Voting in elections now is like voting for the lesser evil, when both candidates are corrupt beyond belief and have no interest to push the common good. Here in the UK for example both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party have very similar policies. The conservatives are in government and run the country and the Labour Party are the biggest opposition. But instead of opposing or holding government to account they are all pushing for Conservatives to stay in power. They are against their own party. That is why whatever happens in America tomorrow I won’t be shocked because this has all been planned. Most politicians serve the elite and whatever side their will be bad apples. Neither trump or Biden are good candidates and it’s terrifying and frustrating to see that the leader of the free world will be one of them.
These celebrities are also just puppets to the same elite.
I wanted to add that just because we don’t see crime, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. For example political affiliations to human trafficking is a state crime that is hidden to the majority. A lot of democratically run states use Stan Cohens Culture of Denial to legitimise their actions to make citizens believe that the crimes they committed weren’t crimes at all.
This is done in 3 stages
1. Deny the crime ever happened
2. It isn’t what it looks like
3. It can be justified
This model can be applied to many scenarios including the Holocaust, Guantanamo Bay, Chinese Uyghurs treatment, Iraq war etc.
State crimes have been socialised into society so well they are no longer questioned like they should be. Even if they are, there is little citizens can do when government are given sovereignty. Citizens are forced to
. Authorise - replace moral principles with the duty to obey the state you live in
. Routinisation - after the crime
Is committed it occurs into a routine
. Dehumanisation - the enemy is regarded as not human to justify attacks done to him/her
These methods were used by Nazi occupation to the Jews and no German batted an eye lid because it was a routine they were socialised into.
It starts with propoganda against a group, then the propaganda is socialised and with predictive programming instilled into society. The enemy is seen as scary, moral panic occurs. Then the torture begins and no one bats an eyelid because all those requirements have been reached