A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
UK users might want to sign this.

Using the Sarah Everard protests in Clapham Common as an excuse to make all forms of protest illegal.

The petition is a great first step, but the people will eventually have to unite -- both spiritually and physically -- to do away with all of this evil for there to be any real, lasting effect. And the sooner, the better, because time is rapidly running out.


Jan 14, 2021
By now, most who frequent this thread have heard about the Polish gynecologist Dr. Witold Rogiewicz, who died 19 days after receiving the cv-vaccination.

Some may also recall a similar incident from several weeks ago, where, Dr. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old obstetrician and gynecologist from Miami Beach, Florida died 16 days after receiving the Pfizer version of the cv-vaccination, reportedly from a brain hemorrhage that was presumed to be an idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), i.e. a rare immune disorder in which the blood doesn't clot normally.

The reason for bringing this up is yesterday, while out, a group of people (unrelated), probably in their 50s and 60s, were noticed having a picnic. No masks, no anti-social distancing being observed, all there just to take a swim and enjoy some nice weather and their picnic afterwards. Invited to sit down with them, we proceeded to have a chat.

During the conversation, they brought up that one of their friends had died just 3 weeks after receiving the cv-vaccination, but they believed he had contracted the magic virus (cv) one week after getting the shot and died of the magic virus rather than from the shot. They then admitted one-by-one that they too had already taken the cv-vaccination. No inquiry was made about the man's age that died, nor about the vax manufacturer (it may have been AZ), because it felt like it would be intrusive.

It was the time-interval that got my attention. Of course there are many others, particularly in nursing homes, who have experienced similar fates shortly after receiving the cv-vaccination. A few examples:


Baseball legend and home run king “Hammerin Hank” Aaron died today, only 18 days after receiving the Moderna experimental and potentially fatal mRNA COVID injection:

Some of these deaths were even quicker (within hours rather than days):

Which makes one wonder if there isn't a premeditated "quick-killer vax" version of the cv-vaccination that's being tested on the population, i.e. one specifically designed to put someone down in 2-3 weeks.

Logically, if someone was extremely evil and wanted to test such a vax, they would simply mark and distribute that batch all over the world, to be administered to a small fraction of the population (to avoid raising too many eyebrows), beginning with the elderly, because their deaths could very easily be blamed on their age, co-morbidities, etc. But the test would need to include some younger test subjects also, to ensure it worked as expected regardless of age. And of course any vax that causes blood clotting issues would provide a near-perfect execution of the test subjects, because it would cause strokes, heart-attacks and hemorrhaging, which could then be easily blamed on other causes.

Everyone else would either receive the slow-kill version or a placebo, to try to keep from giving away their evil plan. And to test all of the other versions as well, to fine-tune the time intervals between the application of the vaccine and the death of the victim. Who knows how many versions there really are.

Considering that people have to sign up to get the vax, those administering it have plenty of time to thoroughly check through medical records and histories for pre-existing conditions. The candidate guinea pigs that best match the test criteria for being the most viable scapegoats would then be carefully chosen to provide the pharmaceutical companies with the necessary alibi in each case, with their pre-existing conditions pre-loaded into the media for public consumption. That's why the cv-vaccine was initially rolled out to those considered to be "most vulnerable", who were pre-selected specifically for that purpose.
I heard about a number of famous people who died after the vaccination by catching the virus (assuming germ theory). This is further proof that the expectation of antibody dependent enhancement will be the next step of mass murder. These small numbers of people who are dying after the vaccination are just the beginning and prologue of what is coming I am afraid. This is a timed killer vaccine waiting for a trigger.

To think of it from terrain theory (which I am beginning to accept more and more) what I think going to happen is an endless cycle of vaccine, illness, vaccine, illness that will eventually poison the hell out of the people's blood and all vaccine injuries and deaths will be blamed on new variants of "Covid". The endless cycle of vaccination and illness will make people focus on new illnesses and completely ignore the fact that the reason of this illness is the prior vaccination and so they will accept another vaccination and the cycle goes on. In short, people will have the mind of cattle with no exaggeration.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Worthwhile read.
When it comes to vaccines, suddenly “from vs with” matters again
The media’s attitude to possible vaccine-related injuries highlights how INSANE the “Covid deaths” count always was

And when they say “any cause”, they mean it. Up to, and including, shooting yourself in the head.
In one blackly hilarious case, a man “died of coronavirus” after being shot by the police, with his 7 gunshot wounds being listed as “complications”.
That’s how loosely defined “covid death” has become, it is more or less meaningless. However, Covid “vaccines”, and possible related injuries or deaths, are a very different matter.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I heard about a number of famous people who died after the vaccination by catching the virus (assuming germ theory). This is further proof that the expectation of antibody dependent enhancement will be the next step of mass murder. These small numbers of people who are dying after the vaccination are just the beginning and prologue of what is coming I am afraid. This is a timed killer vaccine waiting for a trigger.
Agreed. There is speculation that some versions of the vaccine(s), particularly those with nanoparticle size aluminium in them, which embeds in tissues all over the body, could later be triggered by microwave radiation, i.e. 5G. Hence the reason for the rapid deployment of thousands of satellites to form these "constellations of 5G satellites, being promoted to the gullible public as a way to download a movie in a few seconds.

To think of it from terrain theory (which I am beginning to accept more and more) what I think going to happen is an endless cycle of vaccine, illness, vaccine, illness that will eventually poison the hell out of the people's blood and all vaccine injuries and deaths will be blamed on new variants of "Covid". The endless cycle of vaccination and illness will make people focus on new illnesses and completely ignore the fact that the reason of this illness is the prior vaccination and so they will accept another vaccination and the cycle goes on. In short, people will have the mind of cattle with no exaggeration.
If germ theory were true, then the very first germ would have wiped out the entire human species, because it would never run out of healthy cellular material to feed upon, and would lurk on every surface that anyone had ever touched.

We are very obviously being poisoned by the toxic environment we've created, and the effects of these poisons are CUMULATIVE.

We've poisoned the water, the air, the soil, the plants, crops and food, adding chemicals, radiation and genetic manipulations throughout the food chain, to ensure our mutual destruction. The endless cycle of vaccinations will only add to the problem, building the levels of poison within the body at a rate beyond the body's capacity to cleanse itself of them. And some of these poisons are simply irreversible under any circumstances.

It would be impossible to con people into accepting poisons being directly injected into their bodies, and into their minds, without the fear. And fear is the direct result of a lack of faith, so it is our faithlessness that's actually killing us, and will continue to do so until that situation is remedied.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Italy prosecutors seize batch of AstraZeneca vaccine after death of man

ROME (Reuters) - Prosecutors in the northern Italian region of Piedmont said on Monday they had seized a batch of 393,600 shots of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine following the death of a man hours after he had received a jab.
The move represents another blow to the image of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Italy and will further hinder the government's anti-coronavirus inoculation campaign.


Dec 1, 2019
Things get serious -- in my country they are training already 5 month to evacuate kids from schools. And no one knows where these kids will be deported.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
COVID-19 Vaccine Tested on Babies and Pregnant Women

Pharmaceutical and medical device giant Johnson & Johnson, Inc. (J&J) announced on February 28, 2021, plans to test its experimental Ad26.COV2.S vaccine for COVID-19 on infant children (including newborns), pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
New coronavirus variant found in France is undetectable by PCR tests

A new coronavirus variant is raising concerns in France as regular PCR-tests are unable to detect the mutation, health officials stated during a press conference on Tuesday.

On Monday, the French health authorities announced that a new coronavirus variant was detected in a hospital in the commune of Lannion in the Côtes d’Armor in France’s Brittany department, adding that PCR tests failed to detect the virus.

On Tuesday, Belgian virologist and interfederal Covid-19 spokesperson Steven Van Gucht clarified that it concerned “a small outbreak, of about 8 to 10 cases, who showed typical coronavirus symptoms, but the tests remained negative.”

“So far, we have not established this variant on Belgian territory,” he said, repeating that – just like with the British and South-African variant – it is normal that new variants show up “as part of the virus’ natural evolution.”

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
This has been posted a couple times or more over the past year but its worth posting again for those who haven't seen this.

AIDS and COVID-19 is the same scam.

History is repeating itself.
Anthony Fauci was in charge of AIDS research in the 80's and 90's, and today he's in charge of the CV-19 psy-op using the same useless PCR test.
Both HIV and SARS CoV-2 have never been isolated or met Koch's Postulates and have never been proven to be the cause of any illness.
The only way to diagnose AIDS and CV-19 is via the PCR technique. (which was never meant as a test).
AIDS and CV-19 are umbrella terms for other illnesses.
The dangerous toxic drug AZT was used to fight AIDS.
Today dangerous lethal (so called)vaccines are being used to fight CV-19.

Worthwhile documentary that proves HIV does not cause AIDS. Dr. Peter Duesberg - molecular biologist and a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California in Berkeley calls out Robert Gallo, who's boss was Anthony Fauci, for their bogus AIDS scam. Billions of dollars of research money invested on a lie. Millions died because of AZT drug - the real AIDS killer.

This video was recorded in 1994. Dr. Robert Willner M.D. scolded the controlled MSM for not doing their job and called out Dr. Fauci, Dr.Robert Gallo and other so called researcher/virologists as criminals for their AIDS Hoax.

He lists the real causes of AIDS (at that time)as malnutrition and starvation, medical and street drugs, chemotherapy and radiation. Dr. Willner said HIV is a harmless retrovirus and the AIDS drug AZT was the real killer targeting blacks, Hispanics and gays and discussed in great detail the bogus AZT drug trials. The movie 'Dallas Buyers Club' was based on this.

Dr.Willner proves that AIDS is a fraud by pricking his finger in numerous press conferences with HIV infected blood, to demonstrate that the "deadly virus" is NOT transferred through blood or fluids.

Dr.Willner published the book, "Deadly Deception - The History of the AIDS Epidemic" in 1994. He did the above speech in October 1994 and died of a heart attack in April 1995.
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Feb 14, 2021
This has been posted a couple times or more over the past year but its worth posting again for those who haven't seen this.

AIDS and COVID-19 is the same scam.

History is repeating itself.
Anthony Fauci was in charge of AIDS research in the 80's and 90's, and today he's in charge of the CV-19 psy-op using the same useless PCR test.
Both HIV and SARS CoV-2 have never been isolated or met Koch's Postulates and have never been proven to be the cause of any illness.
The only way to diagnose AIDS and CV-19 is via the PCR technique. (which was never meant as a test).
AIDS and CV-19 are umbrella terms for other illnesses.
The dangerous toxic drug AZT was used to fight AIDS.
Today dangerous lethal (so called)vaccines are being used to fight CV-19.

Worthwhile documentary that proves HIV does not cause AIDS. Dr. Peter Duesberg - molecular biologist and a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California in Berkeley calls out Robert Gallo, who's boss was Anthony Fauci, for their bogus AIDS scam. Billions of dollars of research money invested on a lie. Millions died because of AZT drug - the real AIDS killer.

This video was recorded in 1994. Dr. Robert Willner M.D. scolded the controlled MSM for not doing their job and called out Dr. Fauci, Dr.Robert Gallo and other so called researcher/virologists as criminals for their AIDS Hoax.

He lists the real causes of AIDS (at that time)as malnutrition and starvation, medical and street drugs, chemotherapy and radiation. Dr. Willner said HIV is a harmless retrovirus and the AIDS drug AZT was the real killer targeting blacks, Hispanics and gays and discussed in great detail the bogus AZT drug trials. The movie 'Dallas Buyers Club' was based on this.

Dr.Willner proves that AIDS is a fraud by pricking his finger in numerous press conferences with HIV infected blood, to demonstrate that the "deadly virus" is NOT transferred through blood or fluids.

Dr.Willner published the book, "Deadly Deception - The History of the AIDS Epidemic" in 1994. He did the above speech in October 1994 and died of a heart attack in April 1995.
Don't know if this was already mentionned in this (very long) thread but the same can be said for other diseases like polio. Never proven to be caused by a virus yet 'vaccination' against it is mandatory in my country....
To all pro vaccine people please have a look at recent medical history and compare it with the current plandemic. ALL vaccines are scams created to weaken your body.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Don't know if this was already mentionned in this (very long) thread but the same can be said for other diseases like polio. Never proven to be caused by a virus yet 'vaccination' against it is mandatory in my country....
To all pro vaccine people please have a look at recent medical history and compare it with the current plandemic. ALL vaccines are scams created to weaken your body.
Sadly, the internet is quietly being scrubbed and medical history rewritten as more and more people realise the truth about vaccines.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

CAF - There are ten areas that I want to cover, and I will quickly outline them:
1. Family Economics
2. Doctor and Healthcare Economics
3. Community Economics
4. Historical Footnotes
5. Wall Street-Washington Game
6. Costs on COVID-19
7. Making This Injection Fraud Go
8. The New Variable of the Smart Grid
10. Next Steps

I really hope that this encourages other researchers and interested parties to dive in and start flushing out the economics of these different areas.
