BTS discussion thread


Jun 23, 2021
Okay this is really not my cup of tea… to make posts like these… but I feel like this place have lost just a little bit of what made it good over the last couple of months.

So, I will try to do my best to be more active from now on and share some of my own theories about BTS with you. Maybe that can help... or maybe not, I don’t know. :p

I guess I should say where I come from first.

I do not really believe in mk-ultra. I know that CIA had a project after the second world war named mk-ultra and Blue Bird, but I don’t believe that it is used exactly like that today. I think maybe they can have made changes to the process and so have made an alternative form of brainwashing that can be used without completely destroying the human mind.

And I guess there is a chance that it has been used with celebrities like Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith. We have some evidences, that suggests it. But it also looks like it does make these people very unstable. BTS is functioning quite well right now, except from Jungkook from time to time. So if they have experienced a form of mk-ultra it must have been very successful or it must have been to a lesser degree.

But to be honest, I don’t think that BTS have been exposed to it. They are constantly on camera and their schedules are crazy. It simply seems unlikely.

When it comes to demons and demon possessions… well I don’t believe in that either. I believe our minds can be extremely easily influenced, and that we can take great harm by our surroundings. BTS is not surrounded by the best people, and they are not exactly treaded well. They are under an impressive amount of stress and have been so since they were teenagers. That kind of stress does leave its marks on you.

Now for what I really do believe in, and which is why I am here on this forum, is the freemasons, the globalism agenda, and the new world order. I have an uncle, who have been a freemason for most of his life. I don’t think he is that high up in the hierarchy, but he is still annoyingly secretive every time I ask him about it. So, I do know, that there is more in this world then what we are being told.

Why I do find BTS so interesting is because they show us a lot. They started early on with symbolism in their videos and photo sessions, and they were created by a genius. Bang Shi-Hyuk is actually one of the most interesting personalities when it comes to understand BTS. It is his mind we see unfolding throughout BTS’ career and I don’t think there can be any doubt he had influential friends from the beginning.

And maybe I should try with a couple of theories now that you know just a little bit about me and where I come from.

The first one:

Something happened in 2015. It was the year where I Need You came out, and BTS made their first extreme changes to their image. They went from hardcore hip hop and bad boy look to the more rough casual and down to earth look. And they started the BU. It was an instant success for them. And then in 2016 they made Fire.

I actually think this was the beginning of the collaboration with whoever they are – the powers that be. What we see in Fire is the symbolism for the deal, that have been made between them.

And with the BU videos Bang Shi-Hyuks geniuses came out to play. But maybe he was not alone about it, maybe he had help. Who knows? Nonetheless the whole BU-Story is quite something. Who thinks about creating a story for a boyband were almost everyone dies in several horrifying ways and then showcase this to a fanbase of mostly teenagers? Just think about it. It is actually an incredibly strange thing to do. But it did work wonders for them though.

My second theory:

They – whoever they are – did not know, that BTS would get this popular all over the world… but they did. So what we are seeing now in the US anyway, is the new beginning. They are getting the classic Disney rollout. What we normally see with Disney’s young stars like Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and the new up and coming Olivia Rodrigo. We saw it with Justin Bieber too even though he is not from Disney. They make fun and innocent music, that especially children and young people will easily like. They now have this wholesome good boy image or the boy next door image going for them. It is so typical for new young stars in the US to start with this perfect innocent look and then after some time changes it into something depraved and perverted. All their young fans will then follow them into this deranged world.

The problem with BTS is, that they are not really new, and they are not that young either, and they have been through dark themes since the beginning. So now it just feels absurd to see them like this. But maybe this will work out for them too, who knows? We will see.

This was a lot of text with not a single picture or video at all. I truly apologize for that. I will try to do better next time. ;)
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing your theories. On the 2nd theory, I think like you said they are way too old..everyone but JK is 25 or over. But I have noticed a change in content where the rap line has nothing to do because there is no place for them anymore when in the beginning they were the main show. Aside from them being too old, they would need to have a break out star to reach the fame you mentioned before. Think Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5 or Justin Timberlake from N'sync. No boyband esp. foreign would ever truly be big here. So maybe bang is already planning for the breakout star to be JK. He looks and sounds the most western and from what I heard has the most fans in the U.S. so who knows. As far as young fans following them into a deranged world I think that's already happening. And they can't be too openly depraved like the Disney stars if they ever want to leave the U.S. and comeback home. SK has them on a short leash.


Jul 14, 2021
Haha I'm American too and btees took me down a rabbit hole of kpop and Korean slang I never knew before. Oppar is making fan of the word Oppa which is a term of endearment for a woman towards a man. Wokies are sjws and an ulzzang looks like this.

I have a theory that btees fell into wokeness by accident. It makes them money so they don't rock the boat, but won't do anything to screw things up at home. Tae once said that his brother didn't agree with his lifestyle. What lifestyle? When a black girl tried to hug Tae on the set of Hustle life, he lost his shit. So did JK when a woman tried to say hi to him. He was upset that the hyungs were talking to those girls. He reiterated that it's only a business relationship, so I don't know why people think it means they like black girls. Tae, Jn and Jm have both said they prefer Korean girls, which is ok. They have very traditional ideas on dating and seem like normal Korean men.

Whatever they do is to capture the US market. If they studied American tastes as much as Japanese, they could do it. The Japanese market is catered to and received shows and fanmeets that even Koreans didn't get. I think they're intrigued by the freedom of Americans but also look down on the culture. Have you seen the video of Tae getting offended during by Solar's performance? It starts around 2:06.

Having a preference I totally understand, them preferring to date/marry they’re own nationality is completely understandable, of course the problem comes in when the word hate is used against a group of people who can’t help being black or white or whatever race they are. It’s ignorance and I wanted to believe they were smarter than that.

Does anyone know if Tae comes from a christian background or strict background? Would make sense for the reasoning behind his brother’s comment. The irony is if Tae and a few of the others are very traditional the industry they are in is a contradiction, and it’s hypocrisy. Unless it’s their true selves who feel this way and their alters are the ones living the lie…if they have indeed been monarch programmed.


Jul 14, 2021
Haha I'm American too and btees took me down a rabbit hole of kpop and Korean slang I never knew before. Oppar is making fan of the word Oppa which is a term of endearment for a woman towards a man. Wokies are sjws and an ulzzang looks like this.

I have a theory that btees fell into wokeness by accident. It makes them money so they don't rock the boat, but won't do anything to screw things up at home. Tae once said that his brother didn't agree with his lifestyle. What lifestyle? When a black girl tried to hug Tae on the set of Hustle life, he lost his shit. So did JK when a woman tried to say hi to him. He was upset that the hyungs were talking to those girls. He reiterated that it's only a business relationship, so I don't know why people think it means they like black girls. Tae, Jn and Jm have both said they prefer Korean girls, which is ok. They have very traditional ideas on dating and seem like normal Korean men.

Whatever they do is to capture the US market. If they studied American tastes as much as Japanese, they could do it. The Japanese market is catered to and received shows and fanmeets that even Koreans didn't get. I think they're intrigued by the freedom of Americans but also look down on the culture. Have you seen the video of Tae getting offended during by Solar's performance? It starts around 2:06.

Also I could be wrong but as you continue to watch the video it looks like they are lowkey enjoying the performances


Jan 19, 2021
Hey Guys, I just uploaded a new video on YT.
The title: BTS and The Mansion Partys.
The UN and sexual abuse is also a topic.
Feel free to check it out. Thanks in advance.
I just saw your video! The guy who makes those documentaries exposing hollywood, Jay Myers, should do one on the Kpop industry as well
I can't find the video. Can you link it here?


Jul 14, 2021
What did you hear about it? I have no idea what's going on in the video.
Lol me neither! Not sure what it was about I didn’t click on the video link because I didn’t know what they were referencing but now I see it’s the name of the song they were discussing, oh and something regarding the half black, half Korean model in the video.


Jun 23, 2021
About Taehyung:

There is quite a lot of people who believe that Taehyung has a bad attitude or is rude or something like that. I really don’t think that to be the case. What I think is going on, is that he pretty much doesn’t want to be an idol any longer, and that it has been like that for a long time now.

And that is a problem of cause as he has no way out. He is pretty much stuck. Unfortunately for Hybe Taehyung has a rebellious streak and that is what we see, when he acts out. The picture he uses right now on weverse is him showing his staff, that they cannot tell him what picture he should use. That he will decide that for himself. The funny thing is, that the staff have changed the picture back to Taehyung two times now and every time Taehyung has changed it back to his dog again. There is some infighting going on it looks like.

Then we have the infamous v-live he made on his birthday, where it couldn’t be more obvious, that he isn’t in a complete agreement with his company. He wants to do, what he wants to do. But of cause he can’t, so he finds small ways to give himself a little bit of freedom.

Jin does actually this too, but he has a much better grasp of what he can do before it become problematic. Taehyung doesn’t always seem to know when to stop, and therefore his managers seem to restrict him a lot more.

He is 25 years old now and can’t decide his own hair, the clothes he wears when he works, his weight, what to say, where to go or when to go… and which picture to use on weverse. And I know that this goes for all of them. But if he then also gets “scolded” because he doesn’t keep to the rules good enough or have a couple more eyes on him simply because he has done something wrong too many times, then you have the perfect recipe to make anyone mad.

Yeah, I don’t think the situation with Taehyung will end well. I am just waiting for the first scandal to happen.

About Jungkook:

Well the situation with Jungkook – as I see it – is just bad, extremely bad really. I don’t think he is well at all, and that is why he has so many episodes where he zones out completely. For some time now, I have thought, that he maybe has a mental disability. Maybe autism – in the lighter end of the spectrum of cause. When he is stressed, you can often see him swing back and forth on the chair. He does this a lot when they get interviewed or when he seems nervous. And that is so typical for autism.

Then we have all the wounds he gets constantly. Some of them really don’t look like accidents to me. If he is not mentally well, that could explain why it looks like he may have done some of them to himself. If this is the case, then I actually think Jungkook is in great need of help. I do think though and hope, that he does get some kind of help from professionals, but it must be a hell for him to live the life he does if he actually has a mental disability to battle with at the same time.

And then the last thing I have to say about Jungkook is, that he too seems to be going through a rebellious phase, a phase that have been even longer than Taehyungs. That is why he today has quite a lot of tattoos. It is really not normal for an idol to get tattoos (though I do know about G-Dragon – it is still not normal). I believe that the tattoos were his way to show everyone that he could control what happened with his own body. Again, a way to secure some freedom. And of cause I think he likes them too.

And with Jungkook we already have the scandals. Hybe have just been incredibly good at protecting him from the media.

My conclusion is that I actually believe both Jungkook and Taehyung has the potential to become loose cannons in the future and maybe that is the reason for why they get my attention so much. Though I will say that some of the others doesn’t seem that well eighter. All of them would properly benefit from retirement really, but then I wouldn’t be able to study them so… that would be bad. :eek:
Earlier this year someone had posted then quickly deleted the different personalities Kpop companies construct for idols and gave ex. It blew my mind because they were spot on. From the concepts to the way an idol acts on film is fake. Think how Jn said he was given the cold mysterious silent character during debut. So with that said you have to look closely for the true personality of the idol to come out and with as much as Bt* is filmed their bound to slip. I definitely agree with a lot that you said about T*e. He is defiant and rebellious and who can blame him. I sort of see differently about him not wanting to be an idol tho. I think he loves the attention at times and even thirsts for it..I think what he is actually sick of is being in that group. He seems like a completely different person around his actor friends. He's seems happy. I think he loves fame and all the riches and yes he seems full of himself. This wasn't always the case tho. He's changed. Now JK, he is the perfect performer and by that I mean actor too. Unlike T*e who can't seem to control his feelings. JK never slips on camera, he appears sweet and humble, but I get the feeling he's not in real life. He's hard to read. I agree about him having a possible mental disability or illness. I'm not sure if it's because of yrs of abuse and starting too early. He was only 13 when entering that evil industry. Also, I agree they are both loose cannons and the ones to look out for for something to happen.
Mar 1, 2021
Like Jlo?They know vizualisation and manifesting?But they knew thanks to the fame or they were ready before?There are not famous people who tried these techniques and they were a failure.It didn't worked.For the people like bt* what is different?
You have to know what you're doing. If you're willing to tap into power and do the work, it works. These are advanced topics broken down for the masses. There are secrets to getting it to work. It's like free talks on topics that are only there to get money from you. The real "meat" is deeper than that. Big celebrities have access to a battery of power most of us don't. Piggyback off of that and you can grow your abilities bit by bit.
Mar 1, 2021
I think the same about Jimin and J hope,and i noticed that in some photos Suga seems a female.
An angry female lol. He's a lot like Ren. Whenever his members molest him, because that's what they're doing, Ren blows up.
Omg yikes! Alot of accounts I've seen are mad he hasn't enlisted yet. I saw one post saying while jn's peers are serving, he's busy singing nanananana over and over again. Brutal but not wrong.
My sides hurt laughing. People really can't stand him.
Also I could be wrong but as you continue to watch the video it looks like they are lowkey enjoying the performances
Tae looked really turned off. The other members looked surprised but enjoyed it.
Lol me neither! Not sure what it was about I didn’t click on the video link because I didn’t know what they were referencing but now I see it’s the name of the song they were discussing, oh and something regarding the half black, half Korean model in the video.
Their group is clout chasing to create opportunities for the group. This post says it best.

About Taehyung:

There is quite a lot of people who believe that Taehyung has a bad attitude or is rude or something like that. I really don’t think that to be the case. What I think is going on, is that he pretty much doesn’t want to be an idol any longer, and that it has been like that for a long time now.

And that is a problem of cause as he has no way out. He is pretty much stuck. Unfortunately for Hybe Taehyung has a rebellious streak and that is what we see, when he acts out. The picture he uses right now on weverse is him showing his staff, that they cannot tell him what picture he should use. That he will decide that for himself. The funny thing is, that the staff have changed the picture back to Taehyung two times now and every time Taehyung has changed it back to his dog again. There is some infighting going on it looks like.

Then we have the infamous v-live he made on his birthday, where it couldn’t be more obvious, that he isn’t in a complete agreement with his company. He wants to do, what he wants to do. But of cause he can’t, so he finds small ways to give himself a little bit of freedom.

Jin does actually this too, but he has a much better grasp of what he can do before it become problematic. Taehyung doesn’t always seem to know when to stop, and therefore his managers seem to restrict him a lot more.

He is 25 years old now and can’t decide his own hair, the clothes he wears when he works, his weight, what to say, where to go or when to go… and which picture to use on weverse. And I know that this goes for all of them. But if he then also gets “scolded” because he doesn’t keep to the rules good enough or have more eyes on him simply because he has done something wrong too many times, then you have the perfect recipe to make anyone mad.

Yeah, I don’t think the situation with Taehyung will end well. I am just waiting for the first scandal to happen.

About Jungkook:

Well the situation with Jungkook – as I see it – is just bad, extremely bad really. I don’t think he is well at all, and that is why he has so many episodes where he zones out completely. For some time now, I have thought, that he maybe has a mental disability. Maybe autism – in the lighter end of the spectrum of cause. When he is stressed, you can often see him swing back and forth on the chair. He does this a lot when they get interviewed or when he seems nervous. And that is so typical for autism.

Then we have all the wounds he gets constantly. Some of them really don’t look like accidents to me. If he is not mentally well, that could explain why it looks like he may have done some of them to himself. If this is the case, then I actually think Jungkook is in great need of help. I do think though and hope, that he does get some kind of help from professionals, but it must be a hell for him to live the life he does if he actually has a mental disability to battle with at the same time.

And then the last thing I have to say about Jungkook is, that he too seems to be going through a rebellious phase, a phase that have been even longer than Taehyungs. That is why he today has quite a lot of tattoos. It is really not normal for an idol to get tattoos (though I do know about G-Dragon – it is still not normal). I believe that the tattoos were his way to show everyone that he could control what happened with his own body. Again, a way to secure some freedom. And of cause I think he likes them too.

And with Jungkook we already have the scandals. Hybe have just been incredibly good at protecting him from the media.

My conclusion is that I actually believe both Jungkook and Taehyung has the potential to become loose cannons in the future and maybe that is the reason for why they get my attention so much. Though I will say that some of the others doesn’t seem that well eighter. All of them would properly benefit from retirement really, but then I wouldn’t be able to study them so… that would be bad. :eek:
Jungkook does seem to stim a lot. If he was abused, he's struggling with a lot. The rebelliousness is part of the reason, karmys don't like Tae as much. Whenever someone talks about him or Tae having a developmental disorder, there's so much fighting between Armys. His habits and things Armys find cute are very autistic. Bang did a psychological evaluation on him before debut because he was so shy. They wanted to know if he could debut.

I don't blame Tae and I'd do it too. It's hilarious when he rebels but he gets punished each time. I think he was trained to have a bigger role but his behavior made them push him to the side. I found so much tea about him and Jk. I'll have to share it in another post.
Mar 1, 2021
Earlier this year someone had posted then quickly deleted the different personalities Kpop companies construct for idols and gave ex. It blew my mind because they were spot on. From the concepts to the way an idol acts on film is fake. Think how Jn said he was given the cold mysterious silent character during debut. So with that said you have to look closely for the true personality of the idol to come out and with as much as Bt* is filmed their bound to slip. I definitely agree with a lot that you said about T*e. He is defiant and rebellious and who can blame him. I sort of see differently about him not wanting to be an idol tho. I think he loves the attention at times and even thirsts for it..I think what he is actually sick of is being in that group. He seems like a completely different person around his actor friends. He's seems happy. I think he loves fame and all the riches and yes he seems full of himself. This wasn't always the case tho. He's changed. Now JK, he is the perfect performer and by that I mean actor too. Unlike T*e who can't seem to control his feelings. JK never slips on camera, he appears sweet and humble, but I get the feeling he's not in real life. He's hard to read. I agree about him having a possible mental disability or illness. I'm not sure if it's because of yrs of abuse and starting too early. He was only 13 when entering that evil industry. Also, I agree they are both loose cannons and the ones to look out for for something to happen.
Agree to all of this. JK is so phony and highly medicated. His few outlets are tattoos and his interests outside the group. Armys drove away his alt friends.


Mar 11, 2021
An angry female lol. He's a lot like Ren. Whenever his members molest him, because that's what they're doing, Ren blows up.

My sides hurt laughing. People really can't stand him.

Tae looked really turned off. The other members looked surprised but enjoyed it.

Their group is clout chasing to create opportunities for the group. This post says it best.

View attachment 59197View attachment 59197

Jungkook does seem to stim a lot. If he was abused, he's struggling with a lot. The rebelliousness is part of the reason, karmys don't like Tae as much. Whenever someone talks about him or Tae having a developmental disorder, there's so much fighting between Armys. His habits and things Armys find cute are very autistic. Bang did a psychological evaluation on him before debut because he was so shy. They wanted to know if he could debut.

I don't blame Tae and I'd do it too. It's hilarious when he rebels but he gets punished each time. I think he was trained to have a bigger role but his behavior made them push him to the side. I found so much tea about him and Jk. I'll have to share it in another post.
please tell me in our dms


Jun 23, 2021
An angry female lol. He's a lot like Ren. Whenever his members molest him, because that's what they're doing, Ren blows up.

My sides hurt laughing. People really can't stand him.

Tae looked really turned off. The other members looked surprised but enjoyed it.

Their group is clout chasing to create opportunities for the group. This post says it best.

View attachment 59197View attachment 59197

Jungkook does seem to stim a lot. If he was abused, he's struggling with a lot. The rebelliousness is part of the reason, karmys don't like Tae as much. Whenever someone talks about him or Tae having a developmental disorder, there's so much fighting between Armys. His habits and things Armys find cute are very autistic. Bang did a psychological evaluation on him before debut because he was so shy. They wanted to know if he could debut.

I don't blame Tae and I'd do it too. It's hilarious when he rebels but he gets punished each time. I think he was trained to have a bigger role but his behavior made them push him to the side. I found so much tea about him and Jk. I'll have to share it in another post.
Agree, I have thought JK could be mildly autistic or something. He repeats his actions over and over and this clip is telling..the way he is swaying back and forth to the point the other members try to stop him. This is why I believe he's often in the back in interviews and such. So his behaviors won't get noticed.

Someone posted this today and it was the first time I saw anyone acknowledge he does this. He literally bumps his nose constantly.

And please do share if you can haha
Mar 1, 2021
Agree, I have thought JK could be mildly autistic or something. He repeats his actions over and over and this clip is telling..the way he is swaying back and forth to the point the other members try to stop him. This is why I believe he's often in the back in interviews and such. So his behaviors won't get noticed.

Someone posted this today and it was the first time I saw anyone acknowledge he does this. He literally bumps his nose constantly.

And please do share if you can haha
That's sad how they took him out of his stim. It's comforting and he obviously was struggling. He tried to smile but there's pain in his eyes. Another reason to I stopped stanning them. He does a lot of weird stuff that's endearing but still not socially acceptable. He sniffs people, touches butt, is obsessed with scents and zones out. The stunning rounds out the picture. He's also very socially awkward. They all are.

This is so sick. Their group is a cult and the fans are out of their mind.



Jul 14, 2021
About Taehyung:

There is quite a lot of people who believe that Taehyung has a bad attitude or is rude or something like that. I really don’t think that to be the case. What I think is going on, is that he pretty much doesn’t want to be an idol any longer, and that it has been like that for a long time now.

And that is a problem of cause as he has no way out. He is pretty much stuck. Unfortunately for Hybe Taehyung has a rebellious streak and that is what we see, when he acts out. The picture he uses right now on weverse is him showing his staff, that they cannot tell him what picture he should use. That he will decide that for himself. The funny thing is, that the staff have changed the picture back to Taehyung two times now and every time Taehyung has changed it back to his dog again. There is some infighting going on it looks like.

Then we have the infamous v-live he made on his birthday, where it couldn’t be more obvious, that he isn’t in a complete agreement with his company. He wants to do, what he wants to do. But of cause he can’t, so he finds small ways to give himself a little bit of freedom.

Jin does actually this too, but he has a much better grasp of what he can do before it become problematic. Taehyung doesn’t always seem to know when to stop, and therefore his managers seem to restrict him a lot more.

He is 25 years old now and can’t decide his own hair, the clothes he wears when he works, his weight, what to say, where to go or when to go… and which picture to use on weverse. And I know that this goes for all of them. But if he then also gets “scolded” because he doesn’t keep to the rules good enough or have more eyes on him simply because he has done something wrong too many times, then you have the perfect recipe to make anyone mad.

Yeah, I don’t think the situation with Taehyung will end well. I am just waiting for the first scandal to happen.

About Jungkook:

Well the situation with Jungkook – as I see it – is just bad, extremely bad really. I don’t think he is well at all, and that is why he has so many episodes where he zones out completely. For some time now, I have thought, that he maybe has a mental disability. Maybe autism – in the lighter end of the spectrum of cause. When he is stressed, you can often see him swing back and forth on the chair. He does this a lot when they get interviewed or when he seems nervous. And that is so typical for autism.

Then we have all the wounds he gets constantly. Some of them really don’t look like accidents to me. If he is not mentally well, that could explain why it looks like he may have done some of them to himself. If this is the case, then I actually think Jungkook is in great need of help. I do think though and hope, that he does get some kind of help from professionals, but it must be a hell for him to live the life he does if he actually has a mental disability to battle with at the same time.

And then the last thing I have to say about Jungkook is, that he too seems to be going through a rebellious phase, a phase that have been even longer than Taehyungs. That is why he today has quite a lot of tattoos. It is really not normal for an idol to get tattoos (though I do know about G-Dragon – it is still not normal). I believe that the tattoos were his way to show everyone that he could control what happened with his own body. Again, a way to secure some freedom. And of cause I think he likes them too.

And with Jungkook we already have the scandals. Hybe have just been incredibly good at protecting him from the media.

My conclusion is that I actually believe both Jungkook and Taehyung has the potential to become loose cannons in the future and maybe that is the reason for why they get my attention so much. Though I will say that some of the others doesn’t seem that well eighter. All of them would properly benefit from retirement really, but then I wouldn’t be able to study them so… that would be bad. :eek:
Great analysis! I agree with a lot of what you’ve written especially in regards to the tattoos, I also see it as his way of rebelling, also the tattoos being a result of the darker side of things going on behind the scenes. In Hollywood it’s seen as a way to look less “available” if you’ve been placed in that beta kitten role,(being pimped out) which would tie into a way to feel like his body is his own. I also believe that he suffers not necessarily with autism but with adhd.

Classic rebellious attitudes just displayed differently. I’ve wrote about this regarding Tae, that he seems to want to focus on being able to perform and create music without being an industry puppet, having to deal with obsessive, crazy, obviously mentally ill fans, and I am sure the possibility of him being pimped out is a lot to handle also mentally and physically.
I’m starting to think that there was definitely some mind control used when they were younger, I don’t think it’s being used now, I don’t believe it has to be used at this point, the damage has already been done.
Mar 1, 2021
Great analysis! I agree with a lot of what you’ve written especially in regards to the tattoos, I also see it as his way of rebelling, also the tattoos being a result of the darker side of things going on behind the scenes. In Hollywood it’s seen as a way to look less “available” if you’ve been placed in that beta kitten role,(being pimped out) which would tie into a way to feel like his body is his own. I also believe that he suffers not necessarily with autism but with adhd.

Classic rebellious attitudes just displayed differently. I’ve wrote about this regarding Tae, that he seems to want to focus on being able to perform and create music without being an industry puppet, having to deal with obsessive, crazy, obviously mentally ill fans, and I am sure the possibility of him being pimped out is a lot to handle also mentally and physically.
I’m starting to think that there was definitely some mind control used when they were younger, I don’t think it’s being used now, I don’t believe it has to be used at this point, the damage has already been done.
I think he does show signs of adhd too. He's really hyperactive. It's a meme that his cameraman gets a good workout. What do you think will happen when they disband?


Aug 20, 2020
You have to know what you're doing. If you're willing to tap into power and do the work, it works. These are advanced topics broken down for the masses. There are secrets to getting it to work. It's like free talks on topics that are only there to get money from you. The real "meat" is deeper than that. Big celebrities have access to a battery of power most of us don't. Piggyback off of that and you can grow your abilities bit by bit.
Thank you for confirming my suspects
I thought that the infos about manifesting given to the masses are not complete,and that celebrities have more infos,and so their "techniques" works