The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 14, 2017
Now, if you are a completely all-in conspiracy theorist, and you believe Trump has been contracted by the luciferian state to more fully expose them. That I can buy. But that still doesn’t make this election less rigged and the electorate less manipulated. Are we ready to throw our system of government away so the luciferians can do their tyrannical bidding in the light of day? Or do we attempt to use their plans against them? If we can’t find common ground and prefer deep state messaging then they will probably get their civil war one way or another..... and if that happens, you can’t solely pin it on Trump.
Apr 13, 2017
So do you believe the majority of those 30,000 to 40,000 (why is there not a specific number) mismatches are slightly different or completely different ?

Do you not see how this is all speculation and problematic ?
I can't judge on that since I didn't see the signatures and neither did you. Why not let it to the people who have seen the signatures and put their findings in sworn affidavits?
Apr 13, 2017
Again the real coup is the blatant attempts by Trump and Republicans to suppress voters by dismantling the postal service, shutting down polling stations, trying every legal loophole to have votes thrown out, and pushing silly conspiracy theories to delegitimize the election.

This is what should be concerning defenders of democracy, not outright lies and half baked conspiracies.
Apr 13, 2017
Why did Trump try to dismantle the postal service ?

Your hero is a crook, you just don't want to see it.
You should ask yourself another question.

Why were the Dems so adamantly pushing for more mail-in-voting which is banned in 98% countries worldwide because it is liable to fraud?


Mar 16, 2017
He didn't. He was ready to sign a $3.5 billion stimulus for the US Postal Service. The Dems wanted 25 billion.
He came on tv and said he would decline any funds to the postal service to stop their mail in ballot plan. He then had his postmaster general remove mail sorting equipment from post offices, fought to prevent states from extending timelines to accept ballots and to prevent them from opening them before Election Day, and refused to follow a federal court order requiring them to sweep post offices and ensure there were no remaining ballots that needed to be delivered on Election Day. But no.. he didn’t sabotage the postal system at all :rolleyes:
Apr 13, 2017
He came on tv and said he would decline any funds to the postal service to stop their mail in ballot plan. He then had his postmaster general remove mail sorting equipment from post offices, fought to prevent states from extending timelines to accept ballots and to prevent them from opening them before Election Day, and refused to follow a federal court order requiring them to sweep post offices and ensure there were no remaining ballots that needed to be delivered on Election Day. But no.. he didn’t sabotage the postal system at all :rolleyes:
1. Source for every claim, please.

2. Same question:

Why were the Dems so adamantly pushing for more mail-in-voting which is banned in 98% countries worldwide because it is liable to fraud?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
1. Source for every claim, please.

2. Same question:

Why were the Dems so adamantly pushing for more mail-in-voting which is banned in 98% countries worldwide because it is liable to fraud?
I think question 2 is key. In the UK, postal voting is very rare and access to it requires stringent checks. I think that’s how it should be.


Mar 16, 2017
1. Source for every claim, please.

2. Same question:

Why were the Dems so adamantly pushing for more mail-in-voting which is banned in 98% countries worldwide because it is liable to fraud?
You need a source for something that was literally plastered everywhere for weeks? Maybe even months? Lol...

Because we are in the midst of a public health crisis for chrissakes. On top of that every other country on earth gets a paid holiday when they vote, Americans do not. We make it incredibly hard for people to vote and there’s a reason for that. But you don’t actually care - you just care that your hero wins.

question for you: why has trump voted absentee most of his life? As well as most of his administration has as well if it’s so fraudulent?


Mar 16, 2017
I think question 2 is key. In the UK, postal voting is very rare and access to it requires stringent checks. I think that’s how it should be.
Do you get Election Day off?
Would providing your social security number, fob, address and drivers license information for verification not be considered stringent checks?


Mar 14, 2017
Cash for Vax! No vax, no financial relief. That’s called a bribe. Lots of left leaning/democrats and deep-state status quo (ya know the Biden/Harris crew) supporting this crap..... lucky for them the election was rigged in their favor!

“A recent poll from Gallup showed that around 42% of Americans say they wouldn't get a shot right away, only a small drop from October. Other polls in the last few months suggested distrust of a vaccineregardless of political ideology. That skepticism tends to run deeper among Black and Hispanic Americans, surveys show.
Robert Litan, a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who served in the Bill Clinton administration, designed a plan to encourage more people to take it: Pay $1,000 for a shot. It's an amount comparable to the millions of stimulus checks sent to Americans earlier this year under a federal rescue package.
The novel proposal comes as the US confronts a daunting set of challenges in the coming months.
Public health officials are scrambling to set up the infrastructure to deliver a vaccine to essential workers and other vulnerable populations — and experts are weighing ways to boost uptake in a polarizing political environment.
The payments are drawing support from an unlikely arrangement of figures. N. Gregory Mankiw, a former top economic advisor to President George W. Bush, backs it. Then John Delaney, a former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said he favored it as well. He pitched paying people a larger sum of $1,500.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang also expressed support for the plan after Business Insider initially published this story on Sunday. "I'm on board @John Delaney," Yang tweeted.
Litan argues that a financial incentive to encourage shots would help the US reach herd immunity faster, saving lives. He said it could also serve as a critical boost for many households strapped for cash because Congress has not passed another coronavirus relief package since the spring.
"Unlike previous payments, this is stimulus tied to socially responsible behavior. So society is getting a benefit from handing out the money," he told Business Insider.
Litan's plan includes a $200 upfront payment for individuals, with the last $800 distributed when a 70% vaccination rate threshold is crossed at the state level. Such a program would cost $265 billion, per his estimate.
He said it was a small price to pay compared to the ruinous cost of the pandemic on lives and businesses, which one recent economic study in the Journal of the American Medical Association estimated at $16 trillion.
"If we somehow don't get to true immunity, our economy will be operating with a huge weight on its chest," Litan said. "We won't get back to normal."

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Mar 16, 2017
Cash for Vax! No vax, no financial relief. That’s called a bribe. Lots of left leaning/democrats and deep-state status quo (ya know the Biden/Harris crew) supporting this crap..... lucky for them the election was rigged in their favor!

“A recent poll from Gallup showed that around 42% of Americans say they wouldn't get a shot right away, only a small drop from October. Other polls in the last few months suggested distrust of a vaccineregardless of political ideology. That skepticism tends to run deeper among Black and Hispanic Americans, surveys show.
Robert Litan, a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who served in the Bill Clinton administration, designed a plan to encourage more people to take it: Pay $1,000 for a shot. It's an amount comparable to the millions of stimulus checks sent to Americans earlier this year under a federal rescue package.
The novel proposal comes as the US confronts a daunting set of challenges in the coming months.
Public health officials are scrambling to set up the infrastructure to deliver a vaccine to essential workers and other vulnerable populations — and experts are weighing ways to boost uptake in a polarizing political environment.
The payments are drawing support from an unlikely arrangement of figures. N. Gregory Mankiw, a former top economic advisor to President George W. Bush, backs it. Then John Delaney, a former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said he favored it as well. He pitched paying people a larger sum of $1,500.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang also expressed support for the plan after Business Insider initially published this story on Sunday. "I'm on board @John Delaney," Yang tweeted.
Litan argues that a financial incentive to encourage shots would help the US reach herd immunity faster, saving lives. He said it could also serve as a critical boost for many households strapped for cash because Congress has not passed another coronavirus relief package since the spring.
"Unlike previous payments, this is stimulus tied to socially responsible behavior. So society is getting a benefit from handing out the money," he told Business Insider.
Litan's plan includes a $200 upfront payment for individuals, with the last $800 distributed when a 70% vaccination rate threshold is crossed at the state level. Such a program would cost $265 billion, per his estimate.
He said it was a small price to pay compared to the ruinous cost of the pandemic on lives and businesses, which one recent economic study in the Journal of the American Medical Association estimated at $16 trillion.
"If we somehow don't get to true immunity, our economy will be operating with a huge weight on its chest," Litan said. "We won't get back to normal."
Lol that’s what you call a positive reinforcement based interdependent group contingency... causes herd behavior in the direction you want to steer it. Imo even that would fail because way too many people are wayyy to committed to not getting the shot above and beyond a pittance of money like they are proposing is going to change. Wipe away all my debt and maybe I’d consider it after I’ve watched what happens to everyone else for the first year. Probably not even then.


Jan 29, 2018
Lol that’s what you call a positive reinforcement based interdependent group contingency... causes herd behavior in the direction you want to steer it. Imo even that would fail because way too many people are wayyy to committed to not getting the shot above and beyond a pittance of money like they are proposing is going to change. Wipe away all my debt and maybe I’d consider it after I’ve watched what happens to everyone else for the first year. Probably not even then.
You need to get hep real quick like...

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Do you get Election Day off?
Would providing your social security number, fob, address and drivers license information for verification not be considered stringent checks?
I think the allegation is that in certain area of the US, these rules were not upheld in the way they should have been. Those allegations have sworn testimony behind them (but may be untrue). I am waiting to see if the actual evidence supports these claims, but I will not be convinced my media pronouncements, social media “fact checkers” etc.


Mar 16, 2017
You need to get hep real quick like...
What help hun? I’m not taking the vaccine and I don’t suggest anyone else does either. You haven’t been around so maybe you missed my sarcasm

explaining the psychology behind that type of plan does not mean I support it. It’s just my field I found it interesting
Apr 13, 2017
You need a source for something that was literally plastered everywhere for weeks? Maybe even months? Lol...

You're just giving a source which says what I already said, that the Dems wanted $25billion for postal services. It was denied. How does not giving billions of extra dollars equal "dismantling the postal service"?

Because we are in the midst of a public health crisis for chrissakes.
lol ok. The Dems were genuinely concerned for the people's health. So concerned.

question for you: why has trump voted absentee most of his life? As well as most of his administration has as well if it’s so fraudulent?
Because in that case, the voter requests an absentee ballot, which is then sent to his address, then returned to sender with his vote.

How many of the mail-in-votes did not follow this procedure this year? Do you know?

Then there's also this, from the TX lawsuit:

AV TX lawsuit.png