BTS discussion thread


Dec 25, 2021
Ikr! I've heard from multiple sources over the years that jk is a player. He's not monogamous nor pretends to be. M!j00 looked like she knew the terms and was fine with being a friend with benefits for a time and then moved tf on. This actress is crushing hard and in too deep. She'll get hurt if these rumors about him are true. But maybe she's in it for the clout. Who knows.
I heard it too from my friend in SK. Like he dates a lot of girls.


Jul 29, 2021
Ikr! I've heard from multiple sources over the years that jk is a player. He's not monogamous nor pretends to be. M!j00 looked like she knew the terms and was fine with being a friend with benefits for a time and then moved tf on. This actress is crushing hard and in too deep. She'll get hurt if these rumors about him are true. But maybe she's in it for the clout. Who knows.
Absolutely hun, you got men that are literally homeless on the street dogging women out left, right and centre, one of the most popular members of the biggest act in the world right now is going to stay faithful? Pull the other one lol, the boy is young, filthy filthy rich and handsome. He is knee deep in kitty lol, the actress is probably just one of a rotating roster. And with the stupid way she's moving, sis ain't getting upgraded to a main position anytime soon.


Oct 1, 2021
wow… your lives’ experiences shared in the previous posts are heart-breaking to read and difficult to digest…man honestly, wow

Disclaimer pt.2: What I am about to share will be based on my religious beliefs

To all current members, future members, and incognito visitors who went through any kind of abuse:

I am sorry for what you’ve been or are going through and for the consequences that came along with those shattered pieces. And, thank you so much for trusting us with your stories.

I am now speaking specifically to each one of you:

A time will come when you will feel and be free of those bondages from the past…
One step at a time and at your own pace, you will be able to face your thoughts without feeling angry, hurt, and ashamed…

Evil principalities and powers sent your way meant to cripple, steal, kill and destroy you shall serve a greater purpose and propel you even closer to your destiny and thus reveal who you truly are.
“Fearfully and wonderfully made” shall be your identity.
Where people have spoken curses over any areas of your life, I am speaking deliverance, healing, and restoration today.
Any curses meant to destroy your future and your descendants are broken in Jesus’s mighty name.
Any person or spirit that would come from any direction to challenge you by calling you a "liar", I rebuke them in the name of Jesus.
I am rebuking fear in the name of Jesus.
Love, joy, happiness, peace, and security shall cover you. Truth shall shield you. The fruits of the Spirit shall lead you in your journey to the right people and on the right paths.
You shall be anointed to be a light bearer. Your light shall dispel any darkness in the hearts of the broken-hearted caused by the destroyer.
Freedom shall come to you and to all who have been made captives of their own shadows.
No matter how embarrassed you might feel about your past or/and maybe present, God is able to use it in a way that will bring Glory to His name by bringing people to you to strengthen them through your testimony. In Jesus’s mighty name.

I believe that the courage that some of you had to share pieces of your stories wouldn’t have been possible in your own strengths alone and is proof that the process of healing has already begun in your lives.

It won’t be an easy journey at all and you will face diverse challenges but I am and will continue praying for you that God gives you strength and courage in this journey of healing and forgiveness (self or/and other people).
In the name of Jesus-Christ. Amen and Amen.

So, please y’all, don’t be so harsh on yourselves.
You are innocent. It is not your fault. Don’t rush the process. One step at a time and at your own pace.

Sending you lots of love <3


Oct 3, 2021
there was tea earlier that they do hook up with fans - so not surprised they are checking the crowds for their next hookup...ermmm victim!
You know we are laughing and all but.. imagine the amount of fans they took to their rituals, or to bring them to their superiors after using them for themselfs? Imagine these fans who thought they were important to be hooked by one of their favorite's members? And then they thought they would just be eating in a good and expensive restaurants, and then went to the hotel, persuaded that they were passed their best moments with the member in question... and then, the trap is here for them.

It's a good horror plot movie I know. But when you are aware of what they certainly do ( I still really hope it's by force if it's the case) we never know

( E Noch I already see you telling me that I am over thinking again but it's in my nature xD it could be very cool as problematic)


Oct 3, 2021
Does it matter if he is dating, has friends with benefits or even one nighters? I mean he is a grown arsed man! As long as its consensual- its none of our business right?
You are so right. The real question is did he has hidden scandals like Seungri about rapes ? That's fucking messed up and disgusting, but I don't dare to imagine the amount of idols who are still protected. And they aren't famous like BTS. So imagine for the biggest kpop group around the world?


Jun 23, 2021
This webtoons venture is a mess! "Took a year of convincing"..they mean gaslighting.
Karmies are not happy with the new project as we predicted. B*s are losing supporters day by day due to hype's greed and no new music. I believe this group is on it's last leg.
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Oct 20, 2018
Isnt another trick bcz their dear fandom boycutt them after the metaverse , to gain sympathy?!? . I dnt believe for one sec that the elites most beloved pawn this few years, woul let something like this happen. Specially that they're good at promoting everything. Isnt Sus that they sold their shares after the boycutt thing....
Didnt they sold their shares because the value went down?
Which reminds me I discussed this situation with my classmate because I wanted to know his opinion and also he is better at economy than me. His opinion was this (and I'm so ashamed that I didnt know this cuz I have been studying economy and economics for 4 fricking years *crying on the inside*). But basically lot of shareholders has this thing (I dont know how is this called in english) that basically when the prices of stocks go up and reach this certain price they will automatically sell such and such amount of the stocks. This amount of stocks that have been sold makes the price of stocks lesser. Now imagine lot of shareholders have this system set up on similar price = really big amount of stocks have been sold = the price of stocks goes drastically down.
The shareholders dont have this system set up only for high price but also when the price of stocks goes down and reaches this concrete low amount.
So lot of stocks have been sold suddenly = the price goes drastically down = even more stocks have been sold = the price goes even lower = more stocks have been sold etc.
He said that it happens often and that sometimes the companies even go bankrupt because of it.
In the video that have been shared here in which was this situation talked about was said that the value of h*be stocks have been nonstop going up and then it suddenly went down like this so it pretty well could be this situation. But there is also so much other possibilities.
My personal hot take was that they went overboard with (foreign) liabilities - somebody help me out please Google just gave me so much trouble when I was trying to find out how is it called in English and I dont even know if I translated it right :D
Which may sound weird but it's common practice for big companies to use lot of liabilities in order to pay less to shareholders. In some cases it's more favorable for company to take loans and pay the interests (and make their profit lesser because of that) than actually paying the full interest to their shareholders.
And sometimes it can just happen that you take so much loans that the value of the company goes so much down, shareholders found out and started selling their shares.

But yeah my classmate's theory sounds better (and I'm bitter about it af XD).
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Oct 20, 2018
Betees are at it again...webtoon series...which they've started doing in 2014...

Now, more than ever...with the metaverse...and together with the 2 other boy groups of H*be, coming this January, armees will be greeted and "led again" into the dark dungeons of stories involving hunters, vampires, and other evil characters...

"There's nothing new under the sun..."
-- The Book of Ecclesiastes

Ooooooh someone took inspiration from wattpad;)


Sep 18, 2021
M1joo was not unattractive at all. Kj proved he was more open minded because girls with short hair in sk are considered lesbians and feminists by the general public ( the ann san drama) and on top of that she had face tattoos.
Also I've noticed something whenever dating is brought up the fans always say "I hope the gf is pretty " which is so odd because that is so not important once you are a full grown adult


Oct 20, 2018
the way Jimin pushed Jin away , i guess he wasn't joking:

Jeez if I was at Jim's place I wouldn't be so patient. J*n is literally behaving like annoying bratty kid.
This behavior is the reason why I dont like children lol XD
(Though it kinda seems that he wasnt behaving like that just because he's brat but also because he wanted to ruin Jim's photoshoot so his would be better)


Oct 3, 2021
Ooooooh someone took inspiration from wattpad;)
Omg... I never thought they will doing something like this one day in their life. I hope the writer won't be put ambigous relationships contents between the members, because if it's the case, listen to me here, be prepared to avoid all platformes types. Forget yt, forget instagram, facebook, whatever the social medias. You should avoid it, because there will be another tons of weird and disgustings contents again, in fact, the fans will do their own version of 7fates, they will change the plot to their tastes, and it won't be pretty at all.
I don't even dare to imagine how tumblr will suffer xD with pictures and new fanfics of 7fates. Be prepare for 10 000 versions of this new future catastrophe