High watch times (discerning the season vs date setting)

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Right there will be total solar eclipse on the 6th day of Hanukkah in the claw of Scorpius over a path of Antarctica on dec 4.

In the last pic above the pyramides is the stinger of Scorpius.


I, Pet Goat II sure seems to date itself to this point in time.

So war coverage next ?
Honestly @TokiEl I have no idea what is next, or when, but I do believe we have arrived at a critical moment.


Dec 13, 2017
Honestly @TokiEl I have no idea what is next, or when, but I do believe we have arrived at a critical moment.
It might be that we are now in the events of the first seal... and so are awaiting the events of the second seal.

And that sounds like bloodshed to me.

The first seal seems to be world vaccination and so might be the mark of the beast.

For without vaccination there will be no buying and selling... or so it seems right.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The first seal seems to be world vaccination and so might be the mark of the beast.

For without vaccination there will be no buying and selling... or so it seems right.
If you believe the Tribulation has already begun, that would make the Jab the key candidate for the Mark (I get that), but I don’t think it has yet, I think we are in the “Birth Pains”

I personally feel that the Christian world has been offered the “Covid = Mark of the Beast” narrative precisely in order to run with it.

I know, because I did!*

*Just as the conspiracy world was seeded with the “Piz*agate” story in order to produce the “fake news” / Alt-Right attacks IMO.

The establishment will doubtless make use of Christian vaccine hesitancy to both begin persecuting the Church and also begin to psychologically “vaccinate” the general public from warnings about the actual Mark.

This was my best guess scenario as of a couple of weeks ago:-

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Dec 13, 2017
If you believe the Tribulation has already begun, that would make the Jab the key candidate for the Mark (I get that), but I don’t think it has yet, I think we are in the “Birth Pains”
When is the Tribulation supposed to begin ?

At the first seal or the second seal or the third or fourth etc etc...

How would we know when the Tribulation began ?

I personally feel that the Christian world has been offered the “Covid = Mark of the Beast” narrative precisely in order to run with it.
I don't feel that christians have been sold... the covid jab = the mark of the beast.

The covid jab has been sold as a vaccine... when it truly is not a vaccine.

It's gene therapy !

Therapy might sound good right but it means meddling with your genes !

Would you take it if they told you it would meddle with your genes ?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
From T.W. Tramm’s Facebook page:

HAS THERE EVER been a time like this?

Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine.

China is preparing to take Taiwan.

Israel is preparing for war with Iran.

The US is perceived as weak and averse to conflict.

The global supply chain is faltering.

Inflation is surging at a 40-year high.

Overheated housing and stock markets are riding massive bubbles.

One of the world’s largest property developers, Evergrande, is collapsing, raising concerns about financial contagion.

Murder and crime rates are spiking.

Racial and political divides are widening.

NASA is testing its capacity to divert asteroids on a collision course with Earth.

A pandemic is fueling a worldwide mental health crisis and conditioning the masses to submit to mandates.

Add to the above a marked ramping up of earthquakes, volcanism, and extreme weather, and we have all the ingredients for the Bible’s Tribulation period to begin.

It is significant that a global meltdown appears imminent at a time when economies and markets are soaring because Jesus says Judgment Day will arrive unexpectedly during a time of prosperity (Luke 17:26–29).

Furthermore, Scripture says “all these things” will happen within a generation from when Israel becomes a nation again (Matt. 24:32–34). Since modern Israel was born in 1948 and a biblical generation is 70–80 years, the expected timeframe for ALL the end-times events to occur is 2018–28.

No one knows the Day, but surely it is near.

. . .


Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns

Chinese Military At or Near Ability to Invade Taiwan, U.S. Agency Concludes

China vows to open fire on US troops that come to Taiwan’s aid

Israeli warplanes prepare for simulated attack on Iran

Evergrande has defaulted on its debt, Fitch Ratings says

Inflation Near 40-Year High Shocks Americans, Spooks Washington

'It's just crazy': 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records

Smash-and-grab thieves attack stores around the country

NASA Launches New Mission: Crash Into Asteroid, Defend Planet Earth

Surgeon General Warns of Youth Mental Health Crisis

How Governments Used the Pandemic to Normalize Surveillance

Pfizer CEO says fourth vaccine shot may be needed

Swarm of Earthquakes Jolts Seabed off the U.S. West Coast

At least 34 Killed in Indonesia Volcano Eruption

La Palma's 10-Week Eruption Continues; More canary Island Homes Under Threat

Kentucky Governor Says Up to 100 May Be Dead After Tornadoes Rip Through South, Midwest

*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:13). Do it today. Time is running out.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

A CALENDRICAL CONVERGENCE suggests the biblical year ahead may be eventful.

Here are ten reasons Nisan 1 is a pivotal date in 2022:


Nisan 1 this year marks the completion of seven Sabbatical weeks since the 1967 restoration of Jerusalem to the Jews. This is significant because Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy says Messiah will appear “seven weeks” after Jerusalem is restored:

“From the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks (Dan. 9:25).

The only modern restoration of Jerusalem occurred in June 1967 when the Jews took possession of the Holy City for the first time in nearly 2,000 years. Counting seven weeks from the start of the first Sabbatical week following Jerusalem’s 1967 restoration (Nisan 1973), we arrive at Nisan 2022.


Because Nisan 1 marks the completion of seven Sabbatical weeks, it also marks the start of a fiftieth year, a potential Jubilee (Lev. 25:8–10).

It is interesting to note that, because 2022 is a fiftieth year, this year’s Pentecost, or fiftieth day, represents a “fiftieth within a fiftieth,” a numeric concurrence denoting harvest and the fullness of time that occurs only twice a century.


Nisan 1 this year marks the completion of “seven” and “sixty-two” Sabbatical weeks since Jerusalem’s wall was rebuilt by Islamic ruler Suleiman. This is significant because Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy mentions specifically the wall surrounding Jerusalem being rebuilt:

“From the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall” (Dan. 9:25).

Suleiman ordered the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall in 1536–37 AD. Counting “seven” and “sixty-two” weeks from the start of the first Sabbatical week following the order to rebuild (Nisan 1539 AD), we arrive at Nisan 2022.


Nisan 1 this year marks seven years to the day since a total solar eclipse darkened the northernmost tip of the globe, the point where the longitudinal lines intersecting every nation and landmass converge.

Besides occurring on the biblical New Year, the Nisan eclipse coincided with the spring equinox. For perspective, a total solar eclipse occurs on the spring equinox only one other time during the roughly 750-year period spanning 1662 AD–2406 AD. Such an eclipse at the top of the globe, however, is said to happen only once every 100,000 years, making it unprecedented.

According to the Talmud, solar eclipses are a sign for the Gentile world. That the unprecedented Nisan eclipse occurred seven years ago is significant because God is known for giving a seven-year warning prior to bringing judgment (Gen. 7; 41; Josh. 6).


Nisan 1 this year marks the start of the eleventh Sabbatical week (2022–29) since Israel became a nation in 1948. The number eleven denotes chaos, disorder, and judgment in Scripture, themes associated with the Tribulation period.

The next Sabbatical cycle (2029–36) is the twelfth. The number twelve signifies God's authority and a perfect governmental foundation in Scripture, pointing to the establishment of Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom.

6. THE 354th WEEK

Nisan 1 this year marks the start of the 354th Sabbatical week since Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy began to be fulfilled when a group of Jews began the journey home to Jerusalem, from Babylon, on the first day of Nisan in 457 BC (Ezra 7:9).

The number 354 is significant for a couple of reasons. First, it is the number of days comprising the lunar year. Since the Moon is symbolic of the Church, or Bride of Christ, it could be said that 354 denotes the fullness of time related to the Bride.
Second, it is interesting to note that . . .

Strong’s #354 in the Hebrew concordance is the word ayyal, referring to a stag, or male deer.

Strong’s #354 in the Greek concordance is the word analémpsis, referring to a “taking up” into heaven.

That the Hebrew and Greek words related to the number 354 refer to a stag and a taking up to heaven is striking because one of the most profound rapture illustrations in the Bible depicts Jesus as a young stag who comes suddenly to gather up His beloved:

“The voice of my beloved!
Behold, he comes
Leaping upon the mountains,
Skipping upon the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
Behold, he stands behind our wall;
He is looking through the windows,
Gazing through the lattice.
My beloved spoke, and said to me:
‘Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away’” (Song 2:8–10).

While concurrences like the above do not carry the same weight as Scripture, they nonetheless give one pause. In the New Testament the word coincidence is used only once (Luke 10:31). It is translated from a Greek word, synkyria, which is defined as “a confluence that occurs by God’s providential arrangement of circumstances.”

That is to say, where God is concerned, there are no coincidences.

The following anniversaries are not, as the above, precisely linked to Nisan 1. However, they do occur within days or months of this pivotal date.


June 30 this year marks seven years since a once-in-two-millennia appearance of the “Bethlehem-Star,” the Jupiter–Venus conjunction that heralded Jesus’ first coming.

Could this dazzling and much publicized heavenly alignment have been a seven-year warning pointing to the return of Jesus?


2022 marks seven years since consecutive blood-moon eclipses occurred on the spring and fall harvest festivals, Passover and Tabernacles. Significantly, the Tabernacles eclipse was a “super blood moon,” a phenomenon in which the Moon’s proximity to Earth causes it to appear particularly large.

According to the Talmud, blood moons are a bad omen for Israel. Could the extra-large blood moon of 2015, visible above Jerusalem, have been the ultimate seven-year warning?


March 10 this year marks 73 years since the newly planted ‘fig tree,’ Israel, substantially enlarged its borders by prevailing in the first Arab-Israeli War. That same spring, the fledgling Jewish nation established its first government and was admitted to the UN Organization.

Israel’s growth spurt in spring 1949 is noteworthy because Jesus says the generation who sees the still tender fig branch “put forth leaves” will see all the end-times events come to pass (Matt. 24:32, 34).

A typical human lifespan in Scripture is 70–80 years (Ps. 90:10). Counting 80 years from 1949, we arrive at 2029. Subtracting seven years, the presumed length of the Tribulation period, we arrive at 2022.


2022 marks 1,335 years since the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine dedicated to Allah, was built on the Temple Mount in 687–88 AD. This is significant because in Daniel’s final vision of the end times, the setting up of an abomination that causes desolation is an important time-marker:

“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Dan. 12:11, 12).

In Daniel’s prophecies, a day typically represents a year (9:24–27). Counting 1,290 prophetic years from when the daily Temple sacrifice was taken away by Nebuchadnezzar in 586–85 BC, we arrive at 687–88 AD, the year the Dome of the Rock was set up. Counting forward 1,335 years from when the Dome of the Rock was set up, we arrive at 2022.


To sum up, the first day of Nisan in 2022 marks, precisely . . .

• The end of “seven weeks” from the modern restoration of Jerusalem.

• The start of the 50th year from the modern restoration of Jerusalem.

• The end of “seven” and “sixty-two” weeks from the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall by Suleiman.

• The seven-year anniversary of an unprecedented solar eclipse at the top of the globe.

• The start of the eleventh Sabbatical week since Israel became a nation in 1948.

• The start of the 354th Sabbatical week since Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy began to be fulfilled in 457 BC.

Anniversaries not precisely linked to Nisan 1, but which occur within days or months of this date, include:

• The seven-year anniversary of the Bethlehem Star conjunction.

• The seven-year anniversary of consecutive blood moons on God’s harvest festivals.

• The 73rd anniversary of the ‘leafing of the fig tree’ in spring 1949.

• The 1,335th anniversary of the setting up of an abomination on the Temple Mount.

With the above in view, it can be said that the year beginning at Nisan marks a calendrical convergence like no other.

The most compelling anniversaries are those related to Daniel 9:25, a verse purposed to convey the time of Jesus’ coming by a reckoning of Sabbatical weeks.

It defies coincidence that Daniel’s weeks may be counted separately or together and from different orders to rebuild Jerusalem to point to the same year: 2022. This remarkable concurrence is a result of the two orders to rebuild the Holy City (Suleiman and contemporary) being separated by a span of sixty-two weeks.

What’s more, the seven-weeks reckoning suggests the year beginning at Nisan is a Jubilee.

Only God knows what events 2022 might bring. However, it is certainly a year ripe with possibility.

. . .


1. The accuracy of our reckoning of Daniel’s weeks and potential Jubilee depends on the correctness of the Sabbatical cycle.

2. Current Sabbatical years, according to the accepted Jewish reckoning:


3. More on Sabbatical Years:

4. Because Daniel’s weeks refer to the fixed Sabbatical cycle, the count must begin at the start of an actual Sabbatical week.

5. God established Nisan as the first month of the year when Israel became a nation (Ex. 12), Thus, Sabbatical weeks, which are simply groups of seven years, begin at Nisan. The Nisan-reckoning is evident in Scripture where the Lord instructs Israel to begin counting Sabbatical weeks when they enter the Promised Land (Lev. 25:1–4). The Israelites entered the Land in Nisan (Josh. 4:19).

6. Evidence that Jubilee years are reckoned from Nisan is the fact that the jubilee trumpet is sounded in the “seventh month,” confirming Nisan to be the first month relative to the Jubilee (Lev. 25:9).

7. A crucial difference between the biblical (Nisan-reckoned) calendar and the Jewish (Tishrei-reckoned) version is that the former has the fiftieth year beginning in spring 2022, whereas the latter has the fiftieth year beginning in fall 2022.

8. Because Pentecost is a fiftieth day observed after a count of seven weeks, it is sometimes called the “little jubilee” (Lev. 23:15, 16; 25:8–10).

9. According to E. W. Bullinger, “the number fifty is the issue of 7 X 7 (72) and points to deliverance and rest following on as the result of the perfect consummation of time.” Wherever the number fifty is found in Scripture it is associated with fullness or completion (Num. 4:23; Deut. 22:29; 2 Sam. 15:1; 24:24; 1 Kings 1:5).

10. The fiftieth (Jubilee) year is also the “eighth” year relative to the Sabbatical week. Eight is the number of new beginnings in Scripture.

11. Interesting nine-o’clock concurrence linking Pentecost, the Church, the modern restoration of Jerusalem, and the Jubilee:

• The firstfruits of the wheat harvest are offered up before the Lord in the nine o’clock hour on Pentecost.

• The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church in the nine o’clock hour on Pentecost.

• The June 7, 1967, recapture of Jerusalem and the Western Wall by Israeli forces occurred in the nine o’clock hour. The soldiers were joined by fifty-year-old Rabbi Shlomo Goren who sounded the shofar and declared the Holy City to be “redeemed” (jubilee themes). A week later, Jerusalem was officially opened to the Israeli public for the first time in nearly 2,000 years—on Pentecost (see notes*).

• In Acts 2, Pentecost (fiftieth day) is said to be “fully come” in the nine o’clock hour, when about 60% of the biblical 24-hour day has elapsed. Similarly, the jubilee (fiftieth year) trumpet is sounded on the tenth day of the seventh month, when about 60% of the biblical year has elapsed.

*Howard M. Sachar, A History of Israel, New York: Knopf, 1996, p. 654; Michael Oren, Six Days of War, New York, Presidio, 2002, pp. 244, 245)

**Article: ‘Magic of Shavuot (Pentecost) 1967’: https://www.aish.com/jw/j/48965971.html

12. Jubilee–Rapture correlations:

• Paul uses jubilee terminology such as “liberty” and “redemption” when describing the resurrection–rapture of the Church (Rom. 8:19–23).

• The Jubilee is when servants are liberated and land is returned to its original owner (Lev. 25). Correspondingly, the Rapture is when Christians are liberated and the ‘title deed’ to Planet Earth, symbolized by the sealed scroll in Revelation, goes back to God (Rev. 5).

• The Jubilee, (fiftieth year) is a type of Pentecost (fiftieth day). Since Pentecost is associated with the ‘harvest” of the Church (Acts 2), the Jubilee may be associated with the harvest–rapture of the Church.

• The Jubilee is when spiritual blindness is lifted (Luke 4:18). Israel’s blindness concerning Messiah–Jesus will be lifted after the full number of Gentiles comes in at the Rapture (Rom. 11:25).

• In Isaiah, the Jubilee is linked to the onset of the Day of the Lord (Isa. 63:1-6). The Day of the Lord commences around the time of the Rapture (1 Thess. 4:13–18; 5:1–5).

• Since the Jubilee year is also the first year of a new seven-year cycle, it is a fitting time for the Rapture and start of a new period or era, i.e. the Tribulation or Day of the Lord.

13. The counting of Daniel’s weeks is initiated by the going forth of a command to rebuild Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25).
The fountains, or sabils, of Jerusalem’s wall were ordered rebuilt by Suleiman in 1536–37 AD. The walls and gates were ordered rebuilt in 1537–38 AD.* The Sabbatical week immediately following these orders begins at 1539 AD. Counting “seven” and “sixty-two” weeks (483 years) from 1539 AD, we arrive at 2022.

*Construction timeline for Jerusalem’s wall in the days of Suleiman:

14. Solar and lunar eclipses are signs of the impending Day of the Lord: “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD” (Joel 2:31).

15. 2015 solar eclipse:

16. According to the Talmud, the sun was initially created in its vernal equinox position on Nisan 1. For this reason, on the rare occasions Nisan 1 coincides with the equinox, a special blessing known as Birkhat Hachama, or “Blessing of the Sun,” is recited: “Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the Universe maker of the works of Creation.”

17. A lunar year consists of twelve orbits of the Moon around the Earth. Since each orbit takes approximately
29.5 days, a lunar year consists of 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, and 34 seconds (354.36707 days).

18. Jesus is likened to a young stag three times in Song of Solomon (2:8–10, 17; 8:14).

19. Nisan 2022 also marks the start of the second Sabbatical week since two cows born with number ‘7s’ on their heads made news around the Feast of Trumpets in Sabbatical year 2014-15. In prophecy circles, the two cows with ‘7s’ were considered a modern version of the sign given to pharaoh, a dream-warning about seven fat cows and seven skinny cows, denoting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine (Gen. 41).

20. Stretching the fig-tree generation to the maximum, the 81st anniversary of the March 1949 ‘growth spurt,’ the endpoint is March 2030. However, because the Tribulation is likely to end in the fall, corresponding to the biblical festivals, the presumed end date is fall 2029. Subtracting seven years from fall 2029, we arrive at fall 2022 for a potential start time of the final week.
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May 15, 2017
If you believe the Tribulation has already begun, that would make the Jab the key candidate for the Mark (I get that), but I don’t think it has yet, I think we are in the “Birth Pains”

I personally feel that the Christian world has been offered the “Covid = Mark of the Beast” narrative precisely in order to run with it.

I know, because I did!*

*Just as the conspiracy world was seeded with the “Piz*agate” story in order to produce the “fake news” / Alt-Right attacks IMO.

The establishment will doubtless make use of Christian vaccine hesitancy to both begin persecuting the Church and also begin to psychologically “vaccinate” the general public from warnings about the actual Mark.

This was my best guess scenario as of a couple of weeks ago:-

This is a great point much like the enlightenment era did away with the supernatural the thought of the mark and AI being something dangerous will be reduced to nothing more than medieval superstition born from the conspiracy craze of the 2000s. This whole thing although a depop event is starting to look like one huge red herring

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

From T.W. Tramm’s Facebook page:

THE BIBLICAL Year of Jubilee has profound implications for every person living today.

The following is a Q and A intended to shed light on this vital element of God’s calendar.

. . .

Q: What is the Jubilee?

A: To understand the Jubilee, one must first understand its fundamental component, the Sabbath year.

Roughly 3,500 years ago, as God was preparing the children of Israel to enter the Promised Land, He instructed them that when they enter the land they were to start counting years. Every seventh year was to be a Sabbath during which they would cease planting and harvesting crops and eat only what the land produced (Lev. 25: 2–7). The idea was that by living only on what the land produced, the people would learn to trust in God’s provision.

In addition to the pause on farming activity, the Lord commanded the Israelites to forgive all debts at the end of the seven years (Deut. 15:1, 2; 31:10). The cancelling of debt was aimed at preventing financial oppression and excessive materialism among the people. Just as importantly, it imparted a vital lesson about mercy and forgiveness.

Thus, the Sabbatical year was a time of rest and renewal for the Israelites as well as an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over their land and lives. It was also an act of faith. It required the people’s total trust in God’s faithfulness to provide for their needs as they ceased farming and forgave the debts owed them.

But there is more. Beyond the practical and spiritual aspects of the Sabbatical year, there is a profound prophetic significance. Fundamentally, the six years of labor followed by a seventh year of rest foreshadow God’s plan to restore the fallen Creation after 6,000 years. At the same time, the seven-year cycle represents the unit of measure—the Sabbatical “week”—by which God’s plan of redemption would be implemented (more on this later).


Along with the seventh-year Sabbath, God commanded that every seventh Sabbath, or forty-ninth year, a trumpet should be sounded on the Day of Atonement:

“‘Count off seven sabbath years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you” (Lev. 25:8–10).

The sounding of the trumpet in the forty-ninth year announced the impending fiftieth year called the Jubilee.

Like the Sabbatical year, the Jubilee was to be a year of rest for the land (Lev. 25:11). However, some additional ordinances came into play during the Jubilee. First, any person who had been sold into slavery was granted freedom and allowed to return home to his family (v. 10). Second, property which had been lost due to sale or misfortune was returned to its original owner (vv. 13; 25–28).

The Jubilee was thus a type of ‘super Sabbath,’ during which one’s freedom and possessions were restored. Owing to the jubilee statute, even the poorest servant had a hope for the future: that one day he would regain all he had lost.

Q: What is the prophetic significance of the Jubilee?

A: The prophetic significance of the Jubilee is rooted in a biblical statute called the law of redemption. According to this law, if a person or piece of property had been sold to cover a debt, a near relative, or kinsman, of the debtor could “redeem” that person or property by buying them back (Lev. 25:15, 16, 23–34, 47–55).

If a person sold into slavery had no kinsman to redeem him, however, and therefore went unredeemed, the law required that he be released, regardless, at the Year of Jubilee. So for slaves not previously redeemed, the Jubilee became the “year of redemption” (Lev. 25:54).

Prophetically, the law of redemption illustrates God’s plan to liberate humanity from the slavery of mortal existence brought about by Adam and Eve’s sin. Consider the parallels: When Adam sinned, he was ‘sold,’ along with his estate, the Creation, into bondage. We, as his children and inheritors of the fallen world, are likewise in bondage. According to the law of redemption, a near kinsman can purchase our freedom. However, because no sinful man can pay the cost of what Adam sold, the role of humanity’s kinsman redeemer belongs solely to our ‘blood relative’ Jesus Christ, who came in the flesh, assumed our debt, and paid it with His life.

Thus, God’s plan to redeem humanity is spelled out in the law of redemption as it pertains to the Jubilee. The Jubilee, as the ultimate time of restoration, represents the consummation of our redemption, the time when Jesus will transform our bodies from perishable to imperishable and restore what was lost at Eden.

When will the bodily redemption take place? According to Scripture, it will occur at the resurrection–rapture. When the Lord descends in the clouds at the sound of a trumpet, all the living and dead in Christ throughout the ages will receive incorruptible bodies and be slaves to death no more:

“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:51–54).

Thus, the ultimate Jubilee will mark three major milestones: the end of the Church Age; the end of 6,000 years under Satan’s influence; and the beginning of the Day of the Lord. At this time, the “ruler of this age,” the devil, will be cast down from the heavens to take up residence in a man, the “lawless one” (Rev. 12:7–9; 2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Thess. 2:4). Simultaneously, earth will be restored to its original Owner, God, who will then complete the redemption process for Israel and others by allowing a period of tribulation designed to bring them to faith (Lev. 25:23; Jer. 30:7; Zech. 13:9).

The following Scripture references confirm the linkage between the Rapture and Jubilee:

• The Jubilee is when one’s possessions are restored (Lev. 25:13). The Church is God’s “special possession,” (1 Pet. 2:9; Eph. 1:14).

• The Jubilee, or fiftieth year, is patterned after Pentecost, the fiftieth day (Lev. 23:15, 15; 25:8–10). Since Pentecost points to the harvest of the Church, so, logically, does the Jubilee.

• The Church is raptured before God’s wrath (1 Thess. 4:13–18; 5:1–9). Correspondingly, the Jubilee precedes God’s wrath (Isa. 61:1, 2; 63:4).

• The Jubilee is when spiritual blindness is lifted (Luke 4:18). Israel’s blindness concerning Messiah–Jesus will begin to be lifted when the full number of Gentiles comes in at the Rapture (Rom. 11:25; Rev. 7:1–8).

Additionally, seeing that the Jubilee is the year of “liberty” and “redemption,” it is significant that . . .

• Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, speaks of the “liberty” and “bodily redemption” of the Church at the Lord’s coming (Rom. 8:19–23).

• Jesus tells the Church that when they see the signs of His coming, to look up because their “redemption” is near (Luke 21:28).

• Christians are said to be sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of “redemption” (Eph. 4:30).

• In the Book of Ruth, a Gentile maid, a type of the Church, is “redeemed” by marriage to a Jewish Kinsman, a type of Jesus (Ruth 4).

Q: When is the next Jubilee?

A: Since no historical document exists to confirm any past Jubilee, no one knows precisely when the next Jubilee is. There are only theories.

The problem with most of these theories is that they rely heavily on assumptions and/or ancient calendar reckonings. Seeing that God is not the author of confusion and that He actually wants His people to know when He is coming, it seems unlikely that He would leave us relying on assumptions and questionable ancient dating to determine something as crucial as the Jubilee.

For this reason, I believe, the Lord has provided a simple formula to calculate the year of redemption. It is found in Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks” (Dan. 9:25).

Most scholars understand verse 25 to be fulfilled at Jesus’ first coming. They add the seven and sixty-two weeks, representing Sabbatical periods, and count from Artaxerxes’ 457 BC decree allowing the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem to arrive at 27 AD, the year Jesus began His ministry.

So by a reckoning of Sabbatical weeks, the seven-year cycles underpinning God’s calendar, Daniel predicts the year of the Lord’s first appearance.


But here is something to think about: There is no logical or biblical reason to assume Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy predicts only the timing of the First Coming. In fact, given that the prophecy encompasses God’s whole plan of redemption, which entails two appearances of Messiah, it is reasonable to expect that the timing of both appearances would be given. This is why, common sense tells us, the seven and sixty two weeks are mentioned separately, to allow for the calculation of both the First and the Second Advent.

Which set of weeks relates to the Second Advent?

Since seven weeks denote a Jubilee, and the Jubilee points ultimately to the redemption and restoration at the end of the age, it is the seven weeks. Besides, we know it is not the sixty-two weeks because Daniel links them specifically to Jesus’ first advent: “After the sixty-two weeks Messiah will be put to death” (Dan. 9:26).

With that explanation in view, back to Daniel’s formula for calculating the Jubilee:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks” (Dan. 9:25).

Owing to Daniel’s formula, only two easily verifiable dates are required to calculate the Jubilee:

1) The date of the latter-days restoration of Jerusalem.

2) The start date of the Sabbatical week immediately following the restoration of Jerusalem.

The date of the latter-days restoration of Jerusalem is easily confirmed to be June 7, 1967.

The start date of the Sabbatical week following the restoration of Jerusalem is likewise easily confirmed because, unlike Jubilee years, Sabbatical years have been recorded since the days of the Second Temple. According to the ancient reckoning observed in modern Israel and validated by major scholarly studies, the Sabbatical week following the June 1967 restoration begins at 1973.

The Jubilee is thus easily calculated:

1973 + 7 weeks = 2022

Click here for a chart illustrating this reckoning: https://bit.ly/37riHsV

Why do we count from 1973 instead of 1967? It is because Daniel says to count “weeks,” which are fixed periods on God’s calendar. Since the modern restoration of Jerusalem occurred in June 1967, after a portion of the current Sabbatical week had already passed, a count of seven full weeks could not begin until the start of the next Sabbatical week, which is 1973.

It is important to understand that by this reckoning we are not ‘stretching’ the prophecy to fit a preconceived 2022 endpoint; we are actually following it precisely. The Lord knew that the restoration of Jerusalem would not occur in a Jubilee year. This is why He tells us to count seven weeks after the restoration.

Having calculated the Jubilee per Daniel’s formula, let’s consider some additional reasons this reckoning makes sense:


The notion that Jesus’ Second Advent, not only the First, is linked to a restoration of Jerusalem is confirmed in the psalms: “When the Lord rebuilds Jerusalem, he will appear in his glory …. Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD” (Ps. 102:16, 18).


The “seven weeks” of Daniel represent the only jubilee period mentioned in Scripture, begging the question: Why? If the jubilee period in Daniel is not pointing to the ultimate year of redemption, why is it found in the prophecy that maps out God’s whole plan of redemption from beginning to end?

The truth is that apart from highlighting the ultimate Jubilee, there is no good explanation for the seven weeks being separate from the sixty-two weeks. Some commentators suggest the seven weeks are separated to mark the time it took to rebuild Jerusalem following the return from Babylon. However, because there is no Scripture or record to confirm this, they admit it is only a guess: “The city walls and internal buildings of Jerusalem may have taken fifty years to erect—we simply cannot tell” (Pulpit Commentary, Dan. 9:25).


A basic principle of logic is that the explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct. While most jubilee calculations rely on a series of assumptions, the reckoning based on Daniel involves only two:

1) Daniel’s seven weeks refer to the ultimate Jubilee.

2) 1972–73 is a Sabbatical year.

If these two assumptions are correct, the final Jubilee begins in 2022.


The 1973 start point for the ultimate jubilee period is bolstered by two compelling coincidences.

First, the 1973 Yom Kippur War—a conflict initiated by countries aiming to repossess major portions of Israel’s land—began on the Day of Atonement, the day on which the Jubilee is declared by a trumpet blast.

Second, 1973 is when the Sabbatical (Shemitah) financial crashes highlighted by Jonathan Cahn began to intensify. Cahn writes in his 2014 book, The Mystery of the Shemitah:

“Beginning in 1973, every single one of the five greatest financial and economic peaks and collapses have converged, clustered, and taken place according to the set time of the Shemitah year” (p. 109).

“It is worthy of note that the connection between the Year of the Shemitah and the collapses in America’s financial and economic realms appears to grow more intense and consistent in the cycles immediately following the critical year 1973 than in those preceding it” (p. 209).


An alternate reckoning of Daniel’s weeks corroborates the 1973–2022 jubilee reckoning.

Notice that Daniel mentions Jerusalem’s wall being rebuilt:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince comes, there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall” (Dan. 9:25).

Jerusalem’s wall was ordered to be rebuilt by Islamic ruler Suleiman in 1536–37 AD. Adding the seven and sixty-two weeks and counting from the start of the Sabbatical week following Suleiman’s order to rebuild, 1539 AD, we arrive at 2022. Counting only the sixty-two weeks from 1539 AD, we arrive at 1973.


While one person’s view does not a fact make, it is significant that one of the greatest scientists and Bible scholars of all time, Isaac Newton, believed that Daniel’s seven weeks denote a jubilee period that will culminate in Jesus’ return. Newton wrote in his commentary on the Weeks Prophecy:

“The seven weeks are the compass of a Jubilee, and begin and end with actions proper for a Jubilee and of the highest nature for which a Jubilee can be kept.”

“The former part of the prophecy [sixty-two weeks] relates to the first coming of Christ … [the seven weeks], being dated to his coming as Prince or King, seem to relate to his second coming [when] … he that was anointed comes to be Prince and to reign.”

“Thus have we in this short Prophecy, a prediction of all the main periods relating to the coming of the Messiah; the time of his [first coming] … and the time of his second coming: and so the interpretation here is given more full and complete and adequate to the design, than if we should restrain it to his first coming only, as interpreters usually do.”

Read Newton’s full commentary on Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy here (pp. 45–48): http://www.ntslibrary.com/PDF Books/Observations on Daniel - Newton.pdf


God typically gives a seven-day or seven-year warning before bringing judgment (Gen. 7:1–4; Josh. 6:1–5; Gen. 41). Moreover, we are told that the Day of the Lord will be heralded by signs in the sun, moon, and stars (Joel 2:31; Luke 21:25).

With these facts in view, it is noteworthy that in 2015, seven years prior to our calculated Jubilee in 2022, we saw:

• An unprecedented total solar eclipse on the biblical New Year, Nisan 1.

• A once-in-two-millennia occurrence of the Bethlehem-Star conjunction around the beginning of summer.

• Consecutive blood-moons on God’s spring and fall harvest festivals, Passover and Tabernacles, the latter of which was a “super blood moon” visible above Jerusalem.

While there have been numerous significant eclipses and astronomical alignments in recent years, no other year has seen an equally profound, concentrated, and publicized display of heavenly signs. It is, therefore, conceivable that the signs of 2015 were a seven-year warning pointing to a Jubilee in 2022.

Q: Which month marks the beginning of the Jubilee?

A: The Jubilee is declared by a trumpet blast in the seventh month of the forty-ninth year (Lev. 25:8, 9). However, the fiftieth year, or Jubilee, begins at the month of Nisan per God’s command in Exodus:

“This month [Nisan] is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year” (Ex.12:2).

A simple proof that the Jubilee begins at Nisan is the fact that the trumpet blast declaring the Jubilee is said to be sounded in the “seventh” month, confirming Nisan to be the first month relative to the Jubilee.

It is fitting that the Jubilee is declared on the Day of Atonement as the themes and rituals of this holy day illustrate how Jesus’ shed blood paid the price of our redemption (Lev. 16).

It is also practical for the Jubilee to be declared on the Day of Atonement as it allows time to prepare for the release of property and servants beginning at the following Nisan.

Despite God’s clear command to count the years from Nisan, the deep-rooted rabbinic tradition of counting years from the seventh month, Tishrei, means the Jubilee is generally advertised as beginning in the fall. While it is true that the seventh month is pivotal, marking the end of the festival season, the time of debt forgiveness, and the early rains that prepare the ground for the impending “agricultural year,” it is the month of Nisan, according to the Creator of the calendar, which marks the start of the actual year.

Thus, Nisan 1, corresponding to April 1–2, marks the start of the calculated Jubilee in 2022.


The Year of Jubilee foreshadows the liberation from the curse of death, which has enslaved humanity for 6,000 years.

When Jesus descends from heaven with a shout and the trumpet of God, the dead and living in Christ will receive new imperishable bodies and meet Him in the clouds.

Those who do not know the Lord at that time will be left behind to face the antichrist and a series of divine judgments, as the earth is prepared for Jesus’ millennial reign.

If the reckoning based on Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy is correct, the ultimate Jubilee begins at Nisan 2022.

To be clear, only God knows if 2022 marks the year of redemption. Nevertheless, the fact that Scripture strongly supports the possibility is beyond awesome to consider.

. . .


1. The Hebrew word translated “end” in Deuteronomy, qets, actually means “after” or “later” (Strong’s 7093).Thus, Deuteronomy 31:10 may be more accurately translated, “And Moses charged them in that day, saying, after [the] seven years, in the time of the year of release, in the feast of tabernacles” (Brenton Septuagint Translation).

2. Because Pentecost is a “fiftieth” observed after “seven weeks,” it is sometimes called the little Jubilee (Lev. 23:15, 16; 25:8–10).

3. Some propose that Jesus’ reading of a Scripture that references the Jubilee at the start of His ministry is indicative that 27–28 AD was a Jubilee (see Luke 4:14–20; Isa. 61). It is this author’s view that, by reading the jubilee scripture, the Lord was simply declaring his messianic mission, and that He will fulfill the Jubilee at His return.

4. The notion that Daniel’s seven weeks refer to a separate coming of Messiah is supported by various Jewish and English translations:

“Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem unto one anointed, a prince, shall be seven weeks; and for threescore and two weeks, it shall be built again, with broad place and moat, but in troublous time” (Dan. 9:25 JPS Tanakh 1917).

“Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time” (Dan. 9:25 ESV).

The pause after the seven weeks in the above translations corresponds to the masoretic text of Daniel 9:25, which places the atnach in this same location. The atnach is a Hebrew “punctuation mark” placed under the last word in the first half of a verse to function as the main pause, or break in a sentence.

5. One may include the 1970 master plan to rebuild Jerusalem as part of the prophetic restoration of the Holy City. However, this has no effect on the jubilee reckoning as the start of the nearest Sabbatical week is still 1973.

6. Sabbatical years:


7. More on Sabbatical Years:

8. Sabbatical-cycle corroboration: Counting backward seven-year periods from Sabbatical year 2021–22, we find that 26–27 AD and 458–57 BC were Sabbatical years. This is remarkable because 457 BC is when Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy began and the Jews resumed counting Sabbatical years, after the return from Babylonian exile. Thus, the Sabbatical cycle observed in Israel today, the one used in our jubilee calculation, corresponds to the popular interpretation of Daniel 9:25, which has the “seven” and “sixty-two” weeks beginning in 457 BC and ending in 27 AD at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

9. The 1973 Yom Kippur War resulted in an oil embargo and worldwide energy crisis, perhaps foreshadowing the war-related embargos and burgeoning energy crisis of 2022.

10. Sabbatical–Shemitah financial crashes: Significantly, a close study of the fall–Tishrei financial crashes highlighted by Jonathan Cahn reveals they are often the consequence of a larger crisis that manifest in the spring around Nisan. For instance, in Sabbatical year 2007–08, the Global Financial Crisis marked by a record 777-point Dow crash in September–Tishrei actually began with the collapse of Bear Sterns the previous March, corresponding to Adar–Nisan.

11. The counting of Daniel’s weeks is initiated by the going forth of a command to rebuild Jerusalem (Dan. 9:25).
Suleiman’s order to rebuild the fountains, or sabils, of Jerusalem’s wall went forth in 1536–37 AD. The order to rebuild the walls and gates went forth in 1537–38 AD.* The Sabbatical week immediately following these orders begins at 1539 AD. Counting “seven” and “sixty-two” weeks (483 years) from 1539 AD, we arrive at 2022.

*Construction timeline for Jerusalem’s wall in the days of Suleiman:

12. Seven-year warning—signs of 2015:

The blood moons were part of a tetrad, a series of four, occurring on consecutive Passover and Tabernacles festivals in 2014–15. It was only the eighth such tetrad since the time of Christ.

The Bethlehem-Star conjunction of 2015 mirrored a similarly brilliant triple conjunction of the two planets around the time of Jesus’ birth, in 3–2 BC. Significantly, both conjunctions occurred in the constellation Leo, in the latter part of the month of June. Also, both conjunctions occurred in the first year of a Sabbatical cycle, which means they are separated by a span of exactly 288 weeks. Interestingly, according to those who study the numeric value of words in Scripture, 288 is the totient function of 888, the number associated with the manifestation of God in the flesh, Christ Jesus, to save humanity from its sins.

The Nisan 1 solar eclipse was arguably the rarest sign. In addition to occurring on the biblical New Year, the eclipse coincided with the spring equinox. The last time a total solar eclipse occurred on the spring equinox was about three-and-a-half centuries earlier in 1662. Adding to the rarity, the eclipse’s path crossed directly over the northernmost tip of the globe. A total solar eclipse at the North Pole on the first day of spring is said to occur only once every 100,000 years. However, since, according to Scripture, the earth was created only about 6,000 years ago, the eclipse was unprecedented.

13. Sabbatical years likewise begin at Nisan. The Nisan-reckoning is evident in Scripture where the Lord instructs Israel to begin counting Sabbatical periods when they enter the Promised Land (Lev. 25:1–4). The Israelites entered the Land in the month of Nisan (Josh. 4:19).

14. On reckoning biblical years:

How Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) came to be regarded as the New Year:

Why biblical years begin in the spring: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-35306783/documents/6f0d476832da43a18e0bd26d197703b8/WHY_GOD_COUNTS_YEARS_FROM_THE_SPRING_-_AND_WHY_IT_MATTERS.pdf

15. If the 1973–2022 jubilee calculation is correct, it would appear that the latter-days return to Jerusalem was orchestrated (relative to the Sabbatical cycle) to allow the maximum time between the return to Jerusalem and subsequent Jubilee. The seven-weeks timeframe being stretched to the utmost boundary permitted by Scripture is in character with a God known for allowing the maximum time for repentance before bringing judgment.

. . .

*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVxcqsgEKvYtscqyYJpTxbQ

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:13). Do it today. Time is running out.
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Dec 13, 2017
Hanukkah (Tabernacles 2) will begin tomorrow and end 12/6.

A total solar eclipse will occur on the 6th day. It will be in the claw of Scorpius, on the leg of Ophiuchus (the man in combat with the serpent). Think Genesis 3:15. It will also form, with Mercury, a perfect match with the Heliofant logo, as well as a scene of the sun setting in the demonic predictive programming found in I, Pet Goat II.

Right there will be total solar eclipse on the 6th day of Hanukkah in the claw of Scorpius over a path of Antarctica on dec 4.

In the last pic above the pyramides is the stinger of Scorpius.


I, Pet Goat II sure seems to date itself to this point in time.

So war coverage next ?
Yes war coverage next.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
So we're outta here in about a week ?
I have no problem with that idea tbh, however there is a world of difference between possibilities and predictions.

I have felt we were in the “generation that will not pass away” for many years. There have been many possibilities that have had strong numeric / historic cases made for them. In the past, fulfilled prophetic events have often happened with dates that have had significances. As for the day no man truly knows, I think it will come as a thief in the night.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
From T.W. Tramm’s Facebook page:

TODAY marks the first day of the biblical year, Nisan 1.

Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which places the New Year in winter, God’s calendar aptly sets the New Year in spring, the season of birth and new beginnings.

In Scripture, Nisan is when . . .

• The Flood waters receded, commencing a new era on the earth (Gen. 8:13)

• The Tabernacle, or “tent of meeting,” was set up, commencing a new era of fellowship between God and man (Ex. 40).

• The Israelites were liberated from Egypt, commencing a new era of self-determination under the Lord (Ex. 12)

• The Israelites entered the Promised Land, commencing a new era as a sovereign country (Josh. 4).

Amplifying the theme of new beginnings, this year’s Nisan 1 marks the beginning of a new seven-year Sabbatical cycle (Lev. 25:1–4). This is significant as Scripture suggests the culminating seven years of Bible prophecy, or Tribulation period, will coincide with a Sabbatical period (Dan. 9:24–27).

With this correlation in view, it is noteworthy that the first day of Nisan in 2022 also marks . . .

• One Sabbatical period since an unprecedented display of signs in the heavens.

• The end of seven Sabbatical periods since the restoration of Jerusalem in 1967.

• The end of sixty-nine Sabbatical periods since the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall by Suleiman circa 1536 AD.

• The start of the eleventh Sabbatical period since Israel became a nation in 1948.

• The start of the 354th Sabbatical period since Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy began to be fulfilled in 457 BC.

For details on the significance of the above timeline convergence, please see my short video or article entitled, ‘Ten Reasons Nisan 1 Is a Pivotal Date in 2022’:

For an in-depth explanation of the seven Sabbatical periods from 1967, check out my article entitled, ‘Jubilee Q and A: Is the Year of Redemption Upon Us?’

The bottom line is that a convergence of timelines around this year’s Nisan 1 portends the ultimate new beginning: an unequaled time of chaos and calamity on earth followed by an unequaled era of peace (Rev. 20:4).

Could the year beginning today see the start of the calamitous period?

Conditions are certainly ripe. The ongoing effects of a pandemic, a Russian invasion that threatens to ignite World War III, a burgeoning food and energy crisis, and spiraling inflation have set the stage for the global war, famine, and economic collapse described in the Book of Revelation.

And the scene is growing bleaker by the day:

In the political realm, the Biden Administration just announced plans to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, thus depleting the oil supply that would keep the country moving should a war, natural disaster, or other unforeseen event cause a halt in production.

In the financial realm, the “yield curve” just inverted, an historical predictor that a recession is imminent.

In the astronomical realm, a hyperactive sunspot just hurled a huge X-class solar flare into space, affecting radio signals and triggering stunning aurora displays as far south as Colorado.

In Israel, the deadliest wave of terror attacks in nearly two decades has left eleven people dead in a little over a week.

As grim as things appear, the convergence of biblical signs and timelines should inspire a sense of hopeful expectation in the believer in Jesus Christ. The Lord says, “When these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand” (Luke 21:28).

There have never been so many reasons to look up.

So Happy New Year!

. . .

*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVxcqsgEKvYtscqyYJpTxbQ

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:13). Do it today. Time is running out.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
No More Intervals: Transition Phase Begins


As a woman nears the time of delivery, she experiences a series of contractions that grow closer together and more intense. The time between contractions is called an interval. As many of those watching the fulfillment of end-times prophecy have noted, the past number of years has felt like a series of contractions and intervals, and they've grown closer and closer together.

2010–2011: I still remember 2010, our first year of ministry at Unsealed, when the Arab Spring began. The Middle East was boiling. Eventually it spilled over into decade-long civil wars in Syria and Libya costing untold numbers of lives. The Middle East dynamic was changed forever.


And who can forget the big contraction around the time of the first blood in the 2014–15 tetrad? Russia invaded Crimea and ISIS rose to power in Iraq and Syria. Then the shmita year arrived and we witnessed economic crashes, a fatal turning toward Sodom in the United States (Obergefell v. Hodges), two more blood moons, and Iranian, Turkish, and Russian troops in Syria. Lightning struck Mecca and a subsequent crane collapse at the Grand Mosque killed 111 people. To top it off, a major Middle Eastern sandstorm struck Israel that same month, right around Rosh Hashanah. Yet things did quiet down for a bit.


Then came 2017 with the newly inaugurated Trump-Pence ("Trumpets") administration, pivotal declarations regarding Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, the Jubilee of Jerusalem, several devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, a series of hurricanes that paralleled the nativity story, a massive X-class solar flare, and the Great American Solar Eclipseand Revelation 12 Sign. The very next year Israel would reestablish itself as the nation-state of the Jewish people with Hebrew as its official language and the biblical festivals and Sabbaths as holy days.


2020 began an earnest and intense contraction. It really started one day before, on New Year's Eve in 2019, when Iranian proxies attacked the Green Zone in Baghdad. The U.S. retaliated by assassinating Qasem Soleimani, leading to the near outbreak of widespread war in the Middle East. Then that very month, in January of 2020, Trump and Netanyahu unveiled the Deal of the Century; simultaneously, COVID-19 was rapidly circulating in China and spreading beyond. The world would be changed forever. Quarantines, lockdowns, masks, and contact tracing would quickly become the norm. The historic Abraham Accords were signed that September, paving the way for the eventual Daniel 9:27 covenant, and Trump lost reelection. The time of the proverbial "trump" was over and the time of "Joseph" (the man who oversaw Egypt and Israel during the seven-year famine of ancient times) had arrived. We also witnessed the possible astronomical fulfillments of Revelation 12:3–4 and Revelation 12:5.


The Orwellian response to COVID-19 has largely remained in place unabated since March of 2020, but there was a certain cooling off period from roughly the inauguration of Biden until November of 2021. Besides the "brave new world" of COVID, things seemed to settle. The economy recovered somewhat. A much more mild variant of the virus started spreading, offering hope of herd immunity and an eventual return to pseudo-normalcy.

But in November of last year a contraction began of unprecedented proportions—a contraction without any reprieve. Iran had acquired enough enriched uranium so as to produce a nuclear warhead within a few weeks if the green light were to be given by the Ayatollah. They had never been so close. Israel began a major international diplomatic campaign to gather support while also making preparations for war. And Russia began a massive buildup of forces around Ukraine, taking steps to prepare for a ground invasion—the largest in Europe since World War II—under the cover of "annual training exercises." Globally, the demon of hyperinflation started to rise.

And now, after six months of this continuous contraction, the contraction is only intensifying: war came to Europe. Consumer inflation hit 8.5% in a single month. Sovereign nations began defaulting on their debt (Sri Lanka, recently). Global supply chains are near to collapse. Grain prices are skyrocketing (a Rev. 6:5–6 prelude, anyone?). Major financial institutions are predicting a global recession. Iran, by most recent reports, may have acquired enough uranium for a rudimentary bomb. And a seeming third intifada is breaking out in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria all while Israel may be moments away from giving the go ahead for massive attacks on Iran's nuclear weapons program.

As I've closely watched the unfolding of end-of-the-age Bible prophecy these past 12 years, I've also observed an exponential growth curve in the number of Christians reporting rapture and tribulation-related dreams, as well as the number of ministries preaching on end times and proclaiming the nearness of Christ's return. Just five to six years ago there were only a few handfuls of these sort of ministries that I had encountered. Now there are hundreds. Thousands even. God will not take the next step, namely the rapture of the Church, without leaving a profound, clear, and manifold witness. If the Revelation 12Sign of 2017 served one great purpose, perhaps it was this: the opening of countless eyes and the launching of countless ministries. These valiant watchmen and women are shouting unabashedly from the rooftops, from the pulpits, in the street corners, over the internet, and even at the gates of Jerusalem. The time is truly at hand.

M - A - R - A - N - A - T - H - A

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May 15, 2017
I hope it's ok to post here
if not I will move

Look at how many will be thrown
into darkness with the super flower
blood moon eclipse(what a name eh)
It lasts for so long too
wonder what this will cause to
manifest in Our World

Looks like We're gonna have some
heavy crazy storms over the same area
that the eclipse is going to cover


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Total ‘Blood Moon’ eclipse to rise over US this weekend

A 'Blood Moon' is seen behind the U.S. flag at Santa Monica Beach in Santa Monica, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018. (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

The moon will plunge into darkness this weekend to create a celestial spectacle that has not been seen in the sky over the entire contiguous United States since the turn of the decade.

Just as the sun sets over North America on Sunday evening, the sun, Earth and moon will begin to align to create a total lunar eclipse.
Folks may have to stay awake later than usual for a chance to see Sunday night's eclipse as it unfolds throughout the first half of the night. However, losing some sleep will be worth it as the eclipse could be the top astronomy event of 2022.


May 15, 2017
Thank Ya Red Sky At Morning

this part
"April's 'black moon' is the counterpart to the blue moon, used to describe the second new moon of the month. New moons cannot be observed, as it is the time when the illuminated side of the moon is facing away from the Earth

Although the black moon cannot be spotted in the sky, this is a good time of the month for stargazing as there is no natural light pollution from the moon, giving skywatchers darker views of the cosmos"

I've never heard that term before
has anyone else?
Would that not be the dark side
of the moon We never See?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
There are very simple metaphors used in the Bible that seem to have been overlooked, misunderstood or misapplied, e.g. "night" (the time of darkness) that is followed by "day" (the time of Light, when the sun is shining) and "Winter" (the season of withering, decay and death), which is followed by Spring (the season of rebirth -- John 3:3-7) and "Summer" (the season of growth and maturity).

About light/day (good) and dark/night (evil):-

John 1:1-5
1:1 In the Beginning was the Word (Truth - in Hebrew is Nazir), and the Truth was with God (NOT with Lucifer/Satan the Devil), and the Word was God.
1:2 The same was in the Beginning with God.
1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made (Heb. 1:1-4).
1:4 In Him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men.
1:5 And the Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it NOT.
1:6 There was a man sent from God, whose name [was] John.
1:7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all [men] through the Light might believe.
1:8 He was not that Light, but [was sent] to bear witness of that Light.
1:9 [That] was the True Light, which Lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world (humans) knew him not (could not SEE him inside the body of Jesus).

John 3:19-21
3:19 And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil.
3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be revealed.
3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Is it not obvious that these dark, end-times that we are currently experiencing are "night"?

It says that Christ will come "as a thief in the NIGHT", which means Christ will -- without a doubt -- be here again, in human form, BEFORE the Last Day, when everyone on Earth is due to be justly judged.

If someone is asleep during the night, they cannot see when the thief comes and goes, which is why THE SLEEPER MUST AWAKEN (Eph. 5:14). The "sleeper" is the Soul/spiritual-Being (the real you) asleep inside of the human, believing in the lie that "we are only human after all" and that all of this evil that goes on around us in this very, very dark world "just happens".

Anyone who is still spiritually asleep will miss "the signs of the times" and thus miss Christ's Second Coming. And anyone who misses His Second Coming, will not see the Light of Day. The darkest hour is right before the dawn.

2 Peter 1:19 We have also the more sure word of Prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye TAKE HEED, as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place, until the Day dawn, and the Morning Star (Rev. 30:16) arise in your hearts:

The term "Winter" (Matthew 24:20, Thomas 4:1-2) is a metaphor for the 6000 year period of misrule under Satan. A season of decay and death.

The term "Summer" is a metaphor for the Sabbath millennium, aka the 1000 year reign of Chrit on Earth, where the "Elect" will grow and mature, free from Satan's influence (no longer caught in the death grip of "Winter"). Summer takes place after Spring, the season of REBIRTH.

When Christ's Disciples specifically asked about The Second Coming, what were they told?

Matthew 24:2-3
24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
24:3 And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what [shall be] the Sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

To which Christ replied with the parable about the "fig tree" (Jews -- Jer. 24:5), putting forth "new shoots/leaves"

Matthew 24:32-24
24:32 Now learn a parable of the Fig tree (Jews); When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves (1948), ye KNOW that Summer [is] nigh:
24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it (the end) is near, [even] at the doors.
24:34 Verily I say unto you, THIS generation (from 1948 on) shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

On 22 April 1948, the announcement went out to the world that the "Jews" would establish the state of Israel on the 14th of May, almost 2000 years after the destruction of Herod's Temple in 70 AD, which Christ likewise prophesied while He was here in the body of Jesus.

It should therefore be self-evident that Christ is already here, and gathering His Sheep, and has been since 22 April 1948, exactly as the prophecy says. If you don't believe that, then you don't believe Christ and thus are not one of His Sheep.

The Day and Hour that no man knoweth -- which Father alone knows -- is the Day and Hour of JUDGMENT, when the end-comes (Matt. 24:36). And when that Day and Hour arrive, it will already be too late, as Christ will have come and gone "like a thief in the night" , at which time the Reaping will begin.

P.S. For any who are can actually see the truth in this message, and may wonder why only Father knows the Day and Hour of Judgment, that's because if anyone else knew -- even Christ -- Satan could use that information to try to change/accelerate Judgment Day, by having his minions (satanic governments, churches and their armies of polticians, priests, rabbis, imams, etc.) try to murder the human body that Christ is now using.

Even just sharing this message invokes hatred in most, which blinds them to the truth contained herein.


May 15, 2017
Since thread is discussing signs
I'd post this here

Has anyone else Seen that it seems
the sphinx has closed it eyes,it does look
like the eyes are now closed and though it
wasn't mentioned it's ear seems to have changed
anyone else?
Marker 4:57

Edit to
add a few links of the restoration
and what was restored no mention/image of
the ears

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