Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Aug 20, 2020
so i tried looking it up but i couldn't find anything. But i think if you ask Simple Believer in the comment section of the video she'll give you the link. I also hope your feeling better! ill keep praying for you

yeah same :( i was never really a fan of monsta x when i used to listen to kp0p so i never knew about that. I personally don't mind her long videos but i think timestamps in her videos would be helpful for those who wish to skip around
I feel a little better,thanks ♡♡


Jan 19, 2021
I feel a little better,thanks ♡♡
im glad to hear :) please don't forget also to rest and take breaks. Remember God is in control with all of this, he's already won the war. This battle is not ours to fight. The only thing we can do pray for all these people and the whole world, as well as strengthen our own relationship with Him, which is what i'm currently trying to do now. Just talk to Him and leave it all in His hands, and He will guide you in your life. You were born to know God, love Him, serve Him, and be with Him forever in heaven. That's how precious you and your life are in His eyes. The reason why you are still breathing is because He has a purpose for you. Don't let the devil fill you with his lies, he doesn't want you know this. All he does is confuse, divide, discourage, and deceive us.

These are some bible verses that help me
"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94:19
"I loved you at your darkest." Romans 5:8
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

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Aug 20, 2020
im glad to hear :) please don't forget also to rest and take breaks. Remember God is in control with all of this, he's already won the war. This battle is not ours to fight. The only thing we can do pray for all these people and the whole world, as well as strengthen our own relationship with Him, which is what i'm currently trying to do now. Just talk to Him and leave it all in His hands, and He will guide you in your life. You were born to know God, love Him, serve Him, and be with Him forever in heaven. That's how precious you and your life are in His eyes. The reason why you are still breathing is because He has a purpose for you. Don't let the devil fill you with his lies, he doesn't want you know this. All he does is confuse, divide, discourage, and deceive us.

These are some bible verses that help me
"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94:19
"I loved you at your darkest." Romans 5:8
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Thank you so much,i needed these words♡♡♡


Aug 20, 2020
Testimony of a guy who was in the industry and repented.He said he was possessed,and did s**ual magic,witchcraft,divination,law of attraction,but he changed and God saved him from being killed by a girl who was in the occult and tried to lie to him using another wizard♡
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Jan 19, 2021
for what Simple Believer talks about at 1:26:05, was the concept for t ex t's the chaos chapter: freeze. One of the members said that the song magic was about "you having the magical ability to melt the ice that is around me." People may think oh the meaning is cute or cheesy, i thought at first it was cheesy when i heard their explanation for the song, but that is not the case, its deeper than that. Like simple believer says, these people are dead inside, they have no heart, so they compare their heart to being cold . That is why in their song anti-romantic, they say this in their song:

Sorry I’m an anti-romantic
I don’t trust it anymore, romantic
That my heart will all burn away
And only black soot will be left, I’m afraid..

That is why for their concept photos they are seen in a destroyed ice cold place. And it also explains why for their album freeze, there is a heart in the middle, and they had hearts as a theme for that comeback.
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Jan 19, 2021
Some of my thoughts from these videos, especially the one where she talks about kang dani3l, it reminds me of when it was mentioned here when idols would have take breaks or hiatus due to mental health problems, anxiety, etc. For example, i was talking with a couple members earlier in this thread about the member from t ex t having a mental breakdown during one of their concerts, and him saying things like he doesn't know who he is anymore, and he's dealing with depression, i pasted it here:
I still can't find a translation would have been nice to know what he was saying.

If anyone knows Korean feel free to translate what Beomgyu was saying when he was crying :(
i found one translation

i was scrolling to twitter and found that he said this too i think in his diary once :(

this really breaks my heart, even though I'm not a fan anymore it still hurts me to see this...
i'll continue to pray for them
Same. I'll continue to pray for them but it's hard seeing him like this :(
i hope he finds happiness, most importantly through Christ

I was a bit worried because i used to be a fan of them, and at first i thought that they didn't know they were in a satanic industry. I felt really bad for him at first, but now after watching these videos and reading some members posts i came to realize that they all know what they signed up for once they signed that contract. I mentioned in the bt5 thread a couple days ago how i think him and y3onjun practice black magic the most in the group. Now i realized while watching her videos that simple believer talked about how its really them battling with demonic possession and oppression behind the scenes. And it doesn't just go for him, it goes for all these id0ls who say these kinds of things they might be dealing with and going through.

In the first video, kang dani3l visited a hypnotist and talked about his past life. Simple believer then mentions in the second video how in that video the editors played it off saying its "just for fun", yet in an interview for his comeback, he mentions his past self and past life and how he "surpassed it." So it shows that the hypnosis session he had was serious and there was real demonic activity at play there affecting his life. She also talks in the kang dani3l video about him going through various mk ultra programming. At first i speculated whether these idols really went through mk ultra programming or not, but now im starting to think they are, or at least some kind of programming, especially while currently watching her video on kang dani3l. Im also starting to really think that many of these idols come from satanic bloodlines. In the second video she mention's a o a m1na, and i think she talks about how m1na mentioned in an interview that her family and ancestors where shamans, and the shaman she went to said that her great grandparents or something, i cant remember specifically who, said that they wanted her to come to that shaman and do that ritual that she did. So the occult runs deep in her family and its been passed down from generation to generation. I looked them up because i really didn't know much about shamans, and i saw a bunch of videos of them predicting kpop idols and groups as well as their futures. I watched a couple, and what made me raise my eyebrows was that there was one shaman who was predicting t ex t as a group and their future, and she mentions the member t@ehyun and says something along the lines of his ancestors being pleased with him. It reminded me of simple believer said about m1na and her ancestors :( So who knows the true backgrounds or stories of these people, or even how they say they got into their companies. Like for example s0mi's symbolism in her video with her being programmed since she was young and all the p3d0 codes, and people finding out lee shit man is dating g1selle from @espa's aunt, so obvious connections there to the industry. But yeah these are just my thoughts, just to once again hopefully show to lurkers or whoever's watching that all in all its a facade and that we really need to pray for these people as well as the fans to be delivered from their deception.
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Aug 7, 2021
Some of my thoughts from these videos, especially the one where she talks about kang dani3l, it reminds me of when it was mentioned here when idols would have take breaks or hiatus due to mental health problems, anxiety, etc. For example, i was talking with a couple members earlier in this thread about the member from t ex t having a mental breakdown during one of their concerts, and him saying things like he doesn't know who he is anymore, and he's dealing with depression, i pasted it here:

i found one translation

i was scrolling to twitter and found that he said this too i think in his diary once :(

Same. I'll continue to pray for them but it's hard seeing him like this :(
i hope he finds happiness, most importantly through Christ

I was a bit worried because i used to be a fan of them, and at first i thought that they didn't know they were in a satanic industry. I felt really bad for him at first, but now after watching these videos and reading some members posts i came to realize that they all know what they signed up for once they signed that contract. I mentioned in the bt5 thread a couple days ago how i think him and y3onjun practice black magic the most in the group. Now i realized while watching her videos that simple believer talked about how its really them battling with demonic possession and oppression behind the scenes. And it doesn't just go for him, it goes for all these id0ls who say these kinds of things they might be dealing with and going through.

In the first video, kang dani3l visited a hypnotist and talked about his past life. Simple believer then mentions in the second video how in that video the editors played it off saying its "just for fun", yet in an interview for his comeback, he mentions his past self and past life and how he "surpassed it." So it shows that the hypnosis session he had was serious and there was real demonic activity at play there affecting his life. She also talks in the kang dani3l video about him going through various mk ultra programming. At first i speculated whether these idols really went through mk ultra programming or not, but now im starting to think they are, or at least some kind of programming, especially while currently watching her video on kang dani3l. Im also starting to really think that many of these idols come from satanic bloodlines. In the second video she mention's a o a m1na, and i think she talks about how m1na mentioned in an interview that her family and ancestors where shamans, and the shaman she went to said that her great grandparents or something, i cant remember specifically who, said that they wanted her to come to that shaman and do that ritual that she did. So the occult runs deep in her family and its been passed down from generation to generation. I looked them up because i really didn't know much about shamans, and i saw a bunch of videos of them predicting kpop idols and groups as well as their futures. I watched a couple, and what made me raise my eyebrows was that there was one shaman who was predicting t ex t as a group and their future, and she mentions the member t@ehyun and says something along the lines of his ancestors being pleased with him. It reminded me of simple believer said about m1na and her ancestors :( So who knows the true backgrounds or stories of these people, or even how they say they got into their companies. Like for example s0mi's symbolism in her video with her being programmed since she was young and all the p3d0 codes, and people finding out lee shit man is dating g1selle from @espa's aunt, so obvious connections there to the industry. But yeah these are just my thoughts, just to once again hopefully show to lurkers or whoever's watching that all in all its a facade and that we really need to pray for these people as well as the fans to be delivered from their deception.
theyre just created to be what they will be
these backstories just fake shit


Jul 23, 2020
yes. I also have a feeling all these personas and personality these companies give these idols to be are demonic alters. That's why when you look at interviews of them you get so charmed and sucked in, that's how i was with bt5 when i first discovered them.
You are so right. I came across this 2017 interview and here is a snippet

Shin: Just like their namesake, idols are idealized beings. Beautiful beings that have been created in the most ideal form so that it’s impossible not to be loved by everyone. And since it’s hard to achieve that kind of existence, once you do get created in such a way, it’s only natural to be afraid to shed the skin of an idol. Of course you’d want to settle with what you’ve got. So the more Jonghyun reveals of himself, and the more he reveals his desire to go out and meet the rest of the world, it could actually make the people around him more anxious.