Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Feb 16, 2021
She believes in and practices the occult. My advice? Stay away. Because no matter how much truth she may speak, it comes from the spirit of deception, and hence not purely the truth. Such people are even more dangerous than the outright occult practitioner because unlike them, these people act like they know God but show you a different god and you wouldn't even know it when you fall for it.
We are on vigilant citizen so staying vigilant and praying is the first priority. I linked her channel because she said that it's important to recognize the occult and pray/ask help from a priest. So far she doesn't seem to promote something bad, if anything it's good for the brainwashed fans to see how dangerous their behavior is.
I will keep my eyes open.


Feb 16, 2021
tbh . . . perhaps thats why i couldnt figure her out. like i just was staring at her eyes theyre so empty. and yea red flag when she was saying white magic is any different to black. even anthony lavey the ceo of satanism and magic said theres no difference between white and black magic.
Didn't Antony Lavey say that S@tan doesn't exist? I never quite understood it, seems like one more excuse to "be your own god" aka selfish and bad person.


Oct 13, 2020
Didn't Antony Lavey say that S@tan doesn't exist? I never quite understood it, seems like one more excuse to "be your own god" aka selfish and bad person.
he did ? i never knew. i always just remember that we should never put 100% trust in what these ppl say in public. bc how can someone who wrote the satanic bible say satan dont rly exist. many satanists will say that they dont serve satan but instead themselves like u said. but lavey practiced magic and the magic doesnt just come from nowhere and im p sure he knows satan is real but u know what they say - the biggest trick satan has played is fooling the world into thinking he doesnt exist.


May 12, 2021
he did ? i never knew. i always just remember that we should never put 100% trust in what these ppl say in public. bc how can someone who wrote the satanic bible say satan dont rly exist. many satanists will say that they dont serve satan but instead themselves like u said. but lavey practiced magic and the magic doesnt just come from nowhere and im p sure he knows satan is real but u know what they say - the biggest trick satan has played is fooling the world into thinking he doesnt exist.
They are very confusing. They say they are an atheist religion and anyone practicing rituals aren’t actually Satanists. But then there are loads of photos of his weird parties and rituals... they are an odd bunch. They use misdirection and appeal to skeptics to make themselves seem to be enlightened and not the evil robe wearing pricks they actually are


Feb 16, 2021
he did ? i never knew. i always just remember that we should never put 100% trust in what these ppl say in public. bc how can someone who wrote the satanic bible say satan dont rly exist. many satanists will say that they dont serve satan but instead themselves like u said. but lavey practiced magic and the magic doesnt just come from nowhere and im p sure he knows satan is real but u know what they say - the biggest trick satan has played is fooling the world into thinking he doesnt exist.
For me, I find it easier to avoid the obvious, for example reading about his teachings, I also never watch Tarot readings because I know many people who claim to watch them 'for fun' and then I notice them being affected and talking about it...
But in the case of kpop or similar art/media it's much harder and I got sucked in and used to be a fan. That's why I try to search more info. I won't watch her channel videos about tarot or zodiacs or other evil things like that, same way I don't watch Stargirl and other occultists.


Mar 12, 2021
They are very confusing. They say they are an atheist religion and anyone practicing rituals aren’t actually Satanists. But then there are loads of photos of his weird parties and rituals... they are an odd bunch. They use misdirection and appeal to skeptics to make themselves seem to be enlightened and not the evil robe wearing pricks they actually are
do they even still have to bother saying that satan doesn't exist ://////////? now satanism is slowly becoming one of those communities that are harmless and globally misunderstood, it's a blight (watch p***philia become one too)
thats what ive seen on tedxtalks, bunch of people defending satanism


Oct 13, 2020
They are very confusing. They say they are an atheist religion and anyone practicing rituals aren’t actually Satanists. But then there are loads of photos of his weird parties and rituals... they are an odd bunch. They use misdirection and appeal to skeptics to make themselves seem to be enlightened and not the evil robe wearing pricks they actually are
its true that there r many branches of satanism and the occult and thats what theyll use to try and divert attention away from their weirdo behaviour, but we know that theyre all the same they serve the same god - satan.


Oct 13, 2020
For me, I find it easier to avoid the obvious, for example reading about his teachings, I also never watch Tarot readings because I know many people who claim to watch them 'for fun' and then I notice them being affected and talking about it...
But in the case of kpop or similar art/media it's much harder and I got sucked in and used to be a fan. That's why I try to search more info. I won't watch her channel videos about tarot or zodiacs or other evil things like that, same way I don't watch Stargirl and other occultists.
i just tried reading abt his teachings and dissociated lmaoooo what the hell. and yeaaa i have an online friend who is trying to get into tarot readings and im like um . . . how do i tell them lol.


Oct 13, 2020
do they even still have to bother saying that satan doesn't exist ://////////? now satanism is slowly becoming one of those communities that are harmless and globally misunderstood, it's a blight (watch p***philia become one too)
thats what ive seen on tedxtalks, bunch of people defending satanism
satanism is merging w the new age trend and suddenly everyone and their mom wants to be a pagan or wants to be a witch bc they think its cool and quirky im looking at my generation gen z lol


Aug 20, 2020
deadass jh especially . . . something wasnt right during that performance. from the audio itself i was hearing like whispering or weird chanting in the background like below the lyrics and then when he looked to the crowd at 1:19 my heart dropped not in the good way loool. rly rly bad vibes yo.
I can't understand if this 1.19 stare is because of drugs or possession
Or both
But this is not a normal stare for adrenaline


Oct 13, 2020
I can't understand if this 1.19 stare is because of drugs or possession
Or both
But this is not a normal stare for adrenaline
and u see the way homeboy is gurning his jaw ??? thats either drugs or he has a spirit controlling him or both bc ik they say go big or go home. also i find it perculiar how after the red light washes over everybody everything goes even crazier.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
it’s like y’all aren’t actually reading what i’m saying lmao where am i overestimating satan. did i not say multiple times abt prayer and how we should trust in God. i don’t need u telling me stuff i already know shawty. and ‘hanging everything on satanism is madness’ ??? tell me what is the opposite of Godliness . . . ok good r we on the same page now ? u cannot serve two masters says the bible - u cannot sit on the fence of good and bad it’s either you serve the true God or u don’t. so yes pinning everything on satanism is correct bc what rational reason is there not too - especially after all we know. ure telling me that after reading this thread and looking at the info everyone brings here, u still not able to open ur mind to have an objective conversation abt the bitter truth of all of this. no shawty suit Your damn self.

You keep saying profound words, while your understanding them is too shallow.
I'm open minded enough to look through the history of Christianity, and realistic enough to not let some distorted texts control my outlook of life.

So yeah, I'm already suiting myself just fine.


Aug 20, 2020
We are on vigilant citizen so staying vigilant and praying is the first priority. I linked her channel because she said that it's important to recognize the occult and pray/ask help from a priest. So far she doesn't seem to promote something bad, if anything it's good for the brainwashed fans to see how dangerous their behavior is.
I will keep my eyes open.
Same.If i will watch others videos i will stay vigilant and pray before.


Aug 20, 2020
tried reading abt anthony lavey on his wiki page yall his life so boring i couldnt make it through. i was trying to see about how he formed his weirdo religion but my attention span . . .
Read about Michael Aquino,another satanist connected to him.
L@ vey is considered the father of rationalist satanism.The difference with luciferians is that luciferians believe in real demons and pratice occult worshipping them.Rationalists believe that demons are human archetips,so they don't worship directly.Both practise black magic,rationalists believe that they are God,spiritualists worship the ancient Gods,they reverse the battle between good and evil considering God the evil,the angels enemies,and demons theirs creators.
Michael Aquino was in the army and was involved with mk ultra and pedo stuff.


Oct 13, 2020
I don't think that T@emin or anyone has the power to make other people permanently homosexual. I watched this video and this person says that kpop artists can perform a spell and cause sexual arousal to people witnessing homosexual acts, even if the people are straight and she used the Internet wars clips as example. What do you think?

The Internet wars:

so i found the lyrics to the song theyre singing

its a weird song i have no idea what the storyline is lol. what r ur thoughts ?

also, i was wondering if the whispering/chants i was hearing in the bg r the lyrics and i dont think they are ? bc the adlibs from the song are in english and they are "ill completely change you" but thats not what im hearing. what i hear, it doesnt sound like words or instruments help can anyone else hear whispering.