The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 16, 2017
Consistency of what? I didn’t vote cuz fuck them both. I requested a ballot so I had the option to if i decided I wanted to. I contemplated writing someone in for months and said so here. You just don’t pay attention. I have a toddler. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to wait on line for hours to vote with a toddler. Pandemic or no pandemic.

for the rest of you... if there was fraud - prove it. No evidence has been brought to the courts which is why all the lawsuits were dismissed. Accusations and theories are not evidence. If dominion switched the votes then it should be clear as day considering every vote had a paper backup. Which they counted and found nothing. Each and every citizen has the ability to go and track their own ballot and make sure it was properly cast - we don’t have millions of citizens in an uproar because they tracked theirs and their vote was switched or wasn’t counted. If Democrats were going to engage in such a massive voter fraud operation don’t you think they would have ensured they got rid of McConnell? Gained back the senate? Gained more seats in the house? Why cheat if your not going to take full advantage?

the bottom line is more people wanted to get rid of trump then wanted to keep him and more people were motivated to go out and vote in a fashion that resulted in that outcome. Many of you go on and on about tds but still somehow underestimate the level of disdain for trump at the same time. This is why he could lose the presidency but republicans gain ground elsewhere - because a lot of republicans even voted against him, while still voting republican for everything else. My husbands uncle is a die hard republican, attends aipac every year - almost died from corona and voted against trump. Still voted republican for the rest. How many do you think there are like him? Plenty. Trump is the cause of his own downfall.

republicans - the party of rich and wanna be rich white men, am I right artful? :rolleyes:


May 11, 2020
I heard from a coworker yesterday that Biden was planning on signing an executive order if he gets in office to shut everything down for 2 weeks and have everyone forced stay at home in that time period. Has anyone came across this information?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
“The Albanian people suffered tremendously under brutal communist dictatorships for the better part of a century. In the post-war order, we were stripped of the basic freedoms to speak and assemble, let alone hold free and fair elections.

Throughout the Balkan region, voter fraud has plagued so-called democracies for decades, allowing socialism to maintain its evil grip on Albania. To most in my native country, the very concept of “election integrity” is completely antithetical to our corrupt ruling class.

When I immigrated to America, I had faith for the first time that my vote would actually count; that when I cast my ballot, I was taking part in a sacred and meaningful process. In light of what has transpired over the past few weeks, however, that faith has waned. What is unfurling in America today has been going on in Albania for decades, and I fear for the future of our democracy.

It is imperative that Americans understand what has been going on in the Balkans, the cradle of George Soros’ globalist plot, to contextualize the precariousness of our domestic situation. Soros has been the single greatest impediment to freedom and prosperity in the region since his rise to prominence. He has backed massive voter fraud efforts in Albania for many years, a poorly-kept secret that has not been lost on our increasingly disillusioned people.

After the Berlin Wall fell, a group of Albanians that included me, Edi Rama, who is now Albania’s Prime Minister, and the son of the head of George Soros’ Foundation in Albania associated closely in Paris. From this experience I can say that Soros found the perfect opportunity to play puppet master with Rama as his instrument.

Led by Rama, the Socialist Party apparatus carried out a coup against the ruling conservative party in 2013 through an illegal ballot-harvesting operation captured on video, with leaders literally paying poor people for votes.

Once Rama gained power, Soros single-handedly upended the Albanian judicial system. Beginning with an Obama State Department-sponsored program in 2016, their collaborative effort has effectively left Albania without a single justice to check the ever-expanding power of their own socialist central government — all under the guise of “reform.” Now, with any real opposition neutered, Albania’s highly-unpopular Rama will stay in power so long as he maintains his cozy relationship with George Soros.

Soros has also wielded exorbitant wealth and the world’s most extensive influence network to play kingmaker in the United States for decades, but his actions leading up to and during the 2020 election present the greatest threat to American democracy to date. And here, too, he has been successful in buying out opposition.

In August, this site among others began exposing the plot to steal the November election from President Donald J. Trump — linking the exact playbook and players to Color Revolutions overseas, particularly in former Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe. As Revolver noted, this specific brand of a coup is tripartite, consisting of one side disputing election results, organizing massive street protests, and weaponizing the media to essentially gaslight the people and “legitimize” the steal in the court of public opinion.

To that end, Soros has taken a lead role here in the United States, funding the Transition “Integrity” Project — which, like most “pro-democracy” NGOs he funds, promotes just the opposite of what its name would suggest. The group was exposed early on as working to ensure a Biden victory, regardless of whom the American people actually voted for in the Election.

And as in Albania, Soros has entirely undermined the integrity and independence of the US Department of Justice. A master strategist, Soros had the foresight to go further than just sponsoring part two of the Color Revolution: BLM and Antifa riots. There are countless instances in which district attorneys Soros hand-selected and funded have been endorsed by BLM, sought retaliation against patriots defending themselves from the mobs, and actively undermined President Trump’s agenda. This prevented criminals in the streets from suffering any real consequences, thereby serving the ultimate end of stealing President Trump’s victory.

George Soros is not the solution to problems associated with American democracy or any others; he is the threat. Any organization to which he funnels money and influence will by default work against the interests of the people.

The same scenario that is unfurling in America right now has already happened in the Balkans. If we let the election go and hand it to Joe Biden, we know where this is headed — American elections will have the same amount of legitimacy as those in the Balkans, and Biden or the next Soros puppet will remain in power indefinitely.

But if we in the Trump movement hold the line and fight now, we will set an example to the rest of the world that democracy actually matters — and it is not for sale.”



Jul 27, 2017
Sure, let's have the conservatives act more like liberals. That's one way to solve the political divide.
The only way to reach agreements as a country is to put disagreements aside.

Stuff like welfare is in place to help those in need. Downside to it is there will always be those who abuse the system.

Differences lie in philosophy on social issues. I don’t have a problem with liberal policies per se. It’s the abuse of those policies where I find issue.

Just like the far right extremist, I find issue is they feel the need in telling people how to live. That’s no different than a liberal wanting you to agree with them don’t you think?

Maybe. But people are too set in their way of thinking they learn to come together. Then society would be a lot more tolerable


Jul 27, 2017
For the record, I'm independent and conservative. As a woman, I'm not on the GOP bandwagon and I support Trumps' platform. I vote on the actual issues, not gender or color or latest virtue signalling trend. I don't believe it's an issue of not reaching out - Trump was very open about his agenda as president, and people either agreed or disagreed which is their right to do. This is an issue of the left desperately wanting Trump out of the way by any means possible. There has been a coup going on since before he took office.

She is amazing and awesome. Did she really lose? Are you sure? I'm not. Now everything is open to question.

The fact that you [and others] can see the fraud but don't really want anything done about it now IS the problem for us as a nation and entirely unacceptable. I honestly cannot understand being so complacent when you know the election was stolen.

Q theories have NOTHING to do with election corruption and fraud, and it should not even be part of the discussion. Do you honestly think Q theories negate actual evidence?? Should judges say "Well, the evidence shows fraud, but damn! Those crazy Q theories are forcing me to rule against the evidence!"

Even more reason to fight for what's right, which is making sure all LEGAL votes were counted.
That’s good that you question everything. That’s my approach. My response is yeah we shouldn’t be settling for results, but also understand those in power will always abuse a system. If Trump did, perhaps he raised awareness amongst more people. But it wasn’t enough. Protest are good, but it leads to rioting which in the end divides us and puts us into the corners we are today.

We have those questioning voter fraud
Then we have the extremist pushing far reach fantasies being pitted against limousine liberals.

Regardless. It’s no win situation no matter which way you spin it.
Apr 13, 2017
Consistency of what? I didn’t vote cuz fuck them both. I requested a ballot so I had the option to if i decided I wanted to. I contemplated writing someone in for months and said so here. You just don’t pay attention. I have a toddler. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to wait on line for hours to vote with a toddler. Pandemic or no pandemic.

for the rest of you... if there was fraud - prove it. No evidence has been brought to the courts which is why all the lawsuits were dismissed. Accusations and theories are not evidence. If dominion switched the votes then it should be clear as day considering every vote had a paper backup. Which they counted and found nothing. Each and every citizen has the ability to go and track their own ballot and make sure it was properly cast - we don’t have millions of citizens in an uproar because they tracked theirs and their vote was switched or wasn’t counted. If Democrats were going to engage in such a massive voter fraud operation don’t you think they would have ensured they got rid of McConnell? Gained back the senate? Gained more seats in the house? Why cheat if your not going to take full advantage?

the bottom line is more people wanted to get rid of trump then wanted to keep him and more people were motivated to go out and vote in a fashion that resulted in that outcome. Many of you go on and on about tds but still somehow underestimate the level of disdain for trump at the same time. This is why he could lose the presidency but republicans gain ground elsewhere - because a lot of republicans even voted against him, while still voting republican for everything else. My husbands uncle is a die hard republican, attends aipac every year - almost died from corona and voted against trump. Still voted republican for the rest. How many do you think there are like him? Plenty. Trump is the cause of his own downfall.
republicans - the party of rich and wanna be rich white men, am I right artful? :rolleyes:
No more or less than the Dems. Couldn't care less about the GOP without Trump. With Trump gone and the GOP back under control of career RINOs, the Forbes 500 can go back to dividing their support more evenly.

Re the fraud:

Your statements are ridiculous.

"No evidence has been brought to the courts."
- False. Affidavits are admissible as evidence in court. They have hundreds; already had 234 in Michigan alone over a week ago. Hundreds of affidavits have been included in the lawsuits filed in Georgia and Michigan.

"...which is why all the lawsuits were dismissed."
- The large majority of dismissed lawsuits were not of the Trump campaign, but of independent citizens, nor could the dismissals have anything to do with partisan politics or corrupt judges, right?

"Accusations and theories are not evidence."
- I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't know the difference between evidence and proof, which would be odd for someone who has once read a lawbook.

"If dominion switched the votes then it should be clear as day considering every vote had a paper backup."
- You can recount fraudulent votes and have it match with the software without problem. The Georgia "audit" didn't verify signatures for absentee ballots. The fact that they are so reluctant to do so is suspicious.

"Which they counted and found nothing. Each and every citizen has the ability to go and track their own ballot and make sure it was properly cast - we don’t have millions of citizens in an uproar because they tracked theirs and their vote was switched or wasn’t counted."
- Dozens of affidavits already exist of voters who arrived at the voting centers where they were told they had already voted. There's also absolutely no way for voters to know whether or not the voting software switched their votes, unless they see it with their own eyes on the spot.

If Democrats were going to engage in such a massive voter fraud operation don’t you think they would have ensured they got rid of McConnell? Gained back the senate? Gained more seats in the house? Why cheat if your not going to take full advantage?
- Who says they didn't cheat for Congress? What if the software algorithms and ballot harvesting weren't enough, so on election day itself they realised they had to fabricate a whole lot of "mail-in-ballots" which explains all the ballot dumps during the night after deadline, and why they have so many anomalous amounts of ballots that vote Biden-only without any checks down the ballot, and why you have in some occasions a giant discrepancy between the results for Trump and for GOP candidates for House and Senate, but more on that later.

"the bottom line is more people wanted to get rid of trump then wanted to keep him and more people were motivated to go out and vote in a fashion that resulted in that outcome."
- No way 80 million people voted against Trump. I've been watching the US closely for 5 years, and everywhere I looked you could see a clear shift away from Democrats and towards Trump (supported by the move towards Trump among all demographics except white men, which is clearly also bs). There's absolutely no chance 15 million more people voted against Trump in 2020 than for Obama in 2012.

How many do you think there are like him? Plenty.
- Not as many as Dems who have gone aboard the Trump train, for sure. But let's not speculate. Look at the last point.

Trump is the cause of his own downfall.
- Hah! Can already think of six reasons off the top of my head why that statement is surreal. But not now.

"This is why he could lose the presidency but republicans gain ground elsewhere"
- Should be an easily provable claim by matching the president-to-congress vote discrepancies for both Trump and Biden.

I'll start with an example of Virginia District 01:

If you scroll through the 11 districts, most districts seem to have a normal president-congress ratio. In Virginia there doesn't seem to be this Republican anti-Trump sentiment, except for District 01.

Presidential election result:

Virginia CD01 president.png

House of Representatives result:

Virginia CD01 house.png

Trump has 27,216 less votes than the Republican candidate for the House, or -10.44%.
Biden has 26.612 more votes then the Democrat candidate for the House, or +14.24%.

This could be your theory in numbers, but it wouldn't explain why just in District 01. Or it could be an indicator of possible vote switching, especially in comparison with the other Virginia districts.

It doesn't end here for Virginia 01 though. The following two images are snapshots of Virginia District 01 from November 5 (contrary to the previous ones which date from November 20) and possibly show something other than vote switching going on:

d01 president.jpgd01 house.jpg

You can verify it with the Wayback Machine.

Here Trump has 482 votes less than the house candidate, or -0.0019%.
Here Biden has 92,661 votes more than the house candidate or +50.74%.

Now how many of those ballots do you think were Biden only votes with no checks down the ballot?

Do the math:

November 20 results:
Total President votes: 213,535 + 233,398 + 6,920 + 1,565 = 455,418
Total House votes: 186,923 + 260,614 + 641 = 448,178

Difference = 455,418 - 448,178 = 7,240

November 5 results:
Total President votes: 275,293 + 257,005 + 7,739 + 1.867 = 541,904
Total House votes: 182,632 + 257,487 + 592 = 440,711

Difference = 541,904 - 440,711 = 101,193

Proof of fraud? Maybe not. Evidence of voting irregularities? And should it be investigated? Hell yeah.
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2017
Everyone knows that if these election results and fraud allegations were reversed, legacy media would not cease covering every piece of (that which is considered not evidence now) evidence and "alleged fraud" 24/7.

Denying this is simply not recognising obvious patterns, and not recognising obvious patterns is a sign of ... well, you know.


Apr 26, 2017
A few undisputed anomalies, thus far, in the 2020 US Election:
  1. Trump got more votes than any previous incumbent running for reelection in US history (11 million more votes than 2016).
  2. Biden won a record low 17% of counties in the US (524 counties compared to Obama’s 873 counties in 2008).
  3. Biden won 1 bellwether county (Trump won 16 of the 17 bellwether counties, winning by an average of 16 points).
  4. Biden underperformed Clinton’s 2016 numbers (when she went on to lose the election) in every city throughout the USA, with the exception of four: Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta.
  5. In Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta, Biden SUPER-performed: more votes went to Biden than any candidate in the history of US elections (inconsistent with his performance in other cities).
  6. In Michigan, Biden had approximately 100,000 ballots with no additional candidates selected on the down ticket (re @lightseeker post from Page 1 of a similar anomaly in Wisconsin).
  7. A 9 AM ballot dump in Philadelphia, November 5—two days after the election—resulted in approximately 90,000 ballots with 95% going for Biden.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@CyrusTheGreat - the YouTube version of the above...

Such a huge number of “down votes” you might be forgiven for thinking the owners of the platform had something against Trump ;-)

I have seriously never had so many “warnings”, fact check boxes and even pop ups suggesting I may not want to share this that the contrarian in me couldn’t resist posting it up!!!