Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 10, 2019
I know since the beginning that NCT concept where dehumanization to the Kpop stars..there was a post back then when NCT debuted that advocate the Kpop fans not to support NCT, because those idols won't be able to sue the company in case of abuse and would be in so weak position and so easily replaceable, I searched that post and couldn't found it

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Nov 13, 2019
By the way -- it was release in Saturday and Haloween is soon.
in this Halloween, there will be blue moon (full moon)

"the next Blue Moon will come on October 31, 2020. It'll be called a Blue Moon because it'll be the 2nd of 2 full moons in a single calendar month. The last Blue Moon by this definition of the term happened on March 31, 2018.
There’s another definition for Blue Moon. It can be the third of four full moons in a single season, with a season being between a solstice and equinox. The next seasonal Blue Moon will be August 22, 2021."


Mar 23, 2018
Guys, what do you think about this post?

this is felix from stray kids. do you think his intentions are pure? I dont know if "save the children" is a corrupted campaign like all the other child care organizations (bts are working with unicef and it's creepy like why do they always focus on children?)

also felix said that his dream "came true" by working with save the children but also said his family always donated to school and children so from that I understand that he is very rich... Idk...

I just want to know if those idols are aware of all the child trafficking and if they are just puppets or they're taking part of it
It's just another dummy idol. Ofc he thinks he's doing a good thing donating to save the children. Many people don't know about how corrupted are NGOs. Idols are just puppets that are used to project certain tendencies in society. If this guy started preaching about the corruption of the NGOs, the press would tear him apart, sacked from the group and would be out of the public sight forever and ever.


Sep 28, 2020
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Symbolisms & Lyrics ミ₊˚·

⁀➷ ❝ Lovesick Girls - Blackpink ‧₊★˚

Hi guys! This is @yeo0milk__, I decided to change to a new username. Also, I wanted to try this format, I hope it’s alright. Just now, Blackpink has released a new mv called Lovesick Girls. There are some visual symbolisms and lyrics that should be discussed. Also, the pictures below aren't in order. (NOTICE: It’s a long post, buckle in.)

- - ——— ꒰ Symbolisms!

There’s so much symbolism in this music video! Here are the themes I’ve seen: Possible LGBTQ+, one-eyes, electroshock/MK ultra, fashion styles, occultic color combinations.

How many times have symbolisms show up? And what are these symbolisms?
❱ One Eye of Lucifer: 11 times
❱ Electroshock/MK Ultra: 1 time
❱ Occultic Colors (Occultic+Pedo): Entire music video
Blue + Pink + Yellow = P********e
Blue + Red + Purple = Genderfluid
Green + Black =???
Orange, Yellow, White
❱ Fashion: Presidential model, stripper, mental asylum patient, nurse, bohemian, gothic.

Here are the screenshots and explanations from the mv. If the images are too small, I took screenshots from my phone.

Jennie’s Scenes: Car Wreck + Asylum + Occultic Colors

Car Wreck: Jennie is shown sitting inside a smashed vandalized car littered with writings such as U + ME = 4EVA, etc. There are blue + red + black and white dualism colors everywhere. It’s a reference to the BLM, since some protesters used cars to block streets and create traffic. The smashed car could represent the destruction that BLM will cause and it’s end. This movement will end in smoke, and leave nothing but leave its environment in pieces (destroyed buildings, dead people, etc.)
There’s a parallel: Maybe it could be the loyal fans who blindly follow the idols without question with them into their doom. There are red seats inside the car and it represents the blood sacrifices. Jennie is wearing a blue outfit contrasting the scenes, also signaling her links with the sacrifices and doing genderfluid colors (red+blue+purple). The parking lot is blue illuminated with pink light. This scene itself is packed with many occult colors.

Mental Asylum:
Jennie acts out being the nurse and mental patient. However, Jennie playing out the patient is what caught my attention. She is acting dazed and holding a doll, blatant MK ultra symbolism. Also, the background is entirely dark, meaning these MK-Ultra torture may be taking place underground.

Lisa’s Scenes: Presidential Model + Car Damage + Occultic Colors

Presidential Model: Lisa is wearing a stripper-like outfit with a diamond bodice. Also, I noticed the green + black combo recently. Does anyone know what black + green color combo means for the occult?

Car Damage:
Lisa is wearing a blue + red flickering light jacket (genderfluid color) while smashing car headlights. This is definitely occultic promotion to the destructive nature of BLM. Also, there is a yellow hammer (sun goddess promotion?)

Jisoo’s Scenes: P******e Colors/Goddess Representation? + Raining Sign Scene

P*****ile Colors/Goddess Representation:
Jisoo is wearing a yellow dress, surrounded by blue flowers (weed) and holding an hourglass with pink dust. The colors of yellow + blue + pink = P**O What it could mean: The time of the elite p********s is reaching its near end, since the pink dust is falling down fast. Also, Jisoo represents the Sun Goddess (Satan) holding the hourglass, which is signaling to the elite and viewers that we are in end times.

Raining Sign:
Jisoo is standing in water flooded half up to her waist, one symbol with a strand of hair, tears in eyes, and behind her is a huge sign saying NOTHING. Honestly, this represents how Rain Man is possessing her, and her hopeless look on her face represents how celebrities struggle with possession, and have no control over their mind or body, which is rendering them feeling worthless, therefore NOTHING is how Jisoo feels, feeling possessed by demons. Also blue + black + green + white occultic colors are present.

Rose’s Scenes: LGBTQ? Guitar Couple + Paint Scene + P*******le Colors

LGBTQ? Guitar Couple:
Rose and this possible man/woman are wearing yellow + pink colors with a blue background. Its plain pedo symbolism, also the
a possible man/woman has a body frame that looks feminine. (might be wrong)

Paint Scene:
Rose throws black paint at the pink+blue wall is sinister, knowing the symbolism. Black paint could represents the mental deterioration + corruption of child abuse for both the victim and abuser (Rose is the abuser). She is throwing black paint and covered by it while crying represents her mental state and dark foreshadowing of her possible MK-Ultra breakdown. She feels the aftermath of being coerced and is slowly covered in darkness that stains her soul internally. The body is a shell of your soul.

- - ——— ꒰ Lyrics

I read the lyrics while watching the MV. These K-Pop idols chose to be involved with the occult. Also, there are many lyrics that are alluding to MK-Ultra torture and disassociation. I will include mv screenshots to also show how they have no remorse and won’t change.

══❍ Analysis

1.) Love trapped us in a windowless room (Love) What can we say? Long for love even though it hurts every time (Love) Get hurt and break down, I Don't know what's keeping me to hold on If I leave anyway, I'll hate you in my pained state We can't end it before it's over It's as if we've been waiting for this agony Maybe it's all just for a moment What are we looking for so aimlessly But I don't care I'll do it over and over I just need you in my life We are the lovesick girls You can't just end this love on your own We are the lovesick girls I'm nothing without this pain
❏. Interpretation: The girls are in MK-Ultra and seem to be looking love through torture. They say they are willing to go through pain even if its pointless. Sounds like they love the devil. Loving the devil means you put yourself through hell, even if it ends badly. Basically, they love the pain of MK-Ultra and are willing to go far for the devil, despite their fate.

2.) Didn't wanna be a princess, I'm priceless A prince not even on my list Love is a drug that I quit No doctor could help when I'm lovesick Maybe it's all just for a moment What are we looking for so aimlessly Looking at you with my anxious gaze You're all I need even if it hurts
❏. Interpretation: The girls lose feelings of sincerity, empathy, kindness which are all associated with love. Nobody can help them except the devil to cope with their feelings of emptiness after MK-Ultra.

3.) Love is slippin' and fallin' Love is killin' your darlin' That fearless thrill returns once the pain subsides Can't hear what you say I'm happy with this pain You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me
❏. Interpretation: They love the pain of MK-Ultra and wont stop. Last verse hits hard, they are telling you not to feel pity because the girls wanted this. The girls pity us and think we are foolish, also they are mocking conspiracy theorists and looking down on them.

4.) Lovesick girls Everyone eventually leaves Lovesick girls I've become numb to crying Lovesick girls Hurt over and over again Lovesick girls But we're still looking for love
❏. Interpretation: Ultimately, the girls will continue MK-Ultra because they like the pain despite feeling terrible mentally and physically. They are seeking attention and love from the devil.


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Sep 10, 2020
Guess what? I found the 27th wiccan necklace. VIXX LR Whisper. So this things do not surprise me anymore. Wicca or whatever with what they want to be identified has become like a second nature to them. It is hard to believe because we see the things thru our prism but they have a different mind and eyesight, like the Pink Floyd prism or Newton prism. So a glass prism split the white light into rainbow colours, in 7 colours (this number is often used for music groups). They have a dispersed view by a prism.
Omg I think I accidentally found the 28th necklace on Jeno. I was watching a compilation of EXO & NCT moments part 2 when I noticed it around his neck, starting from 0:42.

Here is the link to the video:

I have watched this video multiple times but I had never noticed it before. It's like with the evil symbolism in MV's. Once you know what to look for you can't unsee it.

A few days go I came across an artice about idols that are related to the noble/elite families from the Joseon era. The first of the three clans is even a direct descendant of the Korean royal family. And that's the one Jeno from NCT Dream is related too. Also Taemin from shinee...

What surprised me is that BTS consists of three members that are related to one of those elite clans. And you know the occult people work with bloodlines... Here is the article:

Honestly I have nothing against Jeno, he always seems like a kind and good guy to me. So this is in no way meant to slander him or his family. Only god knows.



Sep 18, 2020
Can anyone help me find out the meaning of the black rose in Taemin's new song? The lyrics might be referencing alters too ("you walk in daylight with me rarely/scatter away like a far away dream")? I don't think he writes the lyrics, but still, his handlers maybe...if he's another MC victim. I heard black roses symbolize death and that is concerning since we know what may have happened to Jonghyun...or I could be completely off base here, idk, but you know in this industry too many things don't add up...too many "coincidences" when you think about the big picture...

The lyrics:

Also, I think the choreography may have a reference to Shiva (in Hinduism, the god of destruction) around 2:27 into it:
He didn't wrote the lyrics...i checked it out the credits and the only song with Taemin words is "2kids"...the others songs have different names...
These are the names of authors of the song


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Chibi Maruko Schweetz

Sep 18, 2019
Guys... How are you all? Be okay everywhere... I love you all!!!

Btw BP had comeback yesterday... Wdyt? I got some occult things there... But I can't share... Maybe anyone here can? I like their songs now... It sounds catchy... But I am worried with that C4rd1 B... She is scary you know right... I mean... Will Bl4ckP1nk be the same as BTS? Since BP is almost the same as BTS... Wdyt?


Nov 13, 2019
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Symbolisms & Lyrics ミ₊˚·

⁀➷ ❝ Lovesick Girls - Blackpink ‧₊★˚

Hi guys! This is @yeo0milk__, I decided to change to a new username. Also, I wanted to try this format, I hope it’s alright. Just now, Blackpink has released a new mv called Lovesick Girls. There are some visual symbolisms and lyrics that should be discussed. Also, the pictures below aren't in order. (NOTICE: It’s a long post, buckle in.)

- - ——— ꒰ Symbolisms!

There’s so much symbolism in this music video! Here are the themes I’ve seen: Possible LGBTQ+, one-eyes, electroshock/MK ultra, fashion styles, occultic color combinations.

How many times have symbolisms show up? And what are these symbolisms?
❱ One Eye of Lucifer: 11 times
❱ Electroshock/MK Ultra: 1 time
❱ Occultic Colors (Occultic+Pedo): Entire music video
Blue + Pink + Yellow = P********e
Blue + Red + Purple = Genderfluid
Green + Black =???
Orange, Yellow, White
❱ Fashion: Presidential model, stripper, mental asylum patient, nurse, bohemian, gothic.

Here are the screenshots and explanations from the mv. If the images are too small, I took screenshots from my phone.

Jennie’s Scenes: Car Wreck + Asylum + Occultic Colors

Car Wreck: Jennie is shown sitting inside a smashed vandalized car littered with writings such as U + ME = 4EVA, etc. There are blue + red + black and white dualism colors everywhere. It’s a reference to the BLM, since some protesters used cars to block streets and create traffic. The smashed car could represent the destruction that BLM will cause and it’s end. This movement will end in smoke, and leave nothing but leave its environment in pieces (destroyed buildings, dead people, etc.)
There’s a parallel: Maybe it could be the loyal fans who blindly follow the idols without question with them into their doom. There are red seats inside the car and it represents the blood sacrifices. Jennie is wearing a blue outfit contrasting the scenes, also signaling her links with the sacrifices and doing genderfluid colors (red+blue+purple). The parking lot is blue illuminated with pink light. This scene itself is packed with many occult colors.

Mental Asylum:
Jennie acts out being the nurse and mental patient. However, Jennie playing out the patient is what caught my attention. She is acting dazed and holding a doll, blatant MK ultra symbolism. Also, the background is entirely dark, meaning these MK-Ultra torture may be taking place underground.

Lisa’s Scenes: Presidential Model + Car Damage + Occultic Colors

Presidential Model: Lisa is wearing a stripper-like outfit with a diamond bodice. Also, I noticed the green + black combo recently. Does anyone know what black + green color combo means for the occult?

Car Damage:
Lisa is wearing a blue + red flickering light jacket (genderfluid color) while smashing car headlights. This is definitely occultic promotion to the destructive nature of BLM. Also, there is a yellow hammer (sun goddess promotion?)

Jisoo’s Scenes: P******e Colors/Goddess Representation? + Raining Sign Scene

P*****ile Colors/Goddess Representation:
Jisoo is wearing a yellow dress, surrounded by blue flowers (weed) and holding an hourglass with pink dust. The colors of yellow + blue + pink = P**O What it could mean: The time of the elite p********s is reaching its near end, since the pink dust is falling down fast. Also, Jisoo represents the Sun Goddess (Satan) holding the hourglass, which is signaling to the elite and viewers that we are in end times.

Raining Sign:
Jisoo is standing in water flooded half up to her waist, one symbol with a strand of hair, tears in eyes, and behind her is a huge sign saying NOTHING. Honestly, this represents how Rain Man is possessing her, and her hopeless look on her face represents how celebrities struggle with possession, and have no control over their mind or body, which is rendering them feeling worthless, therefore NOTHING is how Jisoo feels, feeling possessed by demons. Also blue + black + green + white occultic colors are present.

Rose’s Scenes: LGBTQ? Guitar Couple + Paint Scene + P*******le Colors

LGBTQ? Guitar Couple:
Rose and this possible man/woman are wearing yellow + pink colors with a blue background. Its plain pedo symbolism, also the
a possible man/woman has a body frame that looks feminine. (might be wrong)

Paint Scene:
Rose throws black paint at the pink+blue wall is sinister, knowing the symbolism. Black paint could represents the mental deterioration + corruption of child abuse for both the victim and abuser (Rose is the abuser, but is throwing black paint and covered by it while crying represents her mental state and dark foreshadowing of her possible MK-Ultra breakdown. She feels the aftermath of being coerced and is slowly covered in darkness that stains her soul internally. The body is a shell of your soul.

- - ——— ꒰ Lyrics

I read the lyrics while watching the MV. These K-Pop idols chose to be involved with the occult. Also, there are many lyrics that are alluding to MK-Ultra torture and disassociation. I will include mv screenshots to also show how they have no remorse and won’t change.

══❍ Analysis

1.) Love trapped us in a windowless room (Love) What can we say? Long for love even though it hurts every time (Love) Get hurt and break down, I Don't know what's keeping me to hold on If I leave anyway, I'll hate you in my pained state We can't end it before it's over It's as if we've been waiting for this agony Maybe it's all just for a moment What are we looking for so aimlessly But I don't care I'll do it over and over I just need you in my life We are the lovesick girls You can't just end this love on your own We are the lovesick girls I'm nothing without this pain
❏. Interpretation: The girls are in MK-Ultra and seem to be looking love through torture. They say they are willing to go through pain even if its pointless. Sounds like they love the devil. Loving the devil means you put yourself through hell, even if it ends badly. Basically, they love the pain of MK-Ultra and are willing to go far for the devil, despite their fate.

2.) Didn't wanna be a princess, I'm priceless A prince not even on my list Love is a drug that I quit No doctor could help when I'm lovesick Maybe it's all just for a moment What are we looking for so aimlessly Looking at you with my anxious gaze You're all I need even if it hurts
❏. Interpretation: The girls lose feelings of sincerity, empathy, kindness which are all associated with love. Nobody can help them except the devil to cope with their feelings of emptiness after MK-Ultra.

Love is slippin' and fallin' Love is killin' your darlin' That fearless thrill returns once the pain subsides Can't hear what you say I'm happy with this pain You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me
❏. Interpretation: They love the pain of MK-Ultra and wont stop. Last verse hits hard, they are telling you not to feel pity because the girls wanted this. The girls pity us and think we are foolish, also they are mocking conspiracy theorists and looking down on them.

Lovesick girls Everyone eventually leaves Lovesick girls I've become numb to crying Lovesick girls Hurt over and over again Lovesick girls But we're still looking for love
❏. Interpretation: Ultimately, the girls will continue MK-Ultra because they like the pain despite feeling terrible mentally and physically. They are seeking attention and love from the devil.
welcome again. I was just today thinking where were you.


Sep 20, 2019
Hi~ I think the link has expired? Or is it available only if you are in a specific country/if you have a Twitter account? Would you mind sharing a screenshot of it? Sorry for bothering you...

Presidential Model: Lisa is wearing a stripper-like outfit with a diamond bodice. Also, I noticed the green + black combo recently. Does anyone know what black + green color combo means for the occult?
Hello ^^
There was several dozens pages ago a discussion of GOT7 comeback, 'You calling my name' or something, if I'm not wrong. A green ray of light surrounded the members, and this concept also appeared in SHINee's 'Lucifer' and 'Everybody' MVs. As for the GOT7 posts, someone said that the green color represents jealousy, Satan, and is also associated with the skin color of Osirirs (god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation). Green could be seen as reincarnation, vitality, life (maybe could be associated with Satan's lie of eternal life in some way, I think). The shade of green was different in SHINee's (a blueish hue) and GOT7's MVs, though.
Green could be also associated with the emerald stone, I am not sure of its MK-ultra meaning, but as for its occult meaning, I found this:
[...]contained the secret of Creation of Beings and the Science of Causes of all things. Hermetic tradition also maintained that an emerald fell from Lucifer’s forehead during his fall. According to medieval folklore, the emerald, placed upon the tongue, enabled to summon evil spirits and converse with them. However, it was also recognised as being able to heal some diseases, especially those pertaining to eyesight. [...] In the Apocalypse of St John, God appears surrounded by a rainbow “in sight like unto an emerald”. The Grail is carved from an enormous emerald. As the stone of occult knowledge, the emerald partakes, as do all symbolic objects, of lucky and unlucky aspects, benign and malign. Christian tradition drew a distinction between properties connected with the Heavens and with the Underworld, Good and Evil, and the blue of the sapphire opposed the green of the emerald. Nevertheless, the emerald is also the Papal jewel. In the Christian middle ages, certain Egyptian and Etruscan beliefs survived (such as the stone placed on the tongue enabling one to converse with evil spirits). Thus the emerald was the jewel of clairvoyance. In ancient Rome, it was attributed to Venus. In India, it was believed to impart immortality. The emerald is the expression of seasonal renewal and therefore it expresses the positive force of the Earth, of manifested life and of evolution. (source:

To this paragraph, I would add that since God is 'in sight like unto an emerald', green could signify Satan's wish to become like Him, and his fake promise to the people that they will be like gods. Also, I think that there was a passage in the Bible which describes God's throne as having green/blue stones at its footstool, therefore green could signify Satan's wish to take over God's throne. Green might be associated with one-eye symbolism too, in my opinion (keywords underlined in the paragraph above: clairvoyance, eyesight), as well as masonic duality (lucky and unlucky, benign and malign etc.). Also, BlackPink has that catchphrase, 'BlackPink is the revolution', this could relate to the meanings in the above paragraph in a way or another.

Hope this helped, and thank you for your thorough interpretations, as well :)
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May 10, 2019
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Symbolisms & Lyrics ミ₊˚·

⁀➷ ❝ Lovesick Girls - Blackpink ‧₊★˚

Hi guys! This is @yeo0milk__, I decided to change to a new username. Also, I wanted to try this format, I hope it’s alright. Just now, Blackpink has released a new mv called Lovesick Girls. There are some visual symbolisms and lyrics that should be discussed. Also, the pictures below aren't in order. (NOTICE: It’s a long post, buckle in.)

- - ——— ꒰ Symbolisms!

There’s so much symbolism in this music video! Here are the themes I’ve seen: Possible LGBTQ+, one-eyes, electroshock/MK ultra, fashion styles, occultic color combinations.

How many times have symbolisms show up? And what are these symbolisms?
❱ One Eye of Lucifer: 11 times
❱ Electroshock/MK Ultra: 1 time
❱ Occultic Colors (Occultic+Pedo): Entire music video
Blue + Pink + Yellow = P********e
Blue + Red + Purple = Genderfluid
Green + Black =???
Orange, Yellow, White
❱ Fashion: Presidential model, stripper, mental asylum patient, nurse, bohemian, gothic.

Here are the screenshots and explanations from the mv. If the images are too small, I took screenshots from my phone.

Jennie’s Scenes: Car Wreck + Asylum + Occultic Colors

Car Wreck: Jennie is shown sitting inside a smashed vandalized car littered with writings such as U + ME = 4EVA, etc. There are blue + red + black and white dualism colors everywhere. It’s a reference to the BLM, since some protesters used cars to block streets and create traffic. The smashed car could represent the destruction that BLM will cause and it’s end. This movement will end in smoke, and leave nothing but leave its environment in pieces (destroyed buildings, dead people, etc.)
There’s a parallel: Maybe it could be the loyal fans who blindly follow the idols without question with them into their doom. There are red seats inside the car and it represents the blood sacrifices. Jennie is wearing a blue outfit contrasting the scenes, also signaling her links with the sacrifices and doing genderfluid colors (red+blue+purple). The parking lot is blue illuminated with pink light. This scene itself is packed with many occult colors.

Mental Asylum:
Jennie acts out being the nurse and mental patient. However, Jennie playing out the patient is what caught my attention. She is acting dazed and holding a doll, blatant MK ultra symbolism. Also, the background is entirely dark, meaning these MK-Ultra torture may be taking place underground.

Lisa’s Scenes: Presidential Model + Car Damage + Occultic Colors

Presidential Model: Lisa is wearing a stripper-like outfit with a diamond bodice. Also, I noticed the green + black combo recently. Does anyone know what black + green color combo means for the occult?

Car Damage:
Lisa is wearing a blue + red flickering light jacket (genderfluid color) while smashing car headlights. This is definitely occultic promotion to the destructive nature of BLM. Also, there is a yellow hammer (sun goddess promotion?)

Jisoo’s Scenes: P******e Colors/Goddess Representation? + Raining Sign Scene

P*****ile Colors/Goddess Representation:
Jisoo is wearing a yellow dress, surrounded by blue flowers (weed) and holding an hourglass with pink dust. The colors of yellow + blue + pink = P**O What it could mean: The time of the elite p********s is reaching its near end, since the pink dust is falling down fast. Also, Jisoo represents the Sun Goddess (Satan) holding the hourglass, which is signaling to the elite and viewers that we are in end times.

Raining Sign:
Jisoo is standing in water flooded half up to her waist, one symbol with a strand of hair, tears in eyes, and behind her is a huge sign saying NOTHING. Honestly, this represents how Rain Man is possessing her, and her hopeless look on her face represents how celebrities struggle with possession, and have no control over their mind or body, which is rendering them feeling worthless, therefore NOTHING is how Jisoo feels, feeling possessed by demons. Also blue + black + green + white occultic colors are present.

Rose’s Scenes: LGBTQ? Guitar Couple + Paint Scene + P*******le Colors

LGBTQ? Guitar Couple:
Rose and this possible man/woman are wearing yellow + pink colors with a blue background. Its plain pedo symbolism, also the
a possible man/woman has a body frame that looks feminine. (might be wrong)

Paint Scene:
Rose throws black paint at the pink+blue wall is sinister, knowing the symbolism. Black paint could represents the mental deterioration + corruption of child abuse for both the victim and abuser (Rose is the abuser, but is throwing black paint and covered by it while crying represents her mental state and dark foreshadowing of her possible MK-Ultra breakdown. She feels the aftermath of being coerced and is slowly covered in darkness that stains her soul internally. The body is a shell of your soul.

- - ——— ꒰ Lyrics

I read the lyrics while watching the MV. These K-Pop idols chose to be involved with the occult. Also, there are many lyrics that are alluding to MK-Ultra torture and disassociation. I will include mv screenshots to also show how they have no remorse and won’t change.

══❍ Analysis

1.) Love trapped us in a windowless room (Love) What can we say? Long for love even though it hurts every time (Love) Get hurt and break down, I Don't know what's keeping me to hold on If I leave anyway, I'll hate you in my pained state We can't end it before it's over It's as if we've been waiting for this agony Maybe it's all just for a moment What are we looking for so aimlessly But I don't care I'll do it over and over I just need you in my life We are the lovesick girls You can't just end this love on your own We are the lovesick girls I'm nothing without this pain
❏. Interpretation: The girls are in MK-Ultra and seem to be looking love through torture. They say they are willing to go through pain even if its pointless. Sounds like they love the devil. Loving the devil means you put yourself through hell, even if it ends badly. Basically, they love the pain of MK-Ultra and are willing to go far for the devil, despite their fate.

2.) Didn't wanna be a princess, I'm priceless A prince not even on my list Love is a drug that I quit No doctor could help when I'm lovesick Maybe it's all just for a moment What are we looking for so aimlessly Looking at you with my anxious gaze You're all I need even if it hurts
❏. Interpretation: The girls lose feelings of sincerity, empathy, kindness which are all associated with love. Nobody can help them except the devil to cope with their feelings of emptiness after MK-Ultra.

Love is slippin' and fallin' Love is killin' your darlin' That fearless thrill returns once the pain subsides Can't hear what you say I'm happy with this pain You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me
❏. Interpretation: They love the pain of MK-Ultra and wont stop. Last verse hits hard, they are telling you not to feel pity because the girls wanted this. The girls pity us and think we are foolish, also they are mocking conspiracy theorists and looking down on them.

Lovesick girls Everyone eventually leaves Lovesick girls I've become numb to crying Lovesick girls Hurt over and over again Lovesick girls But we're still looking for love
❏. Interpretation: Ultimately, the girls will continue MK-Ultra because they like the pain despite feeling terrible mentally and physically. They are seeking attention and love from the devil.


YeoOmilk/ARIBELIXIET: (if your screen is set to 100/110% zoom..the post will look great and proportionate ; even more stunning on a black background).

LOVE IT!!! I will miss the old username!!! And I love what you did here...keep it up!

I would comment on Black Pink but you know (and others know) I rarely comment on the female groups. But I will say this: Just like others...their video is so full of dark imagery. No matter if BP or any other artists out of S. Korea or around the world, 4 the matter: SATAN RULES THIS WORLD AND THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY. IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT!! And no one...NO ONE can escape this!!!

Also, BP is one of my
least favorite female groups though they have some cool dance songs. To me, they are no match 2 the older female idol groups. They are my more HYPE rather than SUBSTANCE!! ****(Again....this is my PERSONAL OPINION)!!! Everytime I think of Jennie getting her solo stuff; the rumors come back of JYP "sleeping" w/her other & making the other members do certain things 2 get ahead, makes me sick to my stomach!! =0( =0( =0(

JYP screwed over 2NE1 and CL. However, my heart goes out to these girls. These girls deserve better! I am so tired of them being used for propaganda like the other idols.

These girls are definitely being mind-controlled. Let us all continue 2 pray for ALL of the idols and anyone else being mistreated in the world of entertainment.


ANY MEMBERS having a tough week or being distraught or mightily "overwhelmed" w/the news in the K-POP world, in other genres of music and entertainment, at work or home or daily in your personal life: I am sending out Butterfly hugs and love to everyone!!!

NO MATTER what is happening around us; REMEMBER what is happening around us is "ONLY" temporary in this crazy world of ours. Even if 4 only 1 second, Do take time "smell the flowers" and reflect on the good in life.


Time is short and so is our life time here on earth. It might not always seem that way for a young person with 50-80 years ahead of him/her, but once you reach an older age and look back on your life the feeling is often that time has gone by in a rapid pace. We do not have much time to share the gospel because time is short. If there are also many uphills in our lives, such as pain, loneliness, melancholy, etc, such things will also soon cease!:

"But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none; And they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not; And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away." KING JAMES VERSION 1 Cor. 7:29



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May 10, 2019

Government Taking Action To Protect Underage Celebrities And Trainees From Unfair Practices

Government Taking Action To Protect Underage Celebrities And Trainees From Unfair Practices
Oct 3, 2020
by U. Kim

***They SHOULD have done this right from the beginning. I still have a feeling the gov't will DANCE AROUND THIS, to ensure they will get something out of this. I HIGHLY DOUBT their best interests IS IN favor of the young idols to be!!!???????!!!***

If the gov't and its corrupt cronies and the corrupt companies invested more time and doing RIGHT by their idols, employees and MAYBE EVEN THEMSELVES???

INSTEAD of forcing these idols to do things like:

-starving them, whacking n brutalizing them into submission
-sexualizing them, handing out harsh criticism, forcing and degrading them
-doing them dirty, making their personal growth and life unbearable
-FORCING them to get unnecessary plastic surgery and making them ALL look like "V-SHAPED" clones
-and pimping them out to be successful...basically OVERWORKING them;

The S.Korean entertainment industry would be world class and a FORCE 2B RECKON WITH. The MINDSET NEEDS A FULL ADJUSTMENT in order for changes to be made and effective. This comes FROM THE WITHIN THE HEART!!!

Further, the parents need to wake the fcuk up!!! They need to be REAL PARENTS!! These parents need to stop using and relying on these kids to bail them out of debt and start giving a damn about their children's welfare. These children and everyone, need good guidance, love and support AND A DAMN GOOD LAWYER!!!

The mind of these children and teenagers are often quite fragile. ALONE...they CANNOT stand up 2 TPTB.The ramifications of being mishandled and judged wrong and being falsely accused of something they did NOT due and being hung out to dry....WELL...we are all to aware of the side effects at could happen. If things do NOT change for the better, their psychological well-being and over-all well being will be deeply scarred from that point on INTO THE FUTURE!! ***(this also applies to other countries as well)***

  • Inyourarea40 minutes ago
    I just think underage trainees shouldn’t debut at all. Not just with all the complications involved but also with their well-being once they’re in the spotlight. Its the digital age and anyone can say anything on social media to hurt and attack others. So at least wait til theyre old enough to be somewhat more prepared for the all the pressure of the industry.
  • baidoo4u_51015 minutes ago
    The government should also make sure to look over their contracts as well, so these artists won't keep breaking their backs for nothing and actually earn their monies worth
  • taurynlee_132 hours ago
    It took along enough. These kids work so hard and are just now getting some type of protection.
  • OnyxShadow3 hours ago
    hell yes, better late than never
  • aro_748 BERN_082 hours ago
    Of course it's good, what do you mean? Although it's not great that it took the government so long to do something like this, if that's what you meant, but it's better late than never.
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Sep 18, 2020
Hi~ I think the link has expired? Or is it available only if you are in a specific country/if you have a Twitter account? Would you mind sharing a screenshot of it? Sorry for bothering you...

Hello ^^
There was several dozens pages ago a discussion of GOT7 comeback, 'You calling my name' or something, if I'm not wrong. A green ray of light surrounded the members, and this concept also appeared in SHINee's 'Lucifer' and 'Everybody' MVs. As for the GOT7 posts, someone said that the green color represents jealousy, Satan, and is also associated with the skin color of Osirirs (god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation). Green could be seen as reincarnation, vitality, life (maybe could be associated with Satan's lie of eternal life in some way, I think). The shade of green was different in SHINee's (a blueish hue) and GOT7's MVs, though.
Green could be also associated with the emerald stone, I am not sure of its MK-ultra meaning, but as for its occult meaning, I found this:
[...]contained the secret of Creation of Beings and the Science of Causes of all things. Hermetic tradition also maintained that an emerald fell from Lucifer’s forehead during his fall. According to medieval folklore, the emerald, placed upon the tongue, enabled to summon evil spirits and converse with them. However, it was also recognised as being able to heal some diseases, especially those pertaining to eyesight. [...] In the Apocalypse of St John, God appears surrounded by a rainbow “in sight like unto an emerald”. The Grail is carved from an enormous emerald. As the stone of occult knowledge, the emerald partakes, as do all symbolic objects, of lucky and unlucky aspects, benign and malign. Christian tradition drew a distinction between properties connected with the Heavens and with the Underworld, Good and Evil, and the blue of the sapphire opposed the green of the emerald. Nevertheless, the emerald is also the Papal jewel. In the Christian middle ages, certain Egyptian and Etruscan beliefs survived (such as the stone placed on the tongue enabling one to converse with evil spirits). Thus the emerald was the jewel of clairvoyance. In ancient Rome, it was attributed to Venus. In India, it was believed to impart immortality. The emerald is the expression of seasonal renewal and therefore it expresses the positive force of the Earth, of manifested life and of evolution. (source:

To this paragraph, I would add that since God is 'in sight like unto an emerald', green could signify Satan's wish to become like Him, and his fake promise to the people that they will be like gods. Also, I think that there was a passage in the Bible which describes God's throne as having green/blue stones at its footstool, therefore green could signify Satan's wish to take over God's throne. Green might be associated with one-eye symbolism too, in my opinion (keywords underlined in the paragraph above: clairvoyance, eyesight), as well as masonic duality (lucky and unlucky, benign and malign etc.). Also, BlackPink has that catchphrase, 'BlackPink is the revolution', this could relate to the meanings in the above paragraph in a way or another.

Hope this helped, and thank you for your thorough interpretations, as well :)
I saw a post very interesting and detailed about illuminati family and mk ultra...they talked about presidential model,Marilyn Monroe was one of them and it was written that presidential model love Emerald green because it is used for programming them.Jennie could be a presidential model?Or also Lisa?They are the most popular member,and there are voices about Jennie and Jyp..and that's explains why they are so popular..i don't follow them and there are female groups better than them.


Mar 16, 2017
I don't want to know how many current bands have had to do this... (

Also on a side note, I highly recommend not giving too much personal info about yourself. This a forum with strangers not social media. Likewise these Kpop threads do get a lot of traffic from randoms (non-users) so it's not just a handful of people reading these threads. You don't want a crazed fan to attack you as they found your info, accounts, YT, etc. Sharing your own details is at your own risk!

There's always DMs for talking about personal stuff.


Sep 10, 2020

Government Taking Action To Protect Underage Celebrities And Trainees From Unfair Practices

Government Taking Action To Protect Underage Celebrities And Trainees From Unfair Practices
Oct 3, 2020
by U. Kim

***They SHOULD have done this right from the beginning. I still have a feeling the gov't will DANCE AROUND THIS, to ensure they will get something out of this. I HIGHLY DOUBT their best interests IS IN favor of the young idols to be!!!???????!!!***

If the gov't and its corrupt cronies and the corrupt companies invested more time and doing RIGHT by their idols, employees and MAYBE EVEN THEMSELVES???

INSTEAD of forcing these idols to do things like:

-starving them, whacking n brutalizing them into submission
-sexualizing them, handing out harsh criticism, forcing and degrading them
-doing them dirty, making their personal growth and life unbearable
-FORCING them to get unnecessary plastic surgery and making them ALL look like "V-SHAPED" clones
-and pimping them out to be successful...basically OVERWORKING them;

The S.Korean entertainment industry would be world class and a force to RECKON with. The MINDSET NEEDS A FULL ADJUSTMENT in order for changes to be made and effective. This comes FROM THE WITHIN THE HEART!!!

Further, the parents need to wake the fcuk up!!! They need to be REAL PARENTS!! These parents need to stop using and relying on these kids to bail them out of debt and start giving a damn about their children's welfare. These children and everyone, need good guidance, love and support AND A DAMN GOOD LAWYER!!!

The mind of these children and teenagers are often quite fragile. ALONE...they CANNOT stand up 2 TPTB.The ramifications of being mishandled and judged wrong and being falsely accused of something they did NOT due and being hung out to dry....WELL...we are all to aware of the side effects at could happen. If things do NOT change for the better, their psychological well-being and over-all well being will be deeply scarred from that point on INTO THE FUTURE!! ***(this also applies to other countries as well)***

  • Inyourarea40 minutes ago
    I just think underage trainees shouldn’t debut at all. Not just with all the complications involved but also with their well-being once they’re in the spotlight. Its the digital age and anyone can say anything on social media to hurt and attack others. So at least wait til theyre old enough to be somewhat more prepared for the all the pressure of the industry.
  • baidoo4u_51015 minutes ago
    The government should also make sure to look over their contracts as well, so these artists won't keep breaking their backs for nothing and actually earn their monies worth
  • taurynlee_132 hours ago
    It took along enough. These kids work so hard and are just now getting some type of protection.
  • OnyxShadow3 hours ago
    hell yes, better late than never
  • aro_748 BERN_082 hours ago
    Of course it's good, what do you mean? Although it's not great that it took the government so long to do something like this, if that's what you meant, but it's better late than never.

Government Taking Action To Protect Underage Celebrities And Trainees From Unfair Practices

Government Taking Action To Protect Underage Celebrities And Trainees From Unfair Practices
Oct 3, 2020
by U. Kim

***They SHOULD have done this right from the beginning. I still have a feeling the gov't will DANCE AROUND THIS, to ensure they will get something out of this. I HIGHLY DOUBT their best interests IS IN favor of the young idols to be!!!???????!!!***

If the gov't and its corrupt cronies and the corrupt companies invested more time and doing RIGHT by their idols, employees and MAYBE EVEN THEMSELVES???

INSTEAD of forcing these idols to do things like:

-starving them, whacking n brutalizing them into submission
-sexualizing them, handing out harsh criticism, forcing and degrading them
-doing them dirty, making their personal growth and life unbearable
-FORCING them to get unnecessary plastic surgery and making them ALL look like "V-SHAPED" clones
-and pimping them out to be successful...basically OVERWORKING them;

The S.Korean entertainment industry would be world class and a force to RECKON with. The MINDSET NEEDS A FULL ADJUSTMENT in order for changes to be made and effective. This comes FROM THE WITHIN THE HEART!!!

Further, the parents need to wake the fcuk up!!! They need to be REAL PARENTS!! These parents need to stop using and relying on these kids to bail them out of debt and start giving a damn about their children's welfare. These children and everyone, need good guidance, love and support AND A DAMN GOOD LAWYER!!!

The mind of these children and teenagers are often quite fragile. ALONE...they CANNOT stand up 2 TPTB.The ramifications of being mishandled and judged wrong and being falsely accused of something they did NOT due and being hung out to dry....WELL...we are all to aware of the side effects at could happen. If things do NOT change for the better, their psychological well-being and over-all well being will be deeply scarred from that point on INTO THE FUTURE!! ***(this also applies to other countries as well)***

  • Inyourarea40 minutes ago
    I just think underage trainees shouldn’t debut at all. Not just with all the complications involved but also with their well-being once they’re in the spotlight. Its the digital age and anyone can say anything on social media to hurt and attack others. So at least wait til theyre old enough to be somewhat more prepared for the all the pressure of the industry.
  • baidoo4u_51015 minutes ago
    The government should also make sure to look over their contracts as well, so these artists won't keep breaking their backs for nothing and actually earn their monies worth
  • taurynlee_132 hours ago
    It took along enough. These kids work so hard and are just now getting some type of protection.
  • OnyxShadow3 hours ago
    hell yes, better late than never
  • aro_748 BERN_082 hours ago
    Of course it's good, what do you mean? Although it's not great that it took the government so long to do something like this, if that's what you meant, but it's better late than never.
What if those psychologist they're going to provide for those underage trainees are actually MK ultra handlers? What if they will try to convince them they need MK ultra to survive in the K-pop industry ? I really want to believe they're doing this with good intentions but their past and current actions are making it really hard to believe.
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Aug 20, 2020
guys watch this , i notice some tensions between the group members , like they didn't get along or something, don't know maybe it's just my impression:

They try to be cute and seems united but i agree with you..Jun seems mocking the others sometimes,they try to hide that they are not uncomfortable but body language is clear...they can't stand each other,they are music partners


Sep 9, 2020
They try to be cute and seems united but i agree with you..Jun seems mocking the others sometimes,they try to hide that they are not uncomfortable but body language is clear...they can't stand each other,they are music partners
one of them scolded another member and said to him to not watch them but the cameras, the guy give me Stray Kids Woojiin vibe