Brazil Goes Fascist


Jan 10, 2019
Trying to have the courts overthrow the election is a soft coup. Maybe “judicial” or “legislative” coup would have been a better term but that’s what it was. In court the people pushing the “steal” theory are arguing that they aren’t liable because the claims are so ridiculous that so no reasonable people would believe them.

The rhetoric was designed to incite the putsch and it sure caused it. It was a test to see what they could get away with, it backfired in the short term but long term they have a lot to learn from and will almost certainly try something again.
A question for you as well: you truly trust electronic-without physic proof to verify them- ballots in elections? I personally don't. There are multiple sources (left and right) that have shown that digital election fraud is very possible.


Jul 27, 2017
Trying to have the courts overthrow the election is a soft coup. Maybe “judicial” or “legislative” coup would have been a better term but that’s what it was. In court the people pushing the “steal” theory are arguing that they aren’t liable because the claims are so ridiculous that so no reasonable people would believe them.

The rhetoric was designed to incite the putsch and it sure caused it. It was a test to see what they could get away with, it backfired in the short term but long term they have a lot to learn from and will almost certainly try something again.
I wouldn’t say it backfired. It definitely created a cult of people ready for a civil war.


Jan 10, 2019
The Russia probe lead to dozens of arrests, charges and convictions. Russia and Trump agents were certainly in contact but they knew how to largely cover their tracks. Mueller didn’t have the guts to indict a sitting president and punted to Congress. It came down to a party like vote and the congressional make up would not allow for impeachment.

The same is true about the 1/6 congressional trial. No matter how guilty he obviously was the republicans would never convict. It’s bad for them politically because the GOP is fully consumed by far right white nationalism and Q.
We all know there was collusion just like with many world leaders and parties but you fail to understand the main argument from other socialists, researchers, ant-war activists: The hourly coverage on Russian collusion wasn't worth it. The trials were cover for more egregious policies like vetoing ending the Yemen conflict or recognizing the occupied Golan Heights as Israeli. Stuff like Trump's work with Barr to initiate pre-crime programs was never mentioned because it challenges the ruling class.

Biden is a near identical copy of Trump. He even kept our ambassador to Russia lol. Man all the Russia MSM hysteria and lies like Cambridge Analytica's fake claims... the liberals ate it all up like cattle it's pathetic.

It's ongoing today. Without a drop of evidence we're supposed to believe it was Russian hacking responsible for different internet outages recently. Don't people remember Chile, the Arab Spring operation, MK ULTRA? It's a sad thing leftists are so willing to tweet CIA propaganda when it (appears to) suite their narrative. The reality though is you're being duped.


Jan 10, 2019
I wouldn’t say it backfired. It definitely created a cult of people ready for a civil war.
I mean that's what we're told by the mainstream and even independent outlets. Where's the proof? The scores of articles last year were all from the Atlantic, Bloomberg, Time, Newsweek etc. There is an agenda to plant this idea in regular peoples minds. Boogaloo boyz and Antifa? Shaa we're talking like barely a few hundred in the whole country.

My opinion is the they've engineered not a potential civil war but the THREAT of a civil war which is all they need for control.
Feb 22, 2020
None of the recounts or audits have shown anything. When there have been libel lawsuits against people saying such things they immediately retracted or use the defense that it was so far fetched as not to be true.

Millions of ballots this time were mail in paper ballots, more than ever. Your side says that is ripe for fraud too. The truth is it was always going to be fraud if Trump lost and he said that back in 2016 cycle.
your wasting your time.

Davidson doesn't do evidence, he does right wing talking points, while he pretends he is a left winger.

Same as his shill heroes Jimmy Dore and Glen Greenwald.
Feb 22, 2020
The Democrats hyped it up to downplay what a terrible candidate HRC was. I don’t disagree that it got coverage at the expense of other things but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t true either. Russia had a vested interest in Trump and likely had him compromised. Their interference played a role in his fluke election in 2016. It wasn’t solely because of Russia but Russia was port of a convergence of events that led to his victory.

Biden sucks but is objectively less dangerous than someone who is the head of the largest religious cult in the world ( outside of say the Pope since we call that religion and not a cult )
so now he admits there was collusion but his new line is "its not important" LMFAO

after this guy has been attacking me relentlessly for being one of the few to tell the truth about Trump/Russia.

His stupid line is "Your just pushing CIA propaganda"

He says that to everything. The only argument he has. He stole that one from Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dum Dum Whore.

Anyways all these fascists reveal themselves with time. Its clear as day. He even said in another thread that Orban, Bolsonaro, Trump, and others were "good" for fighting against "the globalists" LMFAO.

Couldn't keep the mask on any longer.
Feb 22, 2020
That is probably true so good for the Brazilians. But when you threw in the "soft coup" comment I had to laugh.

If you stop mixing truth with Democrat conspiracy theories you'll be credible.
I have to laugh because you pretend to be a leftist, yet every single thing you do is run cover for fascists, promote journalists who run cover for fascists, agree with nothing but fascists on this forum, and attack anybody who exposes fascists.

hmmm if it quacks like a duck

Trump tried to get mail in balots thrown out
Then he went to the courts to toss votes
Then he went to the courts to allege fraud
Then he blackmailed and threatened officials
Then they contemplated martial Law
Then he purged the military of those who would not go along with his coup
Then they organized a "stop the steal" rally funded by right wing billionaires
Then he used psychological warfare and manipulation to get rioters to storm the capitol
Then he issued stand down orders of the National Guard
Then they threatened Republicans to vote against impeachment and also NOT TO INVESTIGATE THE RIOT

Nothing to see here though

Just await your orders and talking points from Tucker Carlson and gang. LOL


Jan 10, 2019
your wasting your time.

Davidson doesn't do evidence, he does right wing talking points, while he pretends he is a left winger.

Same as his shill heroes Jimmy Dore and Glen Greenwald.
Yup same as always: Not a piece of evidence or facts, just hysterical personal attacks. I guess working so closely with druggies and trans-activists you've picked up these emotional tactics to shut down honest discussion, good work.
Feb 22, 2020
Yup same as always: Not a piece of evidence or facts, just hysterical personal attacks. I guess working so closely with druggies and trans-activists you've picked up these emotional tactics to shut down honest discussion, good work.
Dude I've dropped plenty of facts that you conveniently ignore.

You aren't even honest.

You've been pushing the whole Russia/Trump is a lie and now you admit its true but say it isn't important.

You are very deceptive and not interested in honest debate.


Jan 10, 2019
I have to laugh because you pretend to be a leftist, yet every single thing you do is run cover for fascists, promote journalists who run cover for fascists, agree with nothing but fascists on this forum, and attack anybody who exposes fascists.

hmmm if it quacks like a duck

Trump tried to get mail in balots thrown out
Then he went to the courts to toss votes
Then he went to the courts to allege fraud
Then he blackmailed and threatened officials
Then they contemplated martial Law
Then he purged the military of those who would not go along with his coup
Then they organized a "stop the steal" rally funded by right wing billionaires
Then he used psychological warfare and manipulation to get rioters to storm the capitol
Then he issued stand down orders of the National Guard
Then they threatened Republicans to vote against impeachment and also NOT TO INVESTIGATE THE RIOT

Nothing to see here though

Just await your orders and talking points from Tucker Carlson and gang. LOL
...and was found not-guilty on all of it. Time to move on. Glad at least you can be honest and call it was it was:a riot. First it was a coup, then an insurrection, but at they end of the day it was a riot plain and simple.

Have another drink bud and keep wasting your time repeating the same MSM garbage. You're the literally the only clown I know of still talking about Trump. All you talk about is culture warrior BS that you accuse everyone else of; it's a low level consciousness. That's what I said about conceited sociopaths and your perpetual infighting. Thank goodness you're so irrelevant or it would be worrisome.


Jan 10, 2019
Dude I've dropped plenty of facts that you conveniently ignore.

You aren't even honest.

You've been pushing the whole Russia/Trump is a lie and now you admit its true but say it isn't important.

You are very deceptive and not interested in honest debate.
Yeah everyone said that 2 years ago.. you know when it was actually a relevant conversation?

LOL says the guy who actually followed Alex Jones. I've never in my life listened to an Alex Jones episode. Do you your trans buddies know you flirt with conservatives programs like Adam Green and Brendan O'Connel? What a fucking schizophrenic: you troll truther/conservative sites, feeding on the truth movement to then turn and try and spread your partisan propaganda among people far beyond the left-right divide.

You've been advised to go where you belong but obviously when you live a lie that's tough to find. Start working out, check you diet or something cause dude you are the definition of unhinged.
Feb 22, 2020
Yeah everyone said that 2 years ago.. you know when it was actually a relevant conversation?

LOL says the guy who actually followed Alex Jones. I've never in my life listened to an Alex Jones episode. Do you your trans buddies know you flirt with conservatives programs like Adam Green and Brendan O'Connel? What a fucking schizophrenic: you troll truther/conservative sites, feeding on the truth movement to then turn and try and spread your partisan propaganda among people far beyond the left-right divide.

You've been advised to go where you belong but obviously when you live a lie that's tough to find. Start working out, check you diet or something cause dude you are the definition of unhinged.
just a day ago you were accusing me of "MSM propaganda" and now you are saying you admitted the same 2 years ago ? You can't even get your lies straight.

you guys blatantly have to PRETEND to be something you're not in order to push your insiduous propaganda.

all of you. Why is that ?

I dont hide anything and I'm always open about who I am and what I believe. Cannot say the same for you.

Because you know its poison you push.

Bolsonaro's great right ? Was that a slip ? Blew your cover ?


Dec 21, 2018
You guys keep talking as if Bolsonaro was a ruthless dictator, when in reality the guy is more like this:
WhatsApp Image 2021-07-12 at 08.39.02.jpeg

As for the army, soft coup, hard coup or anything like that, the army vibe is more like this:

Imma tell something to you guys. Last week a guy who pretends to be a seal on youtube, whose brother is famous for bathing in a nutella bathtub I might add, told an air general to f#ck off, he is still ok. Now, if only it were during the Medici years...

But well, there was a small uproar last week regarding the legislative and judicial power, this being the reason why the air general was told fo f#ck off to begin with. I don't believe there will be anything more, tho. The Senate President ran to make some phone calls, there were no more attrition since then, I guess the army is now back to mowing lawns.

As for Lula, the guy was president two times now. Do you guys really think that a person being president for a third time is ok? I mean, don't you guys have a 22nd ammendment for this, a tradition estabilished by George Washington, something about roosevelt and stuff like that?


Dec 21, 2018
Bolsonaro is toast without either rigging the election or attempting a coup. If Lula stays alive he will embarrass this fascist clown.
Nah. He isn't what we expected but people are angry. The repercussion of lazaro barbosa case and his speech after he was freed are still fresh in memory.

The consesus is that lula needs bolsonaro and bolsonaro needs lula in 2022, both only have a chance if they run against eachother, because this the media is trying to push various "third ways" but to no avail. The media tried to push Sergio Moro, the judge who condemned lula, as a possible candidate. Same thing as Mandetta, former health minister, who people only faintly remember.
Feb 22, 2020
You guys keep talking as if Bolsonaro was a ruthless dictator, when in reality the guy is more like this:
View attachment 58577

As for the army, soft coup, hard coup or anything like that, the army vibe is more like this:

Imma tell something to you guys. Last week a guy who pretends to be a seal on youtube, whose brother is famous for bathing in a nutella bathtub I might add, told an air general to f#ck off, he is still ok. Now, if only it were during the Medici years...

But well, there was a small uproar last week regarding the legislative and judicial power, this being the reason why the air general was told fo f#ck off to begin with. I don't believe there will be anything more, tho. The Senate President ran to make some phone calls, there were no more attrition since then, I guess the army is now back to mowing lawns.

As for Lula, the guy was president two times now. Do you guys really think that a person being president for a third time is ok? I mean, don't you guys have a 22nd ammendment for this, a tradition estabilished by George Washington, something about roosevelt and stuff like that?
The only reason they made that rule about 2 terms was to stop FDR, because he was so popular, and the elites did not want him.

If somebody can get voted in over and over again, it's probably because they are doing something right.
May 18, 2018
Well there is also murdering tribal leaders and environmentalists.

lol medical authoritarianism! You mean how he killed 100s of thousands of people and has the second highest death toll world wide?

I know it doesn’t bother you, most are old or had other illness, and I know the infirm is who your predecessors in Germany went after first.
Right you say medical tyranny is the good authoritarianism. You know it’s funny, some people would say that’s a contradiction but it’s remarkably consistent. Of course, I could predict it like I just did.

The Agrarian

Aug 17, 2018

No disrespect intended, but could you elaborate for me on the claim Iran is Zionist?

Honestly that's the first time I've ever heard that claim. I can believe Putin has ties to some really sketchy Jews, but Iran looks to be one of the few nations on Earth actually sticking it to them in the international sphere.
May 18, 2018
No one is forcing you to get a shot in the US and the lockdowns are over. Look I don’t care. When the new strains take all of you out ill consider it a win.
Mate you support world governments stripping people of the right to leave their house and you think you are fighting authoritarian fascism at the same time. Do you ever wonder why you hold these contradictory views, and furthermore, do you ever wonder why the government allows your leftist ilk to demonstrate to fight “tyranny” in the way that you do, and that they even do so along side you, with every major corporation at your back? Wondering why you think the modern political power structure has this dynamic