Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Nov 13, 2019
Red and blue is just representative of where you have one force combating the other when in's the same team. Just an duality ILLUSION tactic they use to keep everyone divided and enslaved by the system
it is just like famous German philosopher (a.k.a. famous elite) Hegel's Dialectics

Thesis + Anti_thesis = Synthesis

If you want to have control on lets say in an country, not only government but also opposition parties should be in control.
Elite's following the same methods for centuries. If people only understand this method of elites, world would be different.

Chibi Maruko Schweetz

Sep 18, 2019
Hi guys!
How are you all? Hope you all were good wherever and whenever you are.
Still, take care of yourself, don't be stressed, eat healthily, sleep enough and be happy. We don't know when is the exact time of this Corona ended. We are still fighting for this Corona but don't desperate... We all will win. Although it takes long time with so many struggles inside.

Btw have you all guys watched 8L4CKP1NK new teaser of "L0V351CK 61RL"? It's so much scary af... I think they are getting scary even after the comeback of "H0W Y0U L1K3 TH4T" and "1C3 CR34M" with S3l3n4 G0m3z. There is a scene where R0s1e in a bathtub with full of black liquid and she is kinda blank or being unconscious. It is so dark. But, idk why I found it catchy. It's like I prefer "L0V351CK 61RL" over the both of last comeback. It gives "5T4Y" and "PL4Y1N6 W1TH F1R3" vibes and I enjoy it. I think it'll be a tren after releasing that whole "TH3 4LBUM". Not just that, in that BP album, they do collaborate with C4rd1 B too. I mean they are getting higher. I remember when BT5 did collaborate with N1ck1 M1n4j, it went trending right? Like BT5 is getting more popular. And BP is doing with C4rd1 B. Let's see what happen more after it is released.

I remember something about B43khyun said "Mitochondria". What does he mean more? I mean like he doesn't refer to adrenochrome, but what happened with Mitochondria?
Aug 2, 2020
Guys, what do you think about this post?

this is felix from stray kids. do you think his intentions are pure? I dont know if "save the children" is a corrupted campaign like all the other child care organizations (bts are working with unicef and it's creepy like why do they always focus on children?)

also felix said that his dream "came true" by working with save the children but also said his family always donated to school and children so from that I understand that he is very rich... Idk...

I just want to know if those idols are aware of all the child trafficking and if they are just puppets or they're taking part of it


Aug 20, 2020
Guys, what do you think about this post?

this is felix from stray kids. do you think his intentions are pure? I dont know if "save the children" is a corrupted campaign like all the other child care organizations (bts are working with unicef and it's creepy like why do they always focus on children?)

also felix said that his dream "came true" by working with save the children but also said his family always donated to school and children so from that I understand that he is very rich... Idk...

I just want to know if those idols are aware of all the child trafficking and if they are just puppets or they're taking part of it
I think he comes from the è it is not a coincidence that he is choosed for "Save the children"


Mar 16, 2017
I will admit during lockdown I did get into SKZ.. :oops: after years of not being into Kpop or music in general. Their figures and popularity have definitely grown this year and they probably have paid the price for it.

Maybe as a guy i'm used to women in media being sexualised (as wrong as it is) however considering what people have said in these threads, this really creeps me out as he's the maknae as well..remember Taemin with the milk RDR and JK with milk in Dynamite.

(2:16- nasty!) I am not screenshotting this!


Sep 20, 2019
Guys, what do you think about this post?

this is felix from stray kids. do you think his intentions are pure? I dont know if "save the children" is a corrupted campaign like all the other child care organizations (bts are working with unicef and it's creepy like why do they always focus on children?)

also felix said that his dream "came true" by working with save the children but also said his family always donated to school and children so from that I understand that he is very rich... Idk...

I just want to know if those idols are aware of all the child trafficking and if they are just puppets or they're taking part of it
Hi ^^
First of all, these organizations are super shady. If you have heard of 'mother' Theresa, in 97? she opened a girls' school/orphanage or something like that, but in reality, it was a paedophile ring. And even after more than 20 years, people still see her as a symbol of motherhood, kindness etc. Another example, I think relatively recently UNICEF was in controversy for being corrupted, as in the funds went in the bank accounts of the CEOs if I remember well. It is not excluded that they would partake in paedophilia too, especially targeting African children (add to this the Bill Gates agenda to test vaccines on them, in India and Africa he is persona non Grata, actually). A lot of people constantly donate huge amounts of money, I think that if these organizations actually did their job, maybe world poverty and wars would have ended much earlier... but this is their agenda.
The first paragraph maybe doesn't link directly to k-pop, but, you know, the satanic elite believes that the most dangerous thing is mixing truth with lies, half-half. If we said here that all the artists are pure evil, it would be exaggerated, as in no one is purely good or purely evil, but a mix of it. They believe in this: you do bad things (sacrifices, mockery, lies, satanic symbols, paedophilia etc.), and then you do something good (?donating blood?, charity, volunteering etc.), and then things just balance out by themselves -- this is also the origin of their dual colour symbolism. And this system keeps the 'sheeple' in their sleeping state: 'you saw idol A doing this and that, they are angels, how could you say they are satanic?'. The good acts could make people question the evil behind the industry and to be in confusion. It is very difficult to be balanced, and not to fall into extremes: either to not see any evil in the artists, either to see them as pure devilish, when in reality maybe it's something in between, like percentages... also, let's not forget that by signing a pact, they give rights to demons to control them... it's like the artists maybe can't even be held responsible for some acts that don't even come from themselves, like being in a drugged/drunk state...

In conclusion, if Felix or any other idol participates in charity is not a bad sign necessarily, yet I doubt he has the time and will to research those organizations. And even if he did, maybe he is forced to comply. But these do not mean that he is innocent of other things though...

Just my opinion, hope it helped. Wish you a nice day~ :)
Aug 2, 2020
I will admit during lockdown I did get into SKZ.. :oops: after years of not being into Kpop or music in general. Their figures and popularity have definitely grown this year and they probably have paid the price for it.

Maybe as a guy i'm used to women in media being sexualised (as wrong as it is) however considering what people have said in these threads, this really creeps me out as he's the maknae as well..remember Taemin with the milk RDR and JK with milk in Dynamite.

(2:16- nasty!) I am not screenshotting this!
They easily became my favorite group but after exploring deeper I'm kinda disappointed and scared, they might have done something bc their popularity grew so fast..

What they did with I.N is so creepy, and I'm really worried about hyunjin, fans are calling him the "4th generation idol" because of his visuals, he's super popular, and the way they play with his hair from blonde to pink is also giving me bad vibes. I got really attached to them but now I feel kinda heart broken ☹

also look at this screenshot from their "easy" mv, the lyrics... so disturbing.


Aug 2, 2020
Hi ^^
First of all, these organizations are super shady. If you have heard of 'mother' Theresa, in 97? she opened a girls' school/orphanage or something like that, but in reality, it was a paedophile ring. And even after more than 20 years, people still see her as a symbol of motherhood, kindness etc. Another example, I think relatively recently UNICEF was in controversy for being corrupted, as in the funds went in the bank accounts of the CEOs if I remember well. It is not excluded that they would partake in paedophilia too, especially targeting African children (add to this the Bill Gates agenda to test vaccines on them, in India and Africa he is persona non Grata, actually). A lot of people constantly donate huge amounts of money, I think that if these organizations actually did their job, maybe world poverty and wars would have ended much earlier... but this is their agenda.
The first paragraph maybe doesn't link directly to k-pop, but, you know, the satanic elite believes that the most dangerous thing is mixing truth with lies, half-half. If we said here that all the artists are pure evil, it would be exaggerated, as in no one is purely good or purely evil, but a mix of it. They believe in this: you do bad things (sacrifices, mockery, lies, satanic symbols, paedophilia etc.), and then you do something good (?donating blood?, charity, volunteering etc.), and then things just balance out by themselves -- this is also the origin of their dual colour symbolism. And this system keeps the 'sheeple' in their sleeping state: 'you saw idol A doing this and that, they are angels, how could you say they are satanic?'. The good acts could make people question the evil behind the industry and to be in confusion. It is very difficult to be balanced, and not to fall into extremes: either to not see any evil in the artists, either to see them as pure devilish, when in reality maybe it's something in between, like percentages... also, let's not forget that by signing a pact, they give rights to demons to control them... it's like the artists maybe can't even be held responsible for some acts that don't even come from themselves, like being in a drugged/drunk state...

In conclusion, if Felix or any other idol participates in charity is not a bad sign necessarily, yet I doubt he has the time and will to research those organizations. And even if he did, maybe he is forced to comply. But these do not mean that he is innocent of other things though...

Just my opinion, hope it helped. Wish you a nice day~ :)
it really helped alot! thank you so much for taking the time and explain this to me.

I also really want to thank everyone in general for sharing their opinions, I haven't noticed how lonely I became and how badly kpop affected me and I think it's one of their itentions, to make us feel lonely and sad and dependent on these idols. This place feels safe and I'm happy to be here and share my thoughts and feelings with everyone.

I will now return to your reply because you talked about unicef and all the corrupted organizations, bts released a video under unicef and they look like dolls that are being told what to say, it looks so fake to me, I'm sure they know everything that's going under the surface. :(


May 10, 2019
yea, I don't think red and blue symbolizes transgenderism or gender blurring either. I believe red and blue symbolizes Masonic duality.

red vs. blue
good vs. evil
democrat vs. republican

View attachment 42993
Red and blue is just representative of where you have one force combating the other when in's the same team. Just an duality ILLUSION tactic they use to keep everyone divided and enslaved by the system

Hmmm???? BTW -Hello and welcome 2 the forum. DO enjoy the site!! =0)

May I make a suggestion to you??? I like what you put here; However , you made a rookie mistake. (Do correct me if I am wrong, worries-ok!?!)

PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL AND MINDFUL of what you type, copy and paste here!! I honestly did NOT see it BUT you NEED to make sure and QUOTE YOUR SOURCE(S).

None of us have any REAL IDEA (100%) at/of...who, what, when and where IS WATCHING this website and checking the forums. I can honestly tell you right now...Domino's Pizza like Papa's John's Pizza is huge...HUGE!!! I know several people and those several people (and my friend's friends} whose families have multiple franchise affiliation w/the Corporate Head.

Even though one side appears 2B both innocent BUT at the same time, (they may or may not be) something sinister behind it. We all know well enough...NOT "'everything" is purely evil or from the devil.

I do NOT wish to see any member, myself or EVEN YOU get into trouble or bounced off 4 putting up info/pics/quotes w/out proper backing.

***If you notice as you read other member's post; You will see that each member 95% of the time can back up and provide support of whatever they're posting.***

The "other" 5% will at least acknowledge or give some idea or even where they heard or seen the info they posted about. Even if it is wrong info by accident. =0)

Social Media is a bytch!!
Someone could easily take your post and post it somewhere "out there" and if if the big guys on top see this....and say..."find it inappropriate" or wrong, or awful or MAYBE even blasphemous of you to refer to their company logo at EVIL...(though most of us know many famous symbols/icons/logos do have some deep bad history behind it.)

Feel free to ask any members 4 help in case you do not know something
. Everyone here is very helpful!! =0P

Again, my apologies in advance if I did NOT see your source on here!!!

Now to further add onto what MYSKINMYLOGO mentioned: I stumbled across this while researching something else. VERY VERY LONG!!



Here's a quiz to test how well you can spot occult symbols in corporate logos. First I'll show you the photos and you write down whatever you see. Some are obvious, some aren't. Then I'll tell you what I see. If the pictures are too small, you can go to "View" and click "Zoom".

You can also send this blog to your friends and compare who found the most symbols. Of course, my answers aren't perfect either, but maybe I can see some things that you can't see. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin:


1. (Above)
2. (Image to the right)
3. (Image to the right)
7. (Turned upside-down for your convenience).
8. This is a radiator cap of Ra from a 1930s Stutz automobile. Who is Ra?
9. (Image to the right)

Ok, did you write down your answers? Here's what I see:

1. 666 (the Number of the Beast/satan in the Bible), sun worshipper's spiral, Eye of Horus/satan in the middle.

2. S=serpent/satan, leaves=Eden, sunburst=sun worship, "light" of lucifer, 666 at bottom (one 6 is a mirror image), square=In control of the four corners of the Earth, lemon=female sexuality (usually an orange), Snapple=Snap-apple, an ancient celtic ritual for divining the future, now popular at Hallowe'en as "bobbing for apples".

3. Sun worship, "golden dawn" (luciferian new world order), sex worship (orange=female), 666 (water drops), swoosh=goddess Nike, D=incomplete circle of the new world order, S=serpent/satan, pagan elements: earth, air, water, fire (sun), pyramids in the "sun"=Egyptian Mysteries. Crescent moon of the occult inside the D.

4. Square=Control over the four corners of the Earth, Red Square=Moscow=communism. Red and white are Templar colours.

5. Not much here, right? "" with a smile. Look again. Is that a smile or an arrow? It's an arrow indicating that the "A" should be moved after the "Z" (God is the Alpha, satanists call lucifer the Omega, so if A follows Z, then God would follow satan). Now what does it spell? "MAZAON". Meaningless. But in numerology, A=1, so it could say "M1Z1ON", an anagram of "I'M ZION". What is Zion in the occult? The Priory of Sion, the AntiChrist. "And you're done" (defeated/enslaved/eliminated by lucifer's new world order). Like it says in Proverbs, evil men smile as they do evil.

6. In a pentagram, the downward horn points to satan. Luciferians worship sex. The "horn" on this shirt points to the genitals. The devil has two horns and so does the shirt. Sex maniacs are "horny", Pan is depicted with horns. The shoulders have the army/masonic "square on a square" symbol (the double V is the corner of two squares). The bottom square is controlled by the top square but it is unaware of what is going on. A downward V is also the female anatomy (sex goddess worship). Yellow and orange=fire/sun. Black=Death worship. The V "peace sign" is not about peace at all.

7. The 6.666 on these gold bars confirms that "money is the root of all evil", since 666 is the Number of the Beast (satan) in the Bible.

8. Ra is the "Sun God" of ancient Egypt, whom the Beatles payed homage to in their song "Sun King" and dozens of other sun-worshipping songs (see my Beatle blog for details). And, you guessed it, Ra is another name for satan. Only the elite could afford to buy a luxury sports car like a Stutz in the middle of the (manufactured) depression, so the symbols were catered to the elite. Also note the serpent's head on Ra's forehead. The only "good" news about Ra is that he was the first monotheistic god to be worshipped, and perhaps the ancient Egyptians can be excused for "not knowing any better", unlike today.

9. Orange=female sexuality, cherry=female anatomy, pink bulge is a breast, blue swoosh is the serpent of Atlantis (lucifer). Crystal Light is the light from a crystal (New Age occult).


Last edited:


May 10, 2019
13B. (Copyright Tara Todras-Whitehill)

10. The disc is the "Invisible Sun" that gives off the "dark light" of lucifer. Also an occult crescent moon. Also the incomplete circle of the new world order (lowercase intentional). Just as shapes and numbers have symbolic meanings in the occult, so does every colour. Red and blue are the two rites of masonry. Gold and green are the colours of money. That's about all I know about colour symbolism, except that Microsoft and many other companies use these exact same four colours in their logos. Ebay in numerology is 5+2+1+25=33 (33 degrees in masonry). The oval is the female anatomy. The letters "All are One", a New Age belief that everything and everyone is connected.

11. Pyramid=Egyptian Mysteries, candle="light" of lucifer, "illumination" of forbidden knowledge (luciferianism), candles are also used in spell-casting, wings=Horus/Phoenix/satan, holly is sacred to the druids, "Universal car"=globalism.

12. Black Sun of luciferian knowledge. The "a" and "b" have been purposely rounded off to resemble "6"es. 66 is an occult number. The "c" is the incomplete circle of the new world order. The circles within circles represent secret societies.

13 A & B.
In photo A, feminist and alleged government agent Gloria Steinhem gives the communist power salute. In photo B, she gives a masonic pyramid sign, symbolizing Egyptian Mysticism. For a "feminist", she sure is fond of an all-male organization that won't even let her in the door. As you can see from her t-shirt and smile, she is delighted that she has had her baby murdered in an abortion clinic.

Her legacy includes making females more: Pro-lesbian, anti-heterosexual, anti-male, anti-mother, anti-child, anti-family, anti-marriage, pro-abortion, pro-promiscuity, anti-feminine, and, of course, AntiChrist. As hopefully you can see, feminism has nothing to do with women's rights and everything to do with communist luciferianism destroying the moral fibre of society.

Incidentally, did you know that Mother Shipton (1488-1561) predicted women wearing trousers and acting like witches in the 14th century?: "For in those wondrous far off days, The women shall adopt a craze To dress like men, and trousers wear And to cut off all their locks of hair. They’ll ride astride with brazen brow, As witches do on broomsticks now." Riding astride is more vulgar and less ladylike than riding side-saddle. Also note that they cut off their hair like disciples of Baal (satan) in the Bible. It took over four hundred years for her sad predictions to come true.

"Then love shall die and marriage cease And nations wane as babes decrease." (destruction of marriage, divorce, abortion, eugenics). "And wives shall fondle cats and dogs And men live much the same as hogs." (pets replace men). Mother Shipton also predicted motorcars, iron ships, airplanes, electric transmissions, harvesting machines, the printing press, World Wars, China's rise to power, television, submarines, and scuba diving.

St. Nilus made similar predictions a thousand years earlier than her (c.450 A.D.): "After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people’s minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable.

[...] People’s appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. [...] At that time the morals and traditions of Christians and of the Church will change. People will abandon modesty, and dissipation will reign. Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, homosexuality, secret deeds and murder will rule in society. [...]

At that time men will also fly through the air like birds and descend to the bottom of the sea like fish. And when they have achieved all this, these unhappy people will spend their lives in comfort without knowing, poor souls, that it is deceit of the Antichrist…".

14. The classic "Ship of Fools" from literature, but this one is full of the "Eye of Horus" (satan). How appropriate for a Ship of Fools. Double circles=6, so the ship says "66 66". Triple circles=sun worship. The waves and flags are all sixes (some are mirror images). Flag is blood red. Blue and red are masonic.

15. Sun worship, circles within circles=secret societies, crescent moon (occult). Eye of Horus/satan (only one eye showing).

16. Left: Tao yin yang of demon worship (male=female/good=evil) in masonic red and blue. Same as the flag of South Korea. Right: Changed into a serpentine Eye of Horus.

17. Pyramid viewed from above, Templar red and white. Also an uncapped pyramid viewed from the side (made of eight triangles, of which two are white on white). Two oblong squares, one regular square, balance of dark and light (good=evil). The "Hong Kong Savings Bank of Commerce" has become HSBC to eliminate place names for the new world order (also CIBC, BMO, TD, etc.). Black, red, and white are the colours of the occult.

18. Baked=wasted on drugs, sun worship, Golden Dawn of a New Day (new world order), red=blood, two suns in the image to the right (one is the Invisible Sun of the occult). "Lays" is a sexual term.


May 10, 2019










19. This is a real map from 1942 (World War II). World divided into regions (including a North American Union) for easier new world order takeover. All major wars of the past century were pre-planned with pre-determined outcomes in the interest of luciferians, who did not participate but merely pulled the strings and reaped the benefits. Reduced to four words, "War is a Racket" (also a book title).

20. Stylized star in a circle=pentagram (satanism). Black=Death worship, "A" & "O"=Alpha and Omega (usually God, but lucifer in this context), "A"=pyramid/masonic pair of compasses (male). Aether=Ether, a gateway drug to forbidden knowledge. Occult spells are also "ethereal". Black rectangle=occult monolith. Circle around the pyramid=Eye of Horus/oroboros (snake) encircling the globe. "Aether"="Ate her", more sex perversion.

21. Pyramids, of course. There is also a boy peeing, hidden in the camel fur (first leg facing backwards).

22. Pyramid in communist/blood red. Triangle pointing up (Greek Delta) is a phallic symbol.

23. Pyramid capstone comes off when top is opened (Giza). Strawberry is the Eye of Horus (also a ripped-out heart). Logo was designed by a company named Pentagram (symbol of satanism). Overlapping shapes="We are all One".

24. How many children have symbolically sat "in the arms of satan" because of this indoctrination "toy" that teaches children "demons are good"? Sith=Seth=satan.

25. I don't recall what charity this is but their photo says it all: "When you donate to us, you donate to the Goat (lucifer)". Most charities are pro-abortion so beware who you're giving to.

26. Baby showing the corna hand sign (Devil's Horns). Real subtle, guys. All of these websites that want you to download your photo to them are a setup to collect your biometric information (for example, the measurement between your eyes) for new world order control. Of course, Facebook has taken care of all that already.

27. Their old logo looks like a waxy leaf. Their new logo looks like satan rising over the horizon for the Dawn of a New Day. Sadly, he is. Molson isn't even Canadian owned anymore, nor is Labbatt's. If you want real Canadian beer, try Moosehead.



May 10, 2019

28. Sun worship imagery on both. The "U" has been connected to the "N" to form a serpent (satan). The "B" has been rounded to resemble a 6 (the number of Fallen Man). A crescent moon to the right. The circles within circles represent secret societies.

29. Once again, the letters have been rounded and connected to form a serpent (satan). The initials even sound like a snake.

30. Words are being reduced to robotic letter and number codes. This is called "Transhumanism" (Making humans into robots and making robots more human). The letters are now serpentine (lucifer).

31. What is the "8th Continent"? Atlantis, the land of "human gods" that sank into the sea because their luciferian knowledge angered God (same with Sodom, Gomorrah, and Babylon. Who's next?). More sun worship, more circles within circles (secret societies).

32. All pentacles pointing down toward lucifer. Eleven stars (occult number meaning sin/transgression/peril/excess). Satan is the 11th horn in the Bible. Aquarius is the 11th sign in the zodiac. Tower of Babylon shown being rebuilt (defiance of God with a luciferian new world order). Robotic flatheads (that's us) are "on the square" (submissive). The European Union, one tenth of the coming new world order, is already being bankrupted for greater control and it's less than twenty years old. Twelve stars=the zodiac=astrology=the Babylonian Mysteries (no mystery, really, it's obtaining demonic power by selling your soul and performing demonic rituals, and then paying for the power with eternal torment).

33. Black=Death worship, red=blood/communism, letters have been rounded so that the "p", "d", and "B" form a hidden "666". Red P is another 6 (Fallen Man) and the sideways eight is "infinity" (occult reincarnation). Black monolith symbolizes lucifer. Square "controls the four corners of the World".

34. The curved "blobs" are really sixes. The "e"s have also been rounded to form sixes (66 is an occult number).

35. Communist red star is appropriate, since most of the money you spend at Wal*Mart supports China. The pentacle is also common in the occult.

36. Nancy, the prostitute in the movie Oliver Twist (1948) is about to be murdered. On her shoulder reads "666".


May 10, 2019



37. This so-called "Christian Butterfly" is not Christian at all, it is Anti-Christian. The fish is a perverted occult symbol for the female anatomy, a Vesica piscis intersection of two circles, as used by Aleister Crowley's satanic O.T.O. (and many churches, unfortunately). Butterflies symbolize the shadow government's Project Monarch (brainwashed child sex slaves).

38. Turtle Wax went from a cute cartoon turtle logo to a creepy Eye of Horus logo. No more fun and games, except for the unwary public who are unable to see the stormclouds gathering. The turtle symbolizes the Greek god Hermes, aka Mercury. Black=Death worship. Turtle=armored cold-blooded reptilian with shelter from harm.

39. My Little Pony's new logo is almost identical to their old logo, except that the tail on the "Y" has been changed to form a hidden Eye of Horus (satan).

40. To the initiated, "going green" has nothing to do with the environment. Osiris, the god of the underworld in ancient Egypt, had green skin. So to "go green" is to transform yourself into Osiris through the alchemy of Forbidden Knowledge. The Grinch is a symbol of Osiris trying to steal Christmas from the Christians. When that failed, the Grinch (Osiris) joined the Christians and destroyed Christmas from within instead.

Other pop culture symbols of Osiris are Frankenstein, the Hulk, She-Hulk, Kermit the Frog, Martians, the Green Giant, the Little Green Sprout, and the green-skinned alien babe from Star Trek (Anne Francis). We also go "Osiris Green" for Saint Patrick's Day, which is celebrated on the 17th day of the third month, the same date that Osiris's birthday was celebrated in ancient times. The Green Man and the May Queen are the main focus of the Druidic pagan rituals of Beltaine on May Day.

The "Green Movement" is just an excuse to tax, enslave, and eliminate us (Georgia Guidestones), in order to protect their pagan goddess "Gaia" (Mother Earth). Do you really think that industrialists who pour ten tons of crap a day into the atmosphere care more about the environment than you do? If they care so much about the environment, then why are they polluting the atmosphere with deadly chemtrails every day? Stop feeling guilty and wake up to what is really going on. After that, tell at least two friends.

Here is Jesse Ventura's take on Global Warming:

And the World is not overpopulated, it's underpopulated. You heard it here first. Did you ever take a car or a bus across the United States or Canada? Both are virtually empty, except the major urban areas, obviously. Here's another shocker: We need more CO2, not less. It is converted by plants and trees into oxygen for us. Such are the wonders of God's design. People are starving because of the greed of other people and the high cost of artificially created wars, not overpopulation. Yes, the world is underpopulated, we just aren't running things properly. Not surprising, with greedy racist eugenicist luciferians at the helm.

"But surely Man is the primary emitter of CO2 on Earth?" you say. Not according to the following article on, which says that termites create ten times the CO2 that Man does. We would be frozen to death without the greenhouse effect of CO2. Keep in mind that CO2 isn't even bad to begin with, because it is essential for plant growth:

And is CO2 the main greenhouse gas by volume? Not even close. CO2 comprises only about 2.5% of greenhouse gasses. The other 97.5% is mostly water vapour. Shh! Al Gore doesn't want anybody to know these things!

41. Pyramids again, but these ones are a little bit different: They are "illuminated from within" by Egyptian Mysticism (luciferianism). Does their beer lead to Forbidden Knowledge? Gold=sun/money. Black=Death. Balance of Dark and Light (good=evil). Luciferians worship the duality and balance of good and evil, not good conquering evil. That's why they worship the hermaphroditic god baphomet (satan). If you watch Star Wars, notice that they talk of bringing balance, never of good conquering evil. The Force is a common term in witchcraft for demonic powers.

42. Sir Francis Bacon wrote the Rosicrucian new world order book "New Atlantis" in 1624, about a secret society that controls the state with its "light" of wisdom. Notice the reference to a "scheme", in other words, a secret underhanded plan (thanks to "Codex Magica" by Texe Marrs for pointing this out). You can guess who Bacon's "guiding spirit" was. Notice the 6/6/Six. 1610=1+6+1+0=8, the Sun Worshipper's number. 1910=1+9+1+0=11, the twin pillars of occult strength. Bacon's collar ruffles=23.

Some say that Shakespeare was a phallic pseudonym for Francis Bacon, and that Bacon secretly wrote all of "Shakespeare's" vulgar and misanthropic plays. It is confirmed that Bacon wrote other plays anonymously.

43. Miller Beer once again. As you can see, they once had a witch on a crescent moon as their logo, toasting the stars of astrology. "It's only a paper moon"? Red and white Templar can colours. Under the word "Miller" is the number seven. 7=luciferian spirituality.

44. This bahai book has an oblong square from the occult. An oblong square points to the east toward Mecca and the Temple of Solomon. The corners trace the path of the sun from east to south to west. The point to the north symbolizes darkness (in the northern hemisphere). The oblong square is comprised of two triangles, symbolizing "as above, so below". And that's just the beginning of its symbolism.

45. More Dawn of a New Day symbolism. Uncle Sam (U.S.) is holding a flag which reads "Universal Commerce". Even in 1900, the globalist bankers wanted a One World central banking system. Even earlier, in 1787, occultist Benjamin Franklin designed the first minted American colonial coin (the Fugio Cent) which read "We Are One". The obverse had sun imagery and read "Mind Your Business".



May 10, 2019

46 to 48. What a coincidence that three of these President's Choice (Loblaws) brochures emphasize the Eye of Horus (lucifer). Horus has apparently been the President's choice for many years. "Master Card" sounds like it is for elite slaveowners.

49. A pentagram with a death-black pentacle. Also notice the "star on a star" motif (symbolizing two levels, one "crooked" and one "straight", both under the same control). Wheat symbolism has been used by communist Russia, on old U.S. pennies, on the communist United Nations flag, and by many other groups.

50. The finger is a phallic symbol.



May 10, 2019
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55. AC/DC t-shirt


51 to 56. Oblong squares (see number 44). Number 55, a t-shirt from satanic rock group AC/DC, also features a finger pointing down to Hell, the source of their power and success, and their eventual downfall. Number 56 is also a Black Sun (see number 12) and a circle within a circle, symbolizing a secret society, the "inner circle".

57. More wheat symbolism (see number 49) as well as wreath symbolism. Laurel wreaths made of olive branches were used in ancient Greece at the Olympic Games to symbolize victorious athletes becoming "human gods". Similar wreaths have been used by Russia, the United States, and many other countries.
Posted 5th December 2010 by Anonymous

The next time you're bored on the bus or the train, look around for the secret occult symbols in the ads. It's pathetic how many there are, but it's a fun challenge to try and spot them.

All photo rights held by their respective owners.
Used for educational purposes only.

Additional search terms:

Jockey, Snapple, Sunny Delight, Amazon, Vancouver Canucks, gold, sun worshippers, pagan, wicca, Crystal Light, ebay, Ford, ABC television, Gloria Steinhem, Ship of Fools, Miller Coors, Pepsi, HSBC, Lays, Aether, Camel cigarettes, Frigidaire, Truvia, Sith, Star Wars, goat, Molson Canadian, Bounce, ESS, PS3, 8th Continent, Packard Bell, Cheer detergent, Wal*Mart, Oliver Twist, butterfly, Turtle Wax, My Little Pony, Grinch, Pyramid Breweries, crescent moon, Bahai, Uncle Sam, one world banking system, Loblaws, President's Choice, Black Star Co-Op, Enron, Domino's Pizza, Disney, AC/DC, Dell, Sheraton, devil's horns, golden dawn of a new day, Aleister Crowley, OTO.
Posted 5th December 2010 by Anonymous1601511468300.png

KUDOS this person whom took a great pain staking task at hand. The amount of time to break it down for us to comprehend and absorb, I can only imagine!!! This site has A LOT valuable information that is quite helpful to us seekers of knowledge.

If you made through all the parts...about Domino's Pizza and others like it. I am not at all surprised. However, at the same time, some the people who franchise these chain stores REALLY do not know about all the deeper spiritual and often "unethical" symbolism behind these famou"iconic" s masks....more or less "masks of delusions".

(๑◕︵◕๑) (๑◕︵◕๑) (๑◕︵◕๑)


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May 10, 2019
I will admit during lockdown I did get into SKZ.. :oops: after years of not being into Kpop or music in general. Their figures and popularity have definitely grown this year and they probably have paid the price for it.
=0( =0( =9(
Maybe as a guy i'm used to women in media being sexualised (as wrong as it is) however considering what people have said in these threads, this really creeps me out as he's the maknae as well..remember Taemin with the milk RDR and JK with milk in Dynamite.

(2:16- nasty!) I am not screenshotting this!

=o( =o( =0( SIGH SIGH SIGH!!!


I am so damn angry right now...I could just scream and kick some azz!!!
I do NOT believe anyone or you saw the the very long and detailed reply I wrote back about "the milk thingy"??? I am so damn tired my head is about to roll off onto floor and out the door!!! LOLOL BUT FOR REAL NOW!!!

SHEESH>>>>I just spent the last 2.5 hrs. typing up this Amazing fricken thing on my findings of the real 'sinister" intent and meaning behind the milk in the music videos, w/references to the commercial ads here in America and abroad. I even had to go digging down a long dark "burrow" to unearth some old Demon archives to explain just how far the "milk" thingy dates back. And I had pictures, icons and some great stuff to support my work. Next time, I will save in increments in a separate document in order 2 NOT lose my work.

Then all of a sudden I looked up from the computer to rub my eyes..(and I did not bump ANYTHING)...and the screen refreshed. And I search for over 50 minutes to recover the files...AND NOW I LOST IT!!!! I wish I could blame it on the computer and Google...but Verizon sent me their "NEW 5G" Fios Router..and it got hooked up today after 2.5 hours of setting it up....and it has been a nightmare online. NO NO LIE BUT 2.5 hours to set up this thing!!! This is the 2nd time this has happend to me on here.

I had some extremely valuable info 2 share. Some info going back to the Greek God Narcissus and Satanic Leader Anton LaVey. Right now, my beloved but "dying" computer is down until I purchase the one I want on my b-day. So, I am using my co-worker's slower but decent tablet. I have tried everything on my Level 3 computer expertise and training. BUT NO LUCK in retrieving the info 2 NO AVAIL!!!!

=0( =o( =o(

And I cannot even BEGIN to start over until a future date. Now, that I am coming back on here due to me cutting down a day at the hospital...I have 2.5 months of catching up to do. I also have to ANSWER the posts to the other members I said I would come back to.

So, the EXTREME short version:

I am a HUGE fan of the Stray Kids. They are one of my "baby" groups I follow. The video is NOT of them.....but WHAT these boys are expected to do. JYP is a disgusting company. He is up their with Bang Pedo and Sucky LSM. Have you heard of Got 7??? And I am sure you know who Black Pink, 2NE1, 2PM, Day 6 and Big Bang are.

Well, I do not remember exactly where.(???) But on one of those underground music blogs ( I ran across online 2 years ago) they were talking about JYP and the shyt he has done behind closed doors. (I even feel sorry for him because I believe he was a victim turned "mental abuser" as well.) Many entertainers in the field of Entertainment were victims themselves. Anyone can do a simple google search on that. But when I have more time, I will do my best to come back and re-work this.

I wish I could blame Google Chrome on this mishap!! And I am ANDROID GIRL!! =0P

<<33>> Anyhoo - Stay Safe and Blessings to YOU!!!! <<33>>

ps. I wish I could go into further detail..but I have to study and get some beauty rest! lololol =0P
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