BTS discussion thread

Mar 1, 2021
Dang I never thought of it that way. That's incredibly sad. She mentioned in an American interview how people don't recognize that she's Thai just by looking at her. But the thing is L!sa is known for having an excessive amount of plastic surgery plus skin bleaching, and that's why she doesn't look Thai anymore. She was really cute with her original face too, not that she's not now but you know what I mean. Maybe her company is responsible for her changing looks...she doesn't look sea at all at this point.
She looks a lot different than she did at debut. Thais can look very different, some looking sea, others East Asian and some even mixed because it's a cultural crossroads. The idol from NYC, ten, he's Thai but Chinese. There's also Bambam who's Thai. He went on a show and the hosts had so much fun laughing at Ten's birth name. That's so ignorant but he laughed along. I heard that her members bullied her, but only one meant it to be mean.
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Sep 19, 2021
I shouldn't be staying for too long, I hope I can leave tomorrow. It is ridiculous becuz I am an adult, in fact for a few years now and both my parents are extremelyyy dysfunctional, in different, but very extreme ways. My mum is very very controlling, and doesn't really want me to go, plus due to her insane emotional attachment to me and taking everything personally, she literally has a breakdown or something if I wanna go early or just do something a little different than the rest of the family. It is toxic and unbearable. My father is simply silent and utterly detached from his emotions. Last week when it was xmas, and I was with them, and wanted to leave a day earlier, it triggered a literal catastrophe. It was like the worst xmas ever perhaps. And I cant sleep well when I am here. I hate the house, and area too. It is pure depression and a bit cut off from the next big town. I hope a lot I can leave tomorrow. These "festive" days were the hardest of the year and set my mental health back a lot. I am working my entire life to distance myself from my family in a way that wont trigger catastrophe, but it is really hard and I financially depend on them, and emotionally it is really complicated....
I try to ignore all the normal, healthy happy adults having an enjoyable, free NYE etc. , but it is especially on these kind of "festive" days, that personal crises and difficult circumstances are particularly highlighted, and it is like a painful reminder of all my trauma too, it all resurfaces during these days.
sorry for all the personal venting but I literally get into crisis mode when I am here. I am literally waiting for time to pass.
If only we all had nurturing, loving parents we'd all start life with an even playing field. Please take care of yourself first, you will find the solution to your problem. Hugs to you xx
Mar 1, 2021
People like him goes to prostitutes. And for me men who go there, are most of time loosers without any confidence inside them, with the need to proving that they can please too. But in a bad and disgusting way. And of course you've got monsters full of power and total nihilist who just love show their "force" to these poor women ( or men)
Those men are usually sickos or want power over women. Some can't get women and go to take care of their urges.