The American “Coup d’etat”


Jul 27, 2017
Your question was if there were security concerns why wouldn’t they postpone the election. I answered it. The concerns were not of a security nature and you can’t postpone the Inauguration by law. What didn’t I answer?

i honestly don’t Understand the rest of what your trying to say here
I think pandemic health is a security concern.


Mar 16, 2017
I think pandemic health is a security concern.
I do not think that’s the type of security concern he is referencing considering his other posts about election security. If it is... then the second point stands. You can not change the inauguration day, it occurs by law and the presidents current term ends on January 20th. Had they tried to delay the election because of the pandemic trump wouldn’t have stayed President it would have passed to pelosi until a new election could be held


Jul 27, 2017

As far as SCOTUS getting invoved they’ve already shut down 9 pursuits by Trump.
The sensationalism that all these states are joining Texas? Texas is just getting the AG’s from those states blessings.

I have a habit of misreading this ish too.
All I’m saying is these hype up the followers reporting is doing more harm than good.

We’re divided as is. When the media hypes up something to give you a media boner, only to be let down. Guess what? They hit you emotionally to go react in frustration ex. Riots, looting, violent protest


Jul 27, 2017
I do not think that’s the type of security concern he is referencing considering his other posts about election security. If it is... then the second point stands. You can not change the inauguration occurs by law the presidents current term ends on January 20th. Had they tried to delay the election because of the pandemic trump wouldn’t have stayed President it would have passed to pelosi until a new election could be held
I will say. One thing I learned from all this is twitter has a bunch of disinfo pieces.
It’s creating a divide like no other


Mar 16, 2017
I will say. One thing I learned from all this is twitter has a bunch of disinfo pieces.
It’s creating a divide like no other
Media in general is mostly disinfo. On both sides. I’m convinced video is mind controlling us. Not sure how many times I have to say that - READ YOUR NEWS PEOPLE.


Jul 27, 2017
Media in general is mostly disinfo. On both sides. I’m convinced video is mind controlling us. Not sure how many times I have to say that - READ YOUR NEWS PEOPLE.
Yeah. That’s why I rarely watch politics.
Media in general.
Feb 22, 2020
What facts?
You guys cannot let go that Trump lost. If any ...these disinfo pieces on twitter are hyping the hardcore Trump supporters up for failure.

There’s a point of being a conspiracy theorist. But there is line where delusion has set in and I’m not going that way.
The line between healthy skepticism based on facts and outright delusion based on feelings has been crossed.

What used to be conspiracy research based on evidence has turned into an outright cult that worships any ridiculous claim put out by the authoritarian state all in the name of culture wars.

Again evidence is substituted for personal wishes, based on conditioning through the culture wars.
Feb 22, 2020
I will say. One thing I learned from all this is twitter has a bunch of disinfo pieces.
It’s creating a divide like no other
You have an army of disinfo agents pushing Trump propaganda (Qanon included) all over social media. These baseless claims get retweeted and shared and go viral and opinions are formed based on this misinformation before they can be debunked. The Trump gang have perfected this type of social media disinfo, in this greater age of deception. Any random shill can just make shit up or mislead, or take things out of context and it goes viral. No consequences for pushing outright lies, other than possibly getting censored or banned. I actually agree with big tech censoring blatant lies which can have dangerous consequences when they go viral.
Apr 13, 2017

Turns out this tweet was misleading.
It’s only docketed in the system. Aye guys.
You have to await the reply. The Court has ordered a response to the lawsuit by tomorrow 3pm. We will see how the defendants respond and wether SCOTUS will hear the case. But it's a lawsuit backed by several states and the POTUS, alleging violations of federal law. I would assume that carries some weight and I'd be genuinely surprised if this got dismissed.


Mar 16, 2017
You have to await the reply. The Court has ordered a response to the lawsuit by tomorrow 3pm. We will see how the defendants respond and wether SCOTUS will hear the case. But it's a lawsuit backed by several states and the POTUS, alleging violations of federal law. I would assume that carries some weight and I'd be genuinely surprised if this got dismissed.
It isn’t backed by several states. There is only one plaintiff. A handful of ags from other states made public statements giving unofficial support. Actual support and backing would have been signing on as plaintiffs. They did not do that for some reason.. wonder why. Wonder who’s paying the Texas ag too tbh. Maes is probably right that he’s looking for a pardon on the pending security fraud charges he has going on.
Apr 13, 2017
Wonder who’s paying the Texas ag too tbh. Maes is probably right that he’s looking for a pardon on the pending security fraud charges he has going on.
Since he's filing as the Texas AG, probably the Texan taxpayer. Don't know what charges you're talking about, but a potential pardon is as effective an incentive as anything else. What matters is the validity of the legal challenge.


Jan 22, 2018
It's looking like Trump is done for sure, but I will not be convinced until he officially leaves
...I hear it was quoted to be an 8 week job to take all his portraits down off the Whitehouse walls before he can actually move out.....that's with an 8 man team working around the clock on a shift system.


Mar 14, 2017
What facts?
You guys cannot let go that Trump lost. If any ...these disinfo pieces on twitter are hyping the hardcore Trump supporters up for failure.

There’s a point of being a conspiracy theorist. But there is line where delusion has set in and I’m not going that way.
What disinformation are you referencing specifically? Have you seen all the evidence specifically or are you cherry picking ?


Mar 14, 2017
“After the Marxist-left spent four years challenging the result of the 2016 election, forming the “resistance” and calling Donald Trump an illegitimate president; and after Big Tech supported, allowed and amplified that message on all media platforms; Big Tech’s largest control agent, Google (via YouTube), now steps-in to say they will not permit content that challenges the outcome of a demonstrably fraudulent 2020 election.”

…”we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.”…

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I guess the one consolation some people might take as the soft-gloved fingers of the “Great Reset” iron hand closes on the liberties and freedoms once enjoyed in the US is that they got the man they wanted.

I don’t like Biden, Hilary or Obama, or what they stand for. Sometimes the only way people realise is by getting what they wanted. It may be that the far left will get what they want but I pray that if that happens, people see what those policies in action really look like.


Mar 14, 2017
Your question was if there were security concerns why wouldn’t they postpone the election. I answered it. The concerns were not of a security nature and you can’t postpone the Inauguration by law. What didn’t I answer?

i honestly don’t Understand the rest of what your trying to say here
No I said/meant there were general public health concerns, that in turn, were used to usher in unconstitutional and insecure voting procedural
response. So they are breaking certain state and federal laws to uphold another .... makes sense???