottawa. The video doesn't even prove anything.

This is much ado about nothing.
I wouldn't say 7 hrs away is that far. Aren't trucks back up for miles? From what I've seen its kinda nation wide. I think we both know protesters are in more Canadian cities then Ottawa.

That said, i shared the video so people could decide for themselves. I am not out to prove anything as idk myself. I'm a good 20 hours from Canada. Best i can do is speculate.