“If God did not create evil then who did? Who has the power of creation in your universe?”


May 11, 2020
so when i was reading St Augustine's material, i was 'new age derping'? madam guyon came a long time before the new age movement crap. she was a devout christian seeker of God. I found her book by accident but i was able to study it and understand it because i was familiar with a fair few themes.

Now about the rest, you're wrong. I defend the New testament, i believe in the crucifixion. I criticise muslims for lying on that front and ive been accused of basically being a non-muslim by some of them as a result. So no, i dont have blind allegiance to islam, my allegiance really is to search for my own sense of truth and to be open minded.

I respect christianity, authentic christianity that is. I mock this pagan xtianity of the western world that is far removed from authentic christianity from the middle east that once existed.
ive seen nothing but bs from 99% of the so called christians on this forum. I'm telling you about st augustine, madam guyon etc. devout legit christians who were true seekers. I get told 'derp derp derp' from you. you worship david wood though dont you?
What is authentic Christianity?
Mar 14, 2017
example of how i role

me: John 1:1 doesnt only say 'The Word IS GOD', it also says 'The Word was with God'. Two contradictory statements. Why? the first 'with God' pertains to the left brain logical truth which relates to the Trancendence of God and is a passive path. the second 'Is God' pertains to the right brain mystical truth which relates to the Immanence of God and is an active path.

islam perfectly understands the combination of the logical and mystical perspectives and how they relate to God's Trancendence and Immanence. The key is to have a balanced view.
xtians deliberately ignore the former and only accept the latter. they choose 'Word Is God' to form the entirity of their belief, whereas a balanced person would understand both statements and how both are true from different perspectives.

when i say xtians are guilty of selective amnesia, am i showing 'disdain'? it is just a fact
Jesus: im nothing, i dont know the last hour. The Father is doing everything and knows everything. He just does things through me.
christians: we totally understand the difference between the logical and mystical and that is why we have John 1:1 presenting a balanced viewpoint.
xtians: 'iz God doeee'
come on, you guys do not deserve respect. dumb people.


May 11, 2020
example of how i role

me: John 1:1 doesnt only say 'The Word IS GOD', it also says 'The Word was with God'. Two contradictory statements. Why? the first 'with God' pertains to the left brain logical truth which relates to the Trancendence of God and is a passive path. the second 'Is God' pertains to the right brain mystical truth which relates to the Immanence of God and is an active path.

islam perfectly understands the combination of the logical and mystical perspectives and how they relate to God's Trancendence and Immanence. The key is to have a balanced view.
xtians deliberately ignore the former and only accept the latter. they choose 'Word Is God' to form the entirity of their belief, whereas a balanced person would understand both statements and how both are true from different perspectives.

when i say xtians are guilty of selective amnesia, am i showing 'disdain'? it is just a fact
Jesus: im nothing, i dont know the last hour. The Father is doing everything and knows everything. He just does things through me.
christians: we totally understand the difference between the logical and mystical and that is why we have John 1:1 presenting a balanced viewpoint.
xtians: 'iz God doeee'
come on, you guys do not deserve respect. dumb people.
Your exegesis of John 1:1 has no basis apart from someone elses secret interpretation. You would not have arrived at that conclusion unless someone interpreted it to you that way. You interpret the scriptures from the lens of secret occult knowledge and say you have the real meaning.
Mar 14, 2017
another example
Psalm 110
THE LORD/ADONAI says to my lord/adoni

so Jesus is adoni, not Adonai. clearly this difference is another example where Jesus is esp important, very important, but not to be confused with God.

the NT authors, inc people like Paul and Peter, perfectly understood that Jesus was indeed their 'lord' but they seperated him from God in their introductions.

And I greet you now with all the generosity of God our Father and our Master Jesus, the Messiah.

1-2 I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah, writing to exiles scattered to the four winds. Not one is missing, not one forgotten. God the Father has his eye on each of you, and has determined by the work of the Spirit to keep you obedient through the sacrifice of Jesus. May everything good from God be yours!
3-5 What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.

in both examples, it is obv that only The Father, is THE GOD. Jesus is 'lord/master' ie adoni.

so why would i criticise authentic christianity?
btw you know in islam, St George is known as 'juraij' and prophet Mohammad mentioned him as an awliya(friend of Allah), basically a saint.
Similarly, the Quran has a chaper (18) named after the story of the 7 sleepers.
These were 3rd century christians.

any muslim who criticises Paul, i reject them. I genuinely spoke to a sheikh once, a guy who wanted me to follow him.
you know how i judged him? my criteria was that i asked him his view of PAUL. As soon as he gave a negative response, i rejected him to his face.
you can't be accused me of disdain for 'christianity'. to me, xtians are something else completely.
doing sabbath on sunday when Jesus did it in saturday. the pagan easter and christmas festivals. the pagan trinity claiming all 3 are 'fully God and go equals in Godhead' is insane. constantly using the word 'lord' to suggest Jesus is God.
it's pagan.

lastly, new age, i dont side with that. new age movements were luciferian/masonic.
i think your mistake was that you read 'madam guyon' and thought of someone like 'madam blavatsky'. the latter was a hinduism inspired diviner/channeller and devil worshipper.the former was a devout christian who wrote some incredible material you could only benefit from.
you havent understood themes like 'passive active' and how they relate to christianity. as ive explained, it's the left/right brain perspective, the logical and mystical which relate to the Trancendent and Immanent aspects of God. Jesus was about that balance. He knew the jews were excellent in logic based theology but 'corrupt at heart' ie their hearts were lacking the presence of God).
it's important to understand that when Jesus made statements like
"if you have seen me, you have seen God" this was not to be taken literally as in, by a left brain perspective, it was to be understood inwardly as a mystical connection to God through an awareness of God. As Jesus said 'if your eye is single your whole body shall be full of light' ie the eye of the heart, the minds eye. to see Oneness in all things.

these themes are constant in islamic sufism and so i grew up well aware of the differences in perspective from muslims and how they'd debate on what was right or wrong. Eg ibn arabi's 'unity of being' belief in constrast to the wahabi believe in a literal sky God ie the wahabis are more like OT jews and the sufis more like the christians (the good and the bad).
Mar 14, 2017
Your exegesis of John 1:1 has no basis apart from someone elses secret interpretation. You would not have arrived at that conclusion unless someone interpreted it to you that way. You interpret the scriptures from the lens of secret occult knowledge and say you have the real meaning.
as opposed to the common xtian one where they completely throw away the former part of John 1:1 and only accept the latter?

furthermore, on the highlighted part. no, it isnt no new age nonsense, it is islam eg

Imam Malik (r) said, “Whoever studies jurisprudence (fiqh) and didn’t study Sufism (tasawwuf) will be corrupted; and whoever studied tasawwuf and didn’t study jurisprudence will become a heretic; and whoever combined both will be reach the Truth.
May 15, 2017
Your exegesis of John 1:1 has no basis apart from someone elses secret interpretation. You would not have arrived at that conclusion unless someone interpreted it to you that way. You interpret the scriptures from the lens of secret occult knowledge and say you have the real meaning.
"While [the Arians], like men sprung from a dunghill, truly "spoke from the earth" [Jn. 3:31], the bishops [of Nicea], not having invented their phrases for themselves, but having testimony from their fathers, wrote as they did. For ancient bishops, of the great Rome and our city [i.e., Alexandria, Egypt, where Athanasius was bishop], some 130 years ago, wrote and censured those who said that the Son was a creature and not consubstantial with the Father."


May 11, 2020
another example
Psalm 110
THE LORD/ADONAI says to my lord/adoni

so Jesus is adoni, not Adonai. clearly this difference is another example where Jesus is esp important, very important, but not to be confused with God.

the NT authors, inc people like Paul and Peter, perfectly understood that Jesus was indeed their 'lord' but they seperated him from God in their introductions.

And I greet you now with all the generosity of God our Father and our Master Jesus, the Messiah.

1-2 I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah, writing to exiles scattered to the four winds. Not one is missing, not one forgotten. God the Father has his eye on each of you, and has determined by the work of the Spirit to keep you obedient through the sacrifice of Jesus. May everything good from God be yours!
3-5 What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.

in both examples, it is obv that only The Father, is THE GOD. Jesus is 'lord/master' ie adoni.

so why would i criticise authentic christianity?
btw you know in islam, St George is known as 'juraij' and prophet Mohammad mentioned him as an awliya(friend of Allah), basically a saint.
Similarly, the Quran has a chaper (18) named after the story of the 7 sleepers.
These were 3rd century christians.

any muslim who criticises Paul, i reject them. I genuinely spoke to a sheikh once, a guy who wanted me to follow him.
you know how i judged him? my criteria was that i asked him his view of PAUL. As soon as he gave a negative response, i rejected him to his face.
you can't be accused me of disdain for 'christianity'. to me, xtians are something else completely.
doing sabbath on sunday when Jesus did it in saturday. the pagan easter and christmas festivals. the pagan trinity claiming all 3 are 'fully God and go equals in Godhead' is insane. constantly using the word 'lord' to suggest Jesus is God.
it's pagan.

lastly, new age, i dont side with that. new age movements were luciferian/masonic.
i think your mistake was that you read 'madam guyon' and thought of someone like 'madam blavatsky'. the latter was a hinduism inspired diviner/channeller and devil worshipper.the former was a devout christian who wrote some incredible material you could only benefit from.
you havent understood themes like 'passive active' and how they relate to christianity. as ive explained, it's the left/right brain perspective, the logical and mystical which relate to the Trancendent and Immanent aspects of God. Jesus was about that balance. He knew the jews were excellent in logic based theology but 'corrupt at heart' ie their hearts were lacking the presence of God).
it's important to understand that when Jesus made statements like
"if you have seen me, you have seen God" this was not to be taken literally as in, by a left brain perspective, it was to be understood inwardly as a mystical connection to God through an awareness of God. As Jesus said 'if your eye is single your whole body shall be full of light' ie the eye of the heart, the minds eye. to see Oneness in all things.

these themes are constant in islamic sufism and so i grew up well aware of the differences in perspective from muslims and how they'd debate on what was right or wrong. Eg ibn arabi's 'unity of being' belief in constrast to the wahabi believe in a literal sky God ie the wahabis are more like OT jews and the sufis more like the christians (the good and the bad).
It only makes sense for a Muslim to reject Paul, because Pauls doctrine of Christ being the son of God who died on the cross for the sins of the world is in direct conflict woth Islamic theology. Of course they would deny Pauls apostleship. They are only true to their theology.

You seem stuck somewhere between Islam, Christian, and New Age ideals. There is nothing cohesive about the thre. You are trapped in religious/spiritual confusion.


May 11, 2020

It appears that you have basically made up your own beliefs in trying to conjoin separate and distinct theologies that just can't be reconciled together. That is pretty much what everyone else in the world is doing. They create God in their own image and fasten him according to what sounds right. A little bit of karma, a little bit of reincarnation, a little bit of Jesus, a little bit of Buddha, a little bit of ancient astronaut theory and you pretty much have the belief of your average person. Its religious confusion and made up belief.
Mar 14, 2017

It appears that you have basically made up your own beliefs in trying to conjoin separate and distinct theologies that just can't be reconciled together. That is pretty much what everyone else in the world is doing. They create God in their own image and fasten him according to what sounds right. A little bit of karma, a little bit of reincarnation, a little bit of Jesus, a little bit of Buddha, a little bit of ancient astronaut theory and you pretty much have the belief of your average person. Its religious confusion and made up belief.
the metaphysical reality/truth is the same for all humans...only our interpretations and experiences differ. the actual truth is one and the same...so naturally there willb e parallels.
the irony is there is no christianity without hinduism anyway.

hindu philosophy merged into persian and greek philosophy. which merged with jewish philosophy. ideas formed a collective messianic theme and then Jesus manifested into the world.
that's why 3 magians came to see him. just as it says Moses was well versed in egyptian wisdom.
having knowledge of belief systems and philosophy doesnt mean im just derping my way along.

it's the xtians who have become pagan, not me. where did this trinitarian 'co equals in Godhead' crap come from? it isnt my belief...that is some new age pagan shit right there.
Mar 14, 2017
It only makes sense for a Muslim to reject Paul, because Pauls doctrine of Christ being the son of God who died on the cross for the sins of the world is in direct conflict woth Islamic theology. Of course they would deny Pauls apostleship. They are only true to their theology.

You seem stuck somewhere between Islam, Christian, and New Age ideals. There is nothing cohesive about the thre. You are trapped in religious/spiritual confusion.
im saying one thing and you're living in cloud cuckoo land saying something entirely irrelevant.
wtf are you on about?
Mar 14, 2017
Interesting concept. Do the Jews says God has a son? I know the Muslims say he doesn't, while Christmas, Jesus alleged birth, is literally around the winter solstice, the birth of the sun.

Theres more occult in Christianity then Christians will ever admit.

View attachment 64607

Now Red can quote us a own eyed source, he seems to have alot of them.
nothing more occult than the state of israel today. the masonic state of israel.
the Rothschild family own israel..and what are they?
baronesss philippine de rothschild

that's baphomet

look up images of rothschild parties...it is sick sh**.

@Red Sky at Morning literally worships these people btw. no exaggeration of troll attempt. he has a lot of threads where he claims modern israel, the one today, is the same messianic israel of Ezekiel 38.

so if you're opposed to luciferians, he thinks you're Gog & Magog camp.
that is also after knowing that the ashkenazi's are from the Gomer camp (mentioned in ezekiel 38)

see it's like this
to these xtians, the gay man is straight ansd the straight man is gay.


May 11, 2020
the metaphysical reality/truth is the same for all humans...only our interpretations and experiences differ. the actual truth is one and the same...so naturally there willb e parallels.
the irony is there is no christianity without hinduism anyway.

hindu philosophy merged into persian and greek philosophy. which merged with jewish philosophy. ideas formed a collective messianic theme and then Jesus manifested into the world.
that's why 3 magians came to see him. just as it says Moses was well versed in egyptian wisdom.
having knowledge of belief systems and philosophy doesnt mean im just derping my way along.

it's the xtians who have become pagan, not me. where did this trinitarian 'co equals in Godhead' crap come from? it isnt my belief...that is some new age pagan shit right there.
Answer me a few questions if you dont mind.

Who and what is the holy spirit?
Who was Jesus?
Do heaven and hell exist?
Why did Jesus come into the world?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@Red Sky at Morning literally worships these people btw. no exaggeration of troll attempt. he has a lot of threads where he claims modern israel, the one today, is the same messianic israel of Ezekiel 38.
If not believing in either the error of “Replacement Theology” or the opposite error of “Dual Covenant Theology” makes me an “xtian” then I guess you are being accurate.

Here are a couple of other xtians explaining why they see things the way they do….

Along with a song by another (no doubt) accursed xtian polemicising the popular anti-Semitic narrative…



Oct 24, 2021
example of how i role

me: John 1:1 doesnt only say 'The Word IS GOD', it also says 'The Word was with God'. Two contradictory statements. Why? the first 'with God' pertains to the left brain logical truth which relates to the Trancendence of God and is a passive path. the second 'Is God' pertains to the right brain mystical truth which relates to the Immanence of God and is an active path.

islam perfectly understands the combination of the logical and mystical perspectives and how they relate to God's Trancendence and Immanence. The key is to have a balanced view.
xtians deliberately ignore the former and only accept the latter. they choose 'Word Is God' to form the entirity of their belief, whereas a balanced person would understand both statements and how both are true from different perspectives.

when i say xtians are guilty of selective amnesia, am i showing 'disdain'? it is just a fact
Jesus: im nothing, i dont know the last hour. The Father is doing everything and knows everything. He just does things through me.
christians: we totally understand the difference between the logical and mystical and that is why we have John 1:1 presenting a balanced viewpoint.
xtians: 'iz God doeee'
come on, you guys do not deserve respect. dumb people.
It not only says "the Word is God" it goes on to say "the same was in the begging with God". A little further it says " and the Word dwelt among us" referring to Jesus of coarse. You're all about mental gymnastics. You'd say anything to prove a point.


Oct 24, 2021
nothing more occult than the state of israel today. the masonic state of israel.
the Rothschild family own israel..and what are they?
baronesss philippine de rothschild

that's baphomet

look up images of rothschild parties...it is sick sh**.

@Red Sky at Morning literally worships these people btw. no exaggeration of troll attempt. he has a lot of threads where he claims modern israel, the one today, is the same messianic israel of Ezekiel 38.

so if you're opposed to luciferians, he thinks you're Gog & Magog camp.
that is also after knowing that the ashkenazi's are from the Gomer camp (mentioned in ezekiel 38)

see it's like this
to these xtians, the gay man is straight ansd the straight man is gay.
Quit using straw man tactics as a way to discredit someone's view on a completely different subject. Trolls and wannabe apologists resort to this nonsense.
Mar 14, 2017
Answer me a few questions if you dont mind.

Who and what is the holy spirit?
Who was Jesus?
Do heaven and hell exist?
Why did Jesus come into the world?

1) The Son and Holy Spirit represent the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic expressions of God ie His Immanence with the microcosmic being post-causal. The Son isn't just limited to Jesus, it is 'everything' ie 'in him and through him are all things'. The holy spirit is the higher self of all of us. It's our inner 'Logos' if you will. It's what connects us and guides us back to the primordial origin. 'the first and the last' representing our metaphysical descent and ascent.
Wisdom is a notch below the holy spirit ie wisdom comes from the holy spirit. We obv know that from Revelation 2, but unfortunely the 'xtian' world misinterpreted the term 'lucifer/morning star'. venus, the morning star, was only an external symbolic representation of inner wisdom. the rising of the morning star, representing how wisdom guides us out of darkness. that inner guidance/truth is from the holy spirit and extends to wisdom.

also, no, i dont think some random voice in my head is the holy spirit, in fact i never think of the holy spirit in that way at all.

A chaper in the Quran is called 'Surah at-Tariq'
the word Tariq means
in otherwords it also means 'the door knocker' and hence is a reference to the holy spirit.

short chapter, have a quick read
so in islam the morning star also means the 'door knocker' and is hence connected with the holy spirit..
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

yeh 'higher self' is the best way i can describe the holy spirit, but at the same time i dont mean some new age demon or a random voice in my head.

2) The jewish messiah and incarnation of the universal consciousness which represents the Immanence of God on the macrocosmic level, hence 'God In Jesus' but only in the Immanent sense. In extention to this, not limited to Jesus but in truth, God in 'all things' since the Logos/Son is 'all things' as i explained before.

3) fulfill prophecy, change the world, guide people, give them the 'good news of the kingdom of heaven'. nothing different here than anything other than i dont believe Jesus is a deity. God 'in him' is a state of consciousness...if people chose to worship Jesus the person they were wrong, but if they saw 'God in him' in terms of his purpose, message, actions etc then that was paert of the mystical right brain perspective of perceiving God in/through things.
obv this is personal. ive had this exchange with some literalist muslims who get bogged down into the logical side eg 'so you can see God inside DOG EXTREMENT THEN? IN YOUR TOILET'.
like the statement 'to the pure allt hings are pure' it goes without saying, this is subjective and we cant see God in everything.

oh yeh, speaking of right/left brain, as i said it relates to the passive and active side (yin and yang) of the metaphysical too. With Jesus, he was passive before..the suffering servant. The active part hasn't been fulfilled yet.
also as an extention of John 16, Mohammad represented the microcosm side, the holy spirit brought islam, the Quran etc through Mohammad in fulfillment of John 16. As suchm Mohammed represents a microcosm of Jesus too. The passive side of Jesus is what Mohammad represented in Mecca. Then there was the hijra/migration to Madina. In Madina Mohammad became the conquerer/ruler. this is one reason why a lot of muslims confuse messianic prophecy for Mohammad because they dont realise that Mohammad represents a foreshadowing of Jesus.
I get that you dont believe this, but that's because you're unfamiliar and dont really understand the core theme represented.

likewise...in Daniel 2, the rock (Jesus) will destroy the whole image by striking it's foot.
Yet on the lesser scale eg the microcosmic scale..the rise of islam literally ended babylon, persia and the byzantine empire. babylon which prophecy said would be completely destroyed, still existed when islam came there was even a church there, but islam removed it completely. the persian empire was ended forever. any other empire from there was an islamic empire and not exclusively persian. likewise the byzantine empire was ended which, i guess you could see it as an extention of rome and even greece. The only one remaining which islam has been losing to is western europe and now america..which is the last remnant of Rome but the most powerful. This represents the end times Rome..which Jesus has to destroy.
Mar 14, 2017
Quit using straw man tactics as a way to discredit someone's view on a completely different subject. Trolls and wannabe apologists resort to this nonsense.
it has nothing to do with you. i was talking to @Daze
the creators/owners of the state of israel are a satanic/luciferian baphomet worshipping club...
but there are xtians who worship the state of israel and cant see it for what it is...
and btw, I BELIEVE in end times messianic israel. The ashkenazi one is an imposter shitting on messianic ideals though.

i mean even from a secular pov i can accept a jewish state, but one that literally deliberately makes fun of messianic ideals by doing the opposite, that's some sick shit i cant support.

'straw man doe, troll doe, apologiszlost doe'
Mar 14, 2017
It not only says "the Word is God" it goes on to say "the same was in the begging with God". A little further it says " and the Word dwelt among us" referring to Jesus of coarse. You're all about mental gymnastics. You'd say anything to prove a point.
'the Word dwelt amongst us' isnt even something im arguing.
Jesus was the Word, no problem.
However the christians say the WORD IS ABSOLUTELY GOD, TRACENDENT, FULLY GOD etc..and they base it on 'The Word IS GOD'
my point is that this statement in John 1:1 is only said alongside 'The Word was with God' eg 2 contradictory statements...and the meaning behind that is to present both a logical left brain pov and a mystical right brain pov...and the key is in balancing them.
understand that God is not inside His creation...and yet God is in All things.
one is logical and one is mystical.

im putting you on ignore because you have nothing to contribute other than to whine. the fact you couldnt see the point i was making shows you're not worthy of my time anyway.